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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 25, 2024 8:00am-8:30am MSK

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let's start with the latest reports about the desire to carry out a special military operation: units of the southern group of troops defeated three brigades of the ukrainian armed forces, more than 400 militants were destroyed, the enemy also lost its equipment, these are three howitzers, including the american m37. gaze. four
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neo-nazi ammunition depots, fighters of the west group of troops repelled a series of enemy offensive attempts. here the ukrainian armed forces lost 395 people, another 11 armored vehicles, a caesar self-propelled gun, a french-made gun and several guns. the soldiers also managed to improve the position along the front line groupings of the dnieper army. the positions of three enemy brigades were hit in the orekhovsky section of the special military operation. and here is footage of the work of our paratroopers. which was shot down in the sky over the kherson region by another babayag strike unmanned aerial vehicle, widely promoted by nationalists. this is the pride of the ukrainian armed forces, which was presented almost as a superweapon, destroyed by a kamikaza drone, and rammed from above. as a result , the enemy drone exploded and crashed without causing harm to anyone. while performing a task , the fpv drone operator detected a copter "baba yaga". a decision was immediately made to shoot him down. a precise hit. our
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strike drone, baba yaga was shot down on approach to our positions, the sky is under our control, the amarpekhs of the pacific fleet are advancing in the southern donetsk direction, under their onslaught the militants of the kiev regime are increasingly surrendering, from the editorial report of our war correspondent eduard punigov. these shots were taken in the urozhainy area in the south of the donetsk people's republic, our drone. a scout watches as the positions in the armed forces of ukraine are stormed by the marines of the 1940s pacific fleet brigade. the settlement was erased from the ground by ukrainian artillery; there is not a single intact house. we came in , it turns out, in the morning, through a postcard, we reached this fence, walked along it a couple of meters, well, for now we just waited, waited for the command. the fighters tell how they took the opornik in a group of five in the area of ​​industrial hangars. our task was to throw a grenade.
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the second group had to do an order to suppress the enemy, they threw grenades, started firing at it, the marines captured several national guard soldiers ukraine, immediately before the battle they were offered to surrender to save their lives, i started yelling , uh, so that they surrender, one prisoner came out immediately with his hands raised, he began to say that don’t shoot, there are five of us. according to the prisoners, the attack by the marines came as a complete surprise to the ukrainian armed forces units. they came from our right side, where there was no one, and we couldn’t see that zone, suddenly everything happened, we decided that it was better to give up. cluster shells immediately flew into the positions occupied by attack aircraft, from the eastern a tank and mortars worked on the flank. the enemy’s plan was to blow our roof away and then finish us off with birds, but fortunately they had nothing. it didn’t work out, after which
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the enemy rolled back from the eastern hangars. now the attack aircraft are in a relatively safe place in the rear area; they came here for a short time to replenish their ammunition, but very soon they will go to the front line again. today, the industrial area in harvest is under the complete control of our army. fierce battles for the village continue. eduard punigov, alexander botkin, lead the south donetsk direction. but when will ukraine be allowed in?
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may also appear in georgia and moldova. the pentagon directly oversees the training of hackers and develops digital attack scenarios. the main testing ground for such a hybrid war is, of course, ukraine, where the so-called it army has long been formed. its task is electronic sabotage under the tutelage of nato curators. for this purpose , instructors from western intelligence services are regularly sent to kiev. and now footage from telegram channels. this is turin. in the north. torrential rains hit the area hail, pieces of ice damaged many cars, the streets were flooded, residents had to hide from the elements in houses and shops. seizing assets in russia was a mistake by the west, according to
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american congressman thomas massey. he emphasized that such a step is a dangerous incident. it will cause distrust among international investors, and now they will think three times, including whether it is worth it? today it is russia, but tomorrow it may be replaced by any other country, for which defending its own national interests is more important than involvement in a fictitious rule-based order. there is one more point, it is very important: these proceeds will systematically be used to finance the hybrid
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war against russia, to finance the further escalation of the conflict in ukraine. therefore, from here all the conversations of the ee members about their supposedly sincere interest in... themselves responsibly, suddenly a year ago they, the georgians in this regard, in general, have been leading for many years , which means this program was frozen,
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suspended, this is just like a blatant example of when decisions are made solely on this basis...
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is experiencing energy hunger, will the dilapidated energy system of ukraine withstand the load during the summer heat, apparently just a yellow buoy, or a spy device, what kind of research in quotes are the americans conducting in the arctic near our borders. if this happened today, the planet would plunge into chaos. should we expect magnetic storms comparable to the carington event at the peak of solar activity? you are watching the main weather program, i’m vadim zavodchenkov, hello. it's sunny this may. and many residents of the european russia. the finale of spring in the region turned out to be phenomenally warm, but such weather igilism does not reign everywhere. it is still snowing in some regions. we’ll look into the reasons for the strong contrasts immediately after
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reviewing the main cataclysms of the week. and, of course, we’ll tell you what to expect from the weather in the last days of spring. the scandinavian anticyclone dispersed the clouds. over the russian plain. in the absence of clouds, the may sun turned the heating mode to maximum. compatriots, yearning for summer, rushed to the reservoirs to open the swimming season. water in the rivers and lakes, of course, are now actively warming up, but the temperature of 16-17° cannot yet be called comfortable; this did not stop residents of the moscow region, leningrad region and other regions; the desire to swim was stronger than the fear of getting hypothermia. a curious incident occurred in the capital’s novogireev district. an elk was spotted in a local pond, apparently deciding to hide from the rays of the may sun in the cool water. but in the south of the country the beach season can already be considered open. in the middle of the week there is water in the azov and black... seas reached the lower limit of the comfort level, the sea temperature is 18, i just
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took a swim, the sea is calm, transparent, people are already swimming, there is practically no wind, the weather is clear, excellent, the sea water became warmer and warmer every day, by the end of the working week the first +20 this season was recorded in the sea of ​​azov and the first +19 in the black sea. against the backdrop of rising temperatures , the nizhny novgorod, ryazan and ulyanovsk regions were attacked by a horde of moshkars. the cold beginning of may apparently did not affect the number larvae of blood-sucking insects, but only delayed the mass emergence of midges, and now the number of mosquitoes is only increasing day by day. damn, this window on the veranda, this is what’s going on, you can’t go out with the children, you can’t take a walk, nothing, well, in the north it still doesn’t let you forget about itself, winter, in murmansk, in ukhta , some... in mid-may its streets are already
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covered by december snowdrifts, here again the weather contrasts of our big country never cease to amaze. an unusually cold start to the month gave way to unusually contrasting weather. imagine, the day before in some areas, almost all the natural zones of eurasia fit in, so in the north-west of the russian plain the air warmed up, as if in the mediterranean in may. in the east , the temperature regime entered the climate of yakutia; in perm it was even cooler than it usually is at this time of year in aymikon. the reason for such sharp weather contrasts was an atmospheric block. this is an anticyclone that has captured almost all of russia. plain. in the western part of this source , well-warmed air
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from the subtropical zone spreads with southerly flows. but to the east, northern winds carry very cold air masses from the arctic. the middle volga, the urals and almost all of siberia were in the zone of this invasion. the echoes of such a powerful cold snap were felt even in the south of the central russian plain. here, at the end of the work week , a mosaic was struck. frosts, although their usual period ends in the first ten days of may. even earlier, in the relatively cool 20th century, at the end of the month in these latitudes, such excesses happened only once every 4-5 years, now, thanks to climate warming, they have not happened, appears three times less often. in the coming days, the situation in the atmosphere will change little. most of the russian plain will remain in power. cyclone, so predominantly sunny, abnormally warm
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weather is expected here, cyclones will become more active along the borders of this focus, in the black sea region and in the caucasus these vortices will provoke local showers and loads, to the urals and siberia , along with rain clouds , air masses from the equator of the arctic will continue to carry ocean, in moscow local thunderstorms only on sunday on weekends in the capital the first peak of heat in the afternoon is +25-26, on monday it will become a couple of degrees fresher, but then the thermometers will creep up again, by wednesday to +28, and this is how the air warms up at this time of year in turkish antalya. in previous programs, i already said that according to statistics, usually after such a nervous may, the following june most often turns out to be. warmer climate, so, according to calculations of hydrodynamic models, the coming period of abnormally warm
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weather will last at least until the first days of calendar summer, and the full forecast for the whole month, see our next program. on to other topics, due to attacks on energy facilities that were used by the enemy for production. repair of military equipment and maintenance of units of the armed forces of ukraine, the whole of ukraine risks spending the summer in darkness. the power shortage in the energy system will only grow, because as a rule, in hot weather, electricity consumption increases, and due to planned repair work , it will not be possible to use the nuclear power plant to its maximum, the possibilities hydroelectric generation will also be limited, in fact, this is what kiev already looks like in the evenings, and what will happen next, will the battered ukrainian energy system withstand the summer
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load, let’s ask evgeniy teshkovets. evgeniy, you’ll probably have to forget about air conditioning during hot weather. vadim, what kind of air conditioners are there? things are so bad in the ukrainian energy sector that starting may 20, hourly power outages were introduced in all regions of the country. on wednesday we carried out missile attacks on energy facilities in the sumy region, in the city of shostka, tes, where according to local underground information, there were warehouses that were used by the ukrainian armed forces. another target is the critical infrastructure of the city of kanotop. there is a large railway junction there, which is one. one of the largest logistics hubs for the ukrainian army, and these are just specific examples of the effective work of our military. the energy system of the square is in trouble, as ex-minister of housing and public utilities of ukraine, verkhovna rada deputy aleksey kucherenko said, about 90% of the capacity of thermal power plants has been disabled. losses amount to approximately 8.00 mw of electricity. and on april 15
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, the ukrainian authorities admitted that the country had lost a gigantic volume. western ukraine is in a relatively stable state of power supply, while in the south and east of ukraine there are constantly rolling blackouts, and electricity in some places is turned on for 4 hours a day. warming helped to compensate a little for the deficit, but in order to balance the work,
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shutdown schedules still have to be introduced into the system, as the chairman of the board of ukrenergo kudrytsky clarified, cut off electricity throughout. in the spring, summer, and even the coming winter, ukraine will not be able to quickly restore generation; this may take not only months, but years. in the summer, energy shortages will undoubtedly increase. meteorologists predicted several waves of abnormal heat in europe back in the spring, and as we know, extremely high temperatures, as well as extremely low ones, create a large load on the energy system. in accordance with standard schedules of electricity consumption by industry. in summer it reaches 2/3 of loads in winter, so the use of air conditioners, refrigerators and fans will become a real luxury for ukrainians. the situation in the energy sector will only get worse, because the amount of water at hydroelectric power stations will now decrease due to the start of the summer season again, and accordingly, hydroelectric power stations will also stop so
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actively supplying electricity to the grid; ukraine... really has no way to restore the energy system. and here it is very important to emphasize that attacks on the energy sector are not being carried out in order to deprive ukrainians air conditioners. the main goal is to create maximum problems for the ukrainian armed forces. stop the supply of ukrainian militants, paralyze the production and repair of military equipment. and the russian army is successfully coping with this task, which is recognized even in the west. the new york times recently wrote that russian strikes are causing serious damage. military industry of ukraine, emphasizing that civilians can do without electricity, but for military production during hostilities, its presence is critically important. polish edition mysl polska is even more categorical in her assessments. the author of the article noted russia's successes in the energy decommunization of ukraine. destroyed soviet-era power facilities
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are now almost impossible to restore. and at the end of the publication - a disappointing conclusion from polish journalists. today. the ukrainian system is in ruins, but the russian armed forces will continue to knock out ukrainian energy capacity, including with the aim of creating a so-called sanitary zone near our borders, so that ukrainian terrorists will once and for all be deprived of the opportunity to fire at civilians cities. the us is building a global spy network under the guise of research. recently, during the russian... during an expedition in chukotka, not far from the border with america, a suspicious foreign-made buoy was found, without any identification marks, but equipped. for data transmission, it later turned out that the device is american, one can assume that it was launched for research, however, what is it
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exploring off the coast of russia, for example, the news of recent days in alaska, dozens of the most remote streams and rivers have changed color from from crystal clear blue to cloudy orange, scientists associate this with the consequences. a huge amount of metal ores fell into reservoirs from the ground, the rivers literally rusted, and for the first time orange spots were noticed back in 2018 in satellite images, which are dated 2008, which is not a reason for in-depth research, but the american government prefers to invest in others, such as called research...
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coastline, coastal waters regularly find various foreign buoys for collecting and transmission of information via digital channels, and this time was no exception: approximately 150
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km from the border with the united states, a yellow object covered with snow and frozen in ice was discovered. the robust, protected case contained electronic components, a battery for autonomous operation, as well as a system for digital underwater communications, navigation and information collection. all found equipment was then handed over to russian intelligence services. for a more detailed study, definitely spy, 100%, officially we found a fight, foreign, which was collecting information in our country's entry points, it was the enemy's - that's for sure, that's why we will hand it over to the border service so that they can see what kind of battle it was and what data it transmitted. the battle turned out to be american, it was launched by the arctic awareness center, or adak for short. the official website of the center says that the device is primarily intended for
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mapping the coast. but something else is interesting: adak is part of the network of us national security centers, and the main customer of these so-called studies is us coast guard. any cartographic research, any buoys that collect information, even if they are real for scientific purposes, the information can clearly be used for military purposes, that is , in order to plot the routes of ships, in order to know whether a particular cruiser is capable of to enter this or that harbor, you need to understand the landscape of the bottom, this is one, secondly, you need to understand that everything that comes from america, be it some kind of buoys, be it anything, and even democracy has a double purpose, the yellow battle is just one of the long -range autonomous underwater vehicles capable of operating. in the arctic, the american center has deployed an entire observation network near our borders, which includes mobile platforms, a complex of sensors, as well as communication and navigation buoys, and this entire
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project is overseen by retired us air force major general randy key, who has combat operations in the balkans behind him. afghanistan. back in the twenty -first year, he openly stated that russia and china pose a threat to national us interests in the arctic and called on the white house to invest more money in the arctic. initiative. investment in the arctic is critical to us national interests. russia, the growing presence of china and the need to economically develop the region are issues that decision-makers must consider. a priority should be to enhance the u.s. coast guard's ability to provide security and protection to the u.s. exclusive economic zone in the arctic and to provide coastal securing funds to resolve this issue. the arctic is now. a new territory, so to speak, for a possible future conflict, that is, the americans do not like the way we are developing the arctic, it is the arctic that now allows us to extract huge
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practically inexhaustible resources. natural resources, of course, are of great interest to many arctic countries, also to conduct exploration, also to understand what is happening there, what minerals are there. it must be said that the americans also shamelessly send their spy devices to other parts of the planet. to for example, us naval drones, also supposedly research drones, are swarming off the coast of iran and not just anywhere, in the strait of armu, through which a third of the world's lng supplies , almost a quarter of the world, passes. volume of oil supplies, when the iranians tried to capture one of the drones, the americans brought up the destroyer. interestingly, the united states protects all its research vehicles with the help of warships. and now our traditional section: space weather forecast, which we compile together with our colleagues from the institute space research iran. after a series of
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record outbreaks. the sun calmed down a little, but apparently not for long. the may geomagnetic storm was certainly strong, but our planet experienced much more serious impacts. for example, the magnetic storm of the late 19th century, known as the carington event, was so powerful that it knocked out telegraph systems around the world. if something similar happened today, the planet would sink.
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events of this level are certainly capable of causing disturbance on earth. in the sun until there are still a lot of stains. the star is currently accumulating energy again, and entering a new round of activity is a matter of a couple of weeks. just by this time , the centers that created the record-breaking geomagnetic storm will return to the visible side of the sun. the only thing that is completely unclear now is whether they will still have it? for new exploits, in general, while the sun has a short respite, strong magnetic storms are not predicted next week, however, the magnetosphere will remain in a disturbed state almost all days. that's all, enjoy the weather, whatever it may be, goodbye!
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