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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 24, 2024 4:00pm-4:30pm MSK

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[000:00:00;00] ukrainian military intelligence was involved in the terrorist attack in crocus cityhole, said the head of the fsb , alexander bortnikov, as well as the director of the svr , naryshkin, and the geography of the activities of those behind this tragedy is much wider than the cis, we are studying the statement of the heads of the special services. like a soldier in the ssu who came to surrender in a tank, the method of escaping from death is reliable, fast and safe. directly on the t-64 tank he drove into the russian one. positions, chronicles of a special military operation from our military observer. ukraine wants to expand kharkov, and not in breadth, but in depth. the mayor's office presented a plan for an underground city that will appear directly under the center. the idea will cost 225 million euros, but where can they get it while military operations, mobilization are ongoing, and the economy is completely dependent on the west, or is this just another corrupt plan? and prices
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for strawberries. increased by about 20%, one of the reasons for the frost in early may. experts warn that this is not the limit, but when should we expect the next batch of harvest and should we expect a price reduction? there are no unresolved issues in relations between russia and belarus, and if something needs to be agreed upon, this will be done at the negotiations in minsk, vladimir stated. performance of the russian anthem and, together with alexander lukashenko, went to negotiations at the palace of independence. we always have two parts: security and
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economic issues. we have always put off economic issues for consideration by our governments, but today is precisely the occasion to hear what has already been done in connection with our instructions, and one and a half or two issues that we would need to resolve, we will also listen to experts, they will report to us, we v constant contact, namely in constant communication and we meet regularly. well , there are always milestone moments, we now have the opportunity to assess what has been done, what is happening now and what should be done, in the near future to outline specific joint steps for our movement forward, for the development of our state. the terrorist attack in crocus is an attempt
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by the west to subjugate the post-soviet space. its influence, all these topics were discussed by the heads of security agencies and intelligence services of the cis countries. the meeting took place in bishkek. and as fsb director alexander bortnikov stated, he believes that the russian country has information that the preparation of financing and the attack on crocus city hall itself was coordinated by members of the veloyat khrasan group, a branch of isis banned in russia. at the same time, bortnikov emphasized that although the investigation is still ongoing, we can confidently say that ukrainian military intelligence was involved in the terrorist attack. we are currently establishing the entire circle of those involved in the crime; more than twenty persons have already been detained, including the direct perpetrators and accomplices. in during the investigation, including with the direct assistance of our colleagues from kazakhstan, kyrgyzstan, tajikistan and uzbekistan, it was established that preparatory actions, financing, attack and departure of terrorists were coordinated via the internet by members
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of the group. according to the head of the russian foreign intelligence service, sergei naryshkin, the attack on crocus is not just another attempt by
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russia’s opponents to destabilize the situation in... yes, denis, we are welcome, if we dwell on the statements of the ministry of defense, what they say in the department? yes, greetings, the russian ministry of defense today summed up the work of our groups over the past week; three settlements in the zone of responsibility
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of the south group were liberated. footage has appeared from one of them, kleshcheevka, showing how our artillery is carrying out targeted strikes on the positions of the ukrainian armed forces. it is a well-known fact that high-precision laser projectiles are often used. guidance krasnopol fpv drones are regularly connected to support our assault groups, it is clear that the militants retreated in a hurry, abandoning the wounded, dead, and the apotheosis of the cleansing of the settlement and its complete transition under russian control was the appearance of the tricolor and the victory banner. within a week, a unit of the southern group of troops actively liberated three settlements: belogorovka, kleshcheevka and andreevka of the donetsk people's republic. continued to advance into the depths of the enemy's defense. they defeated the manpower and equipment of seven brigades of the ukrainian armed forces and four brigades of the defense forces. the enemy lost in a week up to 3,285 military personnel, seven tanks, 13 armored combat vehicles,
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46 vehicles, 32 field artillery guns, of which 27 were western-made. in addition, 10 field ammunition depots of the ukrainian armed forces were destroyed. and here are also interesting shots from the donetsk direction, it is no secret that vsushniki are surrendering in batches on all fronts, turning on the radio, calling the call sign, the famous volga, forward with their hands raised towards the russian military. but to do this on a tank, of which vysushnikov is already in short supply. the ukrainian tankman thought of everything in advance, agreed with our soldiers, grabbed the tank so that everything it looked like going on a combat mission, in
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the end the wind blew higher, and hello, new life. kharkov region, zone of responsibility of the north group, russian k-52 and mi-35 helicopters struck with unguided missiles at ukrainian armed forces strongholds; on the ground, the advance of our troops is supported by artillerymen. stormtroopers are establishing themselves meter by meter in the vicinity of volchansk. during the week , units of the north group of forces, as a result of active actions, liberated the village of staritsa, kharkov region, and continued to advance into the depths of the defense. the enemy, defeated the manpower and equipment of five brigades of the armed forces of ukraine and four brigades of the teroborona, repelled 23 counterattacks of assault groups of the armed forces of ukraine in the areas of the settlements of glubokoe, tikhoe, libtsy and volchansk, kharkov region. enemy losses for
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the week amounted to 1,840 military personnel, six tanks, eight armored combat vehicles, 40 vehicles, four grad and vampire rszzo combat vehicles, as well as 37 field artillery guns. but in these frames , the arrival of the russian lancet is delicately worked out according to the ukrainian artillery installation outside kharkov. the pilots quickly hit military targets in the city itself. tactical aviation and crews of iskander complexes. during this week, the russian armed forces carried out 49 group strikes, hitting military airfield infrastructure, important railway junctions, and drone production workshops. well, what's in kyiv? in kiev, meanwhile, our high-precision strikes on exclusively military targets are framed as a total threat to the civilian population. they don’t miss the opportunity to get rich for this cause, they work hard on the project. so-called underground
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city, and are you ready to accept investments from western friends? the unexpected plan was announced by the mayor of kharkov. igor terikhov, during a national telethon on may 23, announced his intention to build an underground city, and they want to place it directly under the central part of kharkov itself, according to the mayor, they are already looking for investors to implement such an ambitious plan, the project itself is already ready. it was designed by local architects in collaboration. with the world famous british bureau of norman foster. they want to call the announced underground city with an area of ​​more than 236,000 m2 shelter park. how else do you say it in english? and you can get into it through a metro station. as the same mayor igor terikhov said, the project includes schools, medical institutions, shopping centers, parking lots, and co-working sites. the cost of implementing the idea will be named and required. 225 million euros. and
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currently the kharkov authorities are looking for people willing to invest this money in this rather bold project. what's there to hide? as mayor terikhov noted, the underground plan the city is ready. the grandiose initiative of the mayor of kharkov was immediately criticized. they began to call it nothing more than a method of money laundering, and with foreign participation. they will not give money for two reasons: firstly, it is quite obvious that this idea is meaningless. in the conditions where the war zone is approaching the city, it is quite stupid to build some kind of underground structures, well, in a zone in the zone of artillery fire, and secondly, it is completely clear that this money will be cut up, but what about in the caucasian captive , there i threw three kebabs into abyss, it’s clear that the europeans won’t finance such a cut of money, well , a little of the company that... was developing a project for an underground city in kharkov. let us note that this is a british architectural firm, well
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known worldwide, foster partners, its founder norman foster, who is also called the hi-tech guru. the company appeared in 1967 and since then, led by its founder, has designed many iconic buildings and structures in different countries. so, the recognizable work of the architect norman foster is the renovation of the reistag building in germany, a popular skyscraper in london, which is also called the gherkin building. this is the famous suspension bridge millennium edition headquarters. that the decision on the use of their weapons
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has not yet been made, they talked for a very long time about what they do not encourage, then they said that they do not allow, then again they advise not to use, but in fact they are waging a war against us, american weapons have already been used on a variety of objects outside the conflict zone, which is why the americans are trying.
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interest at sea. with sberbank, everyone can profitably increase their savings. open a deposit with the best interest brokerage account and... receive three sber shares as a gift. in sberbank it is more profitable with prime. when you're an adult, it's so easy to forget that joy lives within us and doesn't need a reason. joy can be found in every moment. and see it where you don't expect it. the holy spring fills life with joyful moments. a source of joy for you. it is necessary to create an independent payment system in the cis, russian prime minister mikhail mishustin stated this in ashgabat at a meeting of the heads of government of the commonwealth. dmitry morocco followed the negotiations. yes, dmitry, welcome, and how is trade developing in the cis countries now?
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hello, last year trade turnover increased by almost 6%. the key task for cis participants is to deepen economic ones. ties primarily in the field of food, technological and energy security, mikhail mishustin announced this at a meeting of the commonwealth countries in vashkhabad. according to him, despite external pressure, last year the trade turnover of the cis countries increased by 5.8%, and in january-march of this year it added another 6.5 %. trade in services and the volume of direct investment are growing, and the free trade agreement gives a serious impetus to this. on june 5 it comes into force for belarus and
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kyrgyzstan. following the meeting, representatives of the cis countries signed a number of documents, including the concept of cooperation in the energy sector for the period until 2035. it concerns the main directions and mechanisms of interaction between countries in the field of technology and is aimed at strengthening joint positions in the global energy market. a search is underway in the states. more efficient sources of energy through decarbonization and increasing environmental friendliness , taking into account the capabilities of low -carbon development tools, becomes an important condition for maintaining the competitiveness of the cis member states in the global energy market in the context of the global energy transition. concept of cooperation between cis member states in
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the energy sector until 2035 and a plan of priority measures for its implementation are strategic documents. the meeting participants also adopted an action plan to optimize infrastructure and develop international transport corridors passing through the territories of the cis countries. the document assumes a significant increase in commodity prices. flows in the period up to 2030, additionally worthy of the most serious attention are such elements as the formation in the cis transport space of a digital environment for interaction between participants in the transportation process using digital accompanying documents. definition priority areas of work on interstate standardization in the field of maintenance, repair, modernization and development of infrastructure. of international importance. in ashgabat, prime minister mikhail mishustin also met with president of turkmenistan
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serdar berde-mukhamedov. during the negotiations , they discussed the development of mutually beneficial cooperation between our countries. bilateral trade turnover is growing steadily. in the first quarter of 2024, it increased by 22%, which is approximately 18 billion rubles. but according to the russian prime minister, that’s all not enough yet. the potential for relationships in the trade and economic sphere is much higher. cooperation. should develop at the level of individual regions; now, among the leaders in terms of trade volumes with turkmenistan are st. petersburg, tatarstan and the astrakhan region. the growth of our trade and economic cooperation continues steadily. in the first quarter of 2024 it amounted to 22%, but this is approximately 18 billion rubles. which i think is not enough. we need to work harder on our investment relationships. developed in the trade and economic sphere, in the scientific and technological sphere, and in the cultural and humanitarian sphere. it is also already
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known that the next meeting of the council of heads of government of the cis should take place on november 7-8 in russia, which chairs the commonwealth this year. and now the latest data from the russian ministry of defense. from may 18 to may 24, armed. the forces of the russian federation carried out 49 group strikes with precision weapons and unmanned aerial vehicles, as a result of which military airfield infrastructure was damaged enemy, a storage place for missiles, ammunition fuel, a workshop for the production of unmanned boats and unmanned aerial vehicles. in addition, points of temporary deployment of the armed forces of ukraine, foreign mercenaries of nationalist formations, as well as enterprises were hit. military-industrial complex of ukraine. within a week, a unit of the eight north group, as a result of active actions , liberated the village of staritsa
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, kharkov region, and continued to advance into the depths of the enemy’s defense. defeated manpower and equipment of five brigades of the armed forces of ukraine and four brigades of military defense. 23 counterattacks of assault groups of the armed forces of ukraine were repelled in the areas of the settlements deep, quiet, leptsy and volchansk, kharkov. areas. enemy losses in a week in this direction amounted to 1,840 military personnel, six tanks, eight armored combat vehicles, 40 vehicles, four combat vehicles of multiple launch rocket systems, hail and vampire, as well as 37 field artillery guns. howl faction unit the west occupied more advantageous positions, and also defeated the formation of four mechanized brigades of the armed forces
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of ukraine. 13 armored combat vehicles, 46 vehicles, 32 field artillery guns, of which 27 were western-made. in addition, 10 field ammunition depots of the ukrainian armed forces were destroyed. a unit of the military center group improved the situation along the front line, defeated the formation of nine formations of the armed forces of the national guard of ukraine, repelled 41 counterattacks of assault groups of eight brigades armed forces of ukraine in the regions. settlements of shumy, nitaylovo, novokalinovo, umanskoye, ocheretina, arkhangelskoye and solovyovo, donetsk people's republic. in a week in this direction , the ukrainian armed forces lost up to 2,770 military personnel, a tank, 26 vehicles, 35 field artillery pieces and 20 armored combat vehicles, including four mardor infantry combat vehicles
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(made in germany), as well as five combat vehicles, bradley infantry and three maxpro armored personnel carriers made in the usa. units of the vostok group of forces have improved their tactical the situation was defeated by the manpower and equipment of the motorized infantry brigade of the armed forces of ukraine, the teroborona brigade. nine counterattacks of assault groups of the mechanized brigade of the armed forces of ukraine, the teroborona brigade, as well as the national guard of ukraine were repelled in the areas of the settlements of vladimirovka, staromaiskoe and urozhaynaya of the donetsk people's republic. enemy losses in a week in this direction amounted to 920 military personnel, 13 armored combat vehicles, 39 vehicles, as well as 18 field artillery guns, of which 10 were western production. units of the eight dnepr group inflicted defeats on the personnel and equipment of two marine brigades, three brigades of the ukrainian armed forces, two teroboron formations, as well as a brigade
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of the national guard of ukraine. over the course of a week, the enemy lost up to 350 military personnel, three tanks, two combat and armored vehicles, 35 vehicles, two grad multiple launch rocket system combat vehicles, as well as 24 field artillery guns, including seven m777 howitzers made in the usa, and towed howitzer fh70 made in great britain. air defense aircraft shot down two aircraft within a week. 18 hamer guided bombs made in france, 13 harm anti-radiation missiles made in the usa, a neptune anti-ship missile, 91 hymers, vampire and alha missiles, as
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well as 356 unmanned aerial vehicles. within a week , 67 ukrainian military personnel surrendered on the line of combat contact; in total, since the beginning of the special operation, the following were destroyed: 603 aircraft, 274 helicopters, 24,590 unmanned aerial vehicles aircraft, 524 anti-aircraft missile systems, 16,149 tanks and other armored combat vehicles, 1,311 combat vehicles of multiple launch rocket systems. 9,802 field artillery guns and mortars, as well as 21,966 units of special military vehicles, so colorful,
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bright, interesting, breathtaking, jokes, humor, everything is very cool. example , aliens will arrive, such a rich film, these sounds, this whole look, many analogies, of course, with a soviet film, i would not call it a remake, a reshoot, the film is absolutely on your own, left me, this is an adventure, this is a very interesting comedy, you don’t have a chance, in general you were completely delighted, listen, well, this is cool, wonderful, just like that. love, romance, that right now, yes, i’m going to cry now, it’s tears, it’s just world class, but very cool, i’m proud, it was something straight, the whole film in


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