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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 24, 2024 4:00am-4:30am MSK

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it’s like she’s also escalating more and more, you know, there is such an expression among the people, a rat driven into a corner in the last jump rushes into the throat, zelensky is still close to this state, i would like that he will all get into the throat ermak, no, he will try, you know, out of fear, out of fear he may try, i wouldn’t advise all the rhetoric, he may not make it to the jump, as i understand it, that the president’s order to conduct exercises on...
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i caught myself, here uh, everything is fine in their country, yes, why do they need to demolish the temple? everything is great at the front, everything is fine with their economy, their energy supply system, so to speak, everything is fine, everything is fine with their people, well, nevertheless, this is the time, this is the right time to demolish the temple, but nevertheless they went to this, you know, this once again convinced me that one of the main goals of this conflict, which was provoked in ukraine, is
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the destruction of orthodoxy, this is the destruction of orthodoxy, there are two, two themes that they apply and promote in no matter how things are, this is lgbt, the destruction of orthodoxy, but one without the other will not work, without the destruction of orthodoxy it is not possible, so to speak, to advance this story, the story of this lgbt. yesterday, the ministry of defense reported losses, yes, 1,600, in my opinion, something like that. day, you generally understand, think about it, this is more than one ukrainian per minute, this is more than one ukrainian per minute, i am now just so that, so to speak, for our viewers, we understood the depth of the catastrophe and the tragedy that today they are developing in ukraine, i will tell you a specific example, yesterday, in one of the villages near the odessa region, odessa region, between odessa and nikolaev, a funeral took place, an elderly man died, died a natural death, the meaning is... the point is different: the coffin was carried by women
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, a hole in the cemetery was dug by women, a woman was driving the hearse, at the funeral as in the village, you know, they came there, well, the person who was present there says, i don’t know, there are 150-200 people there, well, it’s like in the village, you know, four ancient old men, all the rest are women, this is a disaster, then before what have these bastards brought to this country, all of them stories, you know, everyone, everyone, everything... all their attempts today to involve them there, well, if the west is idiots, well, they will get a tactical nuclear strike, but i hope that common sense will still prevail, and ukraine, well, ukraine, here it is is now in this tragedy, as i understand it, the situation will only get worse, unfortunately, well, of course, this is what we talked about, that according to the results, yes , they all yes, there will be old widows, that’s all, of course, that is it will be only widows. the coffin
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was carried by women, the hole was dug by women cemetery, here i am, even this, but for us this is a question that was present that i’m really interested in, just sit down with the ukrainians, a moment will pass when they cool down there to the stage when they are able to speak, behind this the question is, what are they fighting for? and you know, i asked myself this question, i lived in ukraine for 40 years, i ask myself, i can’t understand, in the same place.
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and at the same time, okay, biden has dementia, everyone else must memorize the stupidity that he is talking about, so as not to make a mistake word for word, he repeats it, they understood all this, they saved their stolen money, that’s all, what kind of money they saved, they won’t save anything, but they saved it, well, what kind of money was saved by the men who died in this village? right?
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let's say, an act, a policy from this alternative for germany, which is really a blasphemous thing, said that , uh, that means those who wore the ss uniform are not all, they are criminals, well, really, in fact, this needs to be condemned, that's right, that's it that’s right, they made a whole political story out of this, it’s affecting them with terrible force in all european countries, well wait, is it not the same thing happening in ukraine, yes, when... no, you see, where was my grandfather from in canada, from where the ss golyachin came from, of course, well, at least they fired the speaker there for this , you know, but ukraine is turning a blind eye to this,
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now in trump’s video, which he didn’t even see, and if you saw it, well, just barely, you had to read it, look closely to see there. the word reich, someone, some designer put something on a lamppost, it’s clear that trump and the reich have to do with it all together, but again a whole story is made from this, trump justifies nazism and the like, they have already remembered that trump is from german pockets, yes, they have already remembered everything, that’s what i mean, here in ukraine, which means the french media he writes about the fact that , look, among the ukrainian soldiers, it turns out, there were people with ss symbols on their faces. yesterday they appeared within the walls of the british parliament at the very moment when richa sunok announced
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parliamentary elections, they welcomed outright nazis, well, that’s okay, it’s possible, you you see, when we talk about ukrainian nazism, we must immediately close our eyes and say, no... this is all russian propaganda, there is no nazism in ukraine. the most recent example, today, is the zelensky jew, well , yes, that’s it, yes, that’s it, nazism, by the way, i have a question for the jew. zelensky, but you can prove, well, no, no, i don’t require a sawn-off shotgun for the table, i’m much simpler, well, for example, shema israel to read, well, vladimirevich, well , something simple, he’s by profession, i just always say, in this , i always give the example of breevik, yes, well, he’s a nazi, yes, but he praised israel, well, that is, and now, because of this, he ceases to be a nazi and a mass murderer, what do i mean, today. example in lvov, a court sentences a seventy-four-year-old anti-fascist
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- alexander kosturnyi - to 15 years in prison - yes - a pensioner, well, you understand what 15 years in prison is for a seventy-year-old, that’s all, yes, it’s him and they’ll rot him there, for what? i’m reading the charges, yes, that is, the main thing is that he is accused, not well , it’s clear that this is not in the sentence, but the accusation, you imagine, he’s on his social networks i put photos. landscapes landscapes of russia, imagine, he loves russia, he put up beautiful photographs of russia, on may 9, 2015, on may 9 , 2015, he put on the st. george's ribbon, tried to lay flowers on the hill of glory, was beaten by the nazis for this, then oh, oh my god, he gave an interview russia- 1, channel russia-1, a journalist of this channel, that is, and this is the fault, imagine, our duty cannot be...
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he leaked the coordinates of the yavorevsky training ground, otherwise we didn’t know where the yavorevsky training ground was located, we had to be seventy years old there too much to find the old man so he can give us these coordinates, only thanks to this we were able to get to this training ground, the man was sentenced to 15 years in prison, i’m trying to find at least one of these human rights bastards in europe, but no, you see, the word reich is blurred out somewhere in the trump video, that’s all this is what history is made of. and here, well , they sentenced a seventy-year-old anti-fascist, at this time the bastard
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podalyak from the office of the president speaks in lvov with the bastards who escaped from russia at one time, foreign agent on foreign agent, foreign agents are chasing, no, these are not foreign agents, i don’t understand why they are against them it’s absolutely true why no cases have been opened, because this is treason, everyone who was there should be subject to this article and all their property should be confiscated . what does he say to the fellows? no, well, of course, there is cowardphobia in ukraine, but excuse me, it would be strange if it didn’t exist in these conditions, they are, that is, he tells them, yes, that you should support this russophobia, what do i mean, well there there is, in particular, kokh, of course, a greater russophobe than this scum, quite right, thieving no at all, the stupidest, most mediocre, nonentity, yet they say that this is a democratic state when we say that we are fighting. with russophobia, that we are fighting with those who want the collapse, victory, defeat of russia, which means that they are telling us,
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no, no, that you, this is russian propaganda , don’t listen to it in any case, in general, this whole team, they smell it, here all these bastards, schmokhs, all this bastard, because the only thing they became famous for was their frenzied self-promotion, but if you look, they haven’t brought a single thing to fruition, so the gathering couldn't last forever. complex that they were not recognized in moscow, that they could not achieve anything in soviet times, that is, let me remind you, they brought it, if they brought it to russia there would not be, so it’s good that they are so incompetent, but no, well, listen, well, that’s in principle , it is a tragedy of russia that once boris nikolayevich yeltsin chose this whole pack of incompetent, mediocre characters, even then they wrote a book about their experience, yeah, it was such a thieves’ scheme, i remember. then they were kicked out there with a kick in the ass, i have a transfer there was, we talked about it, then i encountered kokh for the first time, which surprised me, this is
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a complex, that is, crazy conceit, there is zero reason for this, well, it’s empty as a drum, then i also tried to manage television, now there are wars against russia and iraq , of course, but why haven’t they been recognized yet? it’s been a long time since they were traitors, here’s the whole list of who was there? excite everything, treason and confiscation of the property that they have here, vladimir, thank you very much, for parzhiplata, court payment in general, listen, okay, but i understand everything.
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why, when he was liquidated, there were already banderas, shukhevych and all the little shuluponi like that, but this one really felt, understood and built a serious program for war, for terrorist attacks and other things precisely on the territory of greater russia, like the soviet union, yes, as we were then called and our common homeland, and one of his main arguments was not to touch the russian language, yes he says, because if we do not
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touch the russian language, we will find much more allies, much more sympathizers and others, you see. people went over to the peaceful side or surrendered, well, depending on the situation in which they find themselves, because now i know dozens of examples when residents of my hometown of zaporozhye, odessa, kiev, kharkov, members of the russian underground, people who helped coordinate the strikes, yes, who showed a lot of things and so on, the forces were captured and
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sent to the ssu, to the front line, well, that is , like it or not, you can’t escape it, we see all these shots, there is no possibility there. and somehow uh from this uh this is avoided, if you have already been caught, their relatives report that vladimirevich, so and so, wait soon, yes there, dad, husband, son, there depending on who will be there soon, the most effective mechanism for us today is the 149-200 in all variations, but it may not always work due to the proximity of the lbs, how to transfer, which commander is in place, well, are there many , yes, that play a role, here here it seems to me that we need to start a discussion, that's it... thanks to your platform, i want to make it in the media field, today we held a hearing for the first time in the public chamber of the russian federation on this topic, people from different spheres were invited, ranging from - tell me the discussion, what is the discussion about how to help people get an image, even of the present, not
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to mention the image of the future, that is, we must have a gradation, for example, someone was captured, he shot back to the last bullet. grenades, yes, then he said: “okay, guys, i surrender,” yes, this is one option for surrender, it’s completely different when a person is consciously looking for how move on, how to lay down arms and perhaps begin to liberate our native land as part of the russian army, yes, because ukrainians are russians, this is the second component, and the discussion is what, no, no discussion, make a decision, we don’t have a decision, yes, here is a person, if he is captured, then he is captured, and it doesn’t matter whether he is a banderaite or not, and no, i say, it doesn’t matter from the point of view of legislation. firstly, how they are received, they immediately carry out measures with him, of course, the military police also work, the dvkr also works, that is, the counter-intelligence and isolate, and a lot the guys who are now fighting on our side, well, that is, no, we have maxim
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krivonos there, yes, no, we have very competently laid out in this regard, that it depends on the people on the ground who, it is impossible to do this legally, because that well, well, there is a nuance here, yes, but the law that says that not, maybe not legislative, maybe by-laws, conceptually, however you want to define it, i mean, on that side, people other than 149-200 don’t understand, what can happen, come without a weapon, come with a weapon, hand over positions, well, we all know the story, when a person there transported a truck with an important tool from the other side to us, yes, that is , such cases can happen. of course, no, this doesn’t free us from, of course, i ’m not saying any irony about this, but why, if we pay money for a damaged tank, and if a person steals a tank, ensures that we
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took it, he will also receive money, but this is such a very difficult question, here, no, here it is important that counterintelligence officers deal with this, because they are good they understand that this must be done quietly and there must be some instructions for the guys on the front line, because for them there shouldn’t be such a... option, this is where the counter-game always begins, the laws always limit the possibilities, of course, here there is always a frantic counter-play, you know that when they tried to get the row to surrender there, they staged a very serious counter-game, on the other side too, uh-huh, our people will believe that when they go there they will be met with dagger fire, that’s also possible, so here you always have to keep such things quiet , no, well, it’s being discussed, decided in the quiet of the relevant departments and those people who are in the know, who are on the front line, who know people from...
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well, here are the boilers, you know, this is how the boiler helps to surrender right away, it puts your head in its place just like that, it’s just amazing, to initiate the creation of a boiler, to put it mildly, is beyond my strength, but to carry out such work with a mass of people, who have roots, who are important, understood this topic, especially since margarita simonyan published a list on copper and published a list, we see , that even the exchange of prisoners as such, yes 500 people, and today tatyana nikolaevna moskalkova confirmed the same information and what’s more. this is not the same, this is not the same work at all, no, well, i’m talking about the problems of prisoners as such more broadly, but well, exactly what is happening, we need our people, we need our teachers, doctors from kharkov and
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kherson region, do we need to send them outside russia, even if it is the citizens of ukraine who coordinated the strikes there, something else, unfortunately, these cases in the zaporozhye region, in mine continue to happen, maybe we should have an exchange fund recruit, we’ve caught these ten civilian scoundrels, let’s exchange them for 10 teachers and... we can create luxury conditions for the year, and we are seriously thinking about how the germans would surrender, that is, how to conduct propaganda work on the other side - this is
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a separate topic, important, how to come to an agreement, but this is all done in silence, otherwise those counterparties on the other side will simply clack and kill those people who theoretically could give up, the expert component in silence, and the public component what algorithm of actions, more more silence besides 149,200, here's even more silence.
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maybe, maybe, there are still some old warehouses there in yemen from soviet times left there, when ours and yemen were there, they use just that, yes, well, in conclusion, only one thing: the city of pole, zaporozhye region nestor ivanovich makhno, just put an embroidered shirt on him, the monument was broken, everything now stands without a head, well, that is, this principle of the political without a head, there is something historical in this, yes.
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so colorful, bright, interesting, breathtaking, jokes, humor, everything is very cool, well, for example, aliens will arrive, such a rich film, these sounds, this whole look, many analogies, of course, with a soviet film, i would not call it
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a remake, a remake. the film is absolutely independent, uh, got away from me, it’s an adventure, it’s a very interesting comedy, you don’t have a chance, in general you were completely delighted, listen, well, it’s cool, wonderful, that’s it, love, romance, that’s right now, yes, i’m about to cry, it’s tears, it’s just world class, but it’s very cool, i’m proud. it was something the whole movie was on one breathing, see you in the future. 100 years ago . it is clear to everyone that russia is not a country of gas stations; russian digital solutions should be taken to new heights. there are prospects, even more brutal ones. there will be more. how exactly does the number help? you are incomparably original in
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your questions. but what about production, raw materials and exports in general, what is our product? we will take on this case, it will be an honest detective story.


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