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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 24, 2024 10:30am-11:00am MSK

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will blow them away like foam, if you are, be the best, if you are, be the first, gdve fuel unlocks the potential of the engine and those who strive to be the first, tested in racing conditions, gdve be the first. armed conflicts have always been and will always be engines of economic scientific development, no matter how sad it may sound. time rushes forward, technologies inevitably change, and along with them, combat tactics. in the first world war the decisive force was artillery, in the second world war the tank was the decisive force. towards the end of the 20th century, aviation came to the fore. well, now the emphasis is clearly shifting towards robotics. the idea itself is not new and belongs. nikola tesla at the very end of the 19th
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century invented a radio-controlled boat, a prototype of a marine drone. in 1910 american engineer charles catering made essentially a prototype of the kamikaze drone. during the second world war, ground combat robots had already openly declared themselves on the battlefield. we are talking about german wedges and radio-controlled gleave mines. they were used quite en masse during the battle of kursk, but did not bring success to the wehrmacht. the unfortunate relationship between cost, reliability and efficiency was typical for... western technology. during the cold war, the development of foreign robotics drones reached a new level, now we can already say with confidence that robotics is becoming the god of war, like artillery in its time, but the experience of a special military operation shows that flying drones demonstrate the highest efficiency, but ground-based drones clearly cannot keep up with them, which is the difficulty of creating ground-based orbotized ones. .. platforms, what
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developments do russian engineers have in this direction, when only robots will remain in the battlefield, this is a question of science. in the studio pavel toropov, associate professor of the faculty of geography of moscow state university. and with us. visiting sergey kurdubanov, chief designer, deputy general director of vnii signal holding high precision complexes, rostec corporation, sergey aleksandrovich, good afternoon, good afternoon, here is the first question, where does such a disparity come from, in fact, it would seem, well, this is of course a question for an amateur, but it seemed well, a person doesn’t fly in the air, this environment doesn’t live in the air, in the water, much less, but walks on the ground, but nevertheless , that’s it... a ground robot is a problem, that ’s the biggest one, it’s quite easy to explain, with on the one hand, yes, a person constantly moves on the ground, for him this is the most familiar environment, but a robot or remotely controlled car is a machine that requires every second its adjustment in
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space, if on water or in the air we can afford to slightly change the position of an object , which will not lead to any tragic consequences, he... will not crash anywhere, he will not drive into a hole, he will not hit some obstacle that is insurmountable for himself, then on the ground, this is accordingly, especially during military conflicts, this trenches, trenches, anti-tank dragon teeth, these are trees, this is equipment that is both damaged and operating on the battlefield, so a ground robot is a little smaller than an air robot, we have all seen how copters fly, copters are
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very highly maneuverable a target, for us a target, for someone it is an object, very highly maneuverable, and it can sneak in. time to change the trajectory radically, it can stop, on the ground there are difficulties, i would not say that creating a ground robot is more difficult or easier than an air robot, there are subtleties everywhere, but here the subtleties of ground movement in a huge number of objects that are an obstacle to the movement of cars, well , of course, in the air there will be turbulence and all sorts of unevenness, what he sees. in different areas of the electromagnetic spectrum in different ways, but here there will be precisely these obstacles, if i understand correctly, in the air they can be neglected, and even more so they can be neglected to a significant extent, that’s clear, sergei aleksanrovich, that’s all -where there are more pitfalls in the mechanical part, in
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microelectronics or software, there are definitely problems everywhere, but probably the hardest part today is definitely the software. and software, of course, the development of algorithms, algorithms for avoiding obstacles, algorithms that allow you to level out the channel delays in the process of controlling a remotely controlled machine, they, one way or another, everyone wants the maximum range, there is a delay of the radio channel itself in controlling the robot , and if in the air we can afford to deviate from the course. 5-10 m, without noticing a complete change in trajectory, then on earth we cannot afford this, a tree or a pillar is the same insurmountable obstacle for a moving car that needs to be avoided in time, the channel delay does not often not
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allow making a car that in real time could be controlled in the same way as... a machine controlled by a person, well , on board it, well, the algorithms are very complex, because i once heard from doctors that in order to try to simulate the movement of a human hand in full, this requires supercomputers in general, some kind of complex calculations, it is clear that this is probably not necessary for a ground combat robot, but still the wealth of variety of movements should be quite large, that is, these are some very computational... apparently complex things, depending on what we want - from a robot, what you can hear from doctors, uh, these are biomorphic things that in the vast majority of cases are not required for use on the battlefield, and that is, here you can simply , basic
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tasks for use on the battlefield are to ensure the delivery of ammunition provisions to the firing position without the risk of injury or death. military personnel, this is the movement of reconnaissance or fire weapons to the point of fire, yeah, this is the evacuation of the wounded. in order not to risk military personnel by pulling a wounded man out of the battlefield, of course, the main tasks are this, and this does not require any complex mechatronic systems that allow them to imitate a human hand, gait, and so on, well, yes, it’s clear, here, after all, this is not not still not a soldier in the full sense of this. words, and such service personnel, such technical service personnel, let’s say, but how are
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they, also here along the way their question arose, probably, how to disguise them, they are very easy, probably, to detect, that is, it is necessary still come up with some so that it is invisible, again, all echo, and radio echo in the infrared range, this is a story according to which many have probably already broken more than one spear, yeah. trying to determine what is more important here, but in our understanding, in our understanding institute, in my personal understanding, it is much more effective to create a cheap, remotely controlled mechanism that can be sacrificed, which is not a pity, well, if it is the experience of the second world war. showed that technological superiority does not always mean superiority on the battlefield, the reproducibility
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of military equipment and its low cost , the ability to produce in huge quantities, is always a clear advantage, and today we are trying to follow the path of not creating super complex systems with enormous computing power on board for that, so that... space to choose the path of movement depending on the environment, it is much simpler and more effective to create cheap platforms, as a rule, universal, easily scalable, so that their number provides all the needs of the front, i completely agree with you, the same story in general in science, in geophysics, in meteorology, a lot, even if it will be maybe a little worse, but much more than some expensive ones, and it’s not a fact that
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these expensive systems will be superior or inferior two heads are better, that is, again, this is also an important moment, yes, here is sergei aleksandrovich, then the question is, this is how you feel about the concept of this network-centric war, and a new war of the future, when these are all, well, it’s a little like -again, i am far from military affairs, but for me it looks like computer toys, the modern development of science and technology certainly makes it possible to carry out combat operations of this kind , the question is in line... there is a queue in communication channels in order to ensure constant ,
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continuous, real-time exchange between all end users, regardless of whether it is a robotic complex, or a person, an infantryman, a reconnaissance officer, a commander, we need very broadband and reliable, closed communication channels, well, yes. important, but to be able to fight without modern
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information exchange is a separate art, yeah, without which no wars of the twenty or even twenty-second century will be possible, of course, wow, this is very important, interesting, well, let's go back to domestic developments, how much you can talk about this, i understand perfectly well, but according to my concepts, nothing can be said about it at all, but... here’s what you can, yes, here’s what we have, at what stage all this is now and what developments we have, here i am i wouldn't argue about it now. of all the developments of robotic ground systems carried out in the russian federation, i would like to briefly talk about what we have at the institute, uh, we developed a certain amount of time ago, a universal software and hardware complex prometheus, yeah, which allows existing
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armored equipment, such as infantry fighting vehicles, tanks, armored personnel carriers. trucks, everything that drives on the ground can be turned into a remotely controlled object with the help of this complex, it does not lose its characteristics, we have checked this many times, characteristics, speed, cross-country ability, they remain at the level of the base chassis that was used in in the process of this robotization, an additional set of equipment does not disrupt the destruction of the vehicle when entering the direct combat line contact, the crew switches the vehicle to remote mode, leaves with the control panels to a relatively safe place, and from there the vehicle continues to carry out
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its combat missions, it can move with the same dynamics. that in crew mode on the battlefield, it can choose the type of weapons, can fire at targets, including from closed positions, but now let’s take a short break and see what other ground systems our fighters already have in the northwestern military district zone, within a short information, the future is already here, footage of the first ever mass use of combat robotic platforms in real combat, courier robots with ags-17 grenade launchers capable of firing 400 shells per minute carried out an assault...
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combat platforms, that is, robots carrying weapons of destruction, are not yet widely represented in zone of special military operation. in addition to couriers, our fighters have, for example, br2 complexes armed with machine guns. it is also known that markers have undergone field tests and are being equipped with small arms and missile weapons. robotic turrets are used, but so far there are much more robot assistants, not soldiers. soldiers use remote-controlled platforms to supply units at the front, as well as to evacuate the wounded from the battlefield . these shots show the brother complex at work. to evacuate one person you need about six people, to make it clear, that is, one robot can replace six people. the most robotic branch of the russian army at the moment is the engineering troops. remotely controlled platforms they have been helping sappers since the syrian operation. in houses or industrial areas , small scarabs and scorpions search for explosives.
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and large-scale exchanges are carried out by large machines - uranus and stalker. but here it is necessary to clarify that this is rather an exception to the rule. in this case, the need for robotization has long been obvious to everyone, and these robots have been developed for many years. in order to make some kind of decision that will be useful, which will be applied in , so to speak, conditions of the northern military district, it is necessary to go through a whole series of stages, that is, prepare a technical specification, coordinate this technical specification, and many, many other procedures, until you go through all this, it takes years, of course, a simplified procedure is necessary, this is the time and... in fact, it is necessary that the certain tactical and technical requirements that i would like to receive, and then simply test it, implement it all and give the opportunity to maybe small enterprises, small companies to realize themselves and implement such work-technical complexes. on the battlefield any robot can be useful. in
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the end, there is always a plan b. most platforms have provisions for refitting them into kamikaze. this is how, for example, enemy fortifications are already being dismantled. scorpio mentioned. sergey aleksandrovich, well, we see that there are already robots on the battlefield. in fact, everything is really developing actively, everything is great, but i, as a teacher, too, well, in my field, of course, the issue of personnel, it is always key, personnel decide everything. you made me very happy that the programming problem, it’s like it’s worth it, it turns out, well, well, programmers and i, in my opinion, are now being taught this quite well in the country, and traditionally russia is, as it were, one of the... powers, so if we talk about the mechanical component, there’s a feeling that somehow with engineers it’s still sad here now, it’s far from the soviet union, or you don’t feel this shortage, in general it’s like with personnel. personnel shortages today are probably felt by all enterprises of the military industrial complex, but nevertheless, the volume of state defense orders
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has grown quite seriously, and enterprises certainly need in any hands, starting from mechanics, this is assembly, this is machining of materials, ending with programmers, engineers, designers, circuit designers, electronic engineers. but we are in an enterprise that is almost 70 years old, yeah, we have a fairly large school, our forefathers laid a very serious foundation, the institute is not only today’s team, the institute is all the years that we had before, and the multi-directionality of our institute, where there is a separate direction of hydraulics, there is a separate... direction of electrical and hydraulic drives, there is a separate direction of navigation, there is a direction of artillery fire control, the symbiosis of all these directions
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allowed us 10 years ago to take up the development of robotic systems, now this has been separated into a separate direction, the scientific school of the institute allows us to accomplish any, even almost impossible, task. feasible, feasible in the shortest possible time with the requirements that are necessary for the ministry of defense. great, i'm amazed how it happened that this monstrous flywheel the nineties, it somehow apparently didn’t hit you that hard, or didn’t hit you all the same, yes, that is, this is some kind of patriotism - the employees, that’s how it happened, that it was possible to preserve it, because many of the scientific and media institutes, i i think there are many military-industrial complexes too. and research enterprises and institutes simply collapsed completely to the ground, but you somehow managed, as i understand it, to keep it afloat, the leaders
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who ran the institute in the nineties were able to preserve the most precious thing we have, this is the team, this is of course repairs of buildings, there were problems with modernizing equipment, but the team was able to maintain that... period, of course, our task today is to develop it, increase it, we have a huge number of young, probably professionals who take on any overwhelming task, and how they say, we are born to make a fairy tale come true, well, this is really very optimistic and pleasant, something we don’t often hear on air or on the internet these days.
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his contacts on the front line, human, here are people, soldiers, living, there were no people, if on both sides of the armed conflict there are a huge number of exclusively operational and technical complexes, reconnaissance, fire, evacuation, this will lead to the fact that these remote-controlled platforms themselves will cease to be a priority target, yeah, the priority target will just go a little deeper into the rear . to the control points of these mechanisms, and people will be left to fight to destroy the control points, because all this
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equipment, it is effective only as long as the control channels, well, yes, what you mean they said, and i still remember an incident that happened almost exactly a year ago in the united states, where the pentagons, pentagon officers were testing what i think was an aerial drone, and it was supposed to destroy the air defense system, as it was punished for it, conditionally, he received points, at some point he, which means he was ordered, accordingly, was programmed not to destroy the target, well then there are no points, he decided to destroy the operator, and then, well, such things are also possible theoretically, that is, these are failures that cannot be circumvented, which somehow they can always arise, again the enemy can reprogram somehow the second. the risk of this has always been, probably always will be, when forming a task through the ordering management or independently
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in order to. you will always think three times whether it is worth giving the machine the ability to make an independent decision, while the machine is remote-controlled, it does exactly what the operator gives it as a task, as soon as the machine makes a decision on its own, it is impossible to provide for everyone, every combat unit 100% working system. someone else’s, and accordingly, for this machine , anyone, anyone can become an enemy at the current moment , yes, therefore, in all our systems, making the decision to open fire only rests with the operator, it is clear, yes, this, this is of course, that is, reasonable a combination, so to speak, of the old and the new, this is what this is for, and sergei aleksandrovich, tell me, are those systems that you are developing in
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civilian use? after the completion of the svo, we will be very happy to provide the national economy with new technology, more precisely, to give new functions to existing equipment, which is important, there is no need to purchase a new combine, a new car specially designed to provide remote control.
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it's clear. yes, in fact, this is again such a soviet-russian tradition, when the military-industrial complex comes up with something powerful and does it, and then it goes well in industry, everything is used very effectively, so the military is really looking forward to robots on the battlefield , and it’s understandable why: the more automated systems, the less wounded soldiers, however, for the civilian sector, the development of work equipment would be of great help, technologies tested in war are usually very...
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issues of security and participation of belarus in exercises with non-strategic nuclear weapons are being discussed today in minsk. negotiations between vladimir putin and alexander lukashenko are planned. a meeting in an unofficial format had already taken place the previous evening immediately after the russian president’s arrival in the capital of belarus. military intelligence of ukraine is involved in the terrorist attack in the moscow region cityholi. this was stated by the head of the fsb, alexander bortnikov. the investigation into the case continues,
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more than twenty people have been detained, including. direct perpetrators and accomplices. street protests in serbia in belgrade staged a car rally to protest against the results of the un vote. the general assembly approved a resolution recognizing the events in srebrenica in 1995 as genocide. russia, china, the united arab emirates, greece and 15 other countries voted against. crew of the iskander missile system of the west group of forces caused. strike on the command post and military equipment in the ukrainian armed forces. iskander divisions are on round-the-clock combat duty. the complexes deliver precise strikes at a great distance from the line of contact. fires in buryatia have already burned about 500 hectares of forest. in the stewing.


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