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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 24, 2024 7:30pm-8:00pm MSK

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the fact is that article 354 , paragraph 1, has been introduced into the current criminal code of russia. rehabilitation of nazism. in accordance with it, denial of the facts established by the verdict of the international military tribunal for the trial of punishment of the main war criminals of european countries is considered a crime and entails a criminal offense.
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designated as beria's letter numbered 794/b dated march 5, 1940, interestingly, all four pages were printed on different typewriters, which alone casts doubt on the authenticity of this document. except moreover, on the title page there are signatures of stalin, varoshilov, molotov and mikai. and these signatures were made with a pencil of the same color, it was this letter, along with other documents, that boris yeltsin handed over to the constitutional court, which also refused to accept them as genuine documents, listen to what deputy viktor elyukhin says about this: may 25 , 2010 to me an unknown man got through on the phone and said: that he
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knows that a group of scientists together with me is conducting a study of the circumstances, related to the execution of polish officers, stated that he participated in a large group of specialists specializing in falsifying historical documents, including he stated that he and his team directly falsified, if his statements are to be believed, the so-called note beria dated march 1940, he put bery’s signature on this note, at the same time on this note, on behalf of stalin, on behalf of molotov, malenkov , their other names were entered, in particular , he stated that he made this note according to the proposal that followed from the kremlin, here is the making of stalin.
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belsa, which we are still discussing, which created such discord between the poles and russians, and look how well thought out, jesuitically subtle it was, even the forest in which the polish officers were shot was renamed, this forest had never been called before katyn forest, it was gnezdovo forest, and the place itself was called goat mountains, to the kotyn station from this place... 13 km, the word katyn was drawn to this story, because in polish kat is executioner, wasn’t this the method used to choose the city called bucha, which biden used in his speech, we talked about this, remember why the city of bucha was chosen for all this provocation and fake, why not... gostomel or irpen, why barrel? but
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because the president of the united states, in another wave of dementia, publicly called ours. such a powerful attack on the entire propaganda machine that has fallen on us, and very serious people work there at the world level. how does modern goebbels work today? look here
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this is a film 20 days in mariupol, shot by ukrainian director mstislav chernov. by the way, the film won an oscar,
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look, there are only toys here, but what happened that day? from that side, from ukraine, hail shells arrived and exploded in the apartment. the bulaev family lived on the eighth floor, it’s very difficult to talk now, because small children died, i also have children, that’s why. do you remember this moment? of course, this is sofia’s jacket, which was hanging on the tree, of course i remember, because when they were looking for her, then naturally, everything, everything,
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what was possible, well, everything, everything was naturally thrown down, because they didn’t find her right away, they looked for her, and they hung here, except for her things. children’s toys were also hanging for children, it’s absurd, people probably don’t fear god, we all walk under god, it’s not a sin to be afraid, how can you use such things for some kind of selfish purposes, you know, everything is for sale, everything is in the piggy bank, everything is in this cauldron of lies, manipulation, the use of only shots with meaning.
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great philosopher, it all started with the fact that students were allegedly indignant that the highest a school named after the fascist ivan ilyan. a lot is not a little, fascist. the scientific center, one of the leading universities in the country, the winner of fascism, cannot bear the name of a supporter of ultra-legal views, taking into account the socio-political situation in which the russian federation currently finds itself. we are convinced that ivan ilyin’s worldview has nothing in common with the values ​​of russia, and the fascist idea is an unnatural political construct for us. our demand is to cancel the decree on the creation educational and scientific center under the leadership of alexander dugin. "we stand for free education from the ideas of fascism, no to fascism, no
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to fascism in russia, look what we see, fiery fighters, patriots, young guys who are going to a rally under the common sign of down with fascism, well, how can you argue with that, of course no fascism, only a fascist"? they name completely different people, one of the first who began this work of denigrating the image of ilyin is a certain veronika krosheninnikova. by the way, she even worked at one time in russian state humanitarian university. from the age of 20, i lived abroad, studied, and worked there. it appeared in russia only about 10 years ago. she became a prominent political scientist, became a member... of the public chamber of russia from 2012 to 2020, shortly
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after the start of the svo, she suddenly disappeared from public political life, there is an assumption that she went back abroad. she is a supporter of the democratic party, loves joe biden and, by and large, if we speak seriously, is engaged in, well, the simplest and most clear anti-russian agenda. here. this a short portrait of mrs. korsheninnikova, who writes and distributes materials denigrating the image of ivan ilyinn. moreover, remember, at one time a dissident, a wonderful writer, a very wise man, zinovi wrote: “they aimed for communism, they ended up in russia.” exactly the same here. it's like they're marking vellen. but in fact, this is directed against the president, who... often ilyana quotes, and what is a president who quotes a fascist, how is this, how can one
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come to terms with this, this is a subtle and long-term game, it all works in this piggy bank, humiliation of great people, destruction of those who truly sincerely and completely loved russia, despite the fact that the trick of such information is that it is distributed not only in foreign agency sources, it is also picked up by patriotic media. by the way, for mrs. krosheninnikova’s understanding, a fascist is anyone who preaches conservative views, who is anti-lgbt, or who promotes christian morality, that’s what she writes: gays, new jews. persecution of lgbt people in the world from... is on the extreme agenda right-wing forces, and so on. now
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pay attention to this subtle but important detail. this whole story revolves around a higher political school named after ilyin, led by the philosopher alexander dugin. and this is happening precisely at the time when mr. dugin, together with other deputies, are writing a statement to the investigative committee, accusing themselves. maybe, but i don’t believe in him, i want to appeal to the guys, to these students, to these hot people, to these sincere people, don’t you yourself understand that you are being led and manipulated, and they are not manipulating from here, and they are not leading from here, they are using you, watch a short excerpt from our film, a russian philosopher
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, and when the country on a huge rise won the war, and repressions are everything, but still for the world this country is the winner.
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in which we absolutely one hundred percent recognize what happened to us after, say, the ninety-first year. back in 1948, 40 years before these events, ilyin predicted with incredible accuracy everything that would happen to us in 1991, down to the smallest detail. this is what he writes then. russian. people will come out from the revolution there will be no beggars, no rich, no prosperous, no middle class, not even a healthy economic peasant at all, a poor peasantry, a poor worker in industry, a poor artisan, a poor city dweller, it will be the people of a classless society, robbed, but not at all forgotten the fact that he was robbed, nor what
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exactly was taken from him, not those who subjected him to expropriation will be poor, overworked and brutalized, the state center that robbed everyone will disappear, but the state coinage, left as an inheritance by the heir, will have minimal purchasing power on the international market, it projects everything that happens in russia in advance, then when what happened to us happens, i ask myself why we... don’t read this, why do people who undertake to lead the country, the climate, the government, applying new laws, approving the new constitution, why don’t they read this, why don’t they want to believe those who really saved
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russia in the image of it, saved the memory of it, saved it... i i want to give you one quote from the article the foundations of the struggle for national russia. it was written, be careful, in 1938 . listen carefully, ukrainian separatism is an artificial phenomenon, devoid of real foundations. it arose from the ambition of the leaders and international
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conquest. little russians are the essence of branches of one. of the slavic-russian people, this branch has no reason to quarrel with other branches of the same people and secede into a separate state, having separated, this state gives itself up for conquest and plunder to foreigners, fir-trees, thirty-eighth year, you understand, the level... the thinking of this person, his scale, whom mrs. karsheninnikova calls a fascist. but i’ll give you another short excerpt from this fascist’s letter on october 13, 1938, which ivan ilyin wrote
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from switzerland to the writer ivan shmelev, also exiled from russia. the persecution of me in germany began back in 1933 because i dared to be a russian patriot in my own judgment. here is the list: 1933, april-june, first visit to my home by the political police, attempts to expose me as francophile, or use me against the rest of the immigration. my refusal. 1934, april. the offer to me, as a professor at a russian scientific institute, to engage in propaganda of anti-semitism throughout the immigration dispersal, my categorical refusal. 1934 july i was denied the right to work. july 1934, i was fired from the russian institute in no time. the attack on me will
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continue. the propaganda ministry declared me an exposed freemason, and my public speeches were unacceptable for the lack of anti-semitism in them, for the christian point of view held in them. will be done. no, was he happy about hitler's war with the soviet union? no. back in september 1941, ilyin wrote: germany lost this
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war. moreover, he quickly got rid of illusions and understood nazism back in 1934 , unlike so many. yes, in fairness, indeed, he did not accept bolshevism, but he did not courtyard, he did not seem like anyone, he was not...
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paid from the funds of the macarthur, naumann, bell, ebert, rosa luxemburg and others foundations. adenaura foundation is a christian
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democrats, and the ebert foundation is under the social democrats, the naumann foundation is under the free democrats, there is a foundation under rose luxemburg and someone else, they are green and they all work, what do they do, they hold seminars, for what money will i go to the regions , road, hotel.
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and that the actions of the nazis were more legitimate than the actions of the bolsheviks. then the league of nations, the first universal organization, but sovereignty is still above all, so what germany did with its population, sending them gas. cameras nothing it was impossible to create sovereignty, they did everything according to the law, unlike the bolsheviks, who went to put in place these coups, and no one seems to notice, ilyin only
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interferes with life. and as for the new bolshevik youth and the old guard of the bolsheviks, it would be nice to know that it was vladimir ilyevich lenin who saved ivan ilyin, he saved ilyin from execution, he personally gave him a boarding pass for the philosophical ship, you know in what words, he said: it’s impossible, he is the author of the best book. about hegel, or remember how comrade stalin, who was supposedly an ardent atheist, during the war and after it, he opened monasteries, restored the patriarchate, restored churches, why he had to do it, because he, like no one else, understood that there are no atheists in okupi. well, in conclusion, i want you to enjoy and listen to
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a great song. maxim fadeev's new song, cranes, please listen, and the smoke will melt, i will see the silence of the fields, 100 winds howl about my friends who have not returned, who of them knew that everything would be like this? after those battles that not everyone will come home and hug mother, that not everyone loves to see their daughter, that not everyone is given to stand up from the trench by god, and i want to finish singing this to mother, you will forgive
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us, your sons, who did not return with cranes, just like we are all flying home, and you just wait for me. i know we’ll meet, but it’s a dark night, sith, where are my cranes, the wind is still humming, as if he’s crying, he’s like me alone, the stars are falling,
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separating us. anyway, you wait, when the fire is behind me, in my heart you are alone, i know in advance, all your love lives for me, the cranes, like them all fly home. and you me just wait, i know we’ll meet, but the dark night will catch up, where are my cranes?
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i know we will meet, but it’s a dark night for you, where are my cranes, where are my cranes, hold on!


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