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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 25, 2024 12:30am-1:00am MSK

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much more, and today many government services can be provided through the mail, and our citizens from the village can receive various products, and many said that they see the effectiveness of the program, for example, a zemstvo cultural worker or a zemstvo doctor, many of them were just born in the federation council is still saying why the zemstvo postman program cannot appear, for example, rural workers asked us about this and we took such questions into... study, and as for the marketing of farm products, which you talked about, the problem is which worries the farmers themselves, yes, there is a demand among city residents for farm products, but as you said, sales in the vicinity of large agricultural holdings is a difficult task, so new amendments to the legislation can somehow help farmers to sell their products more conveniently, we this is exactly the task we set for ourselves, and by adopting the law, we communicate not only with...
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the largest holding company can produce farmer's cottage cheese, farmer's milk, but actually misleading our consumer, so farmers come first they are asking to define this concept, the chairman of the council federation has not set out such a task... in the draft law, which has already been adopted in the first reading, the amendments that are coming, this concept appears. secondly, we must understand that for a farmer the cost of production will always be higher than for a large agricultural holding, therefore , in order to compete with large producers, he needs just this protected concept, which would give him a certain advantage and preferences. secondly, we need an infrastructure that would helped. the farmer, producing products,
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ends up on the shelves of large supermarkets, and here, i believe, our work is those pilot projects that are taking place today in the lipetsk, tula region, they, in general , were able to turn the situation around, farmers have always been very wary of networks, networks were not particularly interested in farm products due to the fact that the volumes are small and there are no quality standards, today this is already a joint work, today farmers, through aggregators, directly... end up on the shelves of federal retail chains, retail chains capture this demand from residents of large cities, so today it remains to legislatively define this mechanism, how the aggregator purchases products from the farmer, how he delivers them to the counter, and moreover, the law will stimulate the development of agricultural cooperatives in order to promote these chains, so that between there were no unnecessary links between the farmer and the trading network that... speculate, create added
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value, that’s why there is such a law, we plan to adopt it together with the state duma this spring session, in order so that it starts working in the near future, after that we will carefully monitor how it works, how it affects, first of all , employment in rural areas, because our main task is to give people jobs in the countryside, and to provide residents of large cities with high-quality farm products. alcohol can officially be sold outdoors. verandas and platforms adjacent to stationary catering facilities. this law was approved by senators. the document is aimed at eliminating the uncertainties associated with the possibility alcohol sales in summer cafes based on the results of an experiment in moscow. for this purpose , a corresponding panetiya parade is being introduced; regions, in their legislation, will be able to establish requirements for such cafes and carry out the necessary checks. as a result , stable and understandable conditions will be created for the retail sale of alcoholic beverages, ordering services, and public services.
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in summer cafes, including attached verandas, platforms, courtyards, etc. another document approved by senators is aimed at simplifying the destruction storage procedure alcohol -containing products seized from illegal circulation. the law, among the authors of which are senators, will save significant funds from the federal budget. a lot of work is going on in russia to combat the shadow market of telephone numbers. however, gray sim cards can still be found on sale. often they fall into your hands. scammers, they gain illegal access to mobile communications and pursue their goals. we will discuss what measures are necessary to ensure that this shadow market does not disappear with senator artyom sheikin, he is our guest today studios. artyom genovich, how many illegal sim cards are on the market now, how dangerous are they , why are they still being sold? i’ll tell you the statistics, although i always treat statistics very carefully, since they can hide important things, but... the statistics
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given by the internal affairs bodies on seized sim cards, in 2022 it was 74,000 sim cards,
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identification number phone, mobile communication device, this is how it will help in the fight against fraudsters in the fight against illegal sim cards? what's so easy about this? distribution of gray sim cards? the point is that when criminals receive them, they activate them very easily, all you have to do is put money into the account, so we came up with just... an initiative in order to complicate this procedure, and we propose that when purchasing a sim- cards were presented not only with passport data, as now, but also just as a phone identification number and perhaps, so that the sim card could be
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linked to a specific phone taken, then criminals would have much less desire to buy gray sim cards and use them. people say that scammers, telephone scammers are so fed up with them that they are ready to do anything, just so that, firstly, these crimes do not occur, and secondly, these calls finally stop, it’s not difficult, once every year, i don’t know how often people change sim cards or change phones, but
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i’m sure that even the most lovers of new products buy phones no more than once a year, so go to the salon once a year and rewire yours... card to another device will not be a problem for anyone, but this will make life very difficult for scammers, because they will have to insert each sim card into each new phone, and if they are already blocked, the sim card and the phone will be visible in the system, then it will be impossible to insert this sim card there insert another sim card into another phone or into this phone, you will need to buy everything new, and this will make it economically unprofitable for them to commit a crime, therefore , because their main idea... the task is to make money from it, so we will break it for them here this system. another initiative and you suggested limiting the number of sim cards a user has. what do you think, will it be supported and why is it needed?
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there are cases when more than 100 thousand sim cards were registered for one person; there were even isolated cases when they were used by a so-called droper. a million sim cards were registered, can you imagine? a million sim cards? so - the initiative that i voiced is to make sure that the number of sim cards for russian citizens is limited, well, i don’t know, how many sim cards do you have? probably two, you have two, you see, you have me, i also have two, but no, i have three sim cards, i also have one sim card in my tablet, so three sim cards, car alarm, three, okay, you also have three sim cards. the question is, how many sim cards do you need maximum? well, probably, if there are some modern gadgets, well, five, well, five, okay, so i propose to limit the bar to 50 sim cards, this is for russian citizens, for foreign citizens the limit is to make up to 10 sim cards per
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person person, and for legal entities in general, make one sim card for an employee, and well additional ones for tablets, for computers, and for some other devices. it may be possible to make separate sim cards, and this will also have a very strong impact on the implementation of gray sim cards. now there are new initiatives that i am proposing, if they are implemented, this will be significant.
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responsibility for what already exists increases, if we take a drunken ride on a scooter, this is the biggest fine he will have, speeding, transporting people and children, well, that is, a person, that is, you can only move on your own an electric scooter, you cannot transport anyone , you fled the scene, did not stop at the command of a traffic police officer, that is, and much, much more, there are a lot of innovations there. well, these are the main ones, but what do you think, this is what to do with
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minors, because very often they use scooters, and not just two people, i’ve seen three people riding, and at a decent speed, well, it’s definitely necessary to carry out educational work, talk about the rules road traffic, about the rules of movement on scooters, but if we take, for example, companies that rent scooters, then they ... through the state services website, so that there is registration for electric scooters so
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that we remove that part of the population that is under 18 years old, but really, really likes and want to ride scooters, but wouldn’t the creation of some specific black list of scooter riders help the company that rents out scooters in this matter? they themselves have already come to the conclusion that it is necessary to create these black lists. list, because people who systematically violate traffic rules movement, they can, of course, apply fines to them, but it seems to me that it is much more important to make sure that these people do not have, have no opportunity at all, to move around on scooters, so they agreed that they are already starting to exchange data, the so -called these violators, so that they do not have access to any rental scooters. neither in moscow nor in our country. an atm instead of a classic operational
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office. unique devices developed and developed began to appear in the country's banks. made in russia. import substitution in the financial sector is gaining momentum. almost all components of terminals, domestic microelectronics, which are implemented in payment cards, are also ours. report by svetlana temerbulatova. optimal sound. atms are masterfully achieved by testers; in production, these specialists are like tuners of musical instruments, only they do not work with keys or strings, with technical components, so that in the end the bank clients hear the pleasant sound of issuing banknotes. at every atm approximately 800 parts, 80% of them are domestic, this is the processor, the case itself, a contactless card reader, a touch screen. it remains to import the module for processing banknote recognition, the company is already working on this and... this enterprise was hired even before the introduction of sanctions against our
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country, but after the leading foreign manufacturers of atms left russia in the spring of 2022, the need for domestic terminals intensified , the company has developed an atm with its own software, the line even includes a full-fledged digital mini-office, it can replace the opening of a classic bank branch, a digital office in which you can implement... up to 100% of the transactions that clients can receive in a standard branch using our video call center software, and can be carried out consultations with clients, and a full range of services, including signing contracts, issuing cards, and as for payment cards, or rather, the fact that processors and chips are built into them, great steps have also been taken in this direction, despite the economic pressure of western countries, in russia, the microelectronics industry continues to develop, now that the president has set the task of gaining technological sovereignty, we
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understand perfectly well that without such a powerful breakthrough in the development of domestic electronics, this task cannot be solved, in terms of support measures, this subsidies are tax breaks, together with the government, we senators developed, some time ago, a very serious tax maneuver in the it sector, in the electronics sector in particular, as a result we see an upsurge; this enterprise in zelenograd produces its own microcontrollers, microcircuits, chips, the latest. literally, if certain technologies of manipulation are followed , they originate in crystal production. this room maintains a certain temperature, humidity, and a frequency class higher than in operating rooms. everything is done to ensure that, as they say, no grain of sand gets into the workshop. this was done in order to maximally protect the final product from various contaminants, the main sources
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pollution in production is caused by personnel, so you and i are in this attire. potentially, one visually noticeable speck of sand can damage from 200 to 80 thousand final products. after crystal production, the product enters the adjacent assembly shop, where the crystals are installed into cases. well, for example, this chipmodule tape, this is a special tape carrier, flexible, where the same microcircuit chip is subsequently mounted, welded with a special gold wire for connection contact. then it is sealed, tested and subsequently sent directly to our customers, who implant this chip module into a bank card. for example, due to western sanctions , the transition to russian chips became a forced measure, and not only for the banking sector, because the plant faced unprecedented growth orders for all types of microprocessors, in connection with this, the company has increased production in order to fully
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cover the needs of the market, in this the company’s employees are helped by high-tech equipment is... a solid silicon wafer, here it is sent to a special installation, where it is automatically cut into separate units by diamond discs, about 3,000 of them in total. in-house production of microelectronics products is an important factor in information security, which is especially important for critical infrastructure, including financial infrastructure. the development of microelectronics not only brings with it technological sovereignty, but also develops other industries. our chips passed wound. certification in international systems, certification laboratories and complies with international standards, now such certification laboratories should appear here, the financial sector continues to actively implement import substitution strategies in its activities, a process that began several years ago is acquiring new dimensions: russian companies are switching to domestic solutions in the field of information
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technology, software, analytics to achieve a common goal, strengthening technological... independence. svetlana temerbulatova, natalya kalysheva, mikhail chuprasov and andrey litvin, senate program. the preservation of cultural heritage sites and unique monuments is a pressing and important task; it is under the constant control of the chairman of the federation. currently, there are more than 140,000 cultural heritage sites in the country, some of which are in poor condition. let's talk with senator alexander tremvitsky about improving legislation on the preservation of historical and cultural monuments. what are the main problems today? privatization of cultural heritage sites that are in unsatisfactory condition, and how is this issue resolved, including at the legislative level? the main problem is precisely the number of cultural heritage objects that are in unsatisfactory condition and their low investment attractiveness, that is, the object requires
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a huge amount of costs before it begins to bring any profit to the investor, and at the same time these are... costs both financial and labor costs, because to make a reconstruction project and undergo its examination, this, according to the legislation , is a very short, very difficult path, which is why there is a corresponding order from the president of the russian federation, who has now instructed to work out a pilot project in five regions until 2030 for the restoration of cultural heritage sites, direct participation and probably.. for now, the domrf fund will play the most important role in this, about 50 billion rubles have been allocated to finance these works, then this practice will be spread throughout...
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the amount of the investor’s own funds for the restoration of the cultural heritage site. this is the main thing that will allow more to be spent on bringing it into compliance for further use for its intended purpose. the first all-russian health marathon, which united 20 regions of the country, started in the federation council. the goal of the new project is to maintain and strengthen the health of the working population, increase motivation for sports, and attract.
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development of the country, and above all conservation, and through the implementation of projects aimed at achieving the goals health marathon, aimed at popularizing the best social practices to preserve the professional health of the working population, we will be able to make a significant contribution to the implementation of the intended national goals. the all-russian telethon will be the first team-building event. on the way to systematic work on the health and conservation of the working population. the results of the internet project will be summed up at the international economic forum in st. petersburg. the marathon participants
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who presented the best practices will also be awarded there. senators we are confident that this project has a great future and next year participants from all regions of the country will join. next week, senators will discuss the development of domestic livestock farming and veterinary medicine. the role of creative industries will be touched upon. development of the country's economy. they will consider issues of legal support for the safety of minors in the information space. see you in a week. see you on the senate program. a smile will make everyone brighter. the smile in the sky makes me happy. your smile is unique, pay with a smile safe and convenient with sberpay, select
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it will be called: there are no atheists in trenches. i hope it will be interesting. i look forward to seeing you at our meeting.
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pit for connections with the partisans, the village of all residents was burned, a plan was developed, according to which at least 30 millions of slavs, why is it important? recognition of genocide specifically against the soviet people, because this is a historical fact, this work is extremely important, especially today, when western politicians are trying to rewrite the results of the second world war. russia was the first to introduce a resolution on the inadmissibility of glorifying nazism. mostly europeans abstained. the united states voted against it. in a very well-thought-out attack in the information field on our historical self-awareness, because this is the basis. any
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national statehood, it is important that everyone involved in the inhumane treatment of people has been identified, even if these criminals are already dead. did you get used to watching videos online and it stopped working? install, open, look. russian channels - all series, movies and cartoons, educational programs. and documentaries, watch, watch in the app or on the website.
1:00 am
the legitimacy of vladimir zelensky has ended, and russia needs to understand who will sign documents on behalf of kiev if negotiations do begin. moscow's principled position vladimir putin designated in minsk. the president paid an official visit to belarus. and he has already left this republic. alexander lukashenko personally led the way.


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