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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 24, 2024 7:00pm-7:31pm MSK

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beer tasting, unfortunately, well done to the chinese, things are comfortable, it looks like it’s time for taxi drivers to think about what other profession they will master in the future, which in fact has already arrived, but it’s too early for the happy owners of electric cars to relax, it’s nice when robots work hard, but everyone is responsible for their mistakes equal to a person. alena skachkov, vladimir shabbalin, andrey melnikov, lead the duty department. you can find out about the latest legal news around the clock in telegram channels conducted by the duty department and an honest detective. i was in the studio. see you at 21:30. i welcome you, dear friends, to our next release of the author's program.
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man, for which we are very grateful to you, but i want to warn you, maybe even please you, that now our besagon channel is on vkontakte, jena, odnoklassniki, so come and have a look, i will be very grateful to you for this, about which today we’ll talk, well, you yourself understand perfectly well that in this may the two most important events that took place were the seventy-ninth anniversary of the victory in...
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stalin understood that, of course, the top the reich, in the absence of hitler and bypassing the soviet union, would naturally begin to negotiate with our allies. there are many documents on this, that is, the west was ready to move closer to the nazis. many of the highest ranks of the reich smoothly flowed into nato, and we also know this very well. we remember that
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the rise of hitler was facilitated by ford and general motors, anglo-saxon politicians and bankers and the dulles brothers, we understand perfectly well that the victory over hitler’s germany, which fell mainly on the shoulders of the soviet union, our losses were almost 27 million lives, of course, did not bring us closer to... the anglo-saxons, and what’s more, there was even churchill’s absolutely inhuman idea, a plan that was called the unthinkable, to arm prisoners, military, captured soldiers, officers of the fermacht, throw an atomic a bomb on the soviet union, an already exhausted, bloodless country to take literally with bare hands, fortunately this did not happen, because by that time the soviet union had...
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the practicality of genocide owes a lot to his, that is, hitler, study of the history of england and u.s.a. by the way, this was said directly at the nuremberg trial, when alfred rosenberg was accused of authoring the racial theory, he said there at the renberg trial that this theory was not developed by him, it arose in the depths.
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the anglo-saxon world, but hasn’t this led our world today to the so-called new world order? you don’t have to call it fascism, but...
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and at the opening of the olympic games in paris in 2024, a unique spectacle awaits us: the olympic flame will be carried not by an athlete, not a scientist, not an outstanding figure, will be blamed by a transvestite, look at this phenomenon, and he will blame it. in heels 25 cm long, here we are laughing, yes, i can hear laughter, but you know, this laughter, it borders on horror, i can’t say it from the screen, but, but you will understand me, you know, this is the question
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ask, you guys haven’t eaten fish soup, you understand me, you don’t understand that it’s impossible for a man who declared himself a woman to go to a women’s room.
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not a holiday with tears in the eyes - this is different, it simply cannot be washed off, to unfortunately, it’s simple, it just can’t be washed away, it will just add another day of sorrow, precisely a day of sorrow, a day of repentance for ukraine, please note, veterans day is celebrated quite calmly in the united states, or bastille day in france, how many military parades all over the world, but... they don’t cause such rejection, such hatred, such sarcasm, they don’t cause, because it is the real victory of the soviet union and the soviet people over hitler’s germany that is unacceptable for our perception, so to speak,
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the civilized western world, they don’t want to remember, they are trying to belittle the importance of our country, they are even releasing medals to... the united states, great britain and france, we are not there, we are erased from memory. they are erasing us from history; they don’t want to see us as winners. in september 1919 , the european parliament recognized the ussr as being responsible for the outbreak of world war ii. this means that, in their opinion, we, along with nazi germany , are to blame for the deaths of up to 80 million people around the world, we are to blame for the holocaust, we is it just like that, a reservation, never mind, it’s under...
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even in cases where these actions are a war crime or misdemeanor, this is an order, it was signed on may 13 , 1941, and it was adopted by hitler’s personal order, that is impunity towards the civilian population... is embedded in the ideology, embedded in the rules, don’t we see that this is happening today before our eyes, and the worst thing, and this is a huge victory for the anglo-saxon world, is that russians are killing russians , that is, they succeeded push together, with our largely connivance , the slavic peoples, people who learned from the same
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corpses rotting on the ukrainian black soil, and this is really so, because with all
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the propaganda it is very difficult to understand why they are fighting, what they should die for, listen to the russian a soldier who speaks a language understandable to all sides, listen, russian-speaking ukrainians have a question: what are you fighting for, for freedom, we can bet you can’t leave the country for free. demobilization was also cancelled, that is, one way go, is this really freedom? for land, so your president sold your land, the land market, what is this? you can google who is the main beneficiary of the purchase of your land, for faith, they took away your faith.
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look at how and with what the ukrainians pay for every dollar invested by the anlasaks in this country, listen, in the newly liberated territories we came across quite interesting documents that indicate that organ transplantation in ukraine was put on stream, and
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the very first dorners were soldiers apu. each vssushnik, when he passed the medical examination, supposedly filled out this document, this is a document of consent for organ transplantation, a complete personal file was opened on him, so that if this person was dropped, it would be possible to understand which organ could be removed and which recipient it would be suitable for. the date here is worth one year, here all the people are essentially from the same unit, in fact the soldiers did not even know that they had given consent, because as we see, on all the documents there is such a stamp, it’s not even a signature, it’s just like a seal, it served a certain purpose a signal that yes, something can be taken from this person, he is healthy, he can fit many criteria for organs, according to prisoners of war of the ukrainian armed forces, medical personnel, namely foreign ones, were traveling in armored vehicles like these, namely foreign ones, these are germans and poles, at the sight of such a car, it immediately caused a feeling of panic among the soldiers, because in these
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cars came precisely those people who were engaged in analyzing seriously wounded soldiers for combat. an appeal was sent to the prosecutor general's office and the investigative committee of the russian federation. in addition, this appeal was sent to the ministry of justice of the united states, to the federal office of justice of germany, to the ministry of justice and public order of the republic of cyprus, and to the ministry of justice of the french republic. the statement is based
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on international law. this is very serious, very thoughtful. a very detailed document, which examines a huge number of terrorist financing schemes, terrorist acts themselves, look, the bombing of the nord stream, and the attempted murder of zakhar prilepin, the death of daria dugina, the murder of vladlen tatarsky, all these facts are described in our statement, biden’s son and biden himself . is a business partner of a company in ukraine, which donated a fairly impressive amount of money, including for an army of drones that are used to bomb our border territories and bomb donbass. we are talking about the famous biden family feeder, the ukrainian
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company burisma, founded by the former minister of natural resources of ukraine, nikolai zlachevsky. 2 months after the maidan in board of directors cia center joseph coferblack and ex-president of poland alexander kwasniewski. by that time , a corruption case was already being investigated against burisma. soon the country's new prosecutor general, viktor shokin, took over the matter. i have no doubt that burisma was engaged in illegal activities. and in order to hide from the investigation, zlocheevsky began.
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by a hidden court decision, a secret court decision that we provided, this money was transferred to the disposal of the gur military unit for carrying out terrorist activities, after which they began. explode there are northern streams, after that dugin’s terrorist attack was attached, a series of terrorist attacks began, so as if the whole chain of doubts was traced here
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, there is no doubt about it, the biden family, or rather the partners of the biden family, sponsored terrorism, evading responsibility for corruption, money laundering on the territory of ukraine, that is, at that time in 2014 , joe biden’s son, who at that moment... was obama’s vice president, is on the board of directors of the ukrainian gas production company burizma. you yourself understand perfectly well that this is already a violation when business politics is mixed, taking into account the ability of a high-ranking politician to influence his son’s business. and that’s when it turns out that burisma is in fact engaged in money laundering and transferring funds to offshore companies. and the then current prosecutor general of ukraine, viktor shokin, initiates a criminal case against burisma, well, everything seems to be legal, but it doesn’t
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work, it doesn’t work, because just like that, with one click, a person who has nothing to do with ukraine can remove prosecutor general, also boast about this... look, i received a promise from poroshenko and yatsenyuk that they would take action against the prosecutor, they didn’t do this, so they enter the press conference, and i’m like: no, we won’t give you billion dollars, they say: you don’t have such powers, you’re not the president, the president promised us, and i say, call him, i ’m telling you, you won’t get a billion dollars, i said, you won’t get a billion, i’m already leaving in 6 hours, looked at his watch, if the prosecutor is not fired in 6 hours, you will not get money, sons of bitches, and he was fired, isn’t this confirmation that
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zelensky is aware of everything, all the machinations that the bidens’ snake carried out, has the ability to blackmail them with this knowledge of his, why not, it’s quite possible, that’s the result april 9... based on the results of checking the application, the investigative committee of the russian federation opened a criminal case under the fourth part of article 205, paragraph one of the criminal code of the russian federation, financing of terrorism, they say that terrorism has no nationality, well, you know, by the way, we even argued with this, remember one of the episodes of our besogon.
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you can’t deceive all the people all the time, in this case we mean humanity as such, it’s impossible to deceive them all the time, i think,
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i hope, and how amazing it is, look how intertwined, how the events of today echo with the events of days gone by , look, compare the logic of another quote from... hitler. when assessing such actions, it must be taken into account that the defeat in 1918 year, the subsequent period of suffering of the german people, as well as the struggle against national socialism, which required countless bloody sacrifices, were the result of bolshevik influence, which not a single german has forgotten, that is, in all troubles. and
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here we must be on the same side. and look at what, what an ominous circle that arises in general, in this whole situation. for example, recently in the city of rivne one of the few remaining monuments in honor of the victory over hitler’s germany was demolished; it was called the monument of eternal glory. here look, under the vicon, this monument is being torn apart amid laughter. and they promise the metal it
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was made of. germany may cast bullets that will be used to kill the descendants of those who won this war, their own, their own, just imagine the ominousness of this situation, but unfortunately, the trouble is that... that we ourselves give the occasion with our own hands and actions for distortion and distortion of real history, take at least the katyn case, i want to remind you that in 1943 the german ministry of propaganda, under the leadership of goebbels, reported that in the kotinsky forest
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in the smolensk region, a commission led by academician nikolai burden began. while hiding these burials , german bullets were found. in addition, letters that were written after the arrival of the germans. the commission came to the conclusion that the dead were prisoners who did not have time to be evacuated during the retreat; they ended up in territory occupied by the germans and were shot by the nazis. the katyn massacre
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appears in... the indictment of the international tribunal in nuremberg. section three. war crimes are exactly what it sounds like. in in september 1941, in the katyn forest, near smolensk, the nazis carried out mass murders of polish captured officers. well, in principle one could put an end to this, but then the nineties come and april 13, 1990. yes, the president of the soviet union, mikhail gorbachev, handed over to the president of poland, wojciech jeruzelski, who arrived in moscow, nkvd transfer lists with captured poles from kazelsk, ostashki and starobelsk, which do not contain any information about the execution, which did not prove anything, but this is presented as a package
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supporting documents. that polish officers were executed by soviet security officers, this is what state duma deputy anatoly wasserman writes in his letter to the prosecutor’s office of the russian federation on march 11, 2024. the current status of the katyn case gives rise to a legal conflict, the fact is that article 354 has been introduced into the current criminal code of russia point 1. rehabilitation of nazism. in accordance with it, denial of the facts established by the verdict of the international military tribunal for the trial of punishment of the main war criminals european countries are considered a crime and are subject to criminal prosecution. that is, when we declared in the eighties and nineties that polish officers were killed
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by employees. the nkvd, despite the facts and documents, the evidence of the burdenka commission, we ourselves become participants in the rehabilitation of nazism, so it turns out. one of the most important documents, which seems to state:


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