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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 24, 2024 4:30pm-5:00pm MSK

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so colorful, bright, interesting, breathtaking, jokes, humor, everything is very cool, well, for example, aliens will arrive, such a rich film, these sounds, this whole view, many analogies, of course, with a soviet film, i would i didn’t call it a remake, a reshoot, the film is completely independent, uh, from me it’s an adventure, it’s a very interesting comedy, you don’t have a chance, in general you were completely delighted, listen, well, it’s cool, wonderful, that’s it, love, romance, that right now, yes, i’m going to cry now, this is a tear, this is just global levels, but very cool, i’m proud, it was something, a film in one breath,
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we’ll meet in the future, 100 years in the future, it’s clear to everyone that russia is not a country of gas stations, take russian digital solutions to new heights, there is a prospect, even more brutal , yes, ours are more brutal, there will be more than exactly what the numbers help, you have the incomparable originality of your questions, and what about production in general with... acceptance of exports, what is it, our product.
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we will take on this case, it will be an honest detective story.
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well, now about the weather, due to the stormy wind today the work of ferries and boats in crimea was suspended, while in the regions of southern russia there are warnings about high and extremely high fire danger due to the heat of the drought, more about this: yes, evgenia, live. hello, how long will this storm last and will the heat increase in other regions of russia? what are the forecasts? good afternoon, colleagues, sunday promises to be the hottest day in the middle latitudes, and today , in addition to the south, yakutia also surprised us with warm and windy weather. a dust storm almost disrupted the holiday in honor of last call in the yakutsk regional center of barogontsy. a small death unfolded in a matter of minutes. meters from the open area where
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the ceremonial line was held, the stage design was disrupted. let us remember that such vortices appear due to uneven heating of air layers, usually in hot weather, but the thermometer in yakutia only according to official measurements at the weather station rose above +26. the wind knocked us off our feet today on the way to the ceremonial line of school graduates from novorossiysk. nord-oz has come to the city. maximum impulses for this at the moment there were 22. in anapa, boat trips were canceled and the celebration on the embankment and zanenasti was suspended. the wine festival suspended its activities today because the wind was like... look, the structure there
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has already fallen, it’s just a strong wind, that ’s the situation. in the south, the wind is now intensifying, gusting to 18-23 m/s, at 28 m/s. and on saturday, despite the sunny weather, especially in the crimea in the kuban, the stormy wind will continue, and will begin to subside only with the onset of sunday. in yalta, by according to the latest data, the wind accelerates to 23 m/s. at the same time, the air warmed up to +25, and the water - to 18°. but going into the sea from... stormy weather will be dangerous today and tomorrow, while the thermometer will rise to +22, the sunny weather will remain, on sunday due to thickening clouds it will become a couple of degrees fresher, while the wind will no longer subside will bother local residents and vacationers. an unusual incident
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was recorded today in the moscow district of novogireev. i decided to cool off in the local pond elk, and the animal did not want to leave the pond for quite a long time. by the way, we even had to involve the police, i note that household thermometers showed the sun at +25.26 already at the beginning of the day, and the maximum temperature , according to the main weather station of the capital vdnkh, has already exceeded +20 for 8 days in a row. it has been even warmer in recent days in the north-west of our country. it is there that motorists are increasingly encountering entire herds of moose. perhaps, due to abnormally high daytime temperatures, the sugared ones prefer to leave forests. in the evening or at night. over the weekend , the undisputed dominance of the anticyclone will remain in the vast expanses of central russia, the center of which will shift to the black earth. this means that from the pskov region to the donbass and between the don and the volga the weather will remain million-per -million, that is, clear, without precipitation, summer-like
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warmth with a temperature paradox from +22 in the south to +27° in the north. at the same time , a cold atmospheric front will fall through the russian north, the line of which with ... intense showers and gusty winds will lie by the middle of the day through st. petersburg, vologda, kirov, per, due to which there will be a collapse of arctic air in the arctic, the thermometer readings will plummet by almost 15° and will not exceed +5 -10. in some places, precipitation will occur in a mixed phase. there will be local short-lived rains in kuban, stavropol and the republics of the north caucasus. today in the capital of our homeland it is sunny, well, by 15 o’clock the air has warmed up to... on saturday it is also partly cloudy and dry, in the morning it will not be lower than +8-10, but during the day it will warm up to the climatic indicators of july +23.25, on sunday night + 10:12, after noon +24.26, there may be
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short rain in places. the beginning of next week starts with fine, comfortable weather conditions, in the daytime + 23-25 ​​and then with warming. by the way, the surface layer of water on the river. moscow in the zvenigorod petrova dalne section warmed up to 17°. we can confidently say that meteorological summer has finally arrived without turning a corner. children are growing up, we need new solutions, such as a children's sber card, limited design, free registration. access to a sim card with a wow tariff, a month of communication free and 100 gb - full control of my expenses. now we return to the president’s visit to belarus, footage from minsk.
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earth's surface. returning to the ground, i will outline a number of other priority areas that require close attention. industry. in this area, we plan to continue specific work on the implementation of joint import-substituting projects in microelectronics, mechanical engineering, machine tool manufacturing, and military-technical cooperation. in other words, in directions that ensure the achievement of the goals of technological sovereignty, economic security of our states. all decisions, you and i,
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have made the appropriate decision, i think the government
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will finalize these agreements in this direction in the coming days, we have examined all the nuances in detail, and belarus is also ready to continue working with russian companies in the field of nuclear energy. the experience of constructing a belarusian nuclear power plant has opened up new opportunities for the further development of these technologies, training of qualified personnel and even...
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between our regions has provided a significant increase in mutual trade. on june 27-28 , planned events will be held in vitebsk (june), polotsk and novopolotsk as part of the next forum of regions. it is with great pleasure that i invite you, vladimir vladimirovich, and your colleagues to this forum. i think closer to this event we will agree depending.
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you have vladimir vladimirovich, please, yeah, and dear alexander grigorievich, once again i want to thank you on behalf of the russian delegation for the invitation, this. our meeting is natural, we meet regularly, but after the elections of the president of the russian federation and the formation of the russian government, of course, it was necessary to gather in such a composition, a broad composition, in order to outline the next milestones of our mutual development, you mentioned investment activities,
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i believe that this is one of our most important areas, bearing in mind, that we , of course... must focus primarily on the priority areas of our cooperation, and these priority areas, first of all, of course , are high technologies, everything connected with this, the future is certainly for these, and we have accumulated quite a lot of potential in this area, we just spoke in a narrow group about the fact that the most important thing for all of us is to look for priority areas in the field of these high technologies and help each other develop these competencies, especially since in connection with with the so-called sanctions, more of them were introduced against russia than against anyone else in the world, 16 thousand different ones, they create certain problems, of course, we see it, we feel it, but they create certain opportunities for us for development , there,
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where we have lost previously existing competencies, we are quickly restoring them, boards, we also spoke about this in detail in a narrow meeting, there are certain agreements, i have no doubt that they will all be implemented, and colleagues have certain instructions to finalize those issues that are before until now have been unfinished, these are actually details, there is nothing significant there,
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the rhythmic work of the relevant enterprises in the field of technology.
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this should be done further, because a significant volume of trade turnover is concentrated in at the regional level, in the regional dimension , it is of great importance when there is no need to push anyone from the center, when people simply work with each other because it is profitable, thank you very much for the invitation, alexander grigorievich, we will certainly
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take advantage of this and will support this direction of our interactions, there are. one more, one more area, which in modern conditions is extremely important, is ensuring defense and security, but these are always issues that are in the field of view of the president of belarus and in my opinion, my colleagues from both sides and i always do this, especially recently, it’s all relevant, bearing in mind the direction that has been chosen. the western community in relation to both belarus and russia, unconditional hostility, attempts to restrain our development and damage our sovereignty. nothing has worked out for anyone in this regard so far, i’m sure nothing will work out, here we feel absolutely confident, reliable, and we will
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strengthen our interaction in these most important areas of activity, there are also one important area is the construction of a union state, colleagues at the government level have done a lot recently in order to create conditions for... for our further cooperation in the field of economics in the field of politics, good tools have been created here for further development these plans, we will soon celebrate the anniversary of the creation of the union state, and this will also strengthen our interaction, which will certainly benefit the development of our states. strengthen well-being of citizens of belarus and citizens of the russian federation, i thank you for
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your attention, if there is a need, i am ready to give the floor to my colleagues, we agreed, if anyone wants to speak out in this format, this was a broadcast from the belarusian capital, negotiations between the presidents began in minsk russia and belarus in an expanded format. children are growing up, we need new solutions, such as a children's sber card, limited design, free registration, access to a sim card with a wow tariff, a month of communication for free and 100 gb, full control of my expenses payment sticker, apply now. children's savings card: an adult approach, an egoist, it means that i already have heartburn from it, it burns,
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of heartburn. the ruling party in georgia announced that next monday it will launch a procedure to override the presidential veto regarding the law on foreign agents. which was previously approved by parliament. let me remind you that the law will oblige ngos and media with foreign funding to register as foreign agents. in addition to the president and local opposition, the law is opposed by the united states, which has promised to impose sanctions. relations between deputies from georgia, and eu representatives began to threaten the kruzian leadership with physical violence. more details about everything. stanislav berdvalt. passions over georgia are exactly how the western media characterize the recent loud statements of american and european politicians on regarding the law on foreign influence adopted by the parliament of the republic. and these passions are heating up. the state debt, represented by antony blinken , announced the beginning of the introduction of sanctions,
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both personal and state. i am announcing a new policy to restrict visas for those responsible for undermining democracy in georgia, including georgia dream's proposed foreign influence act. in turn, deputies from the georgian people's force party immediately responded to blinkin's words: if georgia has to make a choice between strengthening sovereignty with american visas, then the country's authorities will make the only right choice. deputies and their family members should be punished for loving theirs. homeland strengthening the sovereignty of georgia. i do not expect that such a strict decision will be made, but if the choice nevertheless arises between strengthening the sovereignty of the homeland and air tickets and visas, then the choice will certainly be made in favor of the homeland. it seems that the state debt has seriously taken on georgia, according to the same blinkin, in addition to personal sanctions and restrictions for those who took part in creation of the foreign influence act, the united states begins a comprehensive review
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of bilateral cooperation between. two countries, according to the secretary of state, washington hopes that georgian leaders will revise the law in order to promote democratic and euro-atlantic aspirations, we are not talking about georgia abandoning the union with the united states there, but it turns out that simple loyalty to the west is not enough, and to the west it is also necessary for everyone to simply run on tiptoe and carry out his every order. that's simple at the snap of a finger, even if these orders obviously contradict the interests of the country. meanwhile, direct threats are already flying from europe after the adoption of the scandalous law, and not just anyone, against the prime minister of georgia irakl kabakhidze, as he stated on the website of the georgian government, one of the european commissioners threatened him and reminded him of the assassination attempt on the prime minister of slovakia robert fitz. in conditions of blatant blackmail, the threat made during a telephone conversation with one of the european commissioners was.
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shocking. particularly when talking to me the european commissioner listed a number of measures that western politicians could take after overriding the veto on the transparency law and while listing these measures, he mentioned: “you saw what happened with fitz, you should be very careful.” already today, european commissioner oliver varhelyi on the official website of the european union stated that part of his words during a telephone conversation with the prime minister of georgia about the assassination attempt on the head of government of slovakia were taken out. i felt the need to draw the prime minister's attention to the importance of not exacerbating the already fragile situation by adopting this law, which could lead to further aggravation of an already fragile situation, leading to possible uncontrollable situations on the streets of tbilisi. in this regard , i cited the latest tragic event in slovakia as an example and indication of what such a high level of tension in society, even in europe, can lead to. according to
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research by sociologists, 60%.


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