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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 24, 2024 4:30am-5:00am MSK

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to the original in your questions, and what about production, raw materials and exports in general, what is our product? we will take on this case, it will be an honest detective story. now, if you look at expectations.
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quite serious indicators of the mood in society. the second point, which indicates what? this indicates that ukrainians in ukraine do not see a way out of the immediate conflict. yes, i now have several figures that show that it was almost 90% that ukraine’s victory is certain. are they ready to die for this victory? but here i am i say, i’m specifically talking about declared figures and figures that indicate the real state of affairs. so now this figure has become somewhat lower, uncritically, while the overwhelming majority believes that.
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regarding the recruitment of people into the army, i think that this will be followed by very serious consequences within society, on the other hand, they are still considering options for the development of the event, you know, one sociology, which is such a small touch there, who can become mayor of kiev there, klitschko , while a potential favorite, that is, still legitimate a potential cretin who wants this job, well, i think what he wants is not this thing that works, but what now, you’re the trash of kiev, and the pay there isn’t good, not really, right? well, you know, for wait, kiev, kiev , as a capital, is a kind of marker, because i understand, but you come to the conclusion that the budget, it’s just that the mayor of london handed over the decommissioned cars to kiev, everything is clear there on the black market, of course, colleagues, listen, i don’t, why am i asking, because there are positions that are good when everything goes well ok, but there are those who are shot and who are very dangerous, well, in certain situations, this is a position that can lead the front.
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the number of people who have already changed their daily routine, and if it has changed in this way, then no sociology is needed here, now people are starting to react, that is, when there is behavior, there is power there, mobilization speaks, vasily dmitrievich said there, that it could be this way or that, in transcarpathia there will be questions, in chernivtsi there will be questions, in every the territory will have its own specifics, and there they will negotiate with their own, who wants to become an enemy of the people, imagine, this is a split within society, which is no longer red.
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this legitimacy, but on the other hand, while society cannot resist, but these actions associated with anti-mobilization, i think that this can be, if, well, this is not a trigger, this is most likely a situation that will develop, that’s what i want to say, you know, the most surprising thing is that the question of zelensky’s legitimacy, like, well, here i am i’m just monitoring the information field, it’s distributed precisely by those telegram channels, by those resources that are under the control of the presidential administration, i think it’s embedded here...
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he sleeps with him, he lives for this rating, he knows everything he does, well, irmak doesn’t i know, he ’s sleeping next to me, i’m probably just wondering why, everything that zelensky does, everything that his administration does, is an attempt to prove to the western partners, who
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will ultimately decide who the next president will be, he is first and foremost them proves that there is no alternative for me, you see, he proves all this to them. all his actions are aimed precisely at this, his opponents are also trying to prove their, let’s say, functionality and usefulness, yes, well, petro poroshenko, well, on the one hand, he does not vote for the law on mobilization, but at the time of blinkin’s arrival, yes, he seems to be on the side of the fact that everyone here needs to be grabbed by the hands, military registration and enlistment offices, and so on and so forth, that is, well, he’s trying to bend in some way, you know, everyone is playing exactly on this, realizing that...
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stefanchuk is not just a counterfeit, this is actually the foundation on which this entire repressive regime of zelensky stands, take my word for it, this one person is worth a thousand others, because on this foundation the whole this... regime, if in stefanchuk’s place there had been any other politician who would have acted exclusively in the interests
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of ukraine, zelensky would have turned into zero, just zero, the beekeeper yushchenko, who is incapable of anything and is incapable of making any decisions , and even more so these decisions could not somehow implement it, if there is fault, then stefanchuk, first of all, as a person taking part in the attempt. usurpation of power illegitimate illegitimate contrary to the constitution and everything else, he is implementing this whole scheme, he must bear responsibility no less than zelensky, no less, if not more, in the conditions of a parliamentary presidential republic, no less, so the fight for this post in the future, and i think it will be impossible to bypass this post, well, it’s impossible, i don’t i’m not sure what will take place there. elections there or something, i am more inclined to think that at some point, when
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zelensky’s rating is zero, and he demonstrates his ineffectiveness and inability to fulfill the tasks that will be set by western partners in the future, he simply will not fit for the implementation of these tasks, based on the fact that he will lose his rating in the country, based on the fact that he is categorically against negotiations, based on the fact that for russia he is toxic for russia and for many he will become toxic. there will be nothing to talk about with him, at this moment he can, under the leadership, the direct leadership of the west, very calmly reformat this power within the parliament itself and without any revolutions without any of everything, they are dispersing, you know who is dispersing the temniks regarding maidan 3, the ukrainian government is doing the same thing, why are they doing this, because they want to strengthen repressive methods, realizing that the people are beginning to resist, the people are beginning to counteract. illegal actions of tcc and so on and so forth, so they they are afraid that this may lead
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to these groups of opposition, which are currently scattered, they are afraid that at some point they may converge at one point, and this will be a disaster for them, so we need to strengthen repressive methods, they are trying to do this through such informational stuff, i wonder what your son is fighting for, i asked one of her acquaintances from kiev, a direct question, why did she write nasty things to me - she said that my son is fighting, he will come back and take revenge, i say: and what is your son fighting for? she answered me: and i i won’t answer your question, because you speak in kremlin narratives, it’s logical, that’s all, well, what, here, you ’re asking what they’re fighting for, so, there’s no answer, because, and if you figure out what they’re fighting for, it’s just- just look at biden’s grandfather, because... the ukrainian soldier is fighting for him, for blinkin, for salevan,
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that is, for biden’s entourage, then for the europeans, for the bright future of the europeans, macron, scholz, this is also what the ukrainian soldier is fighting for , for zelensky, for this, i apologize, freak stefanchuk, for him ukrainian soldiers are fighting, they can go even further, they can go even further, i have a clear answer to this, simply people who live in ukraine, they...
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and the son says: we are there with grenades and so on, were we carrying weapons? says: we took it home to hide until better times, do you understand what better times are? why are people in ukraine arming themselves, what are they waiting for? they are waiting for what the americans say, some, yes, they say that ukraine must
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fight like afghanistan, afghanistan, there will be partisans, because when russia comes, then it is necessary partisan movement, no, that’s just it...
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and who is he? he who? he is not an enemy of the people, maybe we should start with him. now, regarding information policy, you know, vladimirovich, when you watch the ukrainian ones, well, i, i’m not talking about this assembly, the gathering there in lvov, there, you know, misha podalyak spoke and said, what are the elections in ukraine, what are you talking about you say, there is martial law in ukraine, as long as there is a war, as long as there is martial law, no elections can be made, that is, this, this guy says, we will to rule forever, we want... because forever, they need a war, they don’t want elections, they don’t want to leave power, so they say: there will be no elections, and then press secretary gur, a representative of the main department , comes out intelligence on television says: you know, you know what we are doing, we know all of putin’s bunkers, here are all nine or 10 bunkers where putin is, we know what
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you are talking about, the man, you know, is one of the main intelligence officers of ukraine. yes, that is , they should applaud him, what do i mean, vladimirovich, these statements, this is oil, oil and so on, they are just trying to sell this to people, that listen, we have everything under control, we will win everything, the main thing is to believe in our zebobik or whatever his name is, that’s all, see you on sunday. caviar is one of the most popular delicacies, but how can you make sure that you are buying a truly legal and safe product?
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from may 1, caviar producers must supply it to stores with the chi system code already applied to the packaging. sign. why do we need labeling on cans and other packaging containing caviar, we will tell you about this in 5 minutes in the program instructions. now, according to estimates from the higher school of economics, the share of illegal products exceeds 20%. according to the ministry of finance , the situation is even more acute; more than a quarter of the market is in the shadows. in such conditions, it is difficult to monitor the quality of the product, recipe, compliance with shelf life and other important aspects. we are introducing markings there. we have already seen a lot of things, how caviar can be produced, how it can be faked, what it can be produced from, we are interested in legal companies that are involved in this the market are fully functioning, they are ready to take responsibility for what they produce, to guarantee all the necessary safety parameters and quality parameters, they received more than that, let’s say
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a wider market share, the system is already ready, almost a year. according to digital labeling, most major caviar producers and importers have joined it. we saw quite active participation of the industry in the experiment, more than 100 companies took part, these are not only manufacturers, but including such large ones companies, the russian sea, the fish house, the fish world, but also other types of participants in the turnover, meaning the wholesale and retail link. well , actively, and what was very important for us, the professional community took part, represented by, well, first of all , the all-russian association of fisheries enterprises, the cost of labeling is a penny. manufacturers had enough time to set up lines, support measures were also in place for small medium-sized businesses, the contribution of labeling to the price of the final product would be no more than a couple
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rubles per package, but it will be easier for customers to understand where this caviar came from and how long it has already been on the counter? let me remind you that the average price of a kilogram of caviar is approximately 5,500 rubles. and the labeling for one can is valued there at a little more than a ruble, so there can be no... negative influence, there are no problems with components or consumables either, today it’s much more than half, in my opinion it’s 80%, well, depending on the industry, and this is all equipment and consumables or russian or from friendly countries, that is, there is no dependence and there will be no negative impact; moreover, in order to further reduce any possible risks for the company, we are the operator of the central distribution center. the operator of the marking system is an honest sign, he has created a warehouse for six months and an irreducible volume of equipment, consumables for any type of product, for all that
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are marked, uh, any company can contact us, get this equipment and there will be no problems here, codes will be introduced gradually, caviar that entered the market until may 1, without labeling , it will be sold as usual until its expiration date expires, imported, if a supply contract has been signed. until may 1, it will be possible to go through customs without any questions until the end of the month, sellers will have another year to set up all their cash registers and scanners, they will be required to inform about the entry and exit of caviar from circulation from april 1 next 2025, i am sure that everything manufacturers will strive to comply with these requirements in a timely manner, well, if only because there is already almost 20 honest signs in the application million users, people are very active...
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he can check what kind of product is in front of him, this applies not only to caviar, but to many other types of products, for this you need to install the application on your phone with android or ios, honestly check the product, use it can you scan the code on the product and check if it matches? information on the code with what they are trying to sell you, and in general, whether there is such a product in the system, if after scanning the green status is displayed, then this is a valid label, check what is written in the application and what is the product itself, if there is one thing on the label, and another in the application, then the seller is trying to deceive the system, you can report this directly in the application, if the status is gray neutral, this means that the product has been removed from the system as sold, if you have not yet bought it or the date of sale is different. .. then this is also a violation, if the status is red, negative, then the product has not been verified for authenticity ; it is dangerous to buy it. so, let’s repeat the main thing:
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mandatory caviar marking starts on may 1st. this step will make the market more transparent and safer and will have virtually no effect on the price for the end user. buyer. control over retail sales will begin in april next year. anyone can download the application for a smartphone, check the product to find out an honest sign. everything about it, and we are talking not only about caviar, but about hundreds of types of other products. if you want to know more about what other products are already marked or will be marked, write to us in telegram. we will ask your questions to the experts and we will tell you everything in our next instructions.
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"we went not only to fight, we had an order to help the locals, we strictly we followed the order, we followed the assault
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, we got off, for the first time there..." they stood up to wound me, all the bullets were out, one was a root, there was almost no more strength, i thought that was it, at that moment he came up to me local guy, i didn’t even notice where he came from, i’ll still be grateful to the unfamiliar guy.
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we watch to know everything about russia. we watch, watch, on the app or on the website. create this opinion that time heals. 512 people, including 91 children, were found by search engines when came across this shot pit. for contacting the partisans. burned the village of all its inhabitants. an ost plan was developed, according to which at least 30 million slavs were to be exterminated. why is it important to recognize genocide specifically against the soviet people? because this is a historical fact. this work is extremely important, especially today, when western politicians are trying to rewrite the results of the second world war. russia was the first to introduce a resolution on the inadmissibility of glorifying nazism. mostly europeans abstained.
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alexander met the russian president there lukashenko, as the kremlin press service reported, is visiting at the invitation of the head of the belarusian state, the trip to minsk is his second abroad.


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