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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 25, 2024 10:30am-11:01am MSK

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economy, five members of the highest authorities of united russia and one ldpr member, minister of sports dikhterev, this government is bourgeois and , unfortunately, continues the old course, despite the fact that the president has long stated that capitalism has reached a dead end, and recently during a visit to china, speaking and greetings. right from the main
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rostrum there he said, under the leadership of the communist party of china, china has achieved outstanding results and has become a superpower, it is high time to draw conclusions within the country: we need a left turn, the benefit of justice and socialism, do you agree? thank you, it’s hard to imagine that in that situation western politicians seriously... counted on sanctions in the fight against the ussr, it’s also clear why today nato members hope for success. they believe that the economy of our country, which they, their agents, vassals have rooted and tore apart, will one day not be able to withstand. the destruction of the soviet union was regarded in the west as a triumph. in december of ninety-one, us president george w. bush gave a christmas address.
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congratulated the americans on their victory in the cold war, but us politicians should be more careful study lenin, then they would understand that it is too early to celebrate. first, the death of communism did not happen, and under the leadership of the communists, china became the leading power in the world. our ideas and our movements will live and develop. last year the communist party of the russian federation celebrated its thirtieth anniversary. its revival, it is a leading political force, a real opposition, with a real program, a powerful team, political will, a unique history, assessing the results of the path traveled, we are like-minded people around the world, looking confidently into the future. secondly, the destruction of the ussr has strengthened parasitism within the system of capitalism, currently financial.
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gave large gains, capital began to sink more and more quickly into the heap of crisis, together with the economy, it inevitably embraces politics. in the last century, inter-imperialist contradictions led to two world wars and gave birth to the monster of fascism. fascism destroyed more than 70 million people on the planet. insured.
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ultra-right movements are gaining strength, the ideologies of neo-nazism are again patronized by the highest levels of power, look what what is happening in the usa, what is happening in europe, how the forest brothers are supported in the baltic states, how the bandera nazis in ukraine and supporters of extreme right-wing ideas are being fed with shells and new military systems. operates in
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our country, for multinational russia i especially emphasize that this is extremely dangerous, everyone needs to understand well that if anti-soviet and russophobes and outright vlassovites are nominated for the role of the main... fighters against banderaism, nothing good will come of it, and nothing will it will turn out, like 100 years ago, they can block the path to fascism only the masses of working people led by communists. today , an effective strategy for defeating the unconditional evil of nazism is extremely important for us. first of all, i need to be clear. indicate what fascism is, where its origins are, what its breeding ground is and how it should be fought to end it. dear comrades, last april at the international anti-fascist forum in minsk,
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in the manifesto for the unification of the peoples of the world, we emphasized that nazism was a direct product of the crisis of capitalism, it... the thirst of big capital, to maintain power over the working people at any cost, for their selfish purposes, the imperialists took the path of supporting the darkest forces, they brought to power hitler, musalini, franco, their ideological accomplices, from political marginals, the nazis turned into arbiters of the destinies of many millions of people, bourgeois ideologists of various shades. for a whole century now, people have been trying to confuse the issue of fascism, to divert attention from the essence of this problem, speculation on analogies between fascism and communism, the most important part of the propaganda baggage of the west. after
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the anti-soviet coup, the treacherous yeltsin's entourage imposed western approaches in russia, communists and patriots tried to ... maximum consolidation of the nation with the help of a movement based on the desire for complete subordination of society to a dictatorial state. anyone can fit into this formulation. the authors of such assessments emphasize the political, cultural and
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other external signs of fascism, but do not lose sight of the main thing, the social and economic factor of its emergence. such manipulations are intended to put makeup on the nazi monster, on this atrocity. we communists will never agree with anyone who ignores the key fact: fascism is a creation of big capital and a spokesman for its interests. we are obliged to resolutely hide any attempts to disguise the causes that give rise to nazi evil. according to the crc.
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in reality, fascism is a natural result of the development of western capitalist society. this was most succinctly expressed by the report
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of georgiy dimitrov at the seventh congress of the comintern. it emphasized that in conditions of a sharp aggravation of the general crisis of capitalism and... the outbreak of war, attacking the soviet union, enslaving china and preventing revolution. imperialist circles, dimitrov noted, are trying to shift its weight, the weight of the crisis, onto the shoulders of the working people. they are trying to solve the market problem by enslaving weak peoples, increasing colonial oppression and a new redistribution of the world through war. fascism exists. open terrorist dictatorship of the most reactionary, most
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chauvinistic, most imperialist elements of finance capital, brilliant, very accurate, absolutely timely wording. fascism became a natural form of development of capitalism at the stage of imperialism. lenin also emphasized: political imperialism is generally a desire for violence. for years i have experienced meetings with this seven-banker and seven-boyar group, these new people who
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illegally plundered funds and wealth, the so- called yeltsin cadres, went around putting pressure on everyone. in fact, yelchin was a pawn in the hands of these new champions of oligarchic capital. we then stood firm and endured, we saved the country of dwarda from civil massacre, we pulled it out after the collapse of default finances. is born of increased uneven economic development. the bourgeoisie from
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the latecomer countries sought to rely on the support of the state in order to confront the countries of old capital, which created their own colonial empires. the struggle for a place in the sun and fear of the labor movement led to the growth of militarism and authoritarian aspirations of the ruling classes. the atmosphere became tense. souwanist frenzy recruited personnel for fascist hordes and organizations. the cultural and ideological roots of fascism are also grew out of the early stages of capitalism. the idea of ​​white supremacy justified colonial conquest, genocide of indigenous peoples, and robot trafficking. the ideologist of british imperialism, sedcil ross, operated with monstrous myths. listen, even then and now they are interfering with the main planets, according to him
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, god wants the dominance of the anglo-saxon race, and we need to help him. the british are the best race, worthy of world domination, he argued. the british empire of the 19th century was set as an example for the germans and hitler in his program book main cash doctrine fascist. germany was largely based on the works of the englishman huston chamberlain. gambels called him the father of our spirit. capital didn't just use fascist organizations. he literally nurtured them, looked after them in the walls. since the creation of the nazi party in germany, it has received the most generous donations , many times more than many others. hitler. had no prospects without the support of german magnates and the german
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deutsche bank, the establishment of hitler’s power was preceded by a meeting with large magnates in february thirty-three, there the main bankers stood up and said, we say yes to hitler, and after that the arson of christ was organized, the reprisal against communists, socialists, trade unions, for... the second world war, that’s who the main organizer of fascism is, that’s who today feeds it and the bendery region of ukraine, that’s who is collecting the new order today. in europe, throwing them against our country, which has a military-political potential capable of resisting any aggressor, that’s who declared the communist party today china's main enemies impose new sanctions. the fascist dictatorship was established with the favor of the western powers. western
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firms helped hitler set up military production. the british concern vicker was involved.
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the ruling and business circles of the usa and italy were allocated large loans, and this entire fascist pack was actively encouraged by them. the symbiosis of liberal democracy and fascism continued after the end of world war ii. americans are english. rescued nazi criminals, many publishers moved to serve in the united states and participated in creation of nato. the nazis and collaborators were recruited for the information war against the ussr, then the entire bendery pack ended up there, then migrated to the rest of ukraine.
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without recognizing the generic connection of capitalism, give an objective one.
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7%, and this gap is growing. china's economy has overtaken the united states in terms of purchasing power parity. china already produced 28 million cars in thirty factories last year. the first factories, an automobile, tractor, radio plant, were built for them by the soviet country, after stalin’s negotiations with moutzadun, when the government order was adopted. to build the first 156 factories in this country, i have been with our delegations more than once, our entire team is actively working there , we are continuing this glorious effort. today, together with the chinese communist party, we are preparing our new memorandum, designed for the coming years, the previous documents signed by our
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teams are being successfully implemented. let us thank all who continue this glorious work of fraternal cooperation. it was a live broadcast from the snegiri complex near moscow, where the kpr. holds the ninth joint plenum. in the saratov region, in honor of chemist's day, the employees of the phosagro enterprise were congratulated. this is one of the key companies in the industry. last year, it became the leader in total supplies of mineral fertilizers. in the first months of this year, production growth amounted to 7%. in honor of the holiday , an interactive and educational center , the fertility academy, was also opened with laboratories and an exhibition about the development of the company. in the ceremony.
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it will be very difficult to kill yourself, which is why we are looking at the potential today, looking at how ready for this, our farmers are ready, how ready fertilizer producers are, they have always said that a record harvest is the merit of only the agrarian, but the merit of the chemical industry, we are entering absolutely flexible production, a full line of mineral fertilizers, all that we can to produce complex fertilizers, including npk fertilizers, this is probably the main thing, especially since in our... consumption centers, the availability of mineral fertilizers will certainly
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improve for our farmers, and it seems to me that this very important. massive shelling of the belgorod region and the regional center by the ukrainian armed forces has been ongoing for almost six months. about how residents of the region live and work in such conditions in a special report by olga kurlaeva. watch today. on our channel at 11:00 moscow time, how far is it to the border? yes , how many kilometers is it here? people came to the auto shop, shelling began, it’s indescribable, people will never understand what the border zones are experiencing, let’s leave, let’s leave, guys, look, these are the special shelters. here there is double reinforcement cement grade 400, we tested it, took it to the training ground, 7 km from here volchansk smokes, and here
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a tractor driver, uncle sasha, is working in the fields, they don’t shoot, we go out, they shoot, we hide, even despite these last shellings, the enterprises are all working, we must move them aside in order to restore peace in ukraine, in our country. washington has allocated another shipment of weapons worth $275 million to ukraine, us secretary of state antony blinken announced. at the same time , the partners will not fulfill all requests from kiev. during the upcoming july nato does not plan to invite ukraine to the alliance after the summit in washington. marias karodilka will continue the topic. always calm, with a measured life, the saxon region. the adaptation period in germany has passed, it’s the turn
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of others, ukrainians are already receiving benefits, they can rent apartments, but they want everything for free, there are more and more shocking videos on german social networks, local neo-nazis are no longer secretly demonstrating aggression towards visitors, prohibited chants about nazi germany almost hits. germany for germans, foreigners out. germans, of course, are different and such fans of nazism are, of course, a minority, but the german authorities are in no hurry to deal with the growth of such sentiments. the traffic light coalition is busy with politics, international. berlin is sending yet another aid to the ssu, but these weapons are already being counted on one’s fingers. 10 old leopards, 80 rifles, 20 machine guns, well, cartridges. there will be no taurus, you have to program them yourself.
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they can lie there or even sleep, and such desperation of ukraine and its allies only leads to increased tension, experts say. regarding the state of the armed forces of ukraine, they are overstressed, experiencing a shortage of people, which was clearly predicted by many for a very long time, and now they are suffering losses. russian reb weapons have proven to be extremely effective against american weapons , writes the washington post. they even cope with
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the hyped ones. hymers systems are recognized by publications in the usa who are already comparing ukraine to a disabled boxer. she looks like a boxer, like a boxer with one arm. her second arm is amputated or broken, useless, while she stands on one leg, and she only has one eye. the problem is that you can hit with one hand, but where? the residents of ukraine themselves do not know where, and most importantly how, to escape from the real hell created by their authorities. the 18th is relevant, right, girls? to the music of a magician from another planet, on a tinted bead, from my dreams, oh god, what a man, a long road in women’s dresses, and then, once in germany, so eloquently, and for everyone to hear, maria skorodilka and madina pugoeva, lead.
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wait, who are they, the new guys, this is a passenger with me, a reporter, a director, i’m behind my brother arrived, i’m a battalion commander, call sign is trigger, everyone has call signs, i’m adam, why adam, and not adam, chechen, i’m an artist, white rose, you can, i can, you’ll sing sometime, brusley, alive, we don’t need names , don’t touch her.
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massive shelling of the belgorod region and belgorod itself by the ukrainian armed forces has not stopped since last year. about how residents of the region live and work in such conditions in a special report by olga kurlaeva. watch right after the short
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