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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 24, 2024 10:00pm-10:30pm MSK

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such a huge speed was such a moment, he has an impulse, mommy weighs more than 60 kg, you see her there, just like a toy, i feel so sorry for her, she hit so hard, they are now looking for the role of the one who broke the pensioner, the progress of the pre-investigation check is under control at the prosecutor’s office, and also making a procedural decision based on its results, including if there are grounds to initiate a criminal case; if the culprit is found, he faces charges under the article of causing grievous harm through negligence.
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moscow and minsk see well, leaders we discussed in detail the formation of a single defense space and synchronous exercises of non-strategic nuclear forces. military coordination is needed not in order to strike, but in order not to miss it. we have created a joint group for protection. union state, we constantly
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keep in sight everything that happens on the borders, our borders, we see and know this, starting from the building of various fences , the injection from syria to the exercises that are carried out near our borders, and this, as i already said, about 90,000 foreign troops.
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the western community, the sponsors of today's kiev regime, have confirmed the legitimacy of the current head of state, or an inactive one, but these pr steps, they do not matter for legal documents, we, of course, will need it if it comes to that, and i proceed from the fact that that peace negotiations should be resumed.
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there is not and cannot be in this situation, as for war and peace, the main issues, which vladimirovich also pointed out, are of some importance, anyway, it is not the current president, who, i think, will not be able to solve these
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the big issues that face the state of ukraine, the people of ukraine, these issues are resolved by the president. they won’t, you know who will decide, a lot has already been decided overseas, what hasn’t been decided, they will decide later, vladimir putin also answered the question of how the death of ibrahim raisiya could affect russian-iranian relations, as for iran’s foreign policy, then these are the sovereign decisions of iran itself, iran is a major original power that plays in world affairs. significant role, but in my opinion, after this tragedy we are unlikely to face any changes in the foreign policy of the iranian leadership, bearing in mind that the fundamental foundations of iranian statehood
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are quite stable, strong, reliable, we have very good relations with iran as a state, with the iranian people with the iranian leadership. year, because ahead is the anniversary of the union state, 25 years of cooperation and mutual understanding. over the course of a week, the russian army carried out 49 group strikes with high-precision weapons and drones, military factories , airfields, warehouses with missiles, ammunition,
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fuel, drone production workshops, as well as deployment points, including for foreign mercenaries. four settlements were liberated: staritsa in the kharkov region, as well as bely. soldiers, mercenary officers, 17 tanks and 74 other armored vehicles were destroyed, as well as 186 gunships, self-propelled guns and missile systems, two mig-29 fighters were shot down, 356 combat drones, 46 missiles and about 100 rockets, our military correspondent reported on the progress in the kharkov direction, under the oak tree , the enemy, at the cost of significant losses, is trying to slow down the advance of the russians units in the kharkov direction, every day of the formation of the kiev regime on this section of the front alone, more than 300 people are killed, hundreds wounded, while
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fighters of special units of the russian army destroy the artillery of the ukrainian armed forces, cannon and rocket, in fact , thus, part of the reserves, which.. the kiev regime transferred them to the kharkov direction, they have already been destroyed, while the enemy continues to transfer additional forces to this section of the line of combat contact. assault units and special forces of the russian army are fighting directly in volchansk. part of this city, which the formation of the kiev regime used to organize terrorist attacks on belgorod, is already under the control of our fighters. the enemy is trying to build a defense along the volchiye river, which separates the northern part.
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units of the kiev regime were able to form a fire system in the shortest possible time , they sent well -trained detachments to the kharkov direction that use drones, so everything...
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there is a high probability that none of our people will suffer from this equipment, well, mainly
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because of this, a tank, rszz, gun, no matter what, this is at least a saved life of ours, not just a soldier, as practice shows, belgorod every day several times, therefore - more civilians, because the soldier, in principle, he chose his own path, and there is no way that civilians will be exposed to the worst and worst. our troops continue to build on their initial success, while the enemy seeks to gain an advantage in numbers on the battlefield, transfers additional reserves. the command of the ukrainian armed forces is even trying to counterattack in some areas of the kharkov direction, but these attempts are unsuccessful and the enemy is again trying to hit civilians. air defense crews of the russian army daily destroy targets on approach to belgorod, and this despite the fact that the enemy has the ability to strike at the regional center. every day less and less. evgeny poddubny, alexander pushin, ruben mirobov and stanislav yalovsky. news:
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kharkov direction. but in the usa they recognized that some types of high-tech american ammunition were ineffective in ukraine due to russian interference. the washington post pointed this out. in particular, the accuracy of escaliblibur projectiles with gps guidance dropped to 10%. and the states simply stopped supplying them. he doesn’t want the same problems; men avoid the front in every possible way. soldiers on the front line are exhausted
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as zelensky, whose term in office has ended, tries with all his might to maintain his power. discontent is growing activities of vladimir zelensky. several sources reported that zelensky , a former tv star, is studying his own ratings like an obsessive, and they are gradually declining. i have repeatedly heard criticism that zelensky continues to feed. unrealistic hopes for complete victory, that is, for the return of the entire territory of ukraine within the 1991 borders, including crimea. even senior officials privately define victory more cautiously. british prime minister rishi sunuku will have to stay in power extremely difficult, so he announced early parliamentary elections. russian ambassador to london andrei kelin spoke about this in alexander karievsky’s program and noted this for the first time. has the influx of migrants not yet turned into a disaster? here
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now literally several thousand arrive a month, several hundred a day, when it’s july-august, when the waters are calm in the lomanche strait, then you can expect some incredible jump, so these are all positive, this one here he is sooner everything will simply fizzle out by the fall, and the voter will have absolutely nothing to sell, so accordingly, now a... he took such a risky move so that, in general, this is damage limitation, what is called, to limit the damage that the conservatives will suffer as a result of the elections, and the damage will be great, no less.
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partner of various initiatives within the framework of peaceful space exploration, while trying to accuse russia of actions that it does not commit, in particular, to expose and attribute to it some kind of aggressive behavior in outer space. let me remind you that not so long ago in the un security council, russia put forward an initiative to ban the placement of weapons in space, but this initiative was blocked by western countries, which once again shows the hypocrisy of their position. russia comes forward exclusively with peaceful initiatives in the development of scientific projects for space exploration, for example, these projects were discussed today in the framework of bilateral meetings with representatives of china, brazil, ethiopia, egypt, and the republic of south africa, that is, this forum was truly rich. as you know, we recently submitted a resolution to the un, which means that it
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should practically exclude the use of space for military purposes, you know the result of the discussion. here is the answer, and we just want to once again demonstrate to the entire civilized community to all the leading powers that are not part of brix that our intentions are not empty words, that we will consistently move in this direction. accordingly, all the accusations that are heard are complete, of course. russia actively offers its partners join the milky way initiative, this is a security system that allows you to monitor space...objects of natural origin, for example, asteroids, and also space objects that are created by man, we are primarily talking about satellites, and of course about space garbage, now our country is taking the initiative to join an open information platform, that is, so that participants in this initiative can share their data, place it in a common hub and take the necessary data from this common
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bases for themselves , the proposal of the russian side to create a global system for monitoring outer space from the point of view of determining the danger from both natural and artificial objects, but we are talking about protection from debris or from asteroids, aroused genuine interest. such a system can only be built in the form of a global system, the fact is that many information sensors are needed on the ground, in different areas of the globe, and plus space components to provide up to ...
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on the state of outer space, as i said, about spacecraft, about garbage, and we are developing it towards objects of natural origin, but if they have such a platform, why not use it to exchange earth data in exactly the same format, and we know that the participants, members of the brix signed an agreement on remote sensing of the earth has already been created, as experts say: a virtual orbital grouping, so why not exchange data from this virtual grouping through this platform? within the framework of brix , a special agreement has already been concluded in 2021 on the exchange of such data, but in 2023 alone, russia and the four brix countries exchanged data on 27 million km of the planet’s territory, that is
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, this is more than the area of ​​russia, these are the volumes of cooperation. russia also offers its partners participation in manned programs; we are ready to provide our competencies and technologies to those countries that want to more closely develop their own space projects. we have a very wide circle issues with the country that has re-entered brich with ethiopia. we will sign a memorandum in the near future and develop a roadmap on all relevant issues. we went deeper. we had good negotiations with the brazilian side; our colleagues, at our invitation, will visit leading
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russian enterprises. russia continues to defend the position that in space it is necessary to develop , first of all, peaceful initiatives that will benefit all humanity and also help the development of science. evgeny nivan malyshev, sergey shcheptev and polina nishchenko, lead! the state duma budget and tax committee approved recommendations on issues of fair taxation of citizens, creating conditions for business development and increasing the efficiency of the tax system. the regime for the self-employed will remain unchanged. today it is 10 million people. another important issue is the middle class. it is necessary to help doctors, teachers and small businesses. the main burden will fall on the rich. the government bill was introduced into the spring session, its discussion will take place in... the main advantage should be given to those who when improving the tax system , invests, when we talk about business
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, funds in the development of the country, increasing salaries, invests in regions where they make a profit, when we talk about people, the main advantage should go to those who are most in it... chapter of the chechen republic, ramzan kadyrov nominated
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magomed daudov for the post of chairman of the regional government. he resigned as speaker of parliament, having served in this post for 9 years. kadyrov expressed confidence that daudov will cope with the work in his new post with dignity. the russian national guard is improving social protection measures for military personnel. the head of the department, victor, spoke about this at an operational meeting. emphasized that when solving social issues, the unconditional priority is given to the fighters of the special operation and their families; these issues were discussed with the chairman of the state fund for supporting participants of the special operation, defenders of the fatherland anna tseveleva. it is necessary to devote attention to solving social problems in the context of svo, as well as to become familiar with the results of interaction a state fund for defenders of the fatherland, with which our department was one of the first to conclude.
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deputy prime minister dmitry patrushev held a meeting on floods and fire hazards , with the participation of the heads of the hydrometeorological center, rosvodresursy and rosleskhoz. a serious scientific base, processing a large amount of data, using the most modern digital technologies, in my opinion, are competently built into... but a single process, this is very important, since the accuracy of your monitoring largely depends sustainable development of a whole range.
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and it carries very significant risks, so i think it is necessary in the most problematic regions to evaluate the effectiveness of decisions and measures taken directly on the ground. we'll go there together. in addition, dmitry patrushev got acquainted with one of the most powerful supercomputers at the main computer center of roshydromet. it is able to process data from everyone as quickly as possible. in shchelkovo they launched a workshop for the production of chemical plant protection products, its products are very in demand, evgenia petrukhina visited the production site. please give the workshop a start , let's go, hurray! the biggest! in russia there is a workshop
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for the production of chemical plant protection products, where all production lines are fully automated. here is the final stage of obtaining the finished packaging. lye agrochem today has more than 170 drugs. plant protection from insect pests, protection from fungal diseases, means for pre-planting seed treatment. eight technological lines, eight types of products can be prepared simultaneously, which are nanotechnology products. products that are very gentle on bees, that have a low environmental, chemical load on the environment, products will be produced here, very important in our country, these are products that have very low consumption rates and have a small, so to speak , impact on the soil environment, well and of course, the products that we call, of course, innovative, created for the first time at the shchelkovo
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scientific center. 20,000 tons of finished products per year is the capacity of just one new workshops, and the total productivity of the enterprise will reach 70,000 tons of plant protection products. the industrial development fund helped significantly expand production. the company managed to obtain 950 million rubles in a preferential loan. currently, manufacturers of plant protection chemicals already have access to all support measures that are intended for industrial enterprises, including preferential lending to the industrial development fund and a cluster investment platform. and measures to support exports subsidizing part of the costs of neokrov, share today, domestic companies in this niche of the russian market make up 68%, 10 manufacturers are in the lead, including pervovo agrochem, and the company plans to expand its presence on the russian market from 19% to 30, precisely by replacing the share of departed foreign competitors. the industrial development fund, which took an active part in the action here. everything here is the most modern, everything
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is the most competitive. plant protection, today the company also operates in kazakhstan and uzbekistan, and now it will also significantly increase supplies to algeria, morocco, turkey, serbia and cis countries. the order of merit for the fatherland from the president of the country was presented to the director of the enterprise, salis karakotov, and awarded to the best employees, for whom the new workshop on the eve of chemist day is perhaps the best gift.


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