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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 25, 2024 11:00am-11:30am MSK

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massive shelling of the belgorod region, of belgorod itself, by the ukrainian armed forces has not stopped since last year. about how residents of the region live and work in such conditions in a special report by olga kurlaeva. watch right after the short commercial. again a leap into the past,
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and here there are arrivals, because they don’t always fly here, but you can still hear when the carriage are working, then here, here i once saw a rocket right from there, that is, on saturday they were flying right over our church from here from there, and so somewhere they are flying like that from that side, the church of the icon of the mother of god pochaevskaya is located in the center of a densely populated area of ​​​​belgorod. alexey shows the dents from shell fragments on the white wall. he calls it a miracle that the temple was not damaged under daily shelling. well, we have arrivals almost every day, but it was especially on the eve of the red hill or on the eve of fomeno week in saturday after all there was heavy shelling. the rockets were flying straight through the temple into the courtyards. this is where the cars were on fire. here the machine was burning , magnet after magnet was burning, the machine was burning. i just left the temple from here and walked home. we were caught just by this shelling there
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in the courtyards. the temple serves as a refuge during a missile threat. the walls are strong, the windows are high, molitova helps not to panic. he goes to work, sounds, not only, but the ice thumps, thumps, somewhere the air defense is working, somewhere it falls out, maybe they have a breakthrough through air defense, but in any case the service continues. here we pray for the repose of the souls of the innocent people killed in the belgorod region ; civilians die almost every day.
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the shells from the downed missiles are flying, but thank god, the temple remains intact and unharmed. kharkov mountain, the highest point of belgorod, from the windows of high-rise buildings you can literally see ukraine, here in a straight line 25 km to the border, all ukrainian weapons that can fly fly here, those that do not reach or are shot down are flavored with drones, which the ukrainians even launch into the windows peaceful citizens, there is not a single day that... the report did not include kharkov mountain, yesenin or shchors street, there is more than one memorial here, in fact , people bring flowers, leave them, lay them, now we will put flowers here, we will go
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directly to the entrance, which collapsed. a high-rise building on shchorsa street, the largest in this quarter, was in the path of ukrainian missiles. may 12 is a day off. they shelled belgorod, the dot hit a house, an entire entrance collapsed, it took rescuers two days to get people out from under the rubble, i live literally across the street from here, accordingly, it was a sunday, a day off, morning, well, in fact, we were doing our household chores and arrivals began, the missile danger began, arrivals began, i dropped everything, we just took it, bought water and ran here right away. that is, we were here even before the collapse of the last span occurred, helping people, helping rescuers, helping firefighters, special services, with everything we could, providing psychological support, taking children away from here, taking away
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old people, at this moment you somehow mobilize, at that moment it seemed that the entire belgorod region united, everyone experienced the tragedy as their own... kiev immediately declared its innocence and continued attacks on the border region. since the beginning of the year , the armed forces of ukraine have fired almost 3.00 munitions throughout the city and region, the third of them being unmanned aerial vehicles and drones. this is only what we were able to calculate. and everything is clear, but now, that is, we are even standing here now, we are, it is unknown what will happen in 5 minutes, we already know approximately where we will run, that is , wherever we are, yes, we are approximately like this we look around, we look, yeah. where will we hide in case of missile danger, in case of shelling, in case of arrivals, what will we do, well, this has already left such a big imprint on us, because i was in another city, i was in voronezh at a volunteer festival and there were loud
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sounds, and i looked, from the whole city only we, four belgorod residents, twitched, and in my soul it felt somehow offensive, painful, somehow a little uneasy, well, how so, how so, well... why we, yes, on the other hand, who if not us, yes, we are an outpost, we border region, this has always been the case, an emergency situation has been introduced in seventeen settlements, people are offered to temporarily move to a safe place, the authorities promise to cover all the costs of accommodation, headquarters for eliminating the consequences of emergency work in the regional centers, public utilities clean, wash, clean city ​​streets, repairmen are replacing windows broken by the blast wave, all this before the next shelling, houses can be restored
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so that rocket attacks cannot reach the city of belgorod, because with drones it’s still easier to cope with than a massive shelling of missiles that appears in the sky in a few seconds, well
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, god grant that this all happens, and we, of course, pray for the preservation of everyone’s lives, nevertheless, despite the daily attacks in the ssu, life in the belgorod region... stopped in the agricultural region that feeds central russia, the sowing season has passed, enterprises in the border areas have rearranged their work taking into account the missile danger, people are making plans for the future,
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so we haven’t stopped anything except those projects that are located directly close to the border, and where this is no longer possible. the central square of the city of belgorod, for some time now, has been gathering, replaced by the warrior seren, only today.
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lined with sandbags or blocked with concrete blocks. master classes on tactical medicine and chronicles of the great patriotic war are broadcast from screens on the square. we did not have an immortal march of the immortal regiment, although in the twenty-second year, when everyone recommended that we not hold it, we held it. but now it's it's physically impossible to do. why? because the rocket's flight time to the center of belgorod, where we are standing. 30-40 seconds. the heroes of the immortal regiment look out from the windows of schools,
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hospitals, hotels, the city of military glory. there are fresh flowers near the eternal flame, and there are fresh traces of ukrainian shells on the square. just at this place the rocket fell, our children died, yes, both children and women, so you cannot let it happen. on new year's eve, december 30, the ukrainian military hit the city center with cluster shells, so crimea has already responded, the stavropol region responded, the moscow region,
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tula, as always, the kaluga region, the yaroslavl region, that is, we have many close friends, close friends, governors who actually call every day and offer their help, how to say, very correctly, and the border villages have become front-line , residents were asked to move to temporary accommodation centers. at the expense of the regional budget, but few of them agreed to leave their homes, especially now, when the russian military is advancing in the kharkov direction, driving the enemy away from borders, pestilence like this... it turns out, how to say, on three sides to ukraine, on three sides, as they used to say, a godforsaken land, not forgotten, it is very beautiful, the village is good, but in terms of geography it is like this pressed into ukraine, how far is it to the border, but here it’s just a kilometer away, here we are standing from this place,
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next to the border, the store is closed, foreign traders don’t come here, they’re afraid. their own people arrive with a van on schedule, and regional authorities help with special transport. murom residents gather at the broken house of culture, they discuss news from the front and the cold that ruined the harvest. you can buy everything, everything you need, from dairy products to fruits and candies, in general, they fulfill all the orders of our people very well, they move to the lowlands, to everyone, i always, when i worked before, well, somehow a mobile shop, well people came to the store to talk, socialize, let’s say.
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so since you are like this now out of surprise, yes, it’s all good that she whistled, but she is there without a whistle, she immediately fell, here you go, just like people we were in the garden, she didn’t whistle, she immediately fell and goodbye, so people came to the auto shop, because not a single store was open, the shelling began, guys, don’t tempt fate, they won’t let you out now, they won’t calm down. what do the men say? people in their hearts scold the well-fed muscovites and moscow, which is far away, and two steps from ukraine with its dryers, this is how we are , like this, we run every time, you know, someone who somewhere and not how did not
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feel this does not understand we already have every whistling noise. we have already learned the exits, where and what, we don’t need a siren, because we know how it is and what it hits, it’s indescribable, in that one in moscow or somewhere else, people will never understand what exactly the border zones are experiencing, even here in belgorod, here they, shibeikina, the tavalzhan women, all of us, the village head reports that this time everything went well, one of the shells fell 100 m from us and did not explode, but fragments of the enemy were already flying onto the roof.
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fear and risk of returning here again to bring fresh bread and milk to their fellow countrymen, they will not abandon their own. from ukrainian shelling almost 6.00 residential buildings were damaged in shibekin, the exact figure is never given because it is growing. in just one night, this block was shelled from a multiple launch rocket system, immediately 62 residential buildings were left without windows, their facades were damaged, they had just been repaired. here is the settlement from the last house, here is 450 meters to the border, red here is 500-600 meters to the border pervomaisky, well here is about a kilometer there, so that they understand, this is like this, here is my middle, this is the village that we where
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a state of emergency has been introduced, vladimir zhdanov, head of administration. from the shebekinsky district he knows all the hot spots where he flies from the ukrainian positions, everything that is missing with mortars and orta is finished off with kamikaze drones, you and i have been in the office for as long as we have been here, let it be 40 minutes, half an hour, there are already four drops only in red, four, that’s half an hour ago, yes, not to mention before your arrival, then volzhanka, four arrivals, four households damaged, and so on. this is , well, this is an hour from the center of shibekin to the ukrainian border, only 4 km. a year ago vladimir nikolayevich literally felt the proximity of the front with his back. stood like this, here i was, here, here, oleg viktorovich mantulin, the two of us had a map on
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the table, we were making a decision where the operational headquarters would move, because we understood that we had to move, here we came under fire, already to the basement, probably saved us, because artillery was the first arrivals. this was the beginning of the massif itself, during the shelling of the belgorod region, on the night of may 31 to june 1 , only half a thousand missiles were fired at the ukrainian troops, in total more than 800 large-caliber ammunition flew along the border, after which the ukrainian drgs unsuccessfully tried to break through the border, but they remained lying in the forest belt. since that day , the shelling has not stopped, the shubekinites have probably been training for 2 and a half years, well...
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forced, exactly, forced, because well, we have never done this, to train, but today it saves lives. during the special military operation, vladimir zhdanov became the municipal head of the year and received a letter of gratitude from the president vladimir putin, awarded the order of courage with a lapel pistol, but modestly keeps silent about this. this year my daughter congratulated me on february 23rd, this is probably among all the awards, you see, she is above everyone, this, this is from my little daughter, her name is daria, i love her very much, well, she probably
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she lives as a dad, just as i do for her, this is my miracle, this is what probably stimulates me now and gives me strength, because i love her very much, very much, this is also not just like that, this is... the logo, this well, that's it, yes, it was our father who sent the children to their grandmothers away from worries, including airborne ones, he advises other parents to do the same, and even took certain measures for this. well, the fountain works, the thing is that we turned it off, why? it’s warm outside, the fountain is contactless, it was launched there 2 years ago, a lot of kids gather, we understand that... this place has already been targeted, a landscaped embankment, a cozy urban space with a playground, so shebekin residents are drawn to stay on the street, well for now let
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it will subside a little, because as soon as i turn on people here, god forbid, what i will do, well, of course, public utilities bring beauty to the city even on a day off, while it’s quiet, flower girls plant flower beds, artists paint murals on the facades, houses restored after shelling, oh, what are you doing here, it’s as if they were standing right there, waiting for all this to happen, well done, well done, that’s it, active, reaper, call sign, former military serviceman under
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contract, bill of sale, automatic systems equipment process control, natalya is a hairdresser, when her fellow countrymen needed help, the girl exchanged scissors and a comb for bandage tourniquets, now she is a paramedic, she can provide first aid herself and teach civilians how to do it, machine. well, look, we have this armored car, it will save us from shrapnel if necessary, and here we have a stretcher, my backpack, which contains everything necessary to provide assistance, so, if necessary, we quickly grab the victim. we provide first aid , we are already heading to where it will be calmer, the supported war cars shared their donations, local businessmen chipped in for repairs and
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refurbishment... the special services, the fire department, ambulances, and similar drones also prevented the rescuers from working on the spot and hit their cars. alexander, call sign captain, head of the operational response department, specialist in enemy drones, copters, spies, here they are called beetles, cabinets in his office are filled with trophies. it works without a gps channel purely as a signal repeater between each other, this is
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common. the most expensive toy, here the west supplies such toys to the ukrainians and fights them accordingly, but nevertheless we found a way, we plant them, we catch them. there are heavier shells on the floor; they were neutralized by explosives technicians on the ground. the post-ammunition of the american nk-19 grenade launcher, forty-millimeter ammunition, with which they do not hesitate to spray peaceful houses, simply seeded, american, it is also neutralized, it is already safe. and in the next room there are high-flying birds, large-sized krills. larger, taller than human growth , the result is a scout who at the same time also brings death. this is part of the wing of a jet-powered drone. the other day we noticed a bird in the sky flying along
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a strange trajectory, as if it was being hunted down. they are not fighting with the military, they are fighting with the civilian population, their task is to terrify ours, our residents, but our residents, believe me, are not afraid, soon they will start killing them with shovels, great news, magnet stores have free delivery, and also a 40% discount on popular ones. products, order in the magnit application. every wedding ends the same. newlyweds retire to the bedroom and decide. i prefer investments. where to invest the donated money? investing in the future. we agree. but first , let’s open a deposit with interest at sea. with sberbank , everyone can profitably increase their savings. open the best interest
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