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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 24, 2024 11:00am-11:31am MSK

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this was stated by the head of the fsb, alexander bortnikov. the investigation into the case continues, more than twenty people have been detained, including the direct perpetrators and accomplices. street protests in serbia in belgrade staged a car rally to protest against the results of the un vote. the general assembly approved a resolution recognizing the events in srebrrenica in 1995 as genocide. russia, china, the united arab emirates, greece and 15 other countries voted against. the crew of the iskander missile system of the west group of forces struck a command post and a military equipment in the armed forces of ukraine. iskander divisions are on round-the-clock combat duty. the complexes deliver precise strikes while located at a great distance from the line of contact. fires in buryatia have already burned about 500 hectares of forest. a helicopter, about 40 pieces of equipment, and about 200 people are involved in the firefighting effort.
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including fire paratroopers. the head of the region, alexey tsudenov, said that the situation is difficult, but there is no threat to populated areas. now there is a short advertisement, then watch the author’s program nikita mikhalkova besagon tv. the state has abolished commissions for transfers between your accounts in different banks. from may 1st. russians can transfer their money from one bank to another for free, the law has come into force. now you can receive a salary from one bank and immediately transfer it to another, where it is more profitable. transfer money to a free alpha card, receive a supercake in rubles, and withdraw cash from any atm for free. not just profitable, alpha profitable. what can alice do with the jandex gpt neural network? imagine. dozens of experts help
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will go on a long-awaited vacation, sellers at the megamarket are changing the world. megamarket - just grow with us. pairs, roman burger and roman chicken burger at a great price in italy. delicious and period, you owe a jar, i i have already ordered a rosbankrot anti-credit card from valders on yandex market. i welcome you, dear friends, to our next release of the author’s program bisagon tv, it will be called in favor of atheists , i think you will understand why we
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called our program that way, but according to tradition , first i want to report that our previous program on channel russia 24, on channel russia-1, was watched by more than 11 million people, almost 12 million people, for which we are very grateful to you, but i want to warn you, maybe even please you, that now our besagon channel is on vkontakte, in jena, in odnoklassniki, so come and watch, i will be very grateful to you for this, what we’ll talk about today, well, you yourself understand perfectly well that in... may there are two most important events that happened , this is the seventy -ninth anniversary of the victory in the great patriotic war, the official entry into office of our president vladimir vladimirovich putin, his inauguration. i don’t want to say that our program will be
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dedicated to these events, but in any case , they will, of course, touch upon them indirectly. during the great patriotic war in 1943, stalin had it. the opportunity to eliminate hitler and people were ready for this, but stalin did not do this. stalin understood that, of course, the top of the reich, in the absence of hitler and bypassing the soviet union, would naturally begin to negotiate with our allies. there are many documents on this, that is, the west was ready to move closer to the nazis. very many are higher. the ranks of the reich smoothly flowed into nato, and we also know this very well, we remember that both ford and general motors, anglo-saxon politicians and bankers, and the dalis brothers, understand perfectly well
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that the victory over nazi germany, which fell mainly on the shoulders of the soviet union, was ours... literally with our bare hands, fortunately this did not happen, because by that time the soviet union had an atomic bomb, but the west did not agree to do so, did not take the risk. if we talk about the west, then it’s not a sin to remember that
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in general the ideology of nazism was taken by hitler from the anglo-saxons, remember? here, for example, are the words of the writer, laureate pulitzar prize. john toland, who wrote that hitler's concept of the camps, as well as the practicality of genocide , owed much to his research into the history of england and the united states. by the way, this was said directly at the nuremberg trials, when alfred rosenberg was accused of authoring the racial theory, he was there to...
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quantify humanity in order to leave those necessary to service this golden billion, doesn’t this resonate with... ideas nazism, directly, directly, no need to go far for examples, look at eurovision, where, as they say, god ordered us not to take part in it, look what it has turned into?
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at the opening of the olympic games in paris in 2024, a unique spectacle awaits us: neither an athlete, nor a scientist, nor an outstanding one will carry the olympic flame. the figure will be carried by a transvestite, look at this phenomenon, and he will carry it in heels 25 cm long, so we laugh, but i can’t help but laugh, but you know, this laughter, it borders on horror, i can’t tell from the screen this, but but you will understand me, you know, to ask such a question, have you guys eaten fish soup? i was understood, you don’t understand that it is impossible for a man who declared himself a woman to go to
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the women’s restroom and compete in swimming or discus throwing with women, that this is indecent, simply simply indecent, no, this has become the norm, moreover, this is not it just became the norm, it became an obligation, interestingly, back in 1900... he said the following phrase: destroy homosexuality and fascism will disappear. what does it mean? this means that it is not actually homosexuality was meant. the concept of the sin of shame. by the way, i recalled this phrase said by my great-uncle, dmitry petrovich konchalovsky, a historian, he said: “in the state where it was lost.” the concept of the sin of shame, order can only be maintained by a police regime and violence,
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which is why when we bow our heads, when we treat with great respect and gratitude all those who won in this terrible, great patriotic war, and what a temple rises on this occasion , listen here. it’s not about the history of victory day that we need to talk today, but if we’re talking about it, then about how many victims there were, how many unjustified victims there were, about the cruelty of the commanders who absolutely neglected the interests of the soldiers, about the horrific things that happened in the war, and about how later after the war, front-line soldiers were not allowed to express the truth, they created tame veterans who constantly talk about what...
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germany, it is unacceptable for the perception of our, so to speak, civilized western world, they do not want to remember. they are trying to belittle the importance of our country, they
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even when releasing medals for the seventy-fifth anniversary of the victory, we talked about this, on this medal there are three banners, three flags of the united states, great britain and france, we are not there, we are being erased from memory, we are being erased from history, they don’t want to see us as winners, in september of the nineteenth year of the europarl.
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house of trade unions on may 2, 1914 and the explosion of the nord stream, the murder of our citizens and terror attacks on the crimean bridge, this includes everything, they do not disdain anything, it is surprising that this is also, by the way, a legacy hitler's reich, look, i will read you one document, this is an order, it is called on the application of: military jurisdiction and on special measures of troops, it sounds like this: for actions committed by personnel and service personnel in relation to enemy civilians, there will be no mandatory persecution, even in cases where these actions constitute a war crime or
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misdemeanor, this is an order, it was signed on may 13 , 1941 and ... it was adopted by hitler’s personal order, that is, impunity in relation to the civilian population is embedded in the ideology, embedded in the rules, don’t we see that this is happening today before our eyes, and the worst thing, and this is a huge victory for the anglo-saxon world, is that russians are killing russians, that is, to him.. .
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from being a participant in a meat assault, to becoming cannon fodder, to being an uncollected corpse, decomposing on the ukrainian black soil, and this is really so, because with all the propaganda it is very difficult to understand what they are fighting for, what they should die for, listen to the russian soldier,
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who speaks a language understandable to all sides, listen, a question for russian-speaking ukrainians: what are you fighting for? for freedom? i bet you can’t leave the country for free anymore, demobilization has also been cancelled, that is, go one way, is this really freedom? for the land? so your president sold your land, the land market? what is it? can you google who the main beneficiary is? buying your land for faith took away your faith, in your churches now all sorts of sectarians are organizing rock concerts, language they took it from you a long time ago, you call us occupiers, so look at mariupol, at crimea, do occupiers do this, you saw such
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construction there in libya, in iraq, somewhere, in my opinion, many. countries want russia to occupy them, open your mind, i think you are fighting with the wrong people, he is the enemy , of course we will bury them, we will collect tokens, we will do everything humanely, we respect the enemy, even if it is, here look at how and with what ukrainians pay for every dollar invested by the anglo-saxons in this country, listen, in the newly liberated territories we came across some rather interesting documents, which indicate that organ transplantation in ukraine has been put on stream. the very first dorners were soldiers of the armed forces of ukraine. every vssu student, when undergoing a medical examination, supposedly filled out such a document. this is a consent document for organ transplantation. a complete
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personal file was opened on him, so that if this person was wounded, it would be possible to understand which organ could be removed and which recipient it would be suitable for. the date here is worth one year, all the people here are... essentially from one unit, in fact , the soldiers did not even know that they had given consent, because, uh, as we see, in all the documents there is such a stamp, this... because in these cars the very people who were engaged in analyzing the seriously wounded arrived fighters for organs. listen, well, there are things that are called by their proper
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names, isn’t this international terrorism, both committed and paid for, such a process was finally launched in our country, on march 27 of this year, by a group of deputies of the state duma of the russian federation. nikolai kharitonov, andrei krasov, yana lantratova, alexander dugin and andrei dergach sent an appeal to the prosecutor general's office, the investigative committee of the russian federation. in addition, this appeal was sent to the ministry of justice of the united states, to the federal office of justice of germany, to the ministry of justice and public order of the republic of cyprus, and to the ministry of justice of the french republic. the statement is based on the norms of international law, it is a very serious, very thoughtful, very detailed document,
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where a huge number of schemes for financing terrorism, the terrorist acts themselves, look, the bombing of the nord stream, the attempted murder of zakhar prilepin, the death of daria dugina. it was founded by the former minister of natural resources of ukraine nikolai zlachevsky. 2 months after the maidan, the board of directors of burisma included the son of us vice president joseph biden
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hunter, a close family friend of secretary of state john kerry devon archer, the former head of the cia anti-terrorism center, joseph coferblack and ex-president of poland alexander kwasniewski. by that time , a corruption case was already being investigated against burisma. soon the country's new prosecutor general, viktor shokin, took over the matter. i have. i have no doubt that burisma was engaged in illegal activities, and in order to hide from the investigation, zlocheevsky began to bring people who could protect him, among them hunter biden. at the personal request of joseph biden, shokin was quickly fired and burisma’s managers began handing out fabulous cash bribes to close the remaining criminal cases. we have tracked almost all the movements of funds through the burizma company and the transfer of funds through morgan stanley to ...
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the vessel that we provided, this money was transferred to the disposal of the gur military unit for carrying out terrorist activities under a closed court decision, a secret decision , after which the northern streams began to explode there , after that dugin’s terrorist attack was attached, a series of terrorist attacks began, so the whole thing was traced here...
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that is, at that time in 2014, the son of joe biden, who at that moment was obama’s vice president, is on the council directors of the ukrainian gas production company burisma. you yourself understand perfectly well that this is already a violation when business politics is mixed, taking into account the ability of a high-ranking politician to influence the business of his son. and when it turns out that... burisma is in fact engaged in money laundering and withdrawing funds to offshore companies, and the then current prosecutor general in ukraine, viktor shokin, initiates a criminal case against burisma, well, everything seems to be legal, but it doesn’t work, it doesn't work because you can just like that, with one click, a person
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who has no... what relation to ukraine can remove the prosecutor general and boast about it, look. i received a promise from poroshenko and yatsenyuk that they would take action against the prosecutor, they did not. and so they enter the press conference, and i’m like: no, we won’t give you a billion dollars, and they say: you don’t have such powers, you’re not the president, the president promised us, and i say: “call him.” "i'm telling you, you won't get a billion dollars, i said, "you won't get a billion, i’m already leaving in 6 hours, i looked at my watch, if the prosecutor is not fired in 6 hours, you won’t get any money, you sons of bitches, and he was fired, isn’t this confirmation that zelensky is aware of all that, all those frauds , which the bidens' snake carried out, has the ability
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to blackmail them. with this knowledge of yours, why not, it is quite possible, but as a result , on april 9, based on the results of checking the application, the investigative committee of the russian federation opened a criminal case under the fourth part of article 205, paragraph one of the criminal code of the russian federation, financing of terrorism, they say that terrorism has no nationality, well, you know, we... by the way, they even argued with this, remember, one of the issues of our bisagon, after all, on the other hand, terrorism has a nationality, for example, it could be either an african american, for example, or it could be an indian, or a european, or an american. in principle, this is the real international diaspora of terrorism.
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it’s amazing that this impunity is blatant, it’s not even hidden by anything, and many probably, so to speak, treat this document, which our deputies signed, with a sufficient amount of irony and sarcasm, even, well, who will consider this, nothing, nothing, nothing, no matter, sooner or later this has to happen, remember the words ... lincoln: you can deceive part of the people all the time, and all the people some of the time, but you cannot deceive all the people all the time, in this case we mean humanity as such, it is impossible to deceive it all the time, i think, i hope, and how not amazing, look how how intertwined, just as the events
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of today intertwine. with events of long ago . look, compare the logic of another quote from adolf hitler. when assessing such actions, it must be taken into account that the defeat in 1918, the subsequent period of suffering of the german people, as well as the struggle against national socialism, which required countless bloody sacrifices, were the result.


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