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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 25, 2024 1:00am-1:30am MSK

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the legitimacy of vladimir zelensky has ended and russia needs to understand who will sign documents on behalf of kiev if negotiations do begin. vladimir putin outlined moscow’s principled position in minsk. the president paid an official visit to belarus. and he has already left this republic. alexander lukashenko personally led the way.
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it is known that we treat the security of belarus in exactly the same way as we treat the security of the russian federation, and this is probably the key element of our interaction in this sphere. as for compliance with the norms and obligations of russia in this area, we fully comply with all our obligations in the field of nuclear weapons. there is nothing here
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that we would violate, there is nothing unusual in comparison with the work of the same nato bloc, the same exercises are regularly held there, in which nato countries are involved, on whose territory american tactical nuclear weapons are located, so all this happens in our country planned order, and we are not forcing anything here, but as was said,
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in order to protect the union state we are constantly we keep in sight everything that is happening on the borders, our borders, we see and know this, starting from the building of various fences , whipping up hysteria, the exercises that are carried out near our borders, and this...
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we are aware of the fact that the legitimacy of the current head of state, it is over, i think that one of the goals of the conference, which was announced at the conference in... switzerland, is precisely for the western community, the sponsors of today's kiev regime, to confirm the legitimacy of the current head of state or already inactive, but these pr steps, they do not matter for legal documents, we, of course, will need it, if before that... it comes, and i proceed from the fact that
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peaceful peace should be resumed and not with the help of ultimatums , with the help of common sense and are based on...
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iran is a major regional power that plays a significant role in world affairs, but in my opinion, after this tragedy we are unlikely to encounter any changes in the foreign policy of the iranian leadership, bearing in mind,
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that the fundamental principles of iranian statehood, they are quite stable, strong, reliable, we have developed very well. the scene in belarus is completed, but clearly this is not the last contact with alexander lukashenko this year, because ahead is the anniversary of the union state, 25 years of cooperation and mutual understanding. ukraine has opened all the floodgates to the dnieper-hpp payments, and there is a massive release
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of water. the governor of the kherson region, vladimir salda, announced that there is such information. he noted that a large flood does not threaten populated areas, but the islands may go under water. prog is the most powerful hydroelectric power station, which is under the control of kiev. over the course of a week, the russian army carried out 49 group strikes with precision weapons and drones. military factories , airfields, warehouses with missiles, fuel, and drone production workshops were hit. four settlements of staritsa in the kharkov region, as well as belogorovka, kleshcheevka and andreevka in the dpr, were liberated. zelensky's formations lost more during this time. 11,000 soldiers, mercenary officers, 17 tanks and 74 other armored vehicles were destroyed, as well as 186 gunships, self-propelled guns and missile systems, shot down two mig-29 fighters, 356 combat drones, 46 missiles and about 100 rockets. about
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progress in the kharkov direction, our military correspondent, evgeniy poddubny. the enemy is trying to slow down the advance at the cost of significant losses. russian units in the kharkov direction, every day of the formation of the kiev regime on this section of the front alone more than 300 people are killed and hundreds wounded, while fighters of special units of the russian army destroy the artillery of the armed forces ukraine, gun and rocket, in fact, thus, part of the reserves that the kiev regime transferred to the kharkov direction have already been destroyed, while the enemy continues to transfer to...
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a very well-protected pillbox, machine gunners are constantly working, we are trying to get through, while everything is very difficult , but we will do it, we will get through, serious battles are going on in the area of ​​​​the village of leptsy, units of the kiev regime were able to form a fire system, in the shortest possible time they transferred well -trained detachments to the kharkov direction, which they use fpv drones, so all movements are only in forested areas or at night. the operation of the grouping of troops north is ongoing, the kiev regime has lost dozens of tanks and armored vehicles.
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the fighters of this formation have destroyed more than forty artillery installations in recent days alone. perhaps this is a record. operators of loitering munitions monitor the battlefield around the clock, conduct counter-battery combat, and destroy enemy reconnaissance assets. at the same time, the hunt continues for enemy crews who are involved in organizing terrorist attacks on cities. what are your priority goals? rszzo, because the rszzo is shelling priority targets for us, this is mainly belgorod, the civilian population, so this is the highest priority target for us, the enemy also uses cannon artillery, and d-30, d-20, we also destroy, we find in forest belts, forest areas, mostly located on the outskirts, far away. puts his equipment, that is, they are afraid, afraid, afraid, the call sign of this fighter is grandfather, although he has not become a grandfather yet,
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he is just a little older than the other guys, he serves in unit for more than a year, he says, even during this year, the capabilities of fire destruction have increased greatly, what emotions do you experience when you hit enemy equipment, pleasant, pleasant, of course, pleasant, firstly, there is a high probability that none of ours will suffer from this equipment, well, mostly because of this. tank, rszz, gun, it doesn’t matter what, it’s at least a saved life of ours, not just of a soldier, as practice shows, belgorod several times every day, so more civilians, because soldiers in principle, he chose his own path, and there is no way they would expose civilians to the worst and worst things. our troops continue to build on their initial success, while the enemy seeks to gain an advantage in numbers on the battlefield. is transferring additional reserves, the command of the ukrainian armed forces is even trying to counterattack
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in some areas of the kharkov direction, but these attempts are unsuccessful and the enemy is again trying to hit civilians. air defense crews of the russian army destroy targets every day on approach to belgorod, and this despite the fact that there are no opportunities the enemy is less likely to strike the regional center every day. evgeny poddubny, alexander pushin, ruben mirobov and stanislav yalovsky.
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the fourth meeting of this organization discussed challenges that have long become common, this was demonstrated by the most terrible
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crime of recent times, perhaps not only in russia, but throughout the entire post-soviet space. as you know, on march 22 of this year in the moscow region, in the city holly building, a monstrous terrorist act was committed, killing hundreds of innocent people, among them women and children. we are currently establishing the entire circle of those involved in the crime; they have already been detained. performers and accomplices. last week, their preventive measure was extended for another 2 months; the accused are still kept in solitary confinement; they fear that their cellmates may... commit lynching. six wounded remain in hospitals, two of whom are in serious condition. a total of 145 people died in the fire during the attack. installation work is currently underway on the site in front of crocus city hall. clearing the rubble in the concert hall named after muslim magamaev ended a long time ago, but the work of the investigators, who are still scrupulously collecting evidence and, most
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importantly, trying to identify by name the masterminds of this terrible crime, has not ended. the vector was clear after the first one. a detailed conversation with those arrested: what were your group’s plans after the terrorist attack? sides? instructions on movement and actions were given to them by a certain middle eastern preacher saifullo. during the investigation, including with the direct assistance of our colleagues from kazakhstan, kyrgyzstan, tajikistan and uzbekistan, it was established that the preparatory actions, financing, attack and withdrawal of terrorists were coordinated. via the internet by members of the velayat-khirasan group located in the afghan-pakistani zone. the investigation is ongoing, but it is already possible to say with confidence that ukrainian military intelligence is directly related to this attack. that is, they came up with some and executed others. according to alexander bortnikov, ukraine has long become a terrorist hub. we fix what continues at
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assistance from nato countries, the massive transfer of mercenaries and militants to ukraine between.
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the commonwealth, for what it's worth, has a recent attempt to remove the prime minister of slovakia, robert fitz, who is objectionable to the liberal euro-atlantic. both bortnikov and naryshkin emphasized in their speeches that the collective west, realizing the impossibility of defeating russia on the battlefield. began to encourage the tactics of terror, which is spreading throughout all the cis countries, which means that taking into account the risks, we need to act together, and therefore we ended the meeting by agreeing joint measures to combat new threats. vitaly karmazin, news. deputies of the chechen parliament unanimously supported the appointment of magomed daudov to the post of chairman of the government of the republic. the head
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of chechnya, ramzan kadyrov, pushed him out and expressed confidence that daodov would do the job with dignity. is in demand, i visited the production of plant protection chemicals, its products are very evgenia petrukhin, please let the workshop start work, let's go, hurray, the largest workshop in russia for the production of chemical plant protection products, where everything... plant protection from insect pests, protection against fungal diseases, means for pre-sowing seed treatment. eight technological lines, at the same time it is possible to prepare eight types of products, which
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are nanotechnological products, these are products with a low environmental, chemical load on... products will be produced here that are very gentle on bees, which is very important in our country, this products that have very low consumption rates and have little impact on the soil environment, so to speak, and of course products that we call, of course , innovative, created for the first time at the shchelkovo scientific center. 20.00 tons of finished products per year, this is the capacity of only one new one. workshops, and the total productivity of the enterprise will reach 70,000 tons of plant protection products. the industrial development fund helped significantly expand production. the company managed to receive 950 million rubles in the form of preferential payments. currently, manufacturers of plant protection chemicals already have access to all support measures that are intended for industrial enterprises, this includes preferential lending to the industrial development fund,
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this is a cluster investment platform, and measures to support exports, subsidizing part of the costs of neokrov. the share of domestic companies in this niche of the russian market today is 68%, 10 manufacturers are among the first to be agrochemical, and the company plans to expand its presence in the russian market from 19%. up to thirty, precisely due to replacing the share of departed foreign competitors. the industrial development fund, which hosted here active participation in the action. here everything is the most modern, everything is most competitive, domestic and our friends from belarus and modern and global developments. once again i want to thank the entire chemical industry. you are great and well done, we are proud to be on the territory. in the moscow region there is a worthy, advanced, world-competitive enterprise, an enterprise with a 150-year history, based on the research
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institute of chemical plant protection products. today the company also operates in kazakhstan and uzbekistan, and now will also significantly increase supplies to algeria, morocco, turkey, serbia and the cis countries. the order of merit for the fatherland from the president of the country was presented to the director of the enterprise, salis karakotov. awarded the best employees, for whom a new workshop on the eve of chemist's day is perhaps the best gift. evgenia petrukhina, oleg ivanov, anton solovyov, news. in russia there is a day of slavic literature and culture, exhibitions and festivals, a traditional festive concert in moscow on red square. behind the celebrations varvara nevskaya was watching. a symphony of sounds that gives you goosebumps, virtuoso musicians of the bolshoi theater orchestra. and the best voices of the country, combined choirs and opera performers, with maestro valery gergiev conducting.
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this is more than just a holiday, a day of slavic culture and writing, a day of remembrance of the creators of the russian alphabet, saints equal-to-the-apostles cyril and methodius, who left a special mark on the history of all slavic peoples. these were saints. ministers of the church of god, but at the same time they accomplished, one might say, a huge feat cultural significance, they created for the completely illiterate slavs at that time, the alphabet, the alphabet, and then on the basis of this alphabets and grammar and language, by others, these people...
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historical bonds, they allow our country to maintain stability and its sovereignty, noted in calendars may 24, this holiday takes its roots back in the 9th century, when through the efforts of the saints equal to the apostles...
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varvara nevskaya, dmitry arkhangelsky, andrei mashkarov and anna tarasenko. news. in the final of the russian women's handball championship, the capital's cska defeated rostov team. alexander abramov watched the game. the confrontation between cska and rostov-don is a rivalry with a mark of quality, the best that exists in russian club handball. for the fourth year in a row, these teams played for the gold medals of the national championship. the match of the final series, the nerves were on edge, there was so much passion, so many fans, i just don’t know, it was just something unreal, this is a real final, probably this is how you just have to play in the final, until the end of the second half there was not one from the teams could not tear myself away from the opponent by more than two goals, a few minutes before the end of the competition , the seemingly impossible was achieved in this game plus four, medals were already prepared in the corridors at that moment, it was
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at that moment that miracles began on the court. he managed to win back, then there were four five-minute overtimes. cska win 33:31, 2:0 final series and cska champion. this season cska won the treble, the russian super cup, the russian cup and the super league. how do you feel about this? i am very glad that we were able to confirm all these titles, because season and this season, winning, as they say, is not only easier, but we have to defend all these titles harder, we succeeded. do, i really like to win, i ’m happy, and i’m glad that it was with cska that we achieved so many awards, which is allowed in russia; macedonian legionnaire sara ristovska scored the most goals among the champions in the golden match, eight goals, and was recognized as the best player of the final elena mikhalichenko.
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cska became the champion of russia for the third time. celebrating the second season in a row muscovites won all three possible titles. on this the russian women's club handball season has ended. the next season will begin in just over 3 months, in the match for the country's super cup, cska will again play against rostovdon. alexander abramov, andrey shner, sergey minin and umar tuskaev. news.
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you will die, and i’m like, well, he says, who will protect you, if not me, many donetsk residents went to the front almost immediately after graduating from school, in an occult way i went to serve the volunteers, i learned what it’s like to actually be in a war, precisely on the front line , younger brother too, 17 years old, seryosha, also wants to go the same way. i realized that i can’t sit anymore, i have something to learn from the young guys.


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