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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 24, 2024 5:00am-5:30am MSK

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vladimir putin arrived in belarus on a two-day official visit. the plane landed at minsk airport, where the russian president was met by alexander lukashenko. as the kremlin press service reported, the visit is taking place at the invitation of the head of the belarusian state. the trip to minsk is my second foreign visit.
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friends had such a big meeting with members of the government, they talked about my visit after negotiations with our arabs to you in almost all directions , we went over industrial cooperation there energy, agriculture , security issues, probably half of the government was coming. tomorrow they will participate in
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the negotiations, and those who, tomorrow, those who will not be here, i will all convey greetings and wishes for well-being. the russian army liberated the settlement of andreevka in the dpr, it is next to kleshcheevka, taken under control a day earlier, which will allow them to advance to the chasov yar, as well as to reach taretsk, zelensky’s formation lost over 1,700 more soldiers and mercenary officers. a tank and 12 other armored vehicles were destroyed, including british american made. 34 self-propelled howitzers and missile systems were eliminated. air defense forces shot down 53 combat drones, 10 american atacoms and harm missiles, and 47 rockets. about the work of engineering troops at the front pavel prokopenko. heavy kamaz trucks raise dust on donbass roads. force group engineers. they are in a hurry to build
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bridges, our equipment needs to overcome this lake as quickly as possible, the canopy of the font is dumping water like this, the pontoon opened, now the guys had to escape on ropes, this three of them are trying to do it, guys, and what weight, what weight does the ponton have, almost 7 tons, almost 7 tons, they say, this is how you need to hold it simply by the strength of your hands, behind the first link on the water the second and third ones open, noise, splash. the links are fastened together, all this takes no more than 10 minutes, the result is a single design, the veno zavena will not go anywhere, everything is clear, now we’ll set up the ramp and we’ll be able to catch up with the equipment. three connected units can withstand up to 60 tons; one company has six such pontoons. the first car comes in like this slowly, slowly, slowly, this is how the ural moves along the entire pontoon. panton takes the boat in tow; the waves are already buzzing and cutting through the stern. two engines from bmp.
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there is no land route; often this is the only way troops can move forward by crossing water obstacles. we are now directing the crows, transporting the tank, the tank is already capturing our military force. the water surface is calm, but this is deceptive. most likely, previously unexploded mines detonated at the bottom due to vibrations. this is the danger of the complexity of the water route. on approach to shore. when it starts to lead, you have to take control, that is, the crossing depends very much. the crossing is a strategic object and the number one goal for the enemy. the enemy attacked the crossing from more than 100 directions, but this did not stop us, not a single fighter officer ran, in the end we were bombarded with phosphorus, but the task was completed on time, the troops were transported to the opposite bank. our engineers have hundreds of such successful water operations behind them.
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position is absolutely irresponsible, position dangerous with its consequences, russia continues the special military operation ; it will do this until, will continue to do so until all the set goals are achieved. the situation in the kharkov region is very difficult for kiev, this was stated by the commander of the 107th brigade of the ukrainian armed forces, colonel alexander bakulin, he gave an interview to the abc news channel, he believes that sooner or later ukraine will have to cede territory in order to complete it. the conflict with russia cited the results of the war between the soviet union and finland as an example. another opinion: the ukrainian conflict will end the complete defeat of the kiev army if the biden administration does not begin negotiations with moscow. american journalist and pulitzar
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prize winner seimar hirsch wrote about this on his blog. he pointed out that the conflict was provoked by the united states. they have been pushing nato towards russian borders for 30 years, ignoring russian warnings. now it 's moscow. is approaching a landslide victory and can negotiate from a position of strength. during biden's years in office, america spent $175 billion on fighting the war. which cannot and will not be won. the conflict can only be resolved diplomatically if rationality prevails in kiev and washington. or the understaffed, insufficiently trained, poorly equipped ukrainian army will suffer a crushing defeat. several in recent weeks. ukrainian brigades made it clear to their superiors that they would no longer participate in a suicidal offensive against better trained and better equipped russian forces. the delegations of russia, china, hungary and sixteen other countries voted against the un resolution, which calls
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the events of 1995 in serebryanica genocide, appoints the serbs guilty of the deaths of bosnians. true, the general assembly still approved the document. the russian permanent representative called him a disgrace. anton dadykin will tell you why this resolution was pushed so actively and how the serbs reacted. the resolution adopted by the un general assembly to establish an international day of reflection in memory of the srebrrenica genocide was proposed by rwanda and germany. there is a special cynicism in this. rwanda's recent history the murder of hundreds of thousands of tutsis. germany has a nazi reich with a bloody theory of the superiority of the aryan race. destroyed millions of people in concentration camps, is responsible for mass crimes in africa, and took an active part in the collapse of yugoslavia and the bombing of sarajevo in 1995, and is now trying
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to teach others from the rostrum of the general assembly about the importance of national reconciliation. we are convinced that germany has no moral right to even mention the term genocide in relation to anything, except for his monstrous crimes. germany has just refused russia's demands to recognize as acts of genocide against the peoples of the soviet union, the blockade of leningrad and other crimes against humanity committed by the third reich in the ussr during the great patriotic war, but this did not stop berlin representatives from intimidating some un members, forcing them vote in the general assembly for the resolution on genocide in serebrenica. why did you intimidate states that did not want to vote in support for the resolution, saying that if... they don’t vote, don’t get your support for help in economic and other issues, are these european values, democratic values, this will only open old wounds , create complete political chaos, not only in our region, but even here in this room. 84 countries voted for the resolution,
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including most western countries led by the united states. ukraine also joined. 68 countries, including brazil, india and kazakhstan, abstained. against spoke. 19 states, these are russia, china, hungary, a number of countries in africa and central america. there is no hasty vote on this project, where there are still such big disagreements. is consistent with the spirit of reconciliation in bosnia and herzegovina in the region, and this is contrary to the need to maintain peace and stability in the balkans and europe as a whole. bosnia and herzegovina became one of the co-authors of the resolution, but not all members of the presidium of this multinational country approved this initiative. thus, the bosnian authorities violated the constitution, the text which is enshrined in the internationally approved dayton agreements on a settlement in the balkans. it turns out that all the blame was placed on the serbs, and...
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the un resolution called into question the very legitimacy of the existence of bosnia and herzegovina, so they will propose to the croat-muslim part of the country to peacefully disband this federation. republika srpska is one of the signatories of the dayton agreements, all their annexes, including the constitution of bosnia and herzegovina. and we are leaving bosnia and herzegovina. we will do this peacefully, we will not allow a single act of violence. neighboring serbia said the adoption of such a resolution is a violation. international law, dozens of cars with national flags drove through the center of belgrade. there are many
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posters in the city with the inscription: “we are not a genocidal people, we remember.” orthodox churches in serbia rang their bells in protest. anton dadykin, ekaterina radaeva, matvey popov, news. there is too much controversy surrounding the events in srebrrynitsa, since the reliability of the accusations attitude towards the serbs raises a question. about this in our help. srebryanitsa, a vast enclave, an area of ​​more than 500 km. in 1992, bosnia and herzegovina announced its secession from yugoslavia. a war broke out in the republic with the participation of bosnian muslims, serbs and croats. srebryanica was then under the control of the serbs, but then the bosnians occupied it and organized an attack by the slavs. in 1995, the unit of the serbian general radk mladic took the silverware. peaceful bosnian population. bosnian men with weapons in their hands were lined up in columns and were allowed to leave the city,
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and fighting broke out during the procession. there is information that some bosnians were shot; the exact number of victims has not been documented. the list of missing or killed people compiled by the bosnian commission contains about 8 thousand names. a number of experts consider these data to be greatly exaggerated. no such mass burials were found. there was evidence that the intelligence services of the united states, britain and france were involved in the murderers of the bosnians. they used mercenaries to blame the serbs. the events in serebrenica were first classified as genocide in april 2004 in the verdict of the international tribunal for the former yugoslavia. he blamed general radislav krystic for this. at the same time, the tribunal ignored the data that bosnian soldiers burned more than 200 serbian villages and killed about 4,000 serbs. russia called the work of the tribunal biased. the list of accused includes about 66% serbs and only 6% bosniaks. the international court of justice did not consider the events in the enclave at all; it simply referred to the decision
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of the tribunal. events in srebrrenica remain the subject of heated debate. a military exercise around taiwan was called a warning to external forces in china. the army will run through a variety of scenarios, including potential strikes against land targets at sea. and why they decided to hold them now - alexandrsky found out. a large-scale operation, when more than three dozen ships, following an alarm signal , headed towards taiwan, and at the same time , the chinese army deployed multiple launch rocket systems along the entire coast of the strait. no war, just exercises, they reassured us on the morning news. urgent message starting from 7:45 today, the eastern command of the people's liberation army of china will conduct joint exercises in the taiwan strait, northern, eastern and southern parts of the island of taiwan.
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weapons, the latest dzian-20, dzian-16, ismin fighters and dongfeng missiles. and the taiwanese authorities, they knew exactly what beijing’s reaction would be to the speech of the new head of the light island administration, which in the presence of american guests, including former secretary of state pompeo, publicly crossed out the one-china principle, and today was forced to consider positions at
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the tau-yuan military base. i will stand on the front line with my brothers. and sisters in the national army. the taiwanese military even scrambled f-16 fighter jets for surveillance and deployed mobile systems with anti-ship missiles, putting them in a combat position for firing, a little more and the strait will seethe, as it already did after pilosi’s visit to taiwan, but this time that’s all more seriously, in the maneuver zone there is also a chain of islands adjacent to the mainland. while on on army television, presenters in uniform and correspondents in uniform are directly assembling a warship . latest posts: behind me is pengjayu, which is known as the gateway to the northern part of taiwan. our naval unit is currently conducting combat training exercises in the waters around the island. military experts explained the reasons for the choice of each exercise area. the blockade of the north island is control over political and military objects. the south is
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the base camp of the pro-american taiwan democratic party and the main trading ports with east, access to the pacific ocean. here we are blocking the escape routes of the separatist forces if they want to avoid sanctions by hiding abroad, and we are also blocking the logistics routes for supplying the island from the us to their allies. this worries the united states; congress demanded that the pentagon present its blockade plan to china, whose fleet today is already 24 miles from the island, which is less than 40 km. in addition, as bloomberg writes, taiwanese chip manufacturers do not rule out the evacuation of production facilities. japan states and are ready to turn off all chip machines, just so as not went to the prc. the global press publication, which , citing a certain source, reports beijing’s plans to take taiwan in early june, although it looks like a hoax, now everything depends on restraint. there will be no night in the taiwan strait. calmly, the military on the island is on high alert. the chinese army continues
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its maneuvers, and ballistic missile launches are not ruled out tomorrow. the one china principle is primary for beijing. head of the main communications directorate of the russian armed forces vadim shamarin accused of receiving a bribe of 36 million rubles. this was stated by the investigative committee. according to the department, from april 16 to october
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23, shamarin received this money from the general director of the pirma telephone plant, telta alexey. high and chief accountant of the company. in addition, the court arrested vladimir verteletsky, an employee of the department of state defense with defense orders. according to investigators , he approved the unfulfilled work under the government contract. to the state in this way damage amounting to more than 70 million rubles was caused. at the same time, the investigative committee stated that the department is asking to change the preventive measure against general ivan popov to house arrest. he is suspected of fraud. investigators. concludes that popov is involved in the theft of more than 1,700 tons of metal products purchased by zaporozhye. on may 17, popovuva was arrested by the 235th garrison military court. riots in the french overseas territory of new caledonia caused enormous damage. emmanuel macron stated this. he arrived on the island and tried to act as
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peacemaker, but in fact intimidated the local population. he promised to use it against. demonstrators armored vehicles. our european correspondent, anastasia popova, provides details. to extinguish the fire of the civil war, as the local authorities of new caledonia called what was happening, macron decided with words, or rather, with promises following the trip, to come up with something. even at the airport, he began to talk about the fact that everyone needs to follow the path of hope and dialogue, but at the same time he emphasized that paris would not have any conversations about the independence of its colony. "we will not carry out force reform, i give several weeks for the situation to normalize and for a transition to dialogue to take place. political dialogue must begin immediately. stays on the island. the army, police and gendarmes, if necessary, until the end of august, are tasked with dismantling the barricades, which, however, are quickly rebuilt, as well as conducting raids in troubled neighborhoods.
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dozens of armed, black-clad law enforcement officers enforce the curfew. we would rather die standing than kneel every day and see how we are oppressed. young people want self-determination for their country because they have gone through many hardships. the trigger was the decision of paris to expand voting rights for those who came to the island from the mainland and who, accordingly, are against independence. secessionists met with macron but said there would be no negotiations until the new law that infringes on their rights is withdrawn. observers believe that it will be difficult for the president to cut this knot during his 12-hour stay on the island. this is the last colonial conflict, we are very shocked by how emmanu. macron approached this topic in an extremely light-hearted manner, with many provocations. it was macron's methods that led to this conflict, which could have been prevented. 8 months ago i met
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with kanaga trade unions, who even then told me: you’ll see, nothing good will come of it. empty store shelves, pharmacies, shortages of medicines in hospitals, about 400 businesses were destroyed. the rebels are preparing to resume decisive action if the visit is of no use. i would like to say young people to calm down and politicians to get off their asses to do something for our youth. so far, the french authorities have disabled the social network tiktok for local residents and are considering completely turning off mobile internet on the island. the decision to block the internet in new caledonia was not made, although we raised this issue in the senate in a report on the unrest.
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the military is in charge of protecting ports, air harbors and strategic facilities; during the visit, the island froze in anticipation. macron’s tactics, as they believe in new caledonia, to manually come up with a solution on the fly that is beneficial to paris, since it will allow the land rich in resources to continue to be exploited, will create the illusion for the local population that their interests will be taken into account. will it work this time is the big question. anastasia popova, european news bureau. i've been waiting for you forever. “i was in such a hurry to meet you, it has finally come, spring, warm,
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sunny, bright, the russian exhibition has blossomed with all the colors of spring, you were waiting for spring, now spring is waiting for you, at the russia exhibition, than i remember this day in history, let’s tell it straight. hello. on may 24, 863, in the bulgarian city of pliska, the brothers cyril and methodius announced the invention of the slavic alphabet. they were from the byzantine city of thessalonica. now it is the greek city of thessaloniki. the brothers received a good education and became christian missionaries. preaching in great moravia, he and his disciples compiled the slavic alphabet and translated the main liturgical documents from greek into bulgarian. books gospel apostle psalter. their alphabet spread first in bulgaria, and then in croatia, serbia and ancient russia. cyril and methodius were considered
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a clique of saints shortly after their death; they are revered by both the orthodox and catholic churches. on the day of the announcement of the creation of the slavic alphabet, russia now celebrates the day of slavic writing and culture. there are similar holidays in bulgaria, the czech republic, slovakia and north macedonia. in bulgaria there is also the order of cyril. in russia, monuments to the equal-to-the-apostles teachers cyril and methodius were erected in moscow, sevastopol and khantemansiysk. may 24, 1800 passed funeral of the famous russian commander alexander suvov. several guards regiments, one and a half hundred senior officials of the empire and a thousand people from various classes took part in the funeral process. the entire route of the cortege to the alexander nevsky lavra was filled with people. first. in russia, a person who was not the ruler of the country is buried by the people, then they will bury pushkin and tolstoy in the same way. from a guardsman, suvorov rose to the rank of the first russian generalissimo and participated
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in all of them. the greatest warriors of their time lost not a single battle, there were more than 50 of them. wrote a treatise: the science of victory, created an advanced system of military training, and raised many future famous military leaders, including mikhail kutuzov and peter bagration. during the swiss campaign, the same one where he transferred the army across the alps, suvorov fell ill and died in st. petersburg. emperor paul, unlike his mother catherine ii, did not like suborov. whether he was at his funeral or not is even difficult to determine. eyewitness accounts are diametrically opposed. some in detail they describe how the emperor cried as he saw off the coffin, and others describe how he went about his business away from the procession. suvorov was buried in the alexander nevsky lavra. a long pitaph was applied to the monument, but half a century later the commander’s grandson, with the permission of alexander ii, replaced the inscription. now there are only three words.
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suvorov lies here. on may 24, 1949 , the first soviet geophysical rocket b1a was launched into the suborbital space of the earth. from that moment on , regular scientific research into the upper layers of the atmosphere began. at that time it already became obvious that the achievements of soviet scientists make it possible to use long -range ballistic missiles not only for military purposes. launched at the kapustin test site. in the an region, to an altitude of 100 km, containers with measuring instruments weighing 80 kg each were packed into the head part, so they began to study the stratosphere and the upper layers of the atmosphere. the technology was as follows: upon reaching the required altitude, the container with the equipment was fired from the rocket, collected samples, and then landed softly by parachute. the first launch was unsuccessful, the parachutes could not withstand the weight containers and instruments crashed, but the next one
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after 4 was successful, reliable atmospheric parameters were obtained from an altitude of 102 km. and so began an expanded program of geophysical research. on may 24, 2000 , israeli prime minister ehud barak announced the withdrawal of israeli troops from southern lebanon. this ended an invasion that had lasted 22 years. initially, israel wanted to eliminate the bases of palestinian militants and solved this problem, but then. got involved in a civil war that had been raging since the mid -seventies. clashes occurred between maronite christians, muslims, shiites and other political militant groups. israel relied on the army of south lebanon under its control, and shiite radicals from the amal and hezbollah organizations fought against them. the protracted conflict led to increasingly greater casualties on all sides. the situation became a dead end, and barak, during the election campaign, promised
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to leave the left. soon the last part of the idf left the south of the country and hezbollah firmly established itself there. the lebanese celebrate this date as a day of resistance and liberation. that's how it was this day in history.
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it is important that everyone involved in the inhumane treatment of people is identified, even if these criminals are already dead, got used to watching videos online, stopped working, we are installing,


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