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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 24, 2024 8:30am-9:00am MSK

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this is not a country of gas stations, we can take russian digital solutions to new heights, there are prospects, ours are more brutal, yes, ours are more brutal, there will be more than exactly what digital helps, you are incomparably original in your questions, what is the situation with production, raw materials and exports in general, what is it like, our product. we will take on this case, it will be an honest detective story.
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let me tell you briefly about the main thing for this moment. army aviation launched new attacks on the positions of the ukrainian armed forces in the kharkov region. the crew of the mi-35 helicopter destroyed a strong point helicopter k-52m, knocked out enemy armored vehicles. the sanctions policy towards russia, china and iran does not bring results, said american senator ran paul, he emphasized that such restrictions do not work at all, according to republicans, instead of a policy of restrictions it would be worth resorting to diplomacy. trade turnover between russia and belarus in the first months of this year increased by another 4%, and this despite the fact that last year this figure already exceeded $50 billion. at the end of the twenty-fourth year, economists waiting for new records. in ukraine they plan
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to limit the amount of transfers between individuals; the regulator has set the upper limit of no more than 100,000 hryvnia per month, during the same period it will not be possible to make more than thirty transfers. according to economists, with such measures they want to prohibit the massive withdrawal of private funds from the country. the united states has lost respect in the world under biden, donald trump said this at a speech to his supporters. this is not the first time trump has accused the head.
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usa did not pass a vote in the senate, only 43 people spoke in support, and for approval is required at least 60. the project provides for the allocation of money to limit the ability to obtain asylum. according to the american media, democrats expect that the lack of support for the bill from republicans will change the opinion of voters ahead of the presidential election, and joe biden even said that if members of the republican party were worried at the border, they would vote in favor of tightening it.
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someone will go on a long-awaited vacation. megamarket sellers are changing the world. megamarket - just grow with us. catch the firebird pyro. simple, everyone can get a rate of up to 17.5% per annum, open a deposit on, right on target, this is a goal, this is a victory, this is a victory, russia, russia, russia, russia, are you going to throw out the trash already or not, so, attention, we have a replacement for the younger generation... a legend enters the field to win, and economic news maria the united states is going
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to make an exception to its own sanctions against our uranus, tell us in what cases these exceptions will be made. tatyana in cases where it suits their own interests. the united states is ready to consider an exception to its own law against the import of russian uranium, otherwise it itself will be a loser. on may 13, american president joe biden signed a law that prohibits the purchase of uranium from our companies. according to the white house, this should ensure us independence from russian nuclear technologies. but nuclear power is not an area where it is easy to change suppliers. it will take many months of preparation, experts say. therefore, a clause was included in the law. imports are in the national interest, the ban can be circumvented. and now the us department of energy has published specific conditions for such exceptions. imports are in the national interest if they are necessary to maintain the viability of a u.s. nuclear energy company that is
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critical to the u.s. nuclear fuel chain . sphere. import allows you to fulfill agreements on the supply of fuel for nuclear power plants in another country, if this reduces the likelihood that it will look for it. instead of the usa from another supplier. the issue of using russia's frozen assets does not cause unanimity in the west. doubts in particular will be examined by central banks. italian minister of economy and finance giancarlo giorgetti announced this during a meeting with his colleagues from the group of seven. the united states previously took the initiative to use only income from our assets as collateral for issuance kyiv loans. then they went further and now propose to connect the assets themselves to this scheme. will it? as a result , a collateral mechanism was adopted and which one should be determined within the g7, but at a three-day meeting of finance ministers, which ends tomorrow, this issue will most likely not be resolved. in russia, 3/4 of entrepreneurs positively assess the prospects for starting a business,
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the news reports this with reference to a survey by yus. respondents say it is the most promising area. next comes production and repair. equipment, trade education. domestic business now has favorable prospects: the number of online stores is growing, alternative payment methods and new technologies are being introduced, and the market is actively expanding. more and more entrepreneurs from different regions of the country are joining it, which will also become a driver of growth in the near future. the chinese youth clothing brand simir from the affordable price segment will appear on the russian market. according to tas, starting next year he plans to open more than 60 stores here annually. during the period from 7 to 10 years there should be about 500 of them, the first ones will appear in moscow and st. petersburg, and we are talking about large shopping centers, since the area of ​​​​the stores. will be around 500 km. this brand is considered a youth analogue of h&m. today the network includes about
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3.0 retail outlets. and that’s all for now, more news in the next hour. you owe the bank. i have already ordered an anti-credit card rosbankrot on valberes on the yandex market, children are growing up, we need new solutions, such as a children's sber card, limited design, free registration, access to a sim card with a wow tariff, a month of communication for free and 100 gb, full control of my expenses payment sticker, apply now. children's savings card: an adult approach. hemorrhoids
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of ukraine is directly related to terrorist attack in the city of sithol near moscow. this statement was made by the director of the fsb at a meeting of the council of heads of security agencies and special services of the cis in bishkka. alexander bortnikov emphasized that those who ordered this attack tried to strike a blow at the relations of the member countries of the commonwealth, using national and religious factors. head of russian. departments also noted that the investigation is still ongoing, all the circumstances of the crime and the persons involved in it are being established, they will be punished, in the west practically... they stopped hiding the fact that in ukraine there are so -called training centers with foreign instructors, so tablosan published resonant material about how british mercenaries train soldiers in the ssu, and my colleague evgeniy nipat carefully studied it. these british mercenaries are hiding their camps with all their might, they set up one in the front-line zone of the kharkov region, they train local
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police officers, border guards, and dry land workers, who, according to rotation, should have gone on vacation, but instead end up in... as one of those visiting for educational vacation puts it , by essentially, the english version of the sun talks about pmc employees, former nato military personnel, whose task is to prepare ukrainians so that they can last as long as possible at the front in clashes with russian fighters. we are the largest such organization operating in ukraine, we trained military doctors, infantry soldiers, engineers, but we cannot name the location for security reasons. unfortunately, the region where we are based , the operational situation is such that these zones often become targets for the russian military, using mercenaries as heroes who arrived in ukraine almost by the call of their hearts, and not for money, british journalists offer another interesting idea, saying that london is not sending an official contingent to help kiev, since from the liquidated british
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, the fifth article of nato should supposedly come into force with a collective response from the alliance, and this is unacceptable, so look how brave the guys are. conversations about someone not sending something, someone being afraid of something, this is talk in favor of the poor, from the first day of the conflict, and most likely, long before that conflict, all these nato countries were present there, based, and military specialists, including sru specialists, did a lot for this current degradation of ukraine and bringing it to the state in which it is now. the french media, not without indignation, report what kind of warriors western instructors are training to be real neo-nazis. so paris organized the training of terrorists from azov, banned in russia, among whom was, for example, a character named denis with the “zik” runes impaled on his temple in a mirror image and the letters "ss" above the eyebrow. and how many of these painted radicals were there among the 12 thousand
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members of the armed forces of ukraine who came to france for training. the same militant mentioned above was photographed with nazi symbols, by the way, a few days later he began to cover the tattoo with a bandage, european journalists report, but french generals and military officials did not see anything wrong with this, they say that ukrainian militants are coming to study, i quote our western methods to try to turn the situation around at the front, what exactly are western methods of mass execution, using civilians as human counting? scorched earth tactics, such western methods are well studied by such scoundrels who are photographed against the backdrop of hitler’s graffiti in ukrainian cities, this nazi also studied in france, but whatever foreign training courses are, they will not help in cases where supplies are degrading, these predators complain to a cnn journalist that he is using a soviet gun from the forties,
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which fires polish shells, but no more than ten shots a day, when in the fall there were 100, describe the problems. from the fortifications, there was nothing prepared here, nothing at all, from nothing at all, all positions will immediately lead to the desire of the military , the dance of preparation of the professional military, it is possible to because of their equipment, well, because of their tactics, the mercenaries themselves complain about the results of clashes with russian soldiers , this eu citizen, raised by the parisian bfm tv, was left without a leg after the fight. his american brother did not survive the attack, and now he is crying to reporters that his data, like that of other foreigners, was leaked to telegram, russia recognized him as a terrorist, and this could threaten his freedom of movement, although he is silent that the data of war criminals, including many neo-nazis, is most often found on the internet. getting on telegram is, one might say, a basic
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registration that russians do almost automatically as soon as we go on television, even if we show too many things. they will show, for example, the emblem of the ss division “totenkopf”, highlighted in on social networks, this german, and he was in an embrace with his brothers-in-arms, who, as they say, decided on him because of money, did not share the proceeds from the sale of drugs, and then the kiev regime glorifies such strays as heroes, they take a place in the ukrainian pantheon among the banderas , kannovalians and other evil spirits, they breed, which are often... foreign specialists, dooming themselves and their charges to russian attacks. let me tell you, briefly about the main thing for this hour. the artillery of the north group of forces carried out massive strikes on fortified positions of the ukrainian armed forces. the enemy suffered losses ; enemy infantry and military equipment were destroyed by galley fire. in the us in decline, the democrats
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are destroying the united states. this is the main theme of donald trump's speech at a rally in new york. the politician added that he refused to participate in the sit-down debate, which was offered to him by biden, who insists on a standing debate. the italian press published a letter from scientists, they demand to start. ukraine negotiations insist that the new european parliament must pursue a peaceful policy. the authors emphasize that europe constantly refused to participate in the negotiations and only pumped weapons into the ssu. a stolen painting worth 5 million euros was found by police in madrid; this painting was from the english artist and expressionist francis bacon. robbers took a safe containing five pieces of bacon from a residential building. the total cost of the paintings is 25 million euros. so far the police have only found... 16 people have been detained in the case, they are already giving evidence. and now wait , the real heat will come to the capital region at
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the end of this week. forecasters promise that the temperature will be even higher than in july. vadim zavodchenkov will talk about how warm the reservoirs have become and whether it is possible to open the swimming season. somewhere there is heat and thunderstorms, and somewhere there is snowfall. a week before summer the weather in russia. remains as contrasting as possible, what is the process and the reason for this, when will the cold finally be expelled from the urals and is it already possible to swim in the reservoirs of moscow? current weather analytics on the russia-24 channel, i’m vadim zavuchenkov, leading specialist in centrophobos. hello, the giant anticyclone will bring to russian today the plain has even more sun and record atmospheric pressure. the region experiences real summer and warm weather. has already allowed the swimming season to open, and not only in the south or lower volga, but also, for example, in the leningrad region. residents of the moscow region, judging by the videos
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on social networks, are also not averse to cooling off in rivers and lakes, especially since the water temperature has almost reached a comfortable level and is now 16-17°. but in the nizhny novgorod, ryazan and ulyanovsk regions it is better not to go out into nature, it will eat you up. thick anticyclone, in partly cloudy conditions weather conditions, the air contained in its area warms up well, but on the peripheries of this focus there is active cyclonic
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activity, here the fields of frontal clouds are shifting, carrying showers, thunderstorms and squally wind increases. so, the day before, thunderclouds reached volgograd, they did not bring much precipitation, but the bad weather was very varied, while in some areas... rain with ice pellets, in others there was something similar to a dust storm. the first spring thunderstorm hit krasnoyarsk on thursday. for local motorists it is definitely will be remembered. many roads have turned into seas. giant puddles hid the pits. a small truck flew into one of them at full speed. however, there is a whole group of regions where, probably, they would even be happy with such downpours. if only the snow would stop, in yamalia, in the ugra, as well as in the north of the sverdlovsk and tomsk regions, winter still continues to remind itself. the city
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of strizhevoye has already appeared in our issues, when in mid-may its streets were covered with december snowdrifts, but yesterday the landscapes there changed color again. i note that the night before weather stations recorded the transition of precipitation into the solid phase in only three. 100 km from yekaterinburg. such a wide range of bad weather in siberia is explained by the fact that in the zone of the atmospheric front the heat from the steppes of kazakhstan and the cold of the arctic collide. today the region will continue to be covered by fields of rain clouds and in the middle and northern latitudes the precipitation will again turn to snow. and the heaviest rainfall is expected in the upper reaches of the khabi. here, in some places, up to a quarter of a month's period can fall in a day. moisture. tomsk will be flooded with rain at least until tuesday. a total of 45 mm of precipitation will be collected during this time. almost everything is normal for may. and
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the temperature regime. today and tomorrow will be significantly colder than usual, during the day only +11:14, while the west of the russian plain, thanks to the anticyclone, will continue to enjoy the sun and warmth, only in the southern latitudes will thunderstorms bring down the heat a little, so the temperature regime will become quite even, in the territory from chernoye to the baltic sea in the afternoon + 22-27, so the east of the region and the urals will pay for... the invasion of siberia. in ekaterinburg today, without significant precipitation, is 9° cooler than usual, about +10. on saturday there will be a short burst of heat up to +21. by the evening , a cold front will mark the city with thunderstorms, and in the following days april will return again. rain on thermometers until +11:13. and in moscow, sunny weather is expected, only on sunday and monday, in
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megapolis. local showers and thunderstorms, despite this, the air will warm up well by sunday the temperature will increase from today's +22 to +27, although then it will become a little fresher, in the daytime +23.25, for me this that's it, goodbye.
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today vladimir putin and alexander lukashenko will discuss security issues in minsk. the russian president arrived in the capital of belarus the evening before. vladimir putin allowed the use of us property in russia to compensate for damage. all the details about our economic edition. the un general assembly approved a resolution recognizing the events in srebryannitsa in 1995 as genocides. let's talk in more detail about the related disputes. the united states restricts visas to georgian citizens due to the foreign agents law. what else are they doing it to put pressure on tbilisi? in buryat , natural fires have already burned almost 500 hectares. is there a threat to populated areas?
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snow fell in the line and the kuril islands, it’s real summer in the central part of the country, we are waiting for the weather forecast from our meteorologists, now footage from the presidential press service, on the eve of the flight to minsk, vladimir putin met with the patriarch, i greet you cordially, congratulate you, thank you very much. thank you heartily, thank you, all the best to you, thank you very much for everything you do for the russian people, i thank you for the level of cooperation that exists between the church and the state, which, as i already said, is unprecedented when compared with the entire russian history, good health to you, congratulations, thank you.


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