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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 24, 2024 1:00pm-1:30pm MSK

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joint military exercises with non-strategic nuclear weapons will be discussed by vladimir putin and alexander lukashenko, and the prospects for integration within the union state will also include key issues of international politics. vladimir putin flew to minsk the night before immediately after a meeting with the government and after his arrival he spoke briefly with alexander lukashenko in an informal format. you're having a hard day today. with the king of bahlein, difficult negotiations,
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difficult, pleasant, well, thank god, it means i have more friends, that’s why i i welcome you to your native belarusian land, the belarusian people will be very glad to know that you came to us, after the elections, this is one of the first visits with the people's republic of china, after negotiations with our arab friends i had such a big meeting with members.
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and hello wishes for well-being. mikhail mishustin arrived in the capital of turkmenistan, ashgabat, where he will take part in a meeting of the council of heads of government of the cis. it will be held in a narrow and expanded format. the main issue, as expected, will be trade and economic cooperation within commonwealth. the meeting participants will also discuss a number of draft documents in such areas as energy and transport, ecology, intellectual property protection, cultural and humanitarian cooperation. they will also be signed and accepted. meetings joint documents. following the results, a planned statement for the press. in addition, mikhail mishustin’s visit program includes a meeting with the president of turkmenistan serdar berdemukhamedov. ukrainian military intelligence is involved in the terrorist attack in krokul near moscow. this was stated by the head of the fsb, alexander bortnikov. at a meeting of the council of heads of security agencies and special services of the cis state. the meeting took place in beshkeki. bortnikov noted that the investigation into the case is ongoing. more than twenty people were detained, incl.
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mediocre performers and accomplices. we are currently establishing the entire circle of those involved in the crime. more than twenty persons have already been detained, including the direct perpetrators and accomplices. during the investigation, including with the direct assistance of our colleagues from kazakhstan, kyrgyzstan, tajikistan and uzbekistan, it has been established that preparatory actions, financing, attack and withdrawal of terrorists are coordinated. via the internet by members of the velayat-khirasan group located in the afghan-pakistani zone. two of the four participants in the attack arrived in russia from turkey shortly before the terrorist attack. upon completion of the capture, the terrorists received a clear command to move to the ukrainian border, where a window had been prepared on that side. also, according to bortnikovo, the kiev regime, under pressure from the west, is disrupting any peaceful initiatives. nato countries facilitate the transfer. mercenaries and
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terrorists to ukraine. the ukrainian authorities, having no real opportunity to achieve their goals on the battlefield, switched to total terror. systematic shelling of civilians and civilian infrastructure in russian regions is underway. sabotage raids are being carried out in our border areas. the ukrainian special services are actively recruiting to involve young people and teenagers in terrorist activities. middle east, north africa and international terrorist organizations from afghanistan, some of them are used for further terrorist expansion into the commonwealth space. command.
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to send alliance troops to ukraine, specific steps are now being worked out, hungary does not agree with this, prime minister viktor orban spoke about this on the air of the hungarian radio station kassuth. why. nato working groups are developing a plan in brussels for how the alliance could participate in the conflict in ukraine. hungarians are against this. there is enough going on in the government a lot of work is being done to determine how we can remain a member of nato without taking part in hostilities. now footage of the combat work of the russian military during the liberation of klescheyevka was published by the russian ministry of defense on video of a memorable moment when the russian flag and a copy of the banner were unfurled.
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the resolution was adopted the day before, despite the fact that more than half of the countries that voted either abstained or voted against. the document was supported by only 84 countries. russian representatives have repeatedly stated that the text of the resolution has nothing to do with perpetuating the memory of the victims, and will only lead to increased tension in the region. our own correspondent grigorova found out why. we now begin the voting process. during the announcement of the results, the president of serbia. in total there were more people voting in favor: 87 against 84, but this was still enough to pass the resolution, these are the rules,
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the president of serbia at a meeting of the general assembly stated that the resolution was exclusively political in nature. it's not about truce, we are not talking about memories. this is something that will only reopen old wounds and lead to complete political chaos, and not only in our region, but even here in this room. the document, which is formally called the international day of reflection and remembrance of the 1995 genocide in srebryanica, was put forward for consideration by representatives of germany and rwanda. according to the resolution, july 11 is proclaimed an international day of reflection in remembrance of the genocide, which will be celebrated annually. the text of the document condemns unconditionally.
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germany and rwanda, as well as an interregional group consisting of 17 states. among the countries that voted against the resolution were russia, china and hungary. and not necessarily implementing its adoption threatens peace in the region, pushing the balkans towards confrontation, russian permanent representative vasily nebenzya stated, he emphasized that the initiators of the document were counting on a different result, and the resolution failed. today's vote was a failure for the initiators of this resolution; fewer council members voted for it, we warned the general assembly that it did not support this resolution. co-authors before the vote, even at a time when they were just starting out, began to promote their project, that things could end badly for them, it would not be a smooth acceptance, it would not be a consensus acceptance, it would expose the wounds of genocides that were not mentioned, such as
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many countries where such events took place, and that this will open a pandora's box. in addition, the russian diplomat recalled that one of the initiators of the resolution, germany at the level never the un general assembly. for genocide, after voting in response to the scandalous resolution , the following inscription has already appeared on the main belgrade skyscraper: we are not a genocidal people. according to belgrade and bani luka, the adopted resolution calls the serbs a people responsible for genocide. this first of all raises the question of the legitimacy of the existence of the republika srpska within bosnia and herzegovina and may even lead to its abolition. the serbs do not agree with this. the authorities of republika srpska will propose the project to the official sarajevo within a month.
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i think that bosnia and herzegovina will not survive. the adopted resolution is based on the decision of the international court for the former yugoslavia, according to the version of what happened, promoted by the gaga tribunal, in srebrrenica in july 1995, 8.0 bosnian muslims were allegedly killed, most of whom were allegedly civilians. however, some experts consider these data to be overestimated, serbian. the country claims that the death toll is lower, most of them were military personnel,
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while official belgrade and baneluka admit fact of executions, but categorically oppose the term genocide. an international commission led by the famous israeli historian gideon greif also came to the conclusion that the events in srebrrenica cannot be called genocide. you can't throw around terms. genocide has rules that were defined by the jewish lawyer raphael lemkin in 1900 in 1948. sorry, but what happened in srebryanitsa is not genocide. yes, it was a terrible crime, but we cannot call it genocide. in addition, greif's team also investigated the fact that the hague tribunal ignored the massacres of serbs that took place in the vicinity of serebryanice from 1992 to 1995. during the attacks, according to conservative estimates , more than 3,000 local residents were killed. the current resolution on srebrenica also contains nothing about the killed serbs. such a document. clearly does not contribute to reconciliation in the region. daria grigorova and vladislav chernov, balkanskaya biro
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vestei. the events in serebryanica really cause a lot of controversy, the reliability of the accusations against the serbs raises questions questions. read more in our help. srebryanitsa is a vast onclave, the territory is more than 500 km. in 1992, bosnia and herzegovina announced its secession from yugoslavia. a war began in the republic with the participation of bosnian muslims and serbs. and croats. srebryanica was then under the control of the serbs, but then the bosnians occupied it and organized an attack by the slavs. in 1995, a unit of the serbian general radk mladic took the silverware, and the bosnian civilian population was taken to other areas. bosnian men lined up with weapons in their hands into columns and were allowed to leave the city. during the procession, fighting broke out. there is information that some bosnians were shot. the exact number of victims has not been documented. list of missing or killed. compiled by the bosnian commission contains about 800 names, a number of experts consider these data to be greatly inflated,
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no such mass graves were found, evidence appeared that the intelligence services of the united states, britain and france were involved in the murderers of the bosnians; they used mercenaries to blame the serbs. events in serebrenica were first classified as genocide in april 2004 in the verdict of the international tribunal for the former yugoslavia, he accused general radislav krystic of this, while the tribunal ignored yes... what were you doing 3 days ago? if the question
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on the battlefield, at the front, was completely transferred to the armed forces of the russian federation. the uk is preparing a military aid package for ukraine worth 150 million pounds sterlin, the sun newspaper writes, citing the country's defense minister. however, when kiev will receive the money is not specified. the topic will be continued
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by maria skorodilka. selmyahradskaya street 5 is almost the center of warsaw. in one of these inconspicuous cozy houses , children from ukraine are sold, bought, polish journalists publish an investigation, claims the ukrainian fund for refugees with the cheerful name, sunflowers, under the leadership of the chairmen of the international criminal court from western ngos, are almost openly selling orphans living in the war zone to buyers, of course, from the european union. the office is working, business is flourishing, reporters state. but for those who incite conflict for the sake of money, such schemes. and no one needs ukrainians anyway. american senators are calling on biden to officially allow ukraine to fire western weapons at russian territories. and this will kill ukraine, experts believe. zelensky continues to harbor the hope that they will drive all russian troops out of ukraine before negotiations begin. but in reality the situation is diametrically opposite; the sooner kiev
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starts negotiations, the better for it. supporting an endless conflict in ukraine does not serve us interests, said us senator vance. the us has bigger problems; biden’s health is failing. the head of the white house does not seem to understand what he is saying or where he is. fine. and retreat without a chance of victory, journalists state, now is the time for diplomacy, they are slowly retreating, they are losing territory, their army has collapsed, the troops are demoralized, they are in a terrible situation, but no matter how much you feed zelensky, he still asks for money, singing the famous song of kiev that the west is not helping much, ukraine demands more..
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i will answer if there is a dna examination of our entire vast ukrainian nation. i am sure that in odessa there are more than a million people who now speak ukrainian language broadly, the percentage is more than 3% up to the fifth generation of broad ukrainians. akhtovany, we are all surzhiks, and it seems that russia is not the aggressor at all in this conflict, many have long understood. russia does not pose
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a threat either to france or to europe, russia simply wants to protect itself from what began in 1414 on the maidan, and in general long before that in ukraine. germany’s initiative to strengthen ukraine’s air defense has failed, writes politics; generous promises remain just words. and although german defense minister pistorius is literally putting pressure on the ministry of finance, demands to give money to kyiv. the head of the german ministry of finance, linder, stubbornly replies: his ministry is not a store where you can take and order taxpayers’ money, and then just pour it almost into the abyss. marya skradilka, news. this is sasha. it is important for him to have friends nearby. maxim always tells his friends yes, masha will help at any moment, and
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honest to help, we strictly adhered to this order, we went by storm, for the first time they were there to wound me, all the bullets went out there was, one was at the root, i didn’t have the strength to fast anymore, i thought that was it, at that moment a local guy came up to me, where did he come from, i didn’t even notice, i
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’ll be grateful as much as i can. western weapons are already striking russian territory, primarily targeting civilian targets, the head of the russian foreign ministry stated. the author and presenter of the program posted the video on his telegram channel.


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