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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 24, 2024 9:00pm-9:31pm MSK

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and new energy opportunities will encourage production to shift to central and northern africa. continuing the theme of the theft of our money, let me remind you that this week europe joined the united states in expropriating our assets in the form of, for now, the use of only income from them, but nevertheless we are talking about 3 billion euros. okay, well, in total
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, let me remind you, there are more than 200 billion euros of our money in european banks. at the moment , european authorities are actively preparing for the introduction of the fourteenth package sanctions. and european officials will not insist on ukrainian transit of russian gas, the contract for which ends at the end of this year. we will discuss these topics with the acting permanent representative of russia to the eu, kirill login. he is in direct contact with us. kirill mikhailovich, hello, well, 25 again, already 35, and yet this is the situation with the use of our assets, but still , the process is underway, as i understand it, the decision has been made and there will now be some concrete steps in this direction . yes, alexandrevich, good evening, everything is correct, the decision has been made, now it’s a matter of execution, of their execution, so we’ll see too, not everything is there.
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smoothly, now the finance ministers of the seven countries are meeting in italy, they are just discussing how this will all be implemented, well, we’ll see, but here it is necessary, it is important to really have our interpretation and promote it of the decisions that were made, because well, first of all , and most importantly, the world saw with its own eyes that the european union is capable of stealing the sovereign assets of a foreign state, and today... this is russia, and tomorrow in its place there may be any other country, for which defending its own national interests is more important than involvement in a fictitious order based on rules. secondly, the profit from the income, like the income itself, is the property of russia, that is, there cannot be any unplanned or emergency, as they like to repeat here, income from what was stolen. therefore , any legal justification or legal framework over which... day and night
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carpiled in the euroquarter, and the eu members can leave them, well, for themselves, for complacency, that is, in fact, brussels came up with an illegal scheme for fraud in any case, again, if today the object of these frauds was income, then tomorrow it could already be assets, because the european union has recently begun to live according to the principle of one thing... less, one taboo more, and there are many examples, from historical revisionism to the process of remilitarization of the eu. and one more point, it is very important: these proceeds will systematically go towards financing hybrid war against russia to finance further escalation of the conflict in ukraine. therefore, this is where all the talk of the yesovites comes from, about their supposedly sincere interest in a political and diplomatic settlement of the ukrainian crisis.
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so far it applies, biden himself is already threatening the georgian authorities, ah-ah-ah, pass the law, and i’m leading you to impose sanctions against you all, you know, i have a feeling that mr. biden mixed up the number of states in america, georgia according to -i don’t think it was part of the american united states and is not directly subordinate to me, well, that’s how i do it in general assumed, but this is the shedding of these masks of democratic influence, they talk all the time about some kind of democracy and openly in...
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they make money, after all, there are also a lot of incomprehensible things so far, yes, indeed, now active work is underway to agree on the next fourteenth package , we have repeatedly talked about this with you, that we are talking about the need to adopt a new package, it comes here in brussels literally
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the next day after the adoption of the next one, and the reason is simple, it is that sanctions do not work, the eu members are wonderful. understand, but they can’t stop and take a little rest there, so further, they have already firmly taken the path of the sanctions war and then continue to move along it, which means, well, at the moment, uh, let’s say, the sanctions thought, it jumps into different - on the other hand, well, i note that, as in previous times, the european commission refused to publish the package of proposals that it not so long ago... presented for consideration by the european capitals, and even the euro and the press service of the european commission also remain silent, so everything that we now hear what we are talking about now we read, this is generally more speculation in the western media, so in terms of specific
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content, content, i would not now advertise the behind-the-scenes efforts of the eu members, but i will just say that, apparently, part of a certain part... is also strange, and they continue to pretend that they do not understand obvious things, that is, for the countries of the world majority, this opposition to the so-called circumvention of sanctions is perceived as an illegitimate attempt to put pressure on trade and economic relations with our
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country, well, once again this is not their thing stops, let's see, while it is planned that the coordination should be completed. until the end of june, that is, before the start of the hungarian presidency of the eu council, although it was originally planned to complete all this by the elections to the european parliament, which are scheduled for june 6-9, but i think that probably someone still realized that here there is such a certain boomerang effect of sanctions for the eec; they probably didn’t want a situation where ordinary europeans, already on their way to the ballot box, suddenly start to wonder. who is actually responsible for a decline in their level of well-being, yes, kirill mikhailovich, this is their holy confidence that they can dictate something to other countries, it certainly causes, to put it mildly, surprise, what do they care about how we, for example, trade with india or with china and
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other countries there, and they have the full sovereign right not to trade with us, not to use our gas, although they are not obliged to fulfill long-term contracts. without - any force majeure circumstances, accompanies the escort of technical aircraft, there are cars that they already sold, they may not sell new ones, this is their right, but they are obliged to sell old ones, which means that it is called fraud not providing services to the fullest extent, this is a criminal article, by the way, but if you move away from emotions, i think that they are like that, of course leadership, they are gods on earth, they will not reason like that, and yet they shoot themselves in both legs, arms and already shoot themselves in the head, i mean that these conversations, but just...
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discussion on this topic in the european media, what do you think, is there any maybe the experts say: guys, come to your senses, are you making politicians or are you already so sensible? voices have not been heard on the european continent for a long time? well , i’ll say right away, regardless of the topic, be it gas or any other topic, the space here is already very much behind... space and continues to be cleared, so whether it’s the media or academic circles, everyone remains deathly silent, but as for the purchase of russian gas, you know, yes, now the share in the bloc’s total gas imports, of course, has decreased, it was somewhere around 40%, more than 40% in the twenty-first year, dropped to 15 in the twenty-third, then, as we all remember, there were extremely negative consequences for... europe, this included an energy crisis, a jump in inflation, a drop in living standards, economic stagnation, and
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so on. by the way, we also remember that european countries had to throw hundreds of billions of euros at supporting citizens and businesses affected by high prices for gas and electricity. then, yes, the topic came up about american lng, but the increase in expensive american lng raw materials from other countries, it is. this build-up did not solve the problem, because the europeans were unable to compensate for the entire lost volume of russian gas at the expense of alternative suppliers, but as a result, there was simply a reduction in gas consumption in the european union, that is, there , in my opinion, in the twenty-second year compared to the twenty-first year by about 13%. again, if gas consumption is reduced, this causes a drop. industrial production, which means that regarding the transit of russian gas through ukraine, yes,
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the relevant agreements expire on december 31, statements are made that, uh, this means that it will not support, so to speak, the extension of these agreements, plus, by the way, we must keep in mind that this week the eu council made changes to the eu gas legislation, and now, according to... these changes, member states will be able at the national level, introduce restrictions on the import of russian gas, including lng, but now they say here that they are not interested in continuing transit, do the europeans need our gas, well, it’s up to them to decide, that’s what, what would they use it for? could have been replaced, well completely incomprehensible, given the limited supply of lng on the world market in cef. and in ukraine, in the twenty-third year , 14 billion
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cubic meters of natural gas were pumped through ukraine to the european union, and the import of lng from russia was 18 billion cubic meters, that is, these are generally quite significant volumes, and you asked the opinion of experts, well, who else can open your mouth, of course it warns that if these volumes fall out, it will result in growth. on gas in europe and could jeopardize energy security individual countries of the european union. kiril mikhailovich, this delusional, in the version in which it exists, green agenda, it has somehow slowed down in europe now, because the americans, for example, have somehow begun to look at electric cars more softly, but no need they are so quickly changed to internal combustion engines, i mean electric, and there is a decline in sales of electric cars, but they are not so clean. so that this issue of postponing the phase-out of coal in
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the energy sector seems to be considered the same way as in europe, but is there any cooling? they need to be disposed of, and so on, and what about this frantic activity in transferring the eu country to so-called clean energy? well, you know, awareness of questions comes, but not to everyone; questions probably arise a little more, but at the official level , commitment is naturally declared. implementation of the european green deal, but again taking into account those factors that we talked about, this is the refusal of russian gas, lng is expensive, plus taking into account the significant underfunding of the implementation of the green deal, because in 2030, the eu members will have to find somewhere investments in the amount of 800 billion euros by 2030, in principle there is a total amount until 2050. space, well, plus now the european economy is stagnating,
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so the implementation of the european green deal, aka decabranization, it could simply turn into deindustrialization of the european continent, well then the green fairy tale is over, but a fairy tale is just a fairy tale, kirill mikhailovich, another topic, you already they said about the elections, the european parliament, of course we are also watching them, of course we are not interfering. understandable, but nevertheless, are there any surprises so far in the party’s election campaign, something may have appeared in the local press, some new leader has emerged, or vice versa, the traditional party has sharply...
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a policy that tops the list of alternatives for germany in the elections to the european parliament, maximilian kra, this is really such a surprise, in general, which no one expected, he shot in the foot not only himself, but all the far right, now in an emergency order, in general, and the right-wing french and italians, they declared refusal.
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well, now let’s return to the topic with which we began our issue: what is happening near kharkov, about the battles and the advancement of our troops in this direction, a report by military correspondent evgeniy poddubny. the enemy, at the cost of significant losses, is trying to slow down the advance of russian units in the kharkov direction. every day the formation of the kiev regime on this section
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of the front alone loses more than 300 people killed, hundreds wounded, including special soldiers. the enemy is trying to build a defense along the volchya river, under the control of our fighters which separates the northern part of the settlement from the southern. the enemy behaves the same way , they defend themselves, well, maneuverable defense, we call it, they retreat to lines that choose the best for these
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actions, retreat to these lines and try to counteract. in principle, each house is made like a very... well-protected pillbox, machine gunners are constantly working, we are trying to get through, everything is very difficult so far, but we will do it, we will pass, serious battles are going on in the area of ​​​​the village of leptsy, units of the kiev regime were able to form a fire system in shortest deadlines , well-trained detachments were sent to the kharkov direction, using fpv drones, so all movements are only in forest regiments or at night. during the 2 weeks that the operation lasts. the kiev regime lost dozens of tanks and armored vehicles. the fighters of this formation have destroyed more than forty artillery installations in recent days alone. perhaps this is a record. operators of loitering munitions monitor the battlefield around the clock, conduct counter-battery combat, and destroy enemy reconnaissance assets. at the same time, the hunt for calculations continues
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enemy who are involved in organizing terrorist attacks on the cities of the belgorod region. what are your priority goals? and the priority targets for us are mainly the rszzo, because the rszzo are conducting shelling on belgorod, on the civilian population, so this is the highest priority target for us. the enemy also uses cannon artillery, and we also destroy the d-30, d-20, we find it in forest belts, forest areas, it is mainly located on the edges, in terms of distance they place their equipment far away.
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more civilians, because soldiers are in in principle, he chose his own path, but they would never open up civilians, this is the worst, most terrible thing. our troops continue to build on their initial success, while the enemy seeks to gain an advantage in numbers on the battlefield and transfers additional reserves. the command of the armed forces of ukraine is even trying to counterattack in some areas of the kharkov direction, but these attempts are unsuccessful and the enemy is again trying to strike the world. residents, air defense crews of the russian army daily destroy targets on approach to belgorod, and this despite the fact that there are no opportunities the enemy is less likely to strike the regional center every day. evgeny
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poddubny, alexander pushin, ruben mirobov and stanislav yalovsky. news, kharkov direction. and now a message from the informagen tape. the united states has allocated another shipment of weapons worth $275 million to ukraine. this was stated. maria kudryavtseva followed the economic
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news from minsk in a narrow and expanded composition, my colleague. more than 90% of trade in national currencies, development of projects in the fields of energy, transport, logistics agriculture, and this is only part of the priority areas that were discussed during the official visit of president vladimir. putin to minsk. russia has already invested over $5 billion in the belarusian economy. now 2,500 russian companies are working there in the field of joint projects from machine tools and cars to microelectronics and civil aviation. all strategically important industries. moreover, according to vladimir putin , the necessary conditions for carrying out a unified macroeconomic and monetary policy have already been provided. politics between the two countries. over 90% of all. which means we can say that mutual trade and investment are protected from
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the influence of third countries and negative trends in global currency markets. russia has invested over $5 billion in the belarusian economy. there are 2,500 russian companies operating in the republic, and joint projects are being implemented in strategically important industries. russia is the main economic partner for belarus with a share of approximately 60% in the foreign trade balance, and the trade turnover between moscow and minsk increased at the end of last year more than 5% and grew to a record $46.5 billion. the volume of rail cargo transportation from belarus through russia is growing. in 2023, the figure more than doubled and reached 14 million tons. according to president vladimi. putin, transit will continue to grow; for this, the capacity of transport corridors is being increased. three important areas of cooperation between the two countries, on which the president
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of russia stood separately: electric power, oil and gas, nuclear energy. vladimir putin clarified: parameters for gas supplies to minsk have been agreed upon for the coming years. energy is truly one of the most important areas, we also spoke about this in detail in a narrow meeting, yes. certain agreements, i have no doubt that they will all be implemented, and colleagues have certain instructions to finalize those issues that have so far been unfinished, these are actually details, there is nothing significant there, the rhythmic work of the relevant enterprises in the field of technology will certainly be ensured , we talked about individual projects in the energy sector. in november 2023, we launched the largest joint project for the construction of a belarusian nuclear power plant. in addition , cooperation is developing in agriculture, where russia and belarus harmoniously complement
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the priorities. directions, and president of belarus alexander lukashenko emphasized that the level of interaction and trust with moscow in all areas is unprecedented, we are aimed at further development of the nuclear industry in belarus based on russian technologies, we examined in detail the issues of industrial cooperation, the development of machinery and machine tools, microelectronics, primarily from the point of view of increasing import-substituting production in...
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countries will work in home mode , vladimir putin said, in the future , mobile communications for all subscribers in two on the territory of the union state, like networks. and already in july, according to the russian president, belarus is expected to be admitted to the shanghai cooperation organization. with this, i, alexander karievsky, say goodbye to you, and after the commercial, our broadcast will continue with the vesti program, the duty department.
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