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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 25, 2024 3:00pm-3:31pm MSK

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slanna petrovna, good afternoon, the security service of your bank, another moment and you would have had access to the money. they machined a suspicious transaction on your account, but svetlana petrovna turned on the intelligence officer. the bill took seconds, urgently dictate your card number so that the money can be transferred to a secure account, i called the bank and hung up, whoever the scammers pretend to be in order to extract money from you. hang up without talking. a group of russian troops center liberated the settlement of arkhangelskoye in donetsk people's republic. new data on the progress of the special military operation were reported by the ministry of defense. in the kharkov region
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, units of the north group of forces continue to advance into the depths of the enemy’s defenses and defeat manpower and equipment. in just one day, air defense systems shot down 25 unmanned aerial vehicles, a french hammer bomb, and three us-made harm missiles. to support the residents of the belgorod region, who virtually every day for several months have suffered from shelling from side of the armed forces of ukraine, guests of the forum exhibition joined in "" belgorod, our hearts are with you, we will find out the details from our correspondent, evgeniy petrukhin, she is joining us, zhen, greetings, please tell us what kind of action this is, how those who can help belgorod residents will come to these, will come to this exhibition , will take part in this action this weekend, free time and do you have free time, yes, georgy, hello, well, this is the very direct connection between belgorod and all of russia, this is a teleconference, straight from the cathedral area from'.
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the horizon is dressed in smoke, the russian people , in spite of everything, are regaining the light, i would like to write in my own handwriting what i did, and i would like to give to every belgorod citizen these poems , simply written by hand, so that our hearts work manually, and to say that you are invited , please, we are ready to come to any point in the belgorod region to speak, console, somewhere you want to allocate time for yourself, but today you...
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have assets, we also receive income, there will be a decision, we will do the same in the mirror absolutely, so the answer is with we have, on in ukraine, the rate of the national currency has reached a historical minimum, for the first time the dollar began to cost more than 40 hryvnia, the official rate was lowered by the country's national bank, while in exchange offices the psychological mark of 40 hryvnia per dollar was overcome earlier, also last week the rada spoke about a possible imminent increase in taxes, so the kiev regime plans to close the military budget deficit. according to ukrainian deputies, about $7.5 billion is missing for the needs of the sssu. in the west there is an understanding of the reasons for the beginning of russia special military operation. eric prince, the founder of the american pmc black water, directly says that any country in the world
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would not like pumping weapons into its immediate neighbor, and in general the conflict could be resolved very quickly, with simple promises not to drag ukraine into nato. eric prince's interview with one of the most. we look at popular american journalists on our joint project with the carlson tv youtube channel. remember what they told you when you decided to open a business. custom jewelry, who will buy it, but you didn’t listen, because you you're doing everything wrong. continue. send all payments and transfers without commission. open a business account with alfabank. alfabank is the best bank for business. do you do it professionally or do you glue it yourself? for any ideas, metillan wallpaper adhesive, quick to mix, easy to apply, professionally glued. there are many wallpaper ideas.
3:09 pm
the glue is always methylane. the state has abolished fees for transfers between accounts in different banks. on may 1, russians can transfer their money from one bank to another for free, the law came into force, now you can receive a salary in one bank at once transfer to another, where it is more profitable. transfer money to a free alpha card, receive a super cash in rubles and a 16% rate on savings. not just profitable, alpha profitable. the czech town of žatec is famous for its good rest on... the square of three mugs, enjoy the beer žatec non-alcoholic, register codes and collect your collection of mugs to have a good rest, žatec goose non-alcoholic, collect nice mugs,
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if you're the kind of person who, and i'm not talking about anyone in particular here, including myself, if you're thinking about buying another 10,000 rounds of 7.62 rounds because, well... you know, times are turbulent, is there even a what's the point of buying them? i just
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read the book firepower, which is essentially the history of gunpowder. there you can trace how war has changed from the times of spears and locks, to fetel and wheel muskets, artillery with explosive shells, when i read this, i realized that we are on on the verge of major change. you see, despite all this techno-magic of the us army, the enemy’s best weapon is an improvised explosive device, yes, i noticed that before ieds were planted on the road and detonated remotely, but now the enemy can launch an ied directly at you at a speed of 120 miles per hour , at a very low altitude, in conditions of strong radio suppression, radio suppression, that is, it is impossible to suppress the signal, radio suppression, but the russians have very ... a charge the size of
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a beer can is installed, the body of which can be 3d print in the field, a small copper disk is placed in front, brought directly from the rear of the tank, for 1500 dollars you destroyed a two million tank, it’s like if you have a sniper rifle against... a guy with a bow, this is another war, this is happening right now , and the longer this conflict in ukraine goes on, the russians will become better and better, the ukrainians too, but they are just trying, you know, during the battle the final learning process occurs, bad ideas are very quickly destroyed and discarded, and the speed, with how this new knowledge is spreading is unimaginable, and what do we learn when we look at it all? i don't think the us army learned much. great, no use. no, the problem is that american
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weapons systems are not very much in demand, since they are not particularly effective in conditions of radio jamming. during the 20-year war on terrorism, you fought against a rather technologically inferior enemy. and now , during a war between countries, american weapons are simply not exported, well, for example, jewellin, which rayton sells taxpayer. the ukrainians can only use it for the first shot from an ambush, since the infrared detector, if they hit the tank with the first shot, then the tank becomes hot, it burns, and if they try to launch a second or third missile, then they fly to the hottest place on the field , they don't see anything anymore, so the ukrainians switched from 2000 dollar american missiles to ones they make themselves for... 29 dollars, which is no worse, they are delivered by drones, on drones or on anti-tank
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missiles, so in ultimately super expensive american things on the battlefield do not show themselves in the best way, i think the whole world sees this, possible future adversaries see the capabilities of the american army on their screens and we should be concerned as taxpayers and as citizens that everything...
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why then, given that the whole world sees what is happening, why then does the united states military not draw conclusions and adapt to the situation, because the money continues to flow, and no one bears any responsibility, there is no double-checking or training, listen to who fired or punished for this absolute fiasco in afghanistan, where in 20 years we changed the taliban to the taliban. no one was even fired, the only one who was fired was stewscheller, a truly decent young marine, who stood up and said that's enough, exactly, since even if he was locked up, i know he said, look, if any of my young marines lose their weapons during the shooting, then he will be punished, we left military equipment worth about 80 billion dollars and gave the country
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to the organization to a terrorist, but everyone was only expected promotion, everything continued as before. and this is precisely the problem: this level of incompetence will not end well. i, i have so many questions, and i want to come back to the conversation that modern warfare, as you mentioned, has changed dramatically, but continuing the current topic, like the us congress, like people who claim to support our soldiers, our troops, what are they for strengthening the defense capability of the congress wing of fox cheney, why do they continue to give money to an organization that is doing worse and worse at protecting? our country, yesterday morning i talked to many members of congress, they were desperate as they tried to limit the flow of money and call for accountability, they told me that with the money raining down on the capitol, government defense contractors and echelons
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of lobbyists, thousands of lobbyists are spending tens of millions of dollars on politicians. and all this allows the cash flow not to be cut off, and this is disgusting, but the important thing is that i recently wrote an article where i said that in rome they lost a lot of people in the battle of cacani, yes, when a couple of weeks later their senate was created, then there 40% was missing, why? because the roman elites served in the army and bore the brunt of bad decisions. our elites do not serve in the military; their skin is not at stake in this game. so for them it all comes down to money and influence, but their children serve in other people's armies. let's return to the question about the technologies that you have studied and been surrounded by them all your life. i think you had the largest private air force in the world, didn't you? we had 73 aircraft that we owned and flew around to places
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on orders from the us, it was fun. so. i'm just on last week i was at a co-worker meeting in blakewater, it was waloma, it was, it was pretty cool standing in this famous place, i didn't even realize that across the street from waloma is the menger's bar, and this is the exact place where teddy roosevelt founded our brave horsemen, there was all sorts of memorabilia in this bar, we raised a toast in the name of great americans, if i could convince trump to change...
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back to afghanistan again, we would never hear about afghanistan again, it’s all sad, why and yes, i remember this, we you were even talked about this then, and it
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turned out to be a reasonable, non-ideological and practical way to get out of this whole madhouse, how can we leave in the best possible way, preserving our interests as much as possible, but why then didn’t the trump administration support you in this? i would say that the same niakons in washington, supporters of endless war. they wanted to continue the same thing that we had been doing for decades, and i would add that they were doing it to the detriment of themselves. yes, this is all about the continuity of the flow of money to the authorities, and it’s not about getting out of a bad situation gracefully. how? these people manage to get to such a high level of moral superiority when they talk about ideology and present themselves as supporters of freedom and human rights while they are the monsters that they do every time.
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and the troubles coming from mainland china, the best thing would be to create door-to-door defense units, since well -armed and highly motivated people, what the taliban showed
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to american troops in afghanistan, yes, highly motivated people, even using seventy-year-old weapons, can defeat a superpower with all its technological tricks, the great fleet is not the one that has steel ships, but the one that has steel people, a steel crew, but... will there still be wars between countries where victory or defeat , will be determined by artillery and tanks, is n't this already the same as cavalry attacks? artillery is still the god of war, which the ukrainians have already experienced, and the russians have already learned; if you shot at the russians a year and a half ago, then they needed an hour and a half to aim to shoot back in order to geolocate and to... coordinate their center in seeing the fire to return the shot, now it takes them 2-3 minutes, so they learned, they coordinated and became
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much better, and it would be very arrogant for us consider that our kungfu is much stronger than theirs, and what role will drones play in all this, what can you say about this ? very significant, you know, people say tanks will never be needed again, but they will go away, just like chariots.
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in congress who continue to spend money for the same thing, for the same idiotic cartels of gas defense contractors, all with the same terrible results, while in the very heat of battle real innovations are happening, created in ukrainian garages by people who are fighting for their lives, so innovation is there, and we unfortunately ignore it. well, these are countries where there are fewer marketers and more engineers, right? yes, marketers are bad at it, they understand science, yes, they are smart people, although no one wants to admit it, mine,
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my inner ones. provided us aircraft and pilots to china in order to prevent the japanese from bombing cities, flying tigers, yes, and we gave weapons to stalin, yes, as a result of which he reached from moscow to berlin stopped the nazis, but biden could have done something very simple, he could say: okay, we don’t need a war in
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ukraine, it will never happen. nato, but it will have aviation, because in 2022 we already had 200 aircraft, decommissioned from active service and sent to the desert. 50-f15, 50f16, a few a10, and it wouldn't cost anything to our taxpayers, they should have been sent forever to this cemetery in the desert anyway, send it all to the ukrainians, it would have cost less than a billion dollars, war averted and not a word more, that’s all, but... it’s obvious that they they wanted war, apparently, yes, why? well, or did they themselves believe in their own nonsense, that their flexing their muscles and showing off would scare them? look, i understand why the russians were so angry about all this, because if the russians and the chinese were going to include the northern parts of mexico in a defense alliance of russia or china, then we that would make me angry too. yes, sure. if
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they, what happened when they put their missiles in cuba, in tijuana, this is unacceptable, exactly, and i'm interested in, i understand that there are many different nuances in this situation, but what i don't understand is sending kamala haris to munich security conference, where she, in front of the entire press and on camera, told zelensky: we want you to join nato. you only say that if you want war, you want the russians to invade, but why would they? maybe they're just so stupid, i don’t think so, yes, of course, they are stupid, definitely the same tony blinken, idiot, give a rock concert in kiev, during large-scale military operations in which the ukrainian army is being destroyed, he just arrived, this one is already standing video, scene with this guitar, it’s like nero playing
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a violin against the backdrop of burning rome, here it is. well, yes, obviously he is still a child, a capricious and angry child, but what is happening and what will happen next, we sent another 60 billion dollars to ukraine, most of this money will go to the main five us government defense contractors, yes.
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for war, the weather still matters, and if you, you know, have plowed land covered with wet snow, which is very dirty and impassable, then the tanks have nothing to do, mud season, mud season, i think the russians call it thaw, great slush, but it is already over, when june comes, the serious game will begin, the russian bear, in my opinion, is hungry, so the ukrainians will not be happy, so the war should have been ended, it should not have been started, it should have been frozen in the first six months line and make a deal, but they tried, but the biden administration thought that all these american weapons would solve the issue, it didn’t, it turned out terrible, and you see, the russian command is not idiots, they know their history, the battle for kursk, which happened just to the north the place where it is now...


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