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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 24, 2024 11:00pm-11:31pm MSK

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hello, international review is on air, in the studio fyodor lukyanov. today on the international review program. events of the week, chronicle, facts, comments. helicopter crash in iran, the president died in a plane crash. the world is going through different versions. cancerous mistake of the international criminal court. the prime minister was put under investigation.
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in 1979, a booing 707 took off from tehran, personally piloted by shah rizavi. for the iranian monarch, with a pilot's license, this was the last flight out of the country. but boeings, like other airliners of the seventies, are still they continued to fly in the skies of iran for a long time after the islamic revolution. western sanctions have closed the opportunity to purchase new aircraft and spare parts for them, even for civil aviation. what can we say about the military, which
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consisted mainly of american vehicles: f4 phantom, f5 eagle, or the then ultra-modern hero of the film top guun f-14, tom cat, they all required spare parts. the united states did not want to sell them, so they had to set up production themselves. the iranian aircraft manufacturing company was founded back in 1900. 76, but it really launched its activities already during the period of total deficit that arose after the iran-iraq war. hundreds of cars purchased under the shah have actually gone through restoration using reverse engineering. among them were american helicopters bel-206 and bel-214. iranian president ibrahim resi crashed in an almost identical car. in fact. this is a civilian version of one
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of the most popular and famous uh1 vehicles since the vietnam war. several such civil helicopters - bel-212, were bought by the shah's government in the seventies, some now serve in the police, the rest fly as part of the presidential air squad. important people. their age is approaching half a century. it is believed that this is not the main thing. the quality of service is much more important, but iranian civil aviation constantly lived in conditions of shortage. finally, after the nuclear deal, iran was able to buy new foreign ships in 2016. contracts were signed for hundreds of vehicles, but before the deal collapsed, iran only managed to receive a dozen. airbuses a320 and a3. still constitute the main
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fleet of civil aviation. the average age of aircraft is about 20 years. in december 2021 , iranian business publication financial. the tribune wrote that due to technical problems, half of iranian planes are on concrete due to problems with spare parts, and those that fly often become involved in aviation incidents. the largest crash of an il-76 over kirman is believed to have been that the ksir military aircraft crashed into a mountain due to bad weather, but the crash of a transport c-130 near tehran in 2005, happened because of.
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for iran, the test of strength in the country and so many problems, while everything is normal, are scheduled for the end of june. nikolai kazhanov. nikolay, what was the role of the president of russia, will anything change with his departure? the president is still the second person in the state. decisions on strategic and major issues are made by the supreme leader and his entourage. for this reason , it is not necessary to say that after death, after the death of russia, the political system of iran will enter into some stupor, but together with moreover, this is still a figure who, as it were , exercised a certain operational control over the implementation of the decisions of the supreme leader, this is
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still a figure who one way or another determined some ideological moments associated with the action and behavior of the regime and it is natural that her... departure, well, one way or another will have a certain impact, that is, here, at least from the point of view of the fact that at the moment it is still necessary to replace him with someone who fits exactly the same requirements as he does presented is being made by the current supreme leader, and these demands are determined by the fact that at the moment an operation has been launched in iran, in fact, a successor, when the political arena is being prepared for the transfer of power
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, the country’s leadership will need to make a very important decision, or they will take a certain figure with administrative experience , well, for example , the current acting president mokhber, who, in principle, is a fairly experienced person, but has always been in second place and has never been like him in the political arena actively did not see, did not perceive, or go and retreat somewhat from the principles that have been adhered to in recent years, namely, limiting participation is not entirely... to what extent are iranian elections generally competitive , there is some kind of pluralism there that took place before
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the previous presidential elections in for more than 30 years, the iranian political system has represented what the west calls box democracy. that is, sandbox democracy, or something, when on the one hand there are restrictions on candidates, that is, they all must be faithful to islam regime, they all must more or less fit into a certain mainstream, but the people are allowed to choose among various shades of this political mainstream, in principle , the population was happy with this for a very long time, since one way or another there was still a certain influence on ... at least a number of aspects of the country’s internal political life, that is, yes, in principle, we can talk about foreign policy aspects too, that is, we saw an attempt to open this dialogue of civilization during the khatamiya, we saw a relatively bright such a nationalist figure as ahmadi nizhad, that is, all this one way or another, these
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people were elected based on the signals that came from below, as soon as this operation was started, a successor with the idea that whoever would replace the current supreme leader of khaminiya should adhere to certain views, here a decision was made, as it were, to limit this right of choice among the people. which, firstly, negatively, in principle, affected the stability of the internal political country, and secondly, of course, negatively affected the same turnout, that is, the population has sharply lost interest in participating in the political process in any way, and here it will be interesting to see, in fact, this country’s leadership, they will still perceive this as a mistake and will try to restore a certain political legitimacy, but again nevertheless, to the detriment of the element of unpredictability , it is still the second person and... because the controllability of this transfer of power from one leader to another may be
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somewhat weakened. well, with the candidate for the post of rahbar, the supreme leader, something it's clear? much will depend on when the transfer of power will take place. that is, if, after all, the supreme leader manages to organize it during his lifetime, then there will be one set of candidates; one cannot even rule out his attempt, as it were. promotion and candidacy of his son, according to some rumors such attempts were made. it’s another matter if he dies a natural death, leaving no will, or if his will is ignored by those people who will sort it out. in this case, there is a high probability that some scenario will repeat itself during the transition of power from the previous circle, when in principle a figure was elected, initially this was indeed the case,
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translators and experts of the widest profile with knowledge of the russian language. cooperation between iran and russia has expanded in recent years. today, tehran and moscow are closely connected not only economically and militarily, but much more deeply culturally, which is why more and more iranians are immersing themselves in russian culture and learning the russian language with interest. iran's main regional adversary is israel. it is not surprising that after the crash on the presidential side, everyone turned in his direction. it seems unfounded. but there were other reasons to pay attention to israel. the war in gas continues. three more
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eu countries announced recognition of palestine as a state, and the international criminal court. requested an arrest warrant for the israeli prime minister and defense minister, as well as three hamas leaders. what is more scandalous here: the intention to arrest netanyahu or equalizing his status with the leadership of the islamic resistance movement is a matter of taste. the international criminal court exists since 2002, when the rome statute came into force. this document formalized the mus as... an independent international body that considers cases of war crimes and crimes against humanity, but only those that occurred on the territory of countries participating in the rome statute, or that were committed by citizens of these countries. the case can be initiated at the request of a country participating in the court, at the request of the un security council or at the request of
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the prosecutor. if he is confident in the evidence, then they ask the judges to issue an arrest warrant or agenda. moose does not try cases in absentia, only after the accused is detained, when he appears in court, pre-trial proceedings begin, his identity is confirmed and judges decide whether there is enough evidence before the case goes to trial, all this in the presence of lawyers and the prosecutor. the case is heard by three judges who decide whether the accused is guilty or not. mos has the right to impose a sentence of up to life.
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western europe and other countries. they are elected secretly at the congress of countries participating in the statute for a period of 9 years, they finance it approximately like this same as the un. each participating country contributes depending on its population and its income. by the way, the top ten largest donors for 2020 include six members of the so
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-called big seven. and also austria, spain and south korea. but there are also voluntary contributions and... donations; it is impossible to determine who made it, the state or a private person; in 20 years he received more than one billion euros. mus's jurisdiction includes 123 countries, but more than forty have refused to do so. among them are india, china, usa and russia, and the latter two signed the rome statute, but washington withdrew the signature, and russia did not ratify the treaty. how to evaluate everything that is happening in israel, we asked knesset member from the opposition party ezh atid, vladimir belyak. recognition of palestinian statehood by three european countries. countries, does this mean anything from israel's point of view? we are talking about a colossal political failure of our government, and because on october 7 we
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had a huge international, international loan for the implementation of those actions, which israel undertook after the entire october 7 tragedy, unfortunately, nothing remains of this international loan. international recognition of palestine. this is what the inscription on the flag says: a drawing by ahmed ranma from turkey, a man tied up, similar to benjamin netanyahu. marian kamensky of slovakia continues to fight. the palestinian state is written on the gates, and people with flags of spain, ireland and norway are carrying, apparently, hamas. and bibi was completely forgotten. tiaga lucas from brazil, spain, ireland and norway. recognized the palestinian the state appears to be an extremely relevant political gesture, according to the artist. patrick chapat from switzerland. the israeli army
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reports. 3,300 killed, hamas not destroyed, hostages not freed. success - says the man who looks like netanyahu is still in power. scandalous burchard mohr from germany about the contradictions in the european union regarding palestine. it's called testing, israel and palestine are written on the corners of the house, the european union is written on the car itself. and today the government, despite its understandable in some sense even anti-semitic attitude certain countries to israel's policies, still, in my opinion, more could be done to. this is the decision of those countries that made it today, recognition will probably have little effect, the order of the international criminal court clearly hurt many, the names here are absolutely, absolutely irrelevant, it
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may or may not be netanyahu, and there is no reason to put israel on a par with the terrorists, with the nazis, hamas, and a few weeks ago the leader of my party, the leader of the opposition, former prime minister lopit, was visited washington and met with the majority leader. in the senate, chuck shomer, a great friend of israel, at the same time at this meeting, because there was already talk about the possible issuance of arrest warrants, he raised this issue, and chuck shomer, in principle, did not know what they were talking about, so i think , that if the current israeli government introduced permanent working contacts with the american administration with the leverage that...
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both the prime minister and the army have in the events that occurred, i think that this too would influenced, perhaps, the decision of the prosecutor on the decision of the judges. the war continues despite international reaction, does the government have a clear plan of what needs to be achieved. today, after 7.5 months since the beginning of the war, i am forced to admit that the main goals of the war have still not been achieved, firstly , 128 of our citizens are still in the tunnels - hamas is in gas, and many of them, unfortunately, are already alive, and we don’t know exactly how many, but i think that the most important goal today is to save those who are still
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can be saved, but for us it is for us, as for my party, for the leader of my party, this has always been the most important, the most important goal, until we offer, until israel offers and either agrees or does not offer on its own initiative post-war plan. civil settlement, and we will not be able to destroy this hamas civilian power in the gaza strip, if your party happens to form a government, will you have an idea what to do? there is an israeli government minister who is in favor of the israeli military administration in the gas sector, it will cost israeli taxpayers at least 20 billion shekels, that's about five billion dollars a year, and an increase in military service for our... our soldiers to 4 years, from 3 years today to 4 years, for this israeli society, in my opinion, cannot go, therefore, in general terms, there should be a palestinian administration with the participation
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of moderate arab countries. and with the support of the american, american administration, i think that this is a system that can work, unfortunately, in today's political constellation, this cannot happen under the current israeli bailiff, i really hope that in the next month or two we will have some progress that will allow us to either go to new elections, create a new government that will restore all the destruction that antana has caused us left. or within the framework of this knest, this government, this parliament , another more capable government can be created, which will strategically assess the situation. thank you, it was israeli knesset member vladimir belyak. story with the international criminal court promises many twists and turns. we have discussed more than once that the idea of ​​supranational universal justice itself is a product of the liberal world order, the development of its logic. just
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find out now. sovereignty and national interests, in particular there were fears that moose might condemn american military personnel for their actions abroad as part of operation enduring freedom. as a result, in 2002 , george w. bush withdrew washington's signature and passed the protection of american act. military personnel, which suggests that no american or us ally can be arrested or detained under a moose warrant.
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law. limits the us president in choosing means to save american citizens under investigation in the hague. theoretically, washington can take not only diplomatic but also military steps to protect them, up to and including a large-scale invasion. by the way, this also applies to countries that carry out moose orders. the law protects not only us citizens, but also its nato partners and allies who are not are part of the alliance. for example, australia, egypt, israel, japan, etc. denmark, argentina, south korea and new zealand and even taiwan. american authorities and departments do not have the right to help mus, hand over us persons to him, or share classified information with him. the law also prohibits the united states from providing military assistance to countries participating in the musa, those who signed and ratified the rome statute. there are exceptions, for example for nato members and major allies. vague wording.
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excludes even the use of military force against the netherlands, where the international criminal court itself is located, which is why media and human rights organizations have dubbed the document the eider invasion act. the us administration condemned the verdict against israeli leaders. congress promised crushing sanctions against the entire court, so that it would not be repeated. there is discord in europe.
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