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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 25, 2024 9:00am-9:31am MSK

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a tragic plane accident in iran killed the country's president, who is to blame for the disaster? the international criminal court is meeting. issue an arrest warrant for benjamin netanyahu, but the west is at least surprised, and western countries are also deciding how to take away frozen russian assets, so far it is difficult, see about this in the international review program after a short advertisement. sberbank mortgage for any type of housing. if only i had a house in the countryside. better apartment. or not again, but
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a fatal mistake by the international criminal court, the prime minister of israel was put under investigation, justice may have been missed. the president was buried in iran this week. ibrahim reisi and foreign minister hassein amir abdalahian. both died in a helicopter crash while returning to the opening ceremony of a large hydroelectric complex on the border of iran and azerbaijan. level, no, of course, they are not immortal, but subconsciously it seems that people
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like this seem to be subject to some other life logic, there is always a suspicion that someone is behind this, yes, it happens... and so, but more often than not, everything is simpler: fate knows how to equalize everyone’s rights, even the most dignified and famous, a fateful coincidence circumstances, weather, human error, technical condition, alas, everyone is subject to this everyday factor. on january 16 , 1979, a boeing 707 took off from tehran, which was personally... piloted by shah rizavi. for the iranian monarch, with a pilot's license, this was the last flight out of the country. but boeings, like other airliners of the seventies, continued to fly in the skies of iran for a long time after the islamic revolution. western sanctions have closed
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the opportunity to purchase new aircraft and spare parts for them, even for civil aviation. what can we say about the military, which consisted mainly of american cars, f4 phantom. the united states did not want to sell them, so they had to set up production themselves. the iranian aircraft manufacturing company was founded back in 1976, but it really began its activities already during the period of total shortage.
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iranian president ibrahim raisi crashed in almost the same car; in fact, it is a civilian version of one of the most popular and famous cars since the vietnam war. h1 hugh. several of these civilian helicopters, bel-212, were purchased by the shah government in the seventies. some now serve in the police, others fly as part of the presidential air squad and transport important people. their age is approaching half a century. it is believed that this is not the main thing. the quality of service is much more important, but iranian civil aviation constantly lived in conditions of shortage. finally, after the nuclear deal, iran was able to buy new foreign ships in 2016. contracts were signed for hundreds of vehicles, but iran
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only managed to receive a dozen before the deal collapsed. airbuses a-320 and a-330s still form the main civil aviation fleet. average age of aircraft. 20 years. in december 2021 , the iranian business publication financial tribune wrote that due to technical problems , half of iranian planes are grounded due to problems with spare parts. and those that fly often become participants in aviation incidents. the biggest one is the il-76 crash over kirman. it is believed that the xir military aircraft crashed into the mountain due to bad weather. in 2005, a transport c-130 near tehran occurred due to engine breakdown. in 2011, a civilian boeing 727 flying from moscow to tehran was unable to lower its landing gear and made an emergency landing. no one was hurt then, but such cases
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are not uncommon for iranian aviation. for iran, what happened was a test of... strength; the country already has many problems. so far everything is fine. presidential elections are scheduled for the end of june. the executive branch was temporarily headed by the first vice-president, mahammad mahber. what should the islamic republic expect, let’s ask our permanent guardian of the events there, nikolai kazhanov. nikolay, what was the role of president risi, will anything change with his departure? the president is, after all, the second person in the state; decisions on strategic and main issues are made by the supreme leader and his entourage. for this reason, it is said that after death, after the death of raisi, it is political. the iranian system will enter into some kind of stupor, of course, this is not necessary, but the mesystem is still a figure who,
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as it were, exercised certain operational control over the implementation of the decisions of the supreme leader, it is still a figure who one way or another differently defined some ideological moments associated with the actions and behavior of the regime, and it is natural that her departure, well, one way or another will have a certain impact, that is, here at least from the point of view of the fact that at the moment it is still necessary to replace him with someone someone who fit exactly the same way as he did to the demands that the current supreme leader made, and these demands are determined by the fact that at the moment an operation has been launched in iran, in fact, a successor, when it comes preparing the political arena for the transition to power from the supreme, the current supreme leader, to his future successor, well, who will be now? to run for president and are there already favorites? among conservative candidates, among, let's say,
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ultra-conservative candidates, people with a certain charisma, or who were visible to the people on the one hand, and on the other hand acceptable to the supreme leader, is not visible now, that is, over the next two months, in fact, the leadership of the party will need to take a lot important decisions, or they will take a certain figure.
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next elections. to what extent are iranian elections competitive in general ? there is some kind of pluralism there before the previous presidential elections. for more than 30 years, the iranian political system represented such a thing as in the west they call send box democracy, that is, sandbox democracy, or something, when on the one hand there are restrictions. on candidates, that is, they should all be loyal to the islamic regime, they should all more or less fit into a certain stream, but the people are allowed to choose among various shades of this political stream, in principle , the population was happy with this for a very long time, since one way or another there was still a certain influence on at least a number of aspects within the political life of the country, that is, yes, in principle it is possible speak. political aspects too, that is, we saw an attempt to open this dialogue of civilization during khotamiya, we saw a relatively bright
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nationalist figure of ahmadi nizhad, that is, all this one way or another people were elected based on the signals that came from below, as soon as this successor operation was started, with the idea that whoever would replace the current supreme leader of khaminya should adhere to certain views. here a decision was made, as it were, to limit this right of choice for the people, which, firstly, had a negative impact, in principle, on the stability of the internal political country, and secondly, of course, had a negative impact on the same turnout , that is, the population sharply lost interest in participating in any way at all political process, and here it will be interesting to see, in fact, this country’s leadership, they will still perceive this as a mistake and try to restore a certain political legitimacy, but again...
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then there will be one set of candidates, we cannot even exclude it in an attempt to promote his son's candidacy, according to some rumors, such attempts were made. it’s another matter if he dies a natural death, leaving no will, or his will will be ignored by those people who will, as it were, sort it out, in such in this case, there is a high probability that the scenario of the transfer of power from the previous circle will be repeated in some way, when in principle a figure was elected, initially it really was like that, weak
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and compromising, thank you, it was nikolai kazhanov, ibrahim raisi. he will remain in our memory as a leader disposed towards russia. relations between russia and iran have never been one-dimensional; there is plenty of sympathy and complaints, but the interest remains constant. a few weeks ago we showed a story from tehran about the popularity of russian classical music there literature. a reasonable question arose: what about the modern one? our authors hastened to answer it. the works of tolstoy, dostoevsky and chekhov are considered masterpieces of world literature. they were read by millions of people around the world. iranians are no exception. but their love for russian literature and culture is not limited to the works of the classics. today they are discovering contemporary russian writers with great interest. the tehran international book fair
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is visited by thousands of people every year. traditionally , visitors receive special attention. thanks to the intensification of russian-iranian cooperation in the field of culture, this time the exhibition features many contemporary writers from russia whose books have been translated into persian, for example, the novel by asya volodina, a writer, prose writer and teacher of the estonian language. i belong to the new generation of writers in russia, the so-called millennial generation, and we have become some kind of
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new force in the literary process, which appeared relatively recently, but has already managed to loudly declare itself.
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actively read and study deeply. russian the language is one of the most popular foreign languages ​​in iran. universities across the country offer their students a range of programs in russian. dr. baharloo has been teaching russian at darbeat modares university for several years. during this time, with his help, thousands of iranian students learned russian, many of them became translators and teachers, but there were also those. who , following a dream, moved to russia and found a job there. today, the russian language is taught in 13 universities in iran. this one of the most popular foreign languages ​​in the country. the reason for this is the strong friendly relations between our countries, thanks to which interesting offers have appeared on the labor market for our students who speak russian
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. used in several countries, for example, in belarus, kazakhstan, kyrgyzstan, tajikistan. in addition, as a result of active cooperation between tehran and moscow, as well as iran’s policy of expanding ties with neighboring countries and regions, today the need for translators and experts of the widest possible range has increased. profile, with knowledge of the russian language. cooperation between iran and russia has expanded in recent years. today, tehran and moscow are closely connected not only economically and militarily , but much deeper. iran's main regional adversary is israel. it is not surprising that after the crash of the presidential plane, everyone turned in his direction. it seems unfounded. but
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there were other reasons to pay attention to israel. the war in gas continues. three more eu countries announced recognition of palestine as a state, and the international criminal court requested an arrest warrant for the israeli prime minister and defense minister, as well as three. hamas leaders. what is more scandalous here: the intention to arrest netanyahu or equalizing his status with the leadership of the islamic resistance movement is a matter of taste. the international criminal court has existed since 2002, when the rome statute came into force. this document formalized the mus as an independent international body that considers cases of war crimes and crimes against. eternity, but only those that occurred on the territory of the participating countries the roman statute, or which were committed by citizens of these countries. the case can be
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initiated at the request of a country participating in the court, at the request of the un security council, or at the request of the prosecutor. if he is confident in the evidence, then they ask the judges to issue an arrest warrant or a summons to appear in court. at the same time, moose does not consider cases in absentia, only after arrest. the accused, when he is brought before the court, pre-trial proceedings begin, his identity is confirmed and the judges decide whether there is enough evidence to bring the case to court, all this in the presence of lawyers and the prosecutor, the case is considered by three judges who decide whether the accused is guilty or not. mos has the right to impose punishment up to life imprisonment, but not capital punishment. the appeal is being heard by five judges. their decision is final and cannot be appealed , and the court's jurisdiction extends exclusively to individuals and not to companies or states as a whole. by the way,
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if necessary, any country can ask the court to investigate a specific event, even if she herself does not recognize the jurisdiction of mus. in addition, the court may find the head of the country guilty and even issue a warrant for his arrest and transfer to the hague for trial. but in practice it is almost impossible to do this; he does not have his own police or any other coercive apparatus. in theory, states themselves should hand over wanted persons, but there are internal rules that allow them not to do this. the court consists of 18 judges from different regional groups: asia, africa, eastern europe, latin america, western europe and other countries. they are elected secretly by a congress of countries participating in the statute. for a period of 9 years, it is financed in approximately the same way as the un. each participating country contributes depending on its population and its income.
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by the way, the top ten largest donors for 2020 include six members of the so-called big seven, as well as austria, spain and south korea. but there are also voluntary contributions or donations; it is impossible to determine who made it, the state or a private person. for 20 years. moose received more than 1 billion euros. the jurisdiction of mus includes 123 countries, and more than forty refused to do this. among them are india, china, the usa and russia, and the last two signed the rome statute, but washington withdrew the signature, and russia did not ratify the treaty. how to evaluate everything that is happening in israel? we asked a knesat deputy from the opposition. party yesh atid, vladimir belik. recognition of palestinian statehood by three european countries means something from israel's point of view. we are talking about a colossal
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political failure of our government, and because on october 7 we had a huge an international, international loan for the implementation of the actions that israel took after the entire tragedy of october 7, unfortunately, nothing came from this international loan. international recognition of palestine, so says the inscription on the flag, drawing by ahmed ranma from turkey, the man tied up looks like benjamin netanyahu. marian kamensky of slovakia continues to fight. the palestinian state is written on the gates, and people with flags of spain, ireland and norway are, apparently, hamas. spain, ireland and norway recognized the palestinian state, apparently a highly relevant political
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gesture, in the opinion. hamas has not been destroyed, the hostages have not been released. success - says the man who looks like netanyahu is still in power. scandalous burchard mohr from germany about the contradictions in the european union over palestine, the drawing is called a test. israel and palestine are written on the corners of the house. on the car itself is the european union. and today the government, despite the understandable, in some sense even anti-semitic attitude of certain countries towards israeli policies, still in my opinion, more could have been done to prevent this decision of those countries that were made today. confessions will probably have little impact, here is an
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international warrant. at this meeting, because there was already talk about the possible issuance of arrest warrants, he raised this issue, and chuck shomer, in principle, did not know what he was talking about, so i think that if the current israeli government introduced permanent working contacts with by the american administration, with the leverage that the american administration has influence the decision the decision of
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the international court in gaga. i’m not sure that this decision could have been prevented 100%, i’m sure that more could have been done, and one more thing, i think that it would be right today to create our internal state commission to investigate the events of october 7 on that the share of responsibility that our ministers and the prime minister and the army should bear in the events that occurred, i think that this would have an impact perhaps. on the decision of the prosecutor on the decision of the judges, the war continues, despite the international reaction, does the government have a clear plan for what needs to be achieved? today, after 7.5 months since the beginning of the war, i am forced to admit that the main goals of the war have still not been achieved, firstly, 128 of our citizens are still in the hamas tunnels in gas, and many of them, unfortunately, are already in alive, but we don’t know.
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exactly how much, but i think that the most important goal for today is to save those who can still be saved, and for us this is for us, as for my party, for the leader of my party this is has always been the most important, the most important goal, until we propose, until israel proposes or does not agree or does not propose on its own initiative a plan for a post-war civil settlement, we will not be able to destroy this civil power. hamas in the gaza strip, if your party happens to form a government, will you have any idea what to do? there is an israeli government minister who advocates for an israeli military administration in the gaza strip. this will cost israel at least 20 billion shekel, this is about 5 billion dollars a year, and an increase in military service for ours, for our soldiers to 4 years, from 3 years today to 4
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years, this is israeli. in my opinion , it cannot go, therefore, in general terms, there should be a palestinian administration with the participation of moderate arab countries and with the support of the american american administration, i think that this is a system that can work, unfortunately, in today’s political constellation, with the current this cannot be israeli, i really hope that in the next month or two there will be we have some progress that will allow us to either go to new elections to create well... the story with the international criminal court promises many turns, we have discussed more than once that the very idea of ​​a supranational
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