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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 24, 2024 6:00pm-6:31pm MSK

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we were preparing for these frosts, and smoked, sprayed, and used amino acid growth regulators, but from may 6 to 7 the frost was -6°, this has not happened for a long time at the peak of flowering, usually frosts begin around 2:00 a.m. and end at 5 o'clock: 00 am, this time i switched to minus at about 9:00 pm, besides , this year it was a very early spring in early april, even summer everything started to grow 2 weeks ahead. the prices for strawberries did not deter buyers, as experts note, the most active sales period was strawberries fell in the second ten days of may. during this period, sales figures exceeded last year's level by 70-80%. an increase in sales of strawberries, like blueberries, is observed in moscow's large cities in the centers of attraction in the centers of attraction of tourist flow. prices have already begun to gradually decline due to the increase in assortment, well, besides, as stated by the ministry of agriculture and food of the moscow region, the strawberry harvest is in the moscow region. may, overseas, well,
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they won’t affect it in any way, the berry, the berry will go to on the counter by the end of june. 18:00 in moscow, russia 24, we continue. development of cooperation between russia and belarus , interaction within the framework of the union state. security issues and the second. the base for nuclear exercises between the two countries is on the agenda today in minsk, where vladimir putin arrived on a two-day visit. the program began with the laying of flowers at the memorial by the hero of the great patriotic war. then the leaders of the two countries went to negotiations in a narrow format, then in a wider format. our colleague natalya solovyova is closely following the progress of the meetings; she joins us. natalya, welcome, tell us what areas of cooperation are the priorities of the two countries today. yes, colleagues, hello, let me tell you about everything in order. so, a two-day visit and extremely
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intense negotiations took place in a narrow and broad format, where the key issues were economics and security. it is now impossible to imagine one without the other, so both states are ready to strengthen defense cooperation; we treat the security of belarus in exactly the same way as we treat the security of the russian federation. and this, probably,
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the same exercises are taking place in which nato countries are involved, on whose territory american tactical nuclear weapons are located, so all this is happening as planned, and we are not forcing anything here, but as was said, everything must be worked out, this such an area where no failures, no mistakes, no coherence can be allowed, representatives. everything that happens on the borders of the union state is clearly visible to moscow and minsk; the leaders discussed in detail the formation of a single defense space synchronous exercise of non-strategic nuclear forces. military coordination is needed not in order to strike, but in order not to miss it. we have created a joint group to protect the union state, we constantly.
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we cannot miss this blow, as it happened in the middle of the last century, we will not allow this, they should know about it, but we are not escalating the situation, we do not need war, the journalist was asked at the final press conference about the future relationship between moscow and kiev, russia has never given up negotiations with ukraine, vladimir putin repeated again. the president believes that the answer to the question of the legitimacy of the authorities in ukraine, of course, must be sought in the country’s constitution, but...
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the conference that was announced, the conference in switzerland, it just ended, i think that one of the goals is so that the western community, the sponsors of today's kiev regime, confirm the legitimacy of the current head of state or an inactive one, but this is pr.
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the death of ibrahim raisia ​​may affect vladimir putin also answered the question, how are russian-iranian relations? as for iran's foreign policy, this is a sovereign decision of iran itself, iran is a major original one.
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completed, but clearly this is not the last contact with alexander lukashenko this year, because ahead is the anniversary of the union state, 25 years of cooperation and mutual understanding. yes, a quarter of a century. thank you. natalya solovyova spoke about the most important statements that were made today in minsk, where
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vladimir putin arrived on a visit. international court of justice obliged israel to stop the military operation in the city of rafah in the south of the gaza strip, announced this. on may 7, idf forces began to launch a large-scale operation in this city. i will add that formally it is considered that the decision of an international court is binding on all un member countries. in practice, the state often ignores
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the regulations. in this case, the plaintiffs have the right to file complaints with the un security council. it's hard not to notice the legendary alfabank credit card. with a whole year without interest on all purchases, you get a superkick in rubles every month, withdraw cash for free from any atm, it’s not just profitable, it’s alpha profitable! attacking credit card debt? i ’ll show you a couple of tricks: we collect all credit card debts in one go, conveniently pay off them within 24 months, and don’t forget about installment purchases! kholva - simple installment plans! thanks to shopping at the megamarket, someone will reach the finish line first, someone will create comfort in
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is on the verge of death, he writes about it today the uk edition of garden. the author of the article notes: russian forces are moving forward, the kiev regime does not have enough people, and many western countries are not eager to increase military support for the armed forces of ukraine, and even when washington and brussels demand such assistance, nothing is pushed and nothing changes. natalya goncharova will tell you why. with the upcoming elections to the european parliament, the number of people who condemn ukraine’s support in the war with russia is growing. on the morning broadcast of the hungarian radio herado, viktor orban said that budapest is in a difficult situation. the country is trying to remind europe about the nato charter, it says in black and white: the military-political bloc was created for the purposes of self-defense, but now nato is trying to involve its members in confrontations with a country that is not part of the bloc, thereby violating its own charter all this is being done.
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and washington, but rather in brussels than in washington, this is a kind of preparation . i think that what is happening today in brussels is the mood for a possible immediate conflict. you can calmly say that it’s coming preparations for europe's entry into the war, this happens in the media in statements by politicians. according to orban, european countries are now torn apart by internal problems. ukrainians do not know about defeating russia, but europe, understanding the difficult situation kiev is in, is not going to take a step back. on the contrary, the day before, former british prime minister boris johnson received members of the azov terrorist organization in parliament. the british politician stands with the neo-nazis, unfurling their flag and calls them terrorists.
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heroes. here are the shots. i thank the heroes from the azov brigade. at the russian embassy. in london reacted to the hospitable reception of members of a terrorist organization in the british parliament. the grotesque spectacle of militants from the neo-nazi azov brigade, which was greeted with applause in the british parliament yesterday, is completely in bad taste. azov fell into disrepute throughout the world due to its widespread use of the fascist wolfsangel insignia, as well as heinous war crimes against civilians. maybe whether the entertainment of obvious fascists in the building. parliament to explain the documented rise in anti-semitism in the uk. meanwhile, germany and denmark handed over 10 more leopard tanks to kiev, and the pentagon reported that the first batch of ukrainian soldiers had completed training to operate the f-16. in total, the americans managed to train 12 ukrainian armed forces soldiers. despite the support
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of the nazis, the real situation of the ukrainian army is deplorable. the hill reports that ukrainian armed forces soldiers are demoralized. may attack in a few years, some say 3:4, others five, it will be ready to attack nato, and that it has such an intention, arose only in october-november last year. why did she appear? because it became clear to even the stupidest experts that the ukrainian offensive had failed, and this had a significant impact on the military situation between ukraine and russia. well, the americans
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are starting to openly neglect kiev. joe biden is likely to skip the peace summit in switzerland, bloomberg reports. instead , he will go to raise money for his election campaign in california, closer to hollywood stars. a meme even appeared on social networks, where the forty-sixth american leader turns towards the beautiful julia roberts, who plans to come to a meeting with politicians. behind is the dissatisfied face of vladimir zelensky. there are jokes on the internet that joe made the right choice. natalya goncharova, lead. a congress of foreign agents was held in lvov. it was attended by those who left russia, including those recognized as extremists and terrorists. the meeting was called a forum of the russian opposition. at the same time , the kiev authorities did not particularly appreciate the initiative. the mayor of lvov even threatened to contact law enforcement agencies. anastasia ivanova has details. the forum of the so -called russian opposition, based on the fact of
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a meeting of fugitives against agents, is taking place, as always , not in russia, because the participants have not belonged to our country for a long time, and even from the wonderful ones. arrived in lvov, led by the terrorists panomariov, apparently trying to enlist support from the kiev regime, for which they so stubbornly stand up with their chests, but they were met with a kick. so the mayor of lvov was surprised and indignant that quote: some kind of opposition is gathering in their city. sadovoi suggested that this probably a joke, he asked to find out why they came in the first place. it turned out, as usual,
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to overthrow the russian government while sitting in a circle abroad. for svidomo ukrainians, banderaites, good russians. they don’t exist, but they do not hesitate to communicate with agents of western influence, especially if these agents, fugitive national traitors, provide financial assistance to the armed forces of ukraine, try to jump into the departing carriage in order to improve their financial situation and make some kind of groundwork for the future, but they are all they see how catastrophic the situation is, disastrous for the banderaites at the front, and in lvov they are trying to get closer to the polish border and... it’s more convenient to gather there, of course, than in kiev, before, for example, they gathered in kiev with the same composition, now just a little to the west, to the west, here the head of the guru of ukraine , who is also a terrorist, budanov , has to express support for ...
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the mood in ukraine, very supportive, he noted, praise to former russians is only for money, of course, i ask you not to be angry with the fact that in ukraine, or not to be offended by ukraine, that there is strong anti-russianism expressed here today is normal, psychologically it would be strange if this were not the case. several of their representatives tried to recruit criminals like themselves, they said that they needed war songs, creative acts, this is like those to supposedly cross the russian border, take a selfie and escape, apparently, the presence of scum from the legion of free russia, this is of course pr -promotion.
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please give the workshop a start, let's go! hooray! the largest production workshop in russia chemical plant protection products, where all
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production lines are fully automated. here are the final stages: receiving the finished packaging. shchelkovaya agrochem today has more than 170 drugs. plant protection from insect pests, protection from fungal diseases, means for pre-passive seed treatment. eight technological. eight types of products, which are nanotechnological products, can be prepared simultaneously. these are products with a low environmental and chemical load on the environment. products will be produced here which are very gentle on bees, which is very important in our country. these are products that have very low consumption rates and have little, so to speak , impact on the soil environment, and of course. products that we call, of course, innovative, created for the first time at the shchelkovo scientific center. 20 thousand tons of finished products per year is the capacity of just
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one new workshop, and the total productivity of the enterprise will reach 700 tons of plant protection products. the development fund helped to significantly expand production industry, the company managed to obtain 950 million rubles in the form of a soft loan. currently, plant protection chemicals are already available to manufacturers. all support measures that are intended for industrial enterprises, this includes preferential lending to the industrial development fund, this is a cluster investment platform, and measures to support exports, subsidize part of the costs of neo-krov, the share of domestic companies in this niche of the russian market today is 68%, 10 manufacturers are in the lead, in among the first shchelkovo agrochemical, and the company plans to expand its presence on the russian market from 9% to 30%, precisely by replacing the share of departed foreign competitors.
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once again i want to thank the entire chemical industry, you are great, well done, we are proud that in the moscow region there is a worthy advanced one. chemical plant protection products. today the company also operates in kazakhstan and uzbekistan, and now it will significantly increase supplies to algeria, morocco, turkey, serbia and the cis countries. order of merit for the fatherland from the president of the country was awarded to the director of the enterprise, salis karakotov, and the best employees for whom a new workshop is on the eve were awarded.
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to fill the missing labor force, building detachments couldn’t be better, it’s in the summer, it was you who passed the test without tails, suddenly, you left and are building something that will be remembered later, it was built by the students, and i , from the first day, for the birth of our student teams, a participant in this movement,
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saw a lot of people who, thanks to the student teams, became very necessary, outstanding people, they are good organizers, they are very reliable. in the coming months, students will work at various enterprises in the country, in summer children's camps, in tourism and construction, agriculture, and medical institutions. we go to work for 2 months in the summer at different sites, specifically service.
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the leader of the new people party, alexei nechaev , went to the kulakovo medical center today to discuss the new healthy generation party program with specialists. it was launched this year. the goal is to help mothers of newborns to provide them with what is necessary for the healthy development of the child. as the party leadership promises, in june they will be given free vitamin d. oh, what, the opinion is that time heals, 512 people, including 91 children, were found by search engines when they came across this execution pit, for connections with
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the partisans , were sorry. according to which at least 30 million slavs were subject to destruction. why is it important to recognize genocide specifically against the soviet people? because this is a historical fact. this work is extremely important especially today, when western politicians are trying to rewrite the results of the second world war. russia was the first to introduce a resolution on the inadmissibility of nazism. mostly europeans abstained. united states. voted against, in a very well-thought-out attack in the information field on our historical identity, because this is the basis of any national statehood. it is important that everyone involved in inhumane treatment of people is identified, even if these criminals are already dead. are you used to watching videos online? has it stopped working? we install. we open,
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