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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 25, 2024 2:30am-3:01am MSK

2:30 am
it is not appropriate for the court to retreat now ; it seems that western countries should not denounce him either, especially since passions in favor of palestine continue to simmer on the campuses of both the united states and europe, but allowing fimida to persecute her allies to the delight of the global yogi is also not good, it is difficult. after the advertisement, let’s talk about another punitive topic: the seizure of sovereign assets.
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wait, who are they, new guys, this is a passenger with me, a reporter, a director, i came for my brother, i’m a battalion commander, call sign trigger, everyone has call signs, adam, why? adam and not adam, i’m a chechen, an artist, a white rose, can you, i can, will you sing somehow, am i shave, am i alive, names on... there’s no need, you can’t touch her,
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or what, not a little, not yours, well, you, chamomile, light of god, to the machine gun, what to do, commander, shoot, call sign passenger, call sign passenger, i suggest changing it to the call sign rebin, no, call sign of my brother, you remain a passenger, that’s right. i've been waiting for you forever. i was in such a hurry to
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meet you, it finally came, spring, warm, sunny, bright, the russian exhibition bloomed with all the colors of spring, you were waiting spring, now spring is waiting for you at the russia exhibition.
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russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia.
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to seize income from frozen assets of russia, however, they are still denying the seizure of the money itself, they say they are afraid of creating a precedent; in russia they are not sitting idle either. the legal basis for response actions is already ready and partially made public. let’s talk to the most knowledgeable specialist about what the initiators of radical measures are afraid of. alexey mozhin, russia's representative at the international monetary fund. alexey vladimirovich, hello, very glad to see you, thank you for coming. i have a question for you, a little common. imf specialists have repeatedly said that russian money will be confiscated.
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and iran, and venezuela, and that means many others. here, but of course, in terms of size, this theft, if you call it, then, in your own words, it is, of course, a completely different size, you can say that this is generally the largest theft in the entire history of mankind, it is estimated at approximately at 300 billion dollars, which means why there are, as it were, risks for world.
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it’s a complex relationship, he didn’t just come there, take it away, and then go away, countries buy american dollar assets, and this, so to speak, becomes part of their foreign exchange reserves, that’s when they have a foreign exchange reserve, they don’t not have pieces of paper in the basement there
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dollar, which means they buy these assets, saudi arabia receives interest on them. this means i think they are also watching closely, they have very large foreign exchange reserves, but we see that the chinese are reducing the share of foreign exchange reserves in dollars, they are selling little by little, they understand that if they now dump out their entire trillion-something, all their reserves, this will of course collapse the dollar and most likely lead to... complete chaos in the world economy, the saudis are doing this too, as far as all this is quite easy to track, because that countries publish the size of their foreign exchange reserves, their structure,
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and this means that the people who follow this, they see how the share of dollar reserves is decreasing there, which means the share of dollar reserves, americans, europeans, accordingly they are told that... “guys, don’t worry , it doesn't concern you, it doesn't precedent, it’s just that russia behaved like this, it’s its own fault, but everything is calm, yes, well, we can only guess what they’re talking about, who’s talking to whom?” says, but i think that yes, you’re right, that they, they now they are trying to somehow reassure them, because they also understand the risks that inevitably arise here, but i repeat, russia is not the first country against which such outrage was used, they say, but the price , gold prices, we see what ’s happening, the same thing, by the way, prices for bitcoin, here's another way to get away from the dollar - to sell. means dollars to buy these bitcoins, please tell me, this is also
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the most important topic that is actively, constantly discussed, now in the context of russia’s chairmanship in brix, despite all these alarming signals, we understand that the role of the dollar in the international monetary system is still gigantic , it is very difficult to shake it, the tendency is still how far it has already progressed towards the realization that it is necessary to give up the monopoly, almost... they come out every day publications by analysts, economists, from different countries, where he just says, it is said that the existing international monetary and financial system is in such a critical state that it may collapse, there are also factors here that are purely internal, but first all this is the level of public debt.
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and this is called fragmentation, now the world finds itself primarily as
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a result of these latest actions of western states, to freeze, actually steal, russian foreign exchange reserves, the entire world economy, here it is found itself in such a very limbo state, in general the imf, besides the fact that this is understandable.
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as if there are absolutely cases when the imf should be obliged to come to the rescue, provide financial support and so on, nothing.
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frozen, suspended, purely for these political reasons, that the current government, it seems, is not listening, this is the law on foreign agents, well, now it’s a year ago, but they just started discussing it then, apparently, i i'm not sure, but this is just a blatant example when decisions are made solely on the basis of political, foreign policy goals, in general, this politicization and increased dishonesty, this is certainly not the fault of the fund’s employees, the apparatus, the permanent employees of the fund, these are, in general, people of a high degree of competence,
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professionals, who, as a rule, support the cause, which means that if they are not involved in some country, they... give their all, they sincerely want to help, it is not the fault of the fund’s management, there is management director kristallina georgieva and her deputies from different countries too, this, of course, is a board of directors, which is under the control of the west, there are examples, which means, of dishonest analytics, when
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to understand anything, because, for example, the last forecasts for the russian economy, the fund made, which means that there are enough good and, in my opinion, they are even higher than our own forecasts, this is pleasant, well, in conclusion, it’s just such a human question, i understand that from a professional point of view it’s quite difficult to work now, well, in this atmosphere, it’s just human , you feel,
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representatives of non-western countries, it’s as if they suddenly became very warm, they come, sit, i don’t know how to kick them out, so this and this and this and africans and uh, that means latin americans, and there are middle eastern people, there are arabs, iranians, asians, we sit here
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for hours, as it were, they, they ask, they are interested in what, how all this is happening. there is something else, there is frankly sabotage on the part of, not even the foundation, the american administration, my employees, there are only eight of us working in my directorate people, including me, i have a deputy, there is a senior adviser, there are also advisers, that means administrative assistants, so... when a person without a visa, he cannot leave the country, or rather, he can leave, but he will not be able to return back , this is what it means, now we had a big
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gathering in mid-april, a ministerial committee met there, it meets twice a year in the spring and autumn, they delayed issuing visas for our delegation, based on the results the visas were given, but already it means they gave it already when all the events are on... but it’s clear, and after, that means, after our employees have already canceled air tickets, canceled hotel reservations, because there are fines, well, they’re sitting there, they don’t have visas, you know, i called it the word sadism , we had a meeting of the board of directors dedicated to the results of these ministerial, so to speak, meetings, so i called it sadism, but this is sadism not from the fund, but from the outside
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- well, in general, the cold war us in full growth, we will apparently remember some previous approaches, although this could not have happened then, because the soviet union did not participate in the imf, no, no, well, that means new, thank you very much, we wish you success in your difficult work, our guest was the russian representative and envoy to imf alexey mozhin. a subcritical experiment was conducted at the american nuclear test site in nevada as part of monitoring the condition of nuclear warheads. this is a simulation model instead of testing. bye. meanwhile, in our southern military district, the first stage of exercises took place with practical testing of issues.
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shortly before this, the us secretary of defense died after falling from the sixteenth floor of a psychiatric hospital. according to legend, with the cry “the russians are coming.” but this is a legend. foristul's psyche was truly upset. he was desperately afraid of the soviet invasion, but the circumstances of his death had not become clear. forestal did not live to see the test of the soviet atomic bomb in 1949. that was enough paranoia for him. and conventional confrontation, before the two superpowers found a stable balance within the framework of the concept of mutually assured destruction,
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about 15 very nervous years have passed, now it seems that these nerves will have to be repeated, one consolation, now everything is fast, a decade and a half will not be needed, this was an international review, see you. there is an opinion that time heals, 512 people, including 91 children, were found by search engines when they came across this execution pit for connections with the partisans , and the village of all the inhabitants was burned.
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a very well-thought-out attack in the information field on our historical self-awareness, because this is the basis of any national statehood. it is important that everyone involved in the inhumane treatment of people has been identified, even if these criminals are already dead. are you used to watching videos online, it stopped working, install it, open it. we watch russian channels, all series, movies and cartoons, educational programs and documentaries , watch, watch.
2:56 am
where are you from 11 b? don't lie, it's me from 11 b, it's 2124. this is not fantasy, this is love. with lisya and i, i don’t think i understand? you don't mind, do you? 100 years ago. when we...
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went to mariupol, we went not only to fight, we had an order to help the locals, we strictly adhered to this order, we went by storm , got off, for the first time there they wounded me, all the bullets were out, one was a root, there was almost no more strength, i thought that was it, that moment a local guy came up to me, he... where he came from, i didn’t even notice, i will still be grateful to the unfamiliar guy.
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we watch to learn about the world, educational programs and documentaries, we watch, we watch in the application or on the website.
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3:00 am
the legitimacy of vladimir zelensky has ended, and russia needs to understand who will sign documents on behalf of kiev if negotiations do begin. vladimir putin outlined moscow’s principled position in minsk. the president visited belarus on an official visit and has already left this republic. alexander lukashenko personally saw putin off at the airport.


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