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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 25, 2024 12:30pm-1:00pm MSK

12:30 pm
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war is fear, pain, dirt, death, but war is also amazing stories.
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as part of a volunteer detachment from grozny , alekhan fought his way across the water, that spring day was not particularly different from other similar military everyday life: shootouts, dashes, rest, again shootouts, dashes. determination
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of the goal, tactics and forward, forward, forward, the day when we stormed there, in short, in mariupol, in short, all, all the troops. dpr, npr, chechens, russians all went to the factory together. and each battalion, each street 10 people were divided. fighting in the city is the hardest work in war. the enemy can be anywhere, in the house, on the roof, in the basement, and always opens fire unexpectedly. the attacker suffers heavy losses, so fighting in an urban environment is the most terrible test. on the approaches to kozovstal, alikhan’s detachment was ambushed by a sniper. the enemies settled in the houses and began methodically shooting at the attackers. in the afternoon at 3 o’clock we had a tough battle, to take zovstal, we
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went by storm, we were lost there for the first time, i was wounded, they first let us into the circle, then they started shooting at us, my heel was wounded, in short, first they shot at my heel, the very first, then shorter. i shot back, and they wounded me in the arm, in the shoulder, in short, after that my arms no longer worked, i couldn’t stand on my feet.
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in front of me was my partner, also mine, he had shoulders. tough, cruel, and not tolerant of any weaknesses or emotions, a man with an optical rifle plays with the enemy, like a predator plays with doomed prey, so a shooter from the azov battalion played cat and mouse with the wounded alikhan for several
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hours. then, in short, when i sat down behind a tree, my tree turned out to be small and first of all they shot me in the knee, my knee was when i was lying on the tree like that, in short, my leg and i were in this state i thought, in short, if i throw my leg out a little, in short, at least it’ll subside a little, but i knew they’d shoot if i put my foot down, i knew, i’d still be taking a risk, i thought to myself just like that a little bit. the second time they shot right away, in short, from that moment i didn’t move for about an hour, i sat in this position, they saw me, clearly
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they saw me, they shot me in the side as a control, this was already a control shot, i remember, i know that there was a control shot. well, i suffered, i didn’t move, and i thought, i need to do something, i can’t sit here, they’re still shooting at my head, i’ll shoot, they wanted with... the head, so i’m taking the head, so i gave it all, i looked back, i have a car standing behind me, i need to throw a grenade under the car, in short, i immediately took out the grenade, i pulled out the pin when i was about to throw the grenade, no, that
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won’t work, i thought a little, so it’s nothing he’ll do it for me, too, in short, about 15 minutes there, from the leg , the machine gun was on... my stomach turned a little bit on the sly, and on my stomach , the machine gun turned away and i threw a full magazine into the car.
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the strongest feeling in a person is the instinct of self-preservation. at the moment of mortal danger, the body mobilizes. artificial intelligence cannot compare with the work of the human brain in a stressful situation; it takes a split second to make a decision. alekhan, in a seemingly hopeless situation, found a solution to get out from under the sniper’s fire. there was no more strength, post. and then i thought that that’s it, i’ll die here, in short, at that time they also
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shot at me, but they couldn’t get me, i rolled away near the house, that moment, a local guy came up to me, i’m sorry that i don’t know what exactly, who is cooler, i really wanted to get to know this guy, maybe he ’ll see me, i hope. the guy ran up to me, with such a look, he ran up to me like that, i don’t remember what was there, a piece of wood or a stone there, it was burning, in short, he was scared, in short, he was going to kill me, and i wanted him to think, in short, i took this stone , in short, burning, so that he, that i have a grenade, i shouted that who are you, something happened here that has an inexplicable, and maybe, on the contrary, naturally amazing nature,
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that i am alive, in short, bring them, in short, there is our 200 m, call for help, tell me, i’m alive, i ’m here, i have a social security problem, let’s give you an injection, well, he immediately, in short, injected me, did you? the main thing is to hold on, i’ll call for help, and he ran, half an hour later he came back,
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in short, he said, in short, wait for help, and i thought that he said, don’t wait for help, in short, that’s the state i had, in short, this was a real person, a resident of mariupol, who in this hell did not lose the image of god, because what alikhan saw was scary, the guy was tall, thin, about... about one year old, he ran up to me very quickly , in short, where did he come from, i didn’t even notice at first, it’s just that allah sent an angel, maybe this happens, from a wounded alikhan this angel carried him to a combat vehicle, which was specially driven by russian soldiers to evacuate soldiers caught in an enemy ambush, he was able to us drive up, he stopped there on the third attempt,
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they fought for an hour to take me away. and that time when they took me away, we fought back, fought, that guy, in short, came up and dragged me to the tank, in short. as soon as they took me to the base on a tank, they immediately threw me, in short, into the car, the neva was there, they threw me in the back seat, there was another one of ours in the trunk, he held me so that i wouldn’t fall, he also held my leg , in short, i
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couldn’t put my leg down, it hurt, but i was also running on my leg, they took me in this car... they pulled out a bullet, in short, they brought me to order, in short, then after that on the third day i was sent to moscow. an angel, translated from greek, is a messenger, a messenger, he is a servant of god, as a heavenly mediator between god and man, traditionally depicted as an anthropomorphic
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creature, with wings on his back, but this guy has a savior. the lion was not there, well, i know that he is alive, i know, guys, something happened to him, it happened not far away when we were going to mariupol, we not only went to fight, we had orders strictly to protect the locals, to help , we strictly obey this order adhered to, the worst thing, in my opinion, was what i saw, there were corpses there. first of all, in short, the burned corpses, these corpses were our soldiers, they were all brought in cars, they were all brought towards us, the very first picture everyone saw, on the sidewalks, there were corpses everywhere, personally, my friends and i also buried one tsar there, he was peaceful ,
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at first we thought he was a small child, but it turned out he was old, yes.
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without legs, but nothing, as long as he comes back, and i think that, without legs or something, he should come back, i think that he says, he just warned that he had a knee, he couldn’t get up, he then calls me, this bedding and linen are thrown on, that’s it, i
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say, you raise your hand, i say, he raised, raise the second leg, i say, raised the first, then i say, lift the second one, he says, i can’t, i’m already thinking, i’m going to cut my leg, that’s what my brother said, they probably cut it off, but i looked well, well, the leg was already sticking out there, they knew what he had they shot their foot into a cup and the bullet remained there, well then his wife and i went to moscow, and the first operation was completed, in the second they had already brought him in, and it was like a rake everywhere, the shoulder was like this... the socket was sewn like that, everything, everything, like a torn, piece by piece sewing was everywhere, i think how he got out like that in this
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form, i say, how did you endure this, he says, at first i thought, i was lying there, shooting right away, everyone died, what a lucky guy, i say, i thought of them, the hardest thing is to explain to your loved ones why you are going to war, leaving your from here. home and family. madina asked her son more than once: maybe you’ll stay? i him i tried to persuade him so much, we went once, he was to be accompanied by a formidable one, tomorrow with an overnight stay, they said, well, we’ll go tomorrow, but maybe you can put it off, i persuaded him, i just felt sorry for the children himself, of course, then he still did, i gave my word , i’m a chechen, i won’t refuse, we’ve already decided. they called, he said, okay, my daughter and i went with our youngest son to see him off to grozny, there were a lot of people there, i said who
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the commander is here, i asked them, well, maybe i should leave him, i thought, we all say the commander here says one when i was going to war, to be honest, i thought what i would be like, what i would do, be afraid or not be afraid, well... i went well, i wasn’t afraid, there is no fear, the desire to finish returning alive, that’s all, today alikhan is with his family, he he is completing a new big house for his children, here he will have a bedroom, there will be a bath there, small, small, and there will also be a dressing room there, all the worst is behind us, but what happened to him will never be forgotten. the alikhadzhaevs have a large friendly family, a wife, three brothers, a sister, children, younger brothers help build a house and work in the garden and garden, for the nihan - authority,
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because he is the eldest in the family and also because he is a veteran, to help him, even if he is absolutely healthy, is their sacred duty, well, this is always your support, at any moment you are this person, you can rely on him i hope he never betrays you. you can rely on this person and you know that he will always help you in moments, you walk confident, and you are a confident person, i am confident in this person, if i rely on this person, i am sure he will be calm, that i know that i always have help, first of all, i will do everything i am grateful to the unfamiliar guy, and i am very grateful, to sansanch from the fund, we don’t leave our own with his fund. man in general, he helped me while i was in the hospital in moscow, he helped me with strollers, with churches, and he,
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i don’t know, he called or he went there, in short, well, most likely, he called, contacted, in short, volgograd region, in short, he often said to me, there is your guy lying here like this, like this, like this guy, and from my fatherhood the soldiers who didn’t even see me, i didn’t see,
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if we have jewish laws here, you you know, there they even marry a man, each other’s man, a dog, a cat, in short, this man’s intelligence is inaccessible, inaccessible, we don’t need this, and the cetencias come first, and they go out to fight for this, no need to wait, that somewhere in russia there will be a war, in short, if there is a war in russia, this affects everyone, they will get here too. russia - it’s everyone’s home that needs to be protected, we, all of russia, if we’re lucky and this same
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angel sees this story about alikhan’s incredible rescue. from mariupol, a simple guy, who was not afraid to risk his life for the sake of another, essentially stranger, we ask him to respond and send news about himself, us or the ilikhadzhiev family to the city of gudermes.
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i realized that i can’t sit anymore, i have something to learn from the young guys.
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the student remains in the hospital, the city mayor reports. investigators opened a criminal case, and a storm warning was announced in the krasnodar territory the day before. the russian football championship will determine the national champion today. three teams are fighting for the title: zenit, krasnodar and dynamo. a the fate of the trophy will be decided in two matches. in st. petersburg, the current national champion will receive guests from rostov; in krasnodar, the local team will play against dynamo from moscow. our film crews will work at both matches. more than 300 people are trapped under rubble after a landslide in popua new guinea. according to the rescuer.


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