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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 25, 2024 3:30pm-4:01pm MSK

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for war, the weather still matters, and if you, you know, have plowed land covered with wet snow, which is very dirty and impassable, then the tanks have nothing to do, mud season, mud season, i think the russians call it unraveling, great slush, but it is already over, when june comes, the serious game will begin, the russian bear, in my opinion , is hungry, so the ukrainians will not be happy. so, the war should have ended, it should not have started, the lines should have been frozen in the first six months and a deal should have been concluded, but they tried, but the biden administration thought that all these american weapons would solve the issue, it didn’t, it turned out terrible, and you see, the russian command is not idiots, they know their history, the battle for kursk, which happened just north of where it is now...
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will remain as an independent country, if they capture odessa, if they take away from ukraine the opportunity to export its grain, then in the long run it will become a serious threat to the existence of the country’s economy, maybe everything will come back, listen, western ukraine was part of poland, yes, eastern ukraine was part of russia, so the borders move depending, military victories lead to achievements in diplomacy, and you think at the moment the russians have very gentle victories ahead of them. is there anyone who understands this issue and believes that ukraine will be able to win, that is, push russian troops back to the old borders, but i never believed in this, i know, but i don’t know who is currently advising the white house or whoever they listen to, but they should probably change their list of advisors, but when your secretary of state, this clown, secretary of state tony blinke? a parody of
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boomer appears at this rock concert and tells the ukrainians that we are with you forever, how can you even say that, i have not yet met a single person who understands this region and believes that the ukrainians can win, regardless of the number money sent by us, how can you even say that? this is a waste of money, all we are doing now is contributing to the extinction of ukrainian men , destroying the foundations for future generations, and what is the death toll? deciding how you can stand with this badge does not imply knowing about the consequences of your ukraine on your jacket and talking about the brave ukrainian people who die in hundreds of thousands, and you don’t even track the losses, don’t you become a monster at such a moment, i don’t understand, if you look, if... take modern images from
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the battlefield and make them black and white and grainy, yes, then they are indistinguishable from the battle of soma, during the first world war, yes, yes, exactly, artillery smashes and destroys everything, a senseless waste lives, but this is the fault of our authorities, they are also responsible to some extent, and it ’s shocking how much our government has become a uniparty, apparently it’s not shocking to you that they don’t care? how many ukrainians died, and they actually don’t care about american deaths either, yes, fair enough, eric prince, thank you, thank you, tucker, there will be a debate between trump and biden, the current president challenged the former to a duel, which should take place at the end june, while both candidates are warming up their audience before the final push, they are using everything possible means, including...
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intelligence, it has reached the point where it is becoming difficult for voters to distinguish truth from fiction about who benefits from this in the america program with valentin bogdanov, after advertising. order a free alfabank credit card with a whole year without interest, receive a superkick in rubles for all purchases , withdraw cash for free, it’s not just profitable, it’s alpha profitable! thanks to shopping at the megamarket, someone will reach the finish line first, someone will create comfort in their apartment, someone will go to...
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maxim always tells his friends yes, masha will help at any moment, and vanya will never keep you waiting. start a cool career at alfabank. bring friends and get 15 rubles for
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each. alfabank is the best employer in russia. with yota, your money will not fly away. we return rubles for the remaining minutes and gigs, you can iota, this is sasha, it is important for him that his friends are nearby, maxim always says yes to his friends, masha will help at any moment, and vanya will never keep you waiting. start a cool career at alfabank, bring friends and get 15 rubles for each alfabank is the best employer of russia, sausages are simply cosmos, and this is cherkizov’s own farm, where selected meat for the sausages that
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my family likes so much appears, cosmically tasty, cherkizovo, every wedding ends the same way, they retire to the bedroom and decide, i prefer investments, where to invest the gifts money, investments in the future, we agree, but first we’ll open a deposit with interest at sea, with sber everyone can profitably increase their savings, open a deposit with the best interest brokerage account and receive three sber shares as a gift, in sber is it more profitable with prime, what do we bring from savito’s travels? cashback bonuses for your next avito trip, everything will go as booked with cashback bonuses. this is america, a program about a country that is difficult to understand, hello, the us presidential election
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is not only a competition of ideas and money, it is also a battle of new techno. at the beginning of the 20th century , the ability to record the voices of candidates created a sensation. the first phonographs created a real sensation in america. radio in the roaring twenties expanded its pre-election audience in unprecedented ways. the fifties taught voters literally look closely at politicians. then there was the internet, then social networks. 2024 comes first. artificial intelligence the presidential race in the united states is now running in parallel with the technological race, and chatbots are learning to understand american politics in real time. almost every week a new algorithm appears that is superior to the previous ones
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. huge changes are taking place in the field of artificial intelligence. archaic american election system, where counting machines voting results. you need to deal with artisanal disinformation, artificial intelligence tools help create an army of bots that sound like real people, and which are controlled by one single person, and such a person was found, he was back in 2016, and he was for trump. he is the tallest, but most importantly, he is the best. with so many compliments, trump literally praised brad parscale at one of his rallies. bret parscale, author of digital victory, as it is called, trump's digital victory in the 2016 election. what did he do? in
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in collaboration with the notorious cambridge analytica, parscale was involved in micro-targeting of voters. the trump company, the headquarters of the republicans, knew perfectly well, down to the details, who exactly they were addressing with their election messages, to whom what message and how to formulate it. and so on, all this data was collected on the basis of digital portraits of voters on social networks, we are primarily talking about the social network facebook banned in russia, so pars hale worked with trump, became literally a digital champion, and then there was a scandal in 2020 parscale was disappointed with trump’s position on the storming of the capitol, he left, then he started having family problems, there was even information that he... wanted to commit suicide and now parscale returns to work in trump’s company at the decisive
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moment by artificial intelligence. we teach artificial intelligence to scan the internet, collect data and predict people's decisions. please note that next to parkale’s face in this video is the name of the company campain nucleus. positions its company as a kind of one-stop shop for conservatives. politicians, who, with the help of artificial intelligence, provides them with political services that previously required a large investment of resources, for example, the help of volunteers or sending out election letters, well, it’s interesting that if you look at the trump company’s website, there will also be a logo of the company’s name at the bottom campaign nucleus, that is, parscale is already collaborating with trump’s headquarters, however, as he himself admits, his... ambitions are much greater more broadly, in a couple of years you will be able to get elected using your phone, artificial
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intelligence will compose press releases and letters for donor voters, everything is made for you, not for the left, if you are not for traditional values, you cannot use my program, because i’m not for sale, but not everyone is so principled and not everyone is so clean, because artificial intelligence is in many ways dirty technologies, it’s such a new kind of thing. the story in nyuger is an example of the use of
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deep fake technology in relation to audio files, but also video and photos are not far behind, there are a lot of photographs on the internet where trump is posing next to black voters, this is also a fairly effective technology, the fact is that black african americans are now ceasing to support biden and are moving to trump in general... this also contributes to the illusion that trump is already holding such special rallies for blacks, when this is not the case. there is also an example of negative pr against trump, these are photographs of the famous trump behind bars, already in prison, this is also deep technology fake, well, trump’s company also did not hesitate to resort to this technology when biden announced that he would be nominated as a presidential candidate.
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migrants, crime on the streets, poverty, in general, a picture of the apocalypse on eve, which was also painted by the artificial intelligence of ready-made solutions, how to resist it, how to work with it, they are essentially... there is no business, just like that on the condition of great anonymity they comment with caution, but with very serious concern, on the participation of artificial intelligence in the headquarters of the biden. generative artificial intelligence, where attackers use fake voices, images and video clips against you. this is as difficult as talking about the advantages of the ak-47, one of the political strategists close to the biden campaign said on condition of anonymity. however , the second amendment does not allow banning weapons in the united states. well, as for artificial
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intelligence, there was generally an incognito legislative tera, a black hole, back in september. last year, two democratic senators and two republican senators have introduced a bill that would ban the use of deep fake technologies and various techniques for simulating images or audio during elections, but there is virtually no chance that this law will be passed before the vote in november, because the situation in congress in general very shaky, come to an agreement with...
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artificial intelligence can help treat people, fight climate change, but at the same time it is a risk for our society, national security economy. in
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a sense, we can talk about a certain karmic response that americans receive, but it’s no secret that over the years... the united states, including with the help of all advanced social technologies, social engineering, and then social networks , has been promoting the same color revolutions, and now it turns out that that these color revolutions can already boomerang with the same artificial intelligence in america itself, and here, of course , donald trump, who appears in the image of the joker, looks like an eerie metaphor. the world is in chaos. evil has enveloped you do you think this will create even more evil? yes, the world is a very evil place. what advantages does depar fake provide for directors of such videos? it’s clear that you can create any situation, even in the white house, move the heroes even, i don’t know, into low-earth orbit, or , for example, put trump in the reporter’s chair, and biden in the chair of the one
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being interviewed, and this interview is clearly going on weakly. how are you, joe? come on, wake up, sleepy joe. wait, who are you? do we know each other? the pill hasn't worked for me yet. by the way, biden here looks like not keeping up with technological progress, richard nixon in 1960. the famous debate with john kennedy. the dawn of american television.
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it wasn’t kennedy who put him in first place back then, but tv viewers had already determined everything, well, new technologies, new technologies, deep fakes, social networks, artificial intelligence, the good old television debates in america are still relevant, trump has been teasing biden for several months , challenged him to debates, presidential ones...
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and it won’t get any worse, the fact is that the last polls from the new york times showed the democrat losing to the republican in five of the six swing states. however, biden still won’t go to this debate without insurance. there are several conditions that democrats have put forward for this debate to take place. firstly, there will be no live audience, because everyone knows that trump always feeds off the crowd. and it is very important for him when there are people supporting him, secondly, the moderators of these debates will have the opportunity to turn off the microphone for each participant
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the moment when they deem it necessary, this is also, of course, directed against trump, because the forty-fifth president of the united states can speak in front of an audience for hours, he has no problems, he does not stutter like biden. the third point is that only liberal television networks can be admitted. as debate organizers, there are nbc, and spanish-language tv, and cbs and cnn, here is fox news, where , although there are no tucker-carlsons, there are still presenters who can ask biden unpleasant questions, these presenters will not be at the debate , well, he won’t be at the debate - no third candidate, it is clear that we are talking primarily about robert kennedy jr., however, this is a plus for...
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presenting him at the end of august at the democratic party convention in chicago, here you can’t get by with any artificial intelligence, you’ll have to find someone -really do it pretty quickly. this was america, all the best to you. it’s not easy to catch the firebird’s feather, but anyone can get a fire rate of up to 17.5% per annum, open a deposit on, i’m something
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it's easy to get confused by the facts when you see. to support the residents of the belgorod region, who virtually every day for several months have suffered from shelling by the ukrainian armed forces, guests
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of the russia forum exhibition at vdnkh joined in. an action called “belgorod” has started. our hearts are with you. let's find out more details from our correspondent evgeniy petrukhin. she joins us. welcome again. but it is obvious that the goal of this action is to help, to tell, and most importantly, do not be silent.


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