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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 25, 2024 2:30pm-3:00pm MSK

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in the light of events, let’s say a company can help with metal, then the volunteer asks another familiar enterprise to make the necessary shapes from metal, a third organization, for example, helps cut the workpiece, a fourth company or private owner can help with logistics, and so on, we tried write letters to factories, but how can i say, in the general mass it is very difficult to find those who want to help, so we threw out a cry in telegram, in telegram, well, as if
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people also buy metal, that is, as it were, that is, you are in found metal in one place in another place i found people who can do it, yes, yes, yes, that is, cooperation, it happens in our country that in one place they can cut a workpiece, but cannot bend it, they say, we will bend it for a month, it will take a long time, i i find another enterprise that can simply bend in large volumes and... this
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is how it happens, cooperation of people, like this. on this trip to his zone, the architect brought with him seven sets of forms for dynamic protection, respectively, for seven tanks, specifically these boxes of the enterprise izverzhinsky, the guys made it, here’s the metal here or from moscow, this other metal for other boxes, some people buy it, other enterprises, everything is situational, well, at the moment when it’s done, here we have a tower key for opening tanks , he very... fuel barrels bought and handed over to andrey from things that were very necessary in their service, for example, obninsk plywood, so as not to damage the gasket, there are 20 of them, it is made of paronite, made by oleg from barnaul, that’s all.
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everything absolutely the whole essence of the project contact one essence of the project is contact one: helping the front on a free basis, that is, people produce everything for free, we don’t pay for all this, because firstly we don’t have the resources, and secondly, it’s much easier to help people with production and materials than with finances. by the way, this truck, his name is ilich, was given to us by ilya from moscow.
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airdrops for uavs, someone conducts classes on tactical medicine, and so on, and what is noteworthy is that in the 2 years that the north military district has been going on, the number of people... helping the troops not only has not decreased, but on the contrary has increased 3d printers in the st. petersburg apartment of volunteer sergei chakhun seem to work around the clock. now the range of what
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sergey sends to the front is quite large, but the most in demand are the so-called resets for copters, quite a lot of different ones for different troops. for copters we do, for example, we make resets for copters, tables, that is, we insert into the reset just, say, small or wogs or some of our homemade ammunition, so it’s quite convenient to equip, that is, in in principle, you can equip a table directly under the copter and , accordingly, the copter then starts directly from the table, there are... different options. nwo is called the drone war for a reason. along with fpv, the picture of the battle was changed by copters with resets. they are also called midget bomber aircraft. so these same resets are plastic elements that sergei prints. depending
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on the copter’s carrying capacity, a variety of ammunition is thrown at the enemy. most often a wok. only this is not a fashion magazine, but an abbreviation. shot fragmentation sergei chmykha began helping the front with a grenade in the spring of twenty-two, after some time he learned of the progress of the craftsman at the front and created his st. petersburg branch, that is, he united enthusiasts like him in his city, each of them does something for the front in his office , garage or apartment, i ’ve been doing excavations for quite a long time, well, digging activities, and i’m putting together a collection. medals, coins and orders of various types and, accordingly, even before the heap was engaged in repairing metal detectors, that’s when our svo began, the guys came to me and my son basically became friends in the army, and just when the helicopters arrived in belgorod, we were very
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much on pins and needles, let’s say, sitting, and just about the same time the guys came with with the help of metal detectors to get for the svo, that’s exactly when my volunteer work began in... april, so in general i even had to sell some of my duplicates and it was with this money that i bought six printers, in general, they are now printing in full. by education sergey radiotechnician is now it also produces tactical weapons for the front, but it all started with dumps, which, however, its 3d printers are actively printing to this day. well , in general, the conditions are not particularly strong , but a printer is needed. in general, the computer on which the modeling itself is done, well, the printer, in general , is now printing, for example, the antenna cover for the reb, at the back there is just the supply of plastic on such uh, respectively, coils, well, for
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copters, here we have one of what is installed is a double reset, here two vog se or vog-25 are inserted, in general , this is how it is released, this is just the insert for option seventeen, you can also install the reset under the grenade, respectively, such a grenade, for example, is inserted into the copter, here there is also this single one, also for different types of ammunition, for example, this one can be made from a sewer pipe, it works very well, the demand for what sergei makes in the northern military district zone is really very high. quite often chmykhun begins to invent and make some element according to fighters' requests. in principle, we have weekly shipments of several pieces, that is, in principle, there is often one large shipment, well, let’s say it’s the volume of my car, this is for some or a large
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division, there’s a lot in the container, that is in the krynka, in principle, almost everyone is supplied with ours, so when some boats are sunk there, it’s with our products.
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solve the issue in more detail with the premises, because after all, houses are, of course , production and living - these are somewhat two different things, after all, and so, accordingly we want to... training in tactical medicine is underway;
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volunteers with the call signs shah and yara are training with the soldiers of one of the units of the first army corps. injured right leg, during training in an environment as close as possible to a trench, soldiers are given lessons in so-called pre-hospital care, taught how to apply tourniquets and tourniquets, inject painkillers, and so on, no one did it in 20 seconds, your chances are greatly reduced. work is your life, brother! shah and yara are volunteers from the time ch organization. for each of them this this is far from my first business trip to the northern military district zone. fury is here for the fifth time. we have four medical instructor groups and plan to further expand our staff. accordingly , three work on russian territory, training both civilians and military personnel. and the fourth group regularly goes on business trips behind the tape. call sign silence. commander. battalion with which the volunteers are engaged, they have organized a center in russia, respectively,
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their leader is one of the entrepreneurs who does not want to advertise, so to speak his name, who helps the front of the northern military district here in donbass, helps as instructors, that is, he recruited a group of instructors in different areas, this is tactical medicine, specifically uavs, communications. yara and shah try to bring the training ground environment as close as possible to a combat one; for example, during classes there is a so-called night mode, when a fighter must help himself to a colleague with his eyes closed. working at the test site involves complete immersion in the real situation, that is. these are trenches, dirt, fatigue, some kind of irritability
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all other factors. in our courses, we also use stress factors, that is, we try to train muscle memory, consolidate it all at the level of muscle memory, introduce stress factors into the training process, and so on. accordingly, at first there is bewilderment, then the guys get involved and actively take part. the most important thing for me is that at the end of the day we remain in touch with the commander. is to bring the skills of providing assistance to the level of a reflex, in order to provide assistance, the task of volunteers is precisely that
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you must jump up immediately to get your bearings the fighter was able to use them in a situation where there were explosions, screams and shooting all around. the key points in teaching are self-help, first of all, mutual assistance, also an understanding in principle of the situation on the battlefield, because tactical medicine is the pre-hospital stage of care and... when people who have not previously taken part in hostilities end up on the field battle, they do not understand that it is necessary not only to provide assistance, but also to figure out where everything is located, how to move, how to move, zones, concepts of zones. no one in class is called, does not serve the number, the importance of these skills in a real combat situation is well understood by everyone. the battalion commander with the call sign tishina has been participating in the north military district since the first day, fought in mariupol, and is now carrying out tasks in the donetsk direction. in general , the battalion combatant has a long combat path behind him: he has been fighting since the fourteenth year, then in the militia,
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for obvious reasons, only a few had the skills to provide first aid to a wounded soldier, but - unfortunately, they lacked the experience that instructors now teach us, here they come to us, conduct classes, many thanks to them, and thereby we increase the level of professionalism in this area in tactical medicine. so that those moments that were earlier, so to speak, were a bitter experience, not a bitter experience, where the fighters could provide their comrades with their own strength.
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i skate for the tape regularly, now this is my fifth business trip, we go for a month, respectively, we work for a month, that is , my direct participation here has been for 5 months, i believe that my duty is to help the guys and save their lives, then there is, by taking an active part in their preparation, i am making my contribution to the number
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of surviving fighters. with one of the most famous volunteers in the donbass, sergei parshikov, call sign lynya, we deliver cargo to units, usually we form the cargo according to the unit’s request, he says that we, what do they need, yes, you are one of the incoming cargo, but 2 years have already passed, already a well-established scheme, in the applications that parshikov receives from the departments there are no household items, these are only narrow-profile equipment, for example, now lynya brought to one of the departments rap system tactical level, we are handing over a reb system, we will not reveal the units to the guys, because it is a reb system, it is a wearable system with its own power source, blocks are installed on it here above the head, this is so that the crew can calmly enter the position to close their his own, for example, assault, from the actions of fp, so in donetsk lyna is at home, in 2014 he became one
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of the first volunteers from russia who began to help donbass, transported cargo, including to slavyansk. until the age of fourteen sergei had a security agency in his native rostov; he and his comrades often traveled to orphanages with humanitarian aid. the decision to help donbass in 1914 arose naturally. of course, it happened naturally. at that moment we were taking care of children , we were constantly taking some kind of humanitarian gifts and candy to orphanages . and then it started, we were sitting on the air, this is the driver of the ethereal field that you are creating. we were sitting on the air, directly charged with this, that there was a problem, they took the slogo mitak.
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and we transfer several computers to the unit so that they can train the personnel themselves, yes, anyone, no, take these, take them, except for the black ones, we will pull them out of them. after a successful experience with
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fprons and tactical reb, lynya, as a coordinator, is also involved in several technical projects within the framework of the so -called national military-industrial complex. his task is to help with finances and materials and connect enterprising people to projects. the flamethrower is currently in use. i won’t go into detail, but a flamethrower is currently in operation, a flamethrower and a self-propelled fast radio-controlled tracked platform, this is in the works, we think we will finish it by the end of the year, finances will allow, we will finish the year. at the beginning of 2014, someone tell the owner of the rostov security company, sergei parshikov, how the next 10 years of his life will go and what issues he will deal with. it seems unlikely that he would have believed it. i ’ll tell you that in 1914, well, in march, when we started all this, i couldn’t imagine it.
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russia, russia, russia. when we went to mariupol, we went not only to fight, we had an order to help the locals, we strictly adhered to this order, we went by storm, got off, for the first time there they wounded me, all the bullets were on there was a flight, one was rooted. i no longer had the strength to fast, i thought that was it, at that moment a local guy came up to me, where did he come from, i didn’t even notice, i will still be grateful to the unfamiliar guy.
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stand, who are they? new guys, this is a passenger with me, a reporter, a director, i came for my brother, i’m a battalion commander, call sign trigger, everyone has call signs, i’m adam, why adam and not adam, i’m a chechen, an artist, a white rose, you can, i can, you'll sing somehow, friends, she's alive, we don't need names, she's not worth it, or what, it's not worth it, it's not yours, well, you krumashka, god's light, homer to the bullet gun, there is. what to do, commander, what to do, shoot, call sign passenger, call sign passenger , i propose to change it to the call sign rebin, no, call sign of my brother, you remain a passenger, that’s right.
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slana petrovna, good afternoon, security service of your bank, another moment and the scammers would have had access to the money, the transaction was on your account, but svetlana petrovna turned on the intelligence officer, urgently dictate your card number so that they could bring the money to a safe bank account. i deposited it myself phone, whoever scammers pretend to be trying to get money out of you, hang up without talking. the group of russian troops center liberated the settlement of arkhangelskoye in the donetsk people's republic. new data on the progress of the special military operation were reported by the ministry of defense.


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