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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 24, 2024 3:30am-4:01am MSK

3:30 am
from britain, and so on, and of course the main question is how these same labor members are going to work together with the possible future us president donald trump, yes, if he wins the elections, because we all remember, of course, this a wonderful combination of the early 2000s bush-blair, but there was still a different era, the politicians were of a slightly different formation, in britain, of course, kirstarmer, yes, the man who will soon become the prime minister of the united kingdom there in july, this is like this blaster in the square and in the cube. and the person who, in everything, follows the agenda that tony blair defends, and even there the tony blair institute, in fact turns into, well, the most influential lobbying office in britain, by the way, it’s quite interesting to see, but that’s how the collection increased donations to this very organization, almost 250 million pounds were poured in there last year, and what countries are pouring in, including, of course, some monarchies of the gulf, well, our beloved countries of the central asia, well then.
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results of the second world war. russia was the first to introduce a resolution on the inadmissibility of glorifying nazism. mostly europeans abstained. the united states voted against it. a very well-thought-out attack in the information field on our historical self-awareness, because this is the basis of any national statehood. it is important that everyone involved in inhumane treatment of people is identified, even if they are criminals. already dead, used to watching videos online, stopped working, install, open, watch, russian channels, all series, movies and cartoons, educational programs and documentaries, watch, watch in the application or on the website.
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as for the united states, i generally agree, and with the assessment that was mentioned today in regarding blinken, we also need, of course, to remember all his corrupt connections with the biden family, that is, how he, together with the bidens, headed this very center named after diplomacy, how they accepted donations from all over the world, then there is here, of course, he is so immersed in this corruption component that these 3 years have not...
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but, but nevertheless, nevertheless, as if we should also keep this in mind, yes, well, as for this of this decision, yes, the possibility of strikes with long-range weapons on the old indigenous regions of russia, i fully admit that this decision was made a long time ago, but the fact that we are now seeing a certain circus in washington is an attempt by the biden administration itself to show that we here they are supposedly not the most radical, what you see is we have republican hawks there, like ted cruz, yes, who are calling or michael mcaul, the head of the committee. on international
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relations, who call for all this to be resolved, but we resisted for a long time, but now, under the pressure of all this pro-ukrainian or even completely ukrainian lobby, we have to agree to this, well, about all of these... yes, associated with speaker mike johnson. well, in fact, mike johnson actually received a certain safe conduct from trump when he decided to push through everything these tranches, yes, because this whole story with the attempt to declare no confidence in him, it did not end with anything. but again, we shouldn’t exaggerate the importance of one figure. we
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’ve been talking about this since january, yes, the majority of democrats were in favor of allocating a tranche, about half of the republicans were also in favor, that is, there was a very solid majority in support of this whole story. for 9 months they seemed to put up with it all and didn’t issue a tranche, but this is actually like a miracle by the standards of washington, so it’s been there since january it is clear that sooner or later this money will be allocated, the question was when it will be allocated, well, they sort of staged a certain theatrical production, and in the end it was all agreed upon only by april, so, as for johnson himself, he is often called like this an ardent trumpist, which i still do not agree with completely, because there is mary taylor greene, who is an ardent trumpist, but he is an ardent baptist. yes, he, of course, yes, he is a baptist, an evangelical, this is a separate cohort of american politicians, especially southerners, yes, who else has it in their heads? that pattern of waging a crusade, a crusade against communism, has been preserved, yes, even though it was there 50 years ago, and there was no communism there for a long time, but the crusade persists, so these guys, they
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are trying, yes, somehow adapt to trump’s agenda, and then use him for some of his own specific goals, for example, there is 100% support for israel or a complete restriction of abortion, and the latest story related to the must court, i fully admit that even in the coming months we we will see the introduction of some kind of sanctions by the united states in relation to the prosecutors of this court, although the biden administration does not seem to consider this its key agenda, but as we see, under pressure from the republicans , they are again moving towards this, but if trump wins, most likely these same sanctions will be introduced, but i fully admit that they will affect not only specific prosecutors, but this very institution as a whole, it is quite possible that in the next 5, 7, 9, 10 years this same criminal court in the hague will simply won’t survive, so most likely he won’t exist, well, for us this opens a window of opportunity, in my opinion, to create alternative institutions, these crits have written out these prosecutors, all the others, well, yes, they are on our wanted list,
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so when those who carry out sanctions, let me remind you, are the first to extradite them to russia, they will respond to us here in full, and not only do they think that they will issue, well, an arrest warrant. but somewhere else around the world they will catch, and by the way, i would like us to act like this , to search primitively, yes, that’s natural, you can at least take it out into the trunks, it doesn’t matter, the main thing is that there is already a court on the territory, as it should be, a normal court, and not this one, about everything that was said, i really liked it, it’s like everything that was said today is ready with everyone agree on everything, i remember a phrase from the movie brother 2, in america everything is simple, except for money, this is a sore point, in fact, not only american, but... anglo-saxon in the broad sense of the word, because i have difficulty with specialists for individual countries there argue in a separate direction on some details or discuss this topic there, but there it is obvious to me that in britain it’s all because of the economy, well, because of the economy, because at first he didn’t understand
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what was really there, but then he understood already when there was a destiny, but it is in a deep recession, there is rampant inflation, it is impossible to stimulate the economy, and so on, and so on, and so on, there they do not fulfill social obligations. about money, about what is happening and what we need to do, this is just one of these moments, today’s decree of the russian president, yes, it is necessary
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to compensate at the expense of american assets located here for everything that they stole from us, because it is one thing to compensate, and another thing to be the first to steal, by the way, there is a big difference. so far they have not had enough, so to speak, intelligence, brains and imagination and administrative resources, because all countries must
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agree with this, seize all assets, well, there are ours there are no assets, there is an obligation to us, now now this another question, there are about 300 billion and this is a lot, for this you can, i mean in europe, i’m talking about europe, i’m talking about europe, in euroclear, in eurostream - in terms of financial institutions, there is something to take from us, another thing is that this is fundamentally nothing for us changes, because when... in the modern world we wouldn’t be able to spend these gold and foreign currency reserves normally today, even if they were unfrozen for us, but how to withdraw these interests, they, at the very least, figured out, but it’s such cynicism to call it peace fund, 90% are for the needs of the armed forces of ukraine, 10% for yourself, you’re sitting on the stream, you also need to warm your hands somehow. not just like that, here you need to support your own institutions, well, as if this is also for
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the benefit of ukraine, for restoration, but this is also not just like that, but at the same time the europeans have a serious problem, and what will the arabs and chinese actually say, and how in the current conditions, it is possible to preserve europe as this very financial center, well, it is still a financial center, a technological center too, so this money will go away over time, this is already a leap into the abyss, which, by the way,
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is the end as compensation for what are they they can now take it there, we showed them,
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now we also have a decree, well, we can now compensate in this way, regarding business, i agree with dmitry gennagivich and i agree with respected colleagues who say, well, yes, foreign business is here, we need to hire qualified foreigners, in general, i would create some kind of register of specialists in the professions we call here, and with zero taxes, they don’t even have to pay high salaries for taxes, they... will do anything for taxes, many foreigners working here they don't want to return there, they received, so to speak, these assets from the company leaving russia, they feel great here, they love russia, they love russia very much, it is true, as they say, well, there is a black mark in every family, recently this very russian alliance - this is a daughter of gazprom, well, according to her lawsuit , the assets of unicredit bank were seized, but there are several other banks there, what is the point, german...
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because they cannot do anything about it, profits are growing, they are withdrawing them they can’t, just like us, in this, of course,
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the main, so to speak, nuance of an ambush for them, i would say so, in this sense, of course, here is the old, so to speak, russian... saying, so to speak, hurry up, take your time, it fits the structure of the moment, because well i also agree that we need to continue the strategy that we continued, i also want us to do something faster, but in economics here the winner is the one who knows how to endure, but if we can endure, it ’s through money, and if we also help them in this, push them into this abyss, we of course, we can put the american and european economies in check, too, and not on purpose, they themselves... they will drive themselves into this trap in 2008, for example, but we didn’t do it then, remember, that’s how hank paulson was, he later told the guys in an interview, who wrote a book too big to fall, he just openly told it, we say, they were afraid that the chinese and russians would start dumping treasuries, american bonds, they were afraid that this would be the end of the debt market, he says, but then we were that called in the same boat, we are up to
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the latter did not want to break this financial system, but they are breaking it themselves, which means we need to help them with this, this... is a vulnerable spot, this is their needle in this very egg, well, in general it is understandable, but quickly, we will weaken it with nuclear with a blow, well, that would be ideal of course, but the main thing here is not to overdo it, now there’s advertising, after it we’ll continue with a new lineup, but you haven’t changed at all, you missed me baby, the fate of the milky way planet is in thirteen, thirteen, thirteen galaxies. in our hands 100 years ago emercom of russia warns: protect your home, install a fire detector. safety starts with you, russian emergency situations ministry. i kept thinking where
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to start, there is normandy, france, which... i noticed that they have ukranazis walking around, well , this is actually an anecdote, i liked the joke here, they say that in 30 years it will be written that the eu together with america, with a little participation from russia, defeated the revived nazism in ukraine, well, that is , it happens often, but now they ’ll wake up there, fuck off, some other ukrainian fool said that everything is on in kharkov, everything has stabilized normally, but of course they screwed it up.
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made a statement that everyone who believes as the constitution writes, that president zelensky lost his powers and legitimacy on may 21, are all enemies of ukraine.
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well, could anyone really believe that stefanchuk has parents? the feeling is that stefanchuk just came out in some furniture workshop with a strong singer.
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well, the question is not about nationality, what should it sound like to say? no, he's talking about nazism, no, you can translate your text into russian, can you translate it into ukrainian, what he says, no, well, the question is not about nationality, how does it sound in ukrainian, but nutrition is not about nationality, so, then the question is, nutrition is about what they stinked for like a dacha, well, dacha, dacha, dacha, also further that i don’t know,
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of course they’ve gone completely crazy, but now it has become known, yes, that the bastard, who is so overdue, calm down, that’s what shot the prime minister of slovakia, he is pro -ukrainian, it was immediately clear, of course it was immediately clear, the russians were trying there.
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and by the way, i want to remind you that the terraists from croco city went to ukraine, where a corridor awaited them, and this means budanov behind this, why are these scum, sponsors of terrorism , still walking around the earth, and still threatening with further terrorist attacks , what else can they do, they can only carry out terrorist attacks, like wars, they are crap, they are not military, they are terrorists, they are not... on the front line, they are not in the trenches, they are terrorists, by the way, i wonder what is in ukraine, here i am today i saw this on
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a telegram channel, he... moved it, i even feel sorry for showing this girl, i can imagine what will they do with her, well, let him go to russia, they wrote me an interesting comment, he says, 2 years ago you applauded the zso, now no one wants to help them and no one wants to change them, guys, and you don’t see the difference in these 2 years, no, where it all started and what it all came to, you don’t see the true face of our government, you don’t see the true face of war, that this is business, corruption is absolutely blooming, we still have a flowerbed planted in kiev, she has grown up even more beautiful and beautiful, again her grandmothers change her from...
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just dug, no doubt about it.
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stand, who are they, new guys, this is a passenger with me, a reporter, a director, i came for my brother, i am a battalion commander, call sign trigger, everyone has call signs, i am adam, why adam, and not adam, a chechen, me, an artist, white rose, you can, i can, you can sing it sometime, bruce lee. alive, we don’t need names, you can’t touch her, or whatever, don’t touch her, not yours, well, you, chamomile, god’s light, homer to the bullet gun, no, what to do, commander, what to do, shoot, call sign passenger, call sign passenger i suggest changing call sign rebina, no, this is my brother’s call sign, you remain a passenger, that’s right, russia, russia,
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russia, russia. russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, 24. his rhetoric lately has become more and more hysterical, more and more aggressive, his calls to lift restrictions on attacks on russia, his calls to shoot down, and then join in shooting down russian missiles. that he is
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crazy, that is, that he is hysterical and crazy, i have no doubt, the question is how crazy his masters are, because their rhetoric, it’s like it’s also escalating more and more, you know, there is such an expression among the people, a rat driven into a corner in the last jump rushes into the throat, zelensky is getting closer and closer to this state , i would like and that he will get into ermak’s throat, no, he will try, you know, out of fear, out of fear he may try. i definitely wouldn’t advise against stafchuk, he might not be able to jump, as i understand it, that the president’s order on conducting exercises on the use tactical nuclear weapons, this is the last chinese non-strategic, not strategic nuclear weapon, well, no, well, it’s tactical, not strategic, it’s just a wording, i’m just a wording, well, i am, as i understand it, this is the last chinese warning, because the next step will be application.
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you know how they comment on our teaching - supposedly ukrainian experts say, yes, they have, we don’t know whether their warheads are working or not, i say idiots.


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