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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 25, 2024 5:30am-6:00am MSK

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sit more, there is something to learn from the young guys. hello, the program correspondents on duty and i, maxim movchan, will tell you about the main legal events of the day. i will categorize the leader of a powerful group as a convicted person. in moscow, the jury found guilty a member of the kopevskaya organized crime group, which in the nineties kept the capital's businessmen at bay. sergei zamoraev went through a long
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criminal path from an ordinary bandit to the leader of his own cell and managed to hide from the security forces for many years. but today it became finally clear: punishment inevitably. word to maxim shevchenko. as soon as sergei zamoraev, accompanied by a convoy , appeared in the corridor of the koptevsky district court of moscow, journalists immediately began asking questions. who did you communicate with in the kopelskaya organized crime group? but. as expected, no one received any answers. an authority figure known in certain circles as mels has been trying not to talk much to anyone since the very beginning of the investigation, although it is possible that many details of interest to the investigation have been preserved in his memory. the investigative committee believes that zamoraev and his accomplices are part of the koptevskaya organized crime group in in the nineties, he was involved in banditry, murders and illegal possession of weapons. the koptev group was a very authoritative association. created by the brothers alexander and vasily naumov, it numbered up to one and a half hundred. man, these are photographs
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of sergei zamaraev, taken in the nineties, most likely for the anniversary of the head of the koptevskaya criminal group, alexander naumov. you can hardly find these undigitized photographs on the internet, they are rare, they show key people of the group, including zamoraev. a beautiful idle life these gentlemen they provided themselves very simply, through racketeering, operating in the north of moscow, they extorted money from entrepreneurs, so to speak,
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from the entrance, and zamaraev told pustovalov that the object had come out, after which pustovalov and polyansky caught up with him and shot him. colonel sergei ozhaev of the investigative committee, who after almost a quarter of a century unraveled the details of the story in which mels was involved, says that at some point zamoraev ceased to be an ordinary bandit, when in the north of moscow there was a division of spheres of influence of criminal groups, he allegedly organized another high-profile murder. tushino crime boss vyacheslav stepanov after a meeting with zamoraev. what exactly they talked about is unknown, but mels did not come alone, with a combat group that was awaiting the outcome of the dialogue between the interlocutors on the street. zamaraev also left the cafe, telling the people that stepanov was leaving. and after stepanov left the cafe.
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a prominent tushino authority fell on the asphalt before reaching his sedan, but it was not these investigators who remembered the shootout; at the fateful moment a tram was driving down the street under number 23. well, the route, by the way, still exists, the difference between eras is revealed only by the body, now the trams, of course, are completely different, then stray bullets fired from a machine gun pierced the body, four people were injured of varying degrees of severity, one victim later died in the hospital, 2 days after this event, sergei... zamaraev went to spain, where he lived until recently. he was detained in february twenty-two, when he returned from abroad. for this past crime, zamoraev faces up to 25 years in prison. at his request, criminal the case was considered by a jury, but relying on people's judges did not give zamoraev anything.
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the verdict is clear: guilty. this means that in a matter of weeks zamoraev will hear a guilty verdict, then it will become known how long it will take him to atone for his previous sins behind bars. in the meantime, the former leader... maintaining deathly silence, under escort from the most dangerous groups in the capital, still returned to the pre-trial detention center. maxim shevchenko, dmitry frolov, kirill kryuchko and anton sitnikov, host. duty department. naked for bribes himself, the novosibirsk region sentenced the former deputy regional prosecutor. andrei turbin was tried for receiving a seven-figure bribe. and this is not the first such scandal in the region. the topic will be continued by danil skharushko. in the hall of the central district court. novosibirsk, under the stern gaze of the mistress, her former servant, ex-deputy prosecutor of the region andrei turbin, accused of bribery, awaits his fate. he is lost in thought and clearly upset; it seems that he himself does not believe in the acquittal . colleagues have questions for turbin arose, apparently, even after his departure from the authorities several years ago; in february 2022
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he was arrested and sent to pre-trial detention. it turned out that turbin, instead of serving the law, helped circumvent it, of course, not for free; according to investigators, he transferred more than 3 million rubles through intermediaries. reputable entrepreneur mikhail kolmagagorov. the bribe-giver represented the interests of a defendant in a criminal case that was being investigated by internal affairs agencies. the illegal remuneration to the prosecutor was intended to provide reclassification of the actions of the accused to a less serious article of the criminal code. kolmogorov himself is a well-known personality in siberia. according to data from open sources, the influence of a businessman is built not only on high business turnover. kolmagorov, former deputy of the city council of kuibyshev, novosibirsk region, sports philanthropist and law enforcement officer. previously accused of organizing a murder and allegedly other serious crimes, he was wanted for a long time, but recently he was detained in kazan, all these dark cases did not stop the turbine from pretending to be a guardian of order, at press conferences he reported on the work done for the benefit of people. the case is about untold news, where the leaders were brought to criminal
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liability, the case, including against the head of smu-17, there is theft there, we are talking about more than almost 13 million rubles. the foskimes case. we are talking about 67 million rubles. it is possible that andrei turbin simply followed in the footsteps of his boss, because in the same year as him, vladimir fallileev, a former prosecutor of the novosibirsk region, was detained. investigators found out that falleleev was in exchange for bribes protected from inspections the large shopping center vostok, which law enforcement officers had already paid attention to more than once. the corrupt prosecutor received about 11 million rubles for his services. recently, the court found him guilty and sent him to prison for 9.5 years, but this is not the case. i was surprised by what are called knowledgeable people, we knew him only from the bad side, these are hunts and other little things, even therefore the fact that he was arrested was not a discovery for us, by the way,
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lyubov kuzminok, the former first deputy falileev, in her case so far, court hearings are just underway in barnaul, the final chord in the turbine case was the verdict, the court will sentence the turbine. sergei belousov, one of the intermediaries in transferring the bribe, was found guilty of committing a crime, along with the turbine; the court sentenced the former deputy prosecutor to 4 years in prison and a fifteen million fine, although the prosecutor's office asked for a term twice as long for the former colleague. the turbines spent their last moments of freedom under camera lenses. the turbine was taken into custody right in the courtroom. soon he will go to a colony, where he will be given a prison uniform, which will suit him much better than
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cooperation in the direction of law enforcement agencies. expressing confidence that today the result of our work will be effective solutions in all important areas of existing and future cooperation. to fight terrorism through joint efforts , the 54th meeting of the council of heads of security agencies and intelligence services of the cis countries took place in bishkk. challenges in the fight against international evil and forecasts in galina hungureeva.
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a high reception at the official residence of the president of kyrgyzstan. heads of security agencies and intelligence services of the cis countries meet in beshkek. the level of secrecy is the highest. this is the fifty-fourth meeting of the council. from russia , fsb director alexander bortnikov and director of the foreign intelligence service sergei naryshkin came to the meeting. in the footage , representatives of the russian side are greeted by the president with a strong handshake. komchebek tashiev. measures to combat terrorism and religious extremism are on the agenda. in his report, alexander bortnikov said that the forecast for changes in the operational situation in the cis space was generally confirmed. continuing military-political and economic pressure on the state, escalation of armed confrontation in the zone of russia's special military operation, attempts to strengthen and expand the influence of terrorists. networks and branches of international terrorist organizations in the afghan-pakistani zone. as the head
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of the fsb stated, by now it has been possible to identify all those involved in the terrorist act in kroku cityholly in krasnogorsk near moscow. more than twenty persons were detained, including direct perpetrators and accomplices. it was established that the attack was coordinated by members of the veloyat kharasan group from the afghan-pakistani zone. upon completion of the execution, the terrorists received a clear command to move to the ukrainian border for the sake of the country. at the meeting, they noted an increase in the number of terrorist groups in the northern regions of afghanistan, however, according to alexander bortnikov, the intelligence services of the cis countries are finding common ground.
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threats, we can stop the enemy, if you like, ensure the security of our states. the participants adopted a joint document that will make it possible to assess and predict the development of security threats in the cis space. in addition, members of the council approved the decision to create an organization for training personnel in the field of countering terrorism. galina hungureeva, denis novozhilov, lead the duty department. this weekend on russia 24, watch the investigation of eduard petrov, obsessed with gold. every year in transbaikalia officially
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produces about 40 tons of gold, but it is unknown how much of the precious metal passes through the hands of black miners. current information on the functioning of the gold smuggling channel through the zabaikalsk checkpoint. 16 members of the criminal community were detained and taken into custody. border guards, customs officers and police officers of transbaikalia exposed the international organized crime community. how were the smuggling of precious metal organized? based on the materials of the case, you admitted your guilt and went. second style. how much did treasure hunters earn? they are heavy, each weighing one and a half kilograms. we took up this matter and conducted our investigation. people learn about legal news in their region or region thanks to the work of local journalists. the program to conduct the duty
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unit is published in many regions of the country. my colleague ekaterina loskutova will tell you what topics interested our colleagues in the tomsk region. hello, maxim, my colleagues and i have been closely following the events in the region all week. the most significant incidents in our materials. large a cannabis drug plantation was liquidated in tomsk. there were 22 pots in the man's apartment. with a criminal harvest, yeah, there too . in addition, during the searches , operatives found 17 containers, presumably containing marijuana, which were seized and sent for examination, and the owner of the prohibited plantation was taken into custody. dangerous discovery: a child suffered multiple head wounds after playing with a beer keg. it all happened right in the courtyard of a residential building: the children found an ownerless keg and began throwing it on the asphalt. during one of the throws the container could not stand it and exploded. a ten-year-old boy was taken to the hospital,
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who is to blame for what happened. the person on duty will talk about all this and much more in the new episode of the program. part of tomsk. maksim. thank you, it was ekaterina loskutova from the tomsk region. and we return to federal news. on autopilot under the us belt, the tesla electric car twice almost dealt with its owner. the self-driving car confidently flew under the speeding freight train. alena skachkova looked into how artificial intelligence rebels against humanity. rise of the machines came to the usa. tesla autopilot almost killed its owner. the car was rushing at full speed right under the train. a second before the collision, the driver miraculously grabbed the steering wheel and crashed into the barrier. the trip ended for him in the hospital, and there the man said: tesla has already tried to send him under the wheels twice. in its justification, the automaker said: yes, it’s a glitch, but artificial intelligence, it’s just learning until it recognizes speeding trains. here are the statistics of such disasters.
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nhtsa investigated 956 accidents involving tesla that occurred from 2018 to 2023, as a result of these accidents 43 people were killed and 49 were injured. there is, of course, another side to the coin. how many times has the same autopilot saved careless drivers on the road? for example, here the car dodged a flying tire, and here it suddenly braked in front of a foreign car that skidded. unmanned trams and robot couriers, driverless taxis and electric cars are gradually taking over russian roads. mikhail efimov has been working on such cars for more than 10 years, he says a swallow is like a woman, she only gets wiser over the years, she gains experience in batches, with each update, you yourself may not suspect it, but you also train artificial intelligence by passing these tests on the internet, where you need to find traffic lights, road signs, motorcycles, you have proven that you not a robot, that means they trained a robot. can you trust autopilot 100%?
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well, no, no, it’s 100% impossible, firstly, from a legal point of view. anyway, responsibility for what happens to the car, all damage, accidents, it doesn’t matter the responsibility lies with the driver, the person who sits behind the wheel of the car, nevertheless, there are still some failures, and what will happen in the head of the next driver, the autopilot cannot predict, but officially in russia this technology still works with reservations, even the vaunted autopilot actually does not allow the driver to relax, the car closely monitors the hands and eyes, so reading a book or sitting on the phone while driving will not work, you still need to hold the role, or at least touch it sometimes in order to catch any moment take control into your own hands; if the rules are ignored, smart technology will not spare you and will simply block the autopilot function. where is the limitation? are there craftsmen who have already learned how to bypass them? for a tidy sum, some masters will install a full autopilot on electric cars, but
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whether to risk using it is up to everyone to decide for themselves, for example, this couple from chuvash can install it right while driving on the highway. 18:15 don’t miss the final episode of our program, this is its main topic. the last flight of an aircraft designer. in vladimirskaya region, a craftsman crashed on a homemade light aircraft, which happened during testing. he wasn't supposed to fly, he was just supposed to run around there . the airfield is closed; several more unregistered aircraft were found on the territory, which they lifted into the sky. it seems
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that it was in this place that homemade aircraft moved. what was collected in the village hangar and where to go next? arrived on aircraft. anyone who operates in the field of small aviation, well, as a rule, is already a violator from the regulator's point of view. the season for trips on light aircraft is open, what do they fly on and what are the dangers of such flights? how they monitor equipment and what prevents them from putting things in order in this area. about the big problems of small aviation and the investigation of andrei romanov. they sold their native language. in the krasnoyarsk territory, a criminal group was paid off. which helped migrants get legalized, more than 2.0 citizens received fictitious documents, as employees of one of the country's leading universities took tests in russian, history and science for foreigners... across the country, police officers are one after
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another closing down offices that illegally sell certificates for foreigners, and what to expect from the new migration reform announced by the ministry of internal affairs from the krasnoyarsk territory, report by vlada egorova. lose your vacation because of one letter. why can russian border guards cancel the fender pass? believes that there was a mistake in it, it is the basis for the document to be confiscated, why the letter y has become the most problematic in the alphabet, and is it worth consciously abandoning it, i am queen elizabeth, and the pope is at some point he became a queen, how different spellings of first and last names cancel out plans for a long-awaited vacation, why even a deposit can play a cruel joke. the purpose of the law was a little different, we are now witnessing a war with windmills, what do the deputies propose? standard spelling in transcription of all basic names. who should look at their passport before packing their bags and what could be a reason to cancel documents and contact
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the police? a current report before the holiday season was prepared by andrey ivlev. took it down eight wheels. the capital police are looking for a roller skater, through whose fault an elderly muscovite was seriously injured and fell into a coma. the doctor flew into retirement at great speed. from cctv cameras, two muscovite women were walking their dogs, at the exit from tushinsky park a man on roller skates flew out of their way, did not notice the tight leash knocked down an elderly woman, falling she hit her head
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on the paving slabs. the accident happened here when valentina fedorovna was already returning to her walks and leaving the park. according to eyewitnesses, instead of to help a downed pensioner, the roller skater flew into a rage, swore at the unconscious woman, and then drove away, turned around and drove off, as if that was the right thing to do, but... people just helped us, a girl with a stroller, with a small child, called an ambulance, after the fall, valentina fedorovna briefly came to her senses and even walked to the ambulance herself, but on the way to the hospital she fell into a coma, doctors diagnosed hemorrhage and traumatic brain injury. naev, she is, she is not conscious yet, the operation was removal of the hematoma, the hematoma was between the brain and the skull, which is very bad because it was large. elena before... i would really like to hope that the person will still bear
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some responsibility in this situation, he was driving at such great speed, there was such a moment, he had an impulse, mommy weighs more than 60 kg, you see her there , just like a toy, i feel so sorry for her, she was hit so hard, they are now looking for the role of the one who broke the pensioner, under control at the prosecutor’s office. the progress of the pre-investigation check, as well as the adoption of a procedural decision based on its results, including including if there are grounds to initiate a criminal case. if the culprit is found, he faces charges under the article of causing grievous harm by negligence. alexey knor, egor vazhletsov, daniil bobov, oleg dobin, vesti duty unit. you can find out about the latest legal news around the clock in the telegram channels of vesti duty department and honestly detective. maxim ovchan was in the studio. see you.
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i’m a fan of konstantin khabansky, the indicators are normal, we can start, i liked kira the most, yuri borisov, the best actor, everything was just done very cool, it just went right in, i don’t know if it will actually be like this in 100 years, but i would like it to be like this, you are like that. hands, we’ll meet in the future, 100 years from now, i’ve thought a lot over these 100 years.
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“i’m not a fighter, i came for my brother, here all my feelings are heightened to the limit, happiness has resurrected me, she loves me, call sign passenger, go, i’ll come back for you, you hear,
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when we went to mariupol, we went not only to fight, but we were ordered to help the locals, we strictly adhered to this order, we they were storming, they came in, for the first time they attacked me there , they wounded me, all the bullets were flying out. there were roots, i no longer had the strength to fast, i thought that was it, at that moment a local guy came up to me, where he came from, i didn’t even notice, i will still be grateful to the unfamiliar guy.
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next is the investigation by eduard petrov about how in the trans-baikal territory they stopped the activities of an organized crime group that illegally mined gold and sold precious bullion abroad, watch about it right now. security forces in transbaikalia are obsessed with gold liquidated a criminal community whose members illegally took precious metal abroad. hello,
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eduard petrov is in the studio. and we see that this black sand glows with such a golden-yellow color. his group specialized specifically in moving gold through smuggling. more than thirty people are involved in this crime. take everything from hand to the mountain, we’ve earned a lot of projects, now we’ve probably earned 10 years, in money, in money, pennies, and up to tens, and up to 10 kg of gold transported, more than 50 kg of gold, here's a bag here, wow, these bars were seized at the border, and...


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