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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 24, 2024 8:30pm-9:01pm MSK

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the same exercises regularly take place there, in which nato countries are involved, on whose territory american tactical nuclear weapons are located, so all this happens as planned, and we are not forcing anything here, but as was said, everything must be worked out, this such an area where no failures, no mistakes, no coherence can be allowed. so colorful, bright, interesting, breathtaking, jokes, humor, everything is very cool, well, for example, aliens will arrive, such a rich film. these sounds, here
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this whole look, many analogies, of course, with a soviet film, i wouldn’t call it a remake, a tv shoot, a film absolutely on its own, uh, got away from me, it’s an adventure, it’s a very interesting comedy, you don’t have a chance at all we were completely delighted, listen, well, this is cool, wonderful, just like that, love, romance, what right now? yes, i’m about to cry, it’s tears, it’s just world-class, but it’s very cool, i’m cringing, it was something, the whole film was in one breath, we’ll meet in the future, 100 years from now, it’s clear to everyone that russia is not a country gas station, russian digital solutions to take to new heights, there are prospects, ours are more brutal. brusalnik, there will be more
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than exactly what the numbers help, you are incomparably original in your questions and what is in general with production, raw materials, exports, what is our product. we will take on this case, it will be an honest detective story.
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is beautiful, and the concert was probably also good, yes. alexander, good evening, a grandiose concert in the heart.
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to become familiar with knowledge, which means radically changing one’s cultural status, one’s cultural position. having given the alphabet to the slavs, cyril methodius, in fact, opened it up to they are the door to the world of knowledge, to the world of culture, and this
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became the strongest foundation that created certain values ​​that are still part of russian identity. on this day we remember our values; in our state, values, thank god, values ​​that are based on ours are preserved. on may 24 , this holiday has been celebrated in our country for more than 30 years; it actually dates back to the very early history of our state, then ancient russia, in the 9th century , the co-equal saints cyril and methodius became educators.
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culture is conveying to the younger generation the true value and culture
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of speaking their original russian language. alexander, thank you, varvara, let me remind you that our correspondent, varvara nevskaya, was in direct contact with the studio. and we will return to the political agenda in a couple of minutes. this is sasha. it is important for him to have friends nearby. maxim always says yes to his friends. masha will help you any minute. and vanya will never keep you waiting. start a cool career at alfabank. refer friends and get 15,000 rub. for everyone. alfabank is the best employer in russia. house click: find a property that suits you.
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announced early parliamentary elections in july, although according to the plan they were supposed to take place later, in the fall. this news came as a surprise, even to many representatives of the british elite. great britain, let me remind you, now is one of the main sponsors of the war in ukraine, what is happening in the country, we talked about this, discussed it with the russian ambassador in london, andrei kellin. here is his opinion.
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well, it’s hanging around zero. about now it may show some numbers, and this will be followed by, apparently, a reduction in the interest rate, which is very worrying for everyone here. some successes may be added right at the beginning of summer in relation to migration, here now there are literally several thousand stays a month, several hundred a day, that’s when it will be july-august, when the waters will be calm in
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the lomanche strait, then you can expect some kind of incredible jump, so these are all positive things, this one here, it will most likely... in the fall it will simply fizzle out and the voter will have absolutely nothing to sell, therefore , accordingly, now he has taken such a very risky move, so that, in general, this is damage limitation, as they say, to limit the damage that conservatives will suffer as a result of the elections, and the damage will be large, at least 20%, there will be places lost, of course, and of course, the loss of face of the torah during all this time will be significant, also this week... the british defense minister called on neutral countries to join nato. are we talking about the final merger of nato and the eu, or is this just an attempt to intimidate russia? this was my next question to our ambassador. this is also all connected with election matters. but the fact is that since the government failed
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almost all of its election promises when sunok was running for prime minister, this concerns the economy, this concerns migration. this concerns the appalling situation in healthcare, for example, in particular, where there are gigantic queues to make an appointment with a regular therapist, not to mention a specialist, and the wait for an operation here stretches out for years now, which is why, as the last straw that they grabbed here, conservatives are about defense and external enemies, well, external enemies are understandable, this is of course russia, this is china, this is north korea and... this is iran, here every day they literally catch some spies, or they find arson that they committed, so they accused, in particular and china, not only are we being accused now, but the chinese have come under such pressure, so from this point of view, since the main slogan now is to strengthen internal security, they even adopted an act not so long ago, and on internal security, then in addition to
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internal they are trying to strengthen external security, but this requires. to raise contributions to nato, they are now trying to achieve it, the british themselves are trying to raise their contribution to defense to 2.5%, in particular, they are forcing other countries to do this, but as for neutrals, here in general it’s also clear, or rather there are no neutrals as such now, we cannot say that switzerland or austria, especially a member of the european union , are neutral, they took the side of the west, the side of nato, so, but still less there somewhere. from time to time, sensible thoughts are born, and in order to finally suppress, as i understand it, attempts at this sensible thinking, the british and the americans demand that they join nato. so that ultimately their policy does not differ from that pursued by the north atlantic alliance. all week western countries continued to discuss how they would specifically steal
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our money. they call it, quote: using income from russia's frozen assets to help the armed forces of ukraine. what do people in the uk think about this? there is no position yet, this is one, secondly, cameron himself, of course he is pushing. and the american position, he behaves aggressively in all directions towards us, and here, following them, following the usa, he is trying to achieve the maximum here, and this is against the backdrop of the europeans, yet we must admit that the europeans are cautious americans, in this regard, we are talking only about the excess income that was received there on our sovereign assets. at the same time , the city is also behaving cautiously, here, first of all , are the lawyers who... understand perfectly well that, in general, any action in in relation to our sovereign assets - this would be a violation of international law, as for the law,
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there is international law in this regard, and european law, and the uk has its own legislative act on sovereign assets, which prohibits to do anything with them, any combinations that no matter who invents here will be a gross violation that will entail. response actions, and i have already read a lot of comments here, including from british such quite responsible people, who propose to approach this issue as responsibly as possible, carefully so as not to harm, most importantly, so that the harm that will come from this very britain did not exceed the harm that they are trying to do to us. london this week accused beijing of... allegedly adding fuel to the fire of the ukrainian conflict, in response there was a harsh statement from the prc foreign ministry that it was london that was adding fuel to the fire of the ukrainian
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conflict, because it was great britain that 2 years ago prevented moscow and kiev from reaching a peace agreement. our ambassador andrei kellin commented on this, so to speak, discussion. here, following the americans, they have now begun to press on china, exactly. from the point of view of the danger that he allegedly poses for great britain, this thing is, of course, completely far-fetched, but nevertheless however, yesterday the minister of defense, mr. shrubs, spoke out on this subject, and went further, the americans in his statements, said that he has some information that china is working together with russia on... military equipment supplies this military equipment, but for use in ukraine. the americans did not talk about this, they actually stopped at the wording that we
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are talking about supplies, including dual-use products. well, actually shabs is different, he’s a big fan rhetoric, harsh statements, and statements that one strives to attract attention to, well, score points somewhere here... they recalled the story of two years ago, when boris johnson tried to disrupt, or rather , disrupted the conclusion of the istanbul agreements, and of course , this wording that britain continues to add fuel to the fire of the conflict from the chinese is a rather harsh statement, i would say. the state duma budget and tax committee approved recommendations based on the results of parliamentary hearings on improving tax legislation. first of all, we are talking about
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fair taxation of citizens, creating conditions for business development and increasing the efficiency of the entire tax system. in particular, it is recommended to maintain without changes the tax regime for the self-employed, which today amounts to 10 million people. one more question, the middle class today. not only getting back on their feet, these are doctors, teachers and representatives of small businesses, they need help. the main burden should fall on the rich. the bill will be introduced government in the spring session, and its discussion will be completely open. when improving the tax system, the main advantage should be given to those who invest, when we talk about business, funds. the main advantage should
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go to those who need it most, of course, these are large families, the defenders of our country, the participants of the svo, should be excluded from any tax increase, and speaking of all the other changes, i’ll say right away that these changes, these are the changes . which would increase tax burden will not affect the vast majority of our people, one of the problems for faster economic development is the shortage of labor, this is also due to the so-called demographic hole of the nineties of the last century, that is , a sharp decline in the birth rate at that difficult time, now this generation naturally actively enters working life.
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well, there is a problem of demography and, of course, in our time, to solve it, the president and government are taking active measures, but in order for the population of our country was growing at a more active pace, the problem must be solved in a comprehensive manner, says svetlana chubsheva, general director of the agency for strategic initiatives. she draws attention to the fact that corporate demographic standards have now been developed, and business is already actively involved in the implementation of these plans. and we already see the best, again, such corporate practices exist, again returning to the experience of the central federal district. igor olegovich and his colleagues there developed a corporate demographic standard, here is a group of companies business, a large transport company, which today encourages the employees of its company, where one plus one child is born, and so on, and with financial and non-financial
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support measures, we want... for this practice to become such a national practice, so that more companies join to solve this problem, they supported the woman and the family in deciding the birth of one child and the next. by the way, the group of companies is the leader of the transport and logistics industry in russia, this direction is one of the main ones in the development of our economy, as well as the north-south transport corridor. should provide us with access to the fourth ocean, well, we already have three naturally, we are talking about a land route between europe and india, running through our dagestan, as well as azerbaijan and iran, so transporting goods is much shorter and faster than through vanity channel. today , according to the head of the company group, sergei shishkarev, the volume of the global cargo transportation market is 10.5 trillion dollars, with
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a share of. russia is ridiculously small, only 1%. obviously, with our geographical position with direct access to three world oceans, the arctic, pacific and atlantic, i will remind you that for those who may not remember geography well, russia has every opportunity to become a leading global logistics power. now cargo is already transported along this route, but its volume remains small, the goal is to double it by the year 1930. however, according to the head of the company's group. in fact, this figure could be many times higher, for this he proposes to build a railway with a wide gauge along the entire route. the group of companies also proposes to pay attention to the construction of transport hubs around the world, for example in sri lanka and cuba. a very promising and african region, according to mr. shishkarev, it is possible to build there and from there build a branch from the north-south route.
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as cheap labor and new energy opportunities will encourage the relocation of production to central and northern africa. continuing the theme of stealing our money, let me remind you that this week europe joined the united states in expropriating our assets in the form of, for now, using only the income from them, but nevertheless we are talking
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about three.


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