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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 25, 2024 4:30pm-5:00pm MSK

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including how the deliveries of the most popular types of weapons and equipment are progressing, i would like to note that most enterprises qualitatively fulfill state defense order assignments on time, and for a number of positions, even ahead of schedule, it is important to continue to increase the rhythmic provision of the armed forces with modern high-tech weapons and equipment, this unmanned... aviation and ground systems, high-precision weapons , rap weapons and counter-battery systems, these are various types of communications for stable and continuous management, and other nomenclature, you know well, recently our volumes have increased, over the last one and a half to two years, during the special military operation, from 2021 to the twenty-third,
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these numbers are changing, constantly, they are growing, growth amounted to more than 22 times for missile and artillery weapons, 15 times for electronic warfare and reconnaissance, 14 times for ammunition, seven times for vehicles, six times for personal armor protection, and... and unmanned aerial vehicles four times, for armored weapons almost three and a half times, this is a good pace, a large volume, i want to thank you and your teams for coping with such tasks, large-scale tasks, as i noted earlier, it is important today to build an effective military economy.
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strength we all understand that with such expenses , the economy of the armed forces, which is part of the economy of the entire country, must be built accordingly so that everyone the state ruble worked effectively, and not only effectively for the needs of the armed forces, in general it would fit into the economy, i ’ll talk about this a little later, i would definitely like to hear today how the conclusion of contracts with enterprises is going, the advance process itself. planning the state defense order, if there are any problematic issues that have not yet been resolved, i made a number of decisions that were supposed to increase the efficiency of accelerating the process of repair, restoring the combat effectiveness of weapons and equipment, so that it returned to the combat zone as soon as possible , and i would ask today to determine how this work is organized; there was also an order to speed up the implementation.
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from the base specifically for the long term. over the previous years, meaning really years, not, not one and a half to two years associated with the conduct of a special military operation, but over the years we have built the structure of the defense industry accordingly, this is where we are, an enterprise, a corporation, created in march 2003, in 2002 decisions were made related to: the creation
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carrying out work to recreate the defense-industrial complex as a whole, a corresponding decree was signed in 2002, which is when we started. today, then there were six enterprises in the corporation, today there are 56, we will talk, well, maybe in working order, then about further improvement of the structures necessary to ensure an increase in the defense capability of the state, let's start work, please, vladimir putin held a meeting with the leaders in korolev near moscow enterprises of the defense-industrial complex. cadet. graduates said goodbye to the banner of the moscow presidential school of the russian guard named after sholokhov. this is one of the long-standing traditions associated with the end of the institution. demonstration performances at the ceremony were given by dog ​​handlers and military personnel from one of the units of the central district, who demonstrated hand-to-hand combat techniques. the guys were congratulated by the deputy head of the russian guard, alexey
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vorobyov. he expressed confidence that many of the graduates will connect their lives with military service and become worthy defenders of the country. now to clients news agencies, citing the ministry of internal affairs, report that an armed attacker in st. petersburg shot at police officers who arrived at the scene and barricaded himself in an apartment. in addition, telegram channel 112 says that his wife may be with him, she is almost being held hostage, one of the police may be wounded. firefighters and ambulances are also on the scene. we will return to this topic later. a group of russian troops from the center liberated the settlement of arkhangelskoye in the donetsk people's republic.
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in the belgorod region, which is subject to daily attacks from the ukrainian armed forces, large-scale restoration work has begun. stopped, which means the drone went a little further. it happens that the ukrainian armed forces drone still overtakes mostly civilians. the car that burned down a couple of days ago at the gas station at the entrance to graivronn has not yet been removed, the damaged workstation is undergoing treatment.
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agricultural machinery is hurrying along the road with anti-drone bars on the roof, popularly barbecues, in the city center, as if in the most peaceful time we meet housing and communal services workers, they are bringing beauty. we. we plant and they rumble and fly, everything that ’s going on with us right now, but we plant, we go out every day, of course, when beauty is everywhere, hammers are loudly knocking on the next street, roofers are smartly handling the slate, patching the roof after arriving, trying to work quickly, distracted only by the sounds of artillery. you see what ’s going on here, how you can get by without stress. can fly by right now, for example, here, even, there have already been cases here in the kazinka, it turns out we’ll go for lunch, if we would have arrived 5 minutes earlier, right here the same roof fell, welders are doing their work at the same time, the fence and the gate, their scope of work, the place of arrival, the consequences are clearly visible,
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well, the corrugated fence sheet, it was crumpled like paper, in fact the house had no roof, but the workers had already covered it, that’s all restore. they don’t plan literally a couple of days in advance. there are many times more cases at nikolai zharikov’s site. in addition to re-roofing , the outbuildings will have to be rebuilt. this was the kitchen, this compartment - it was, well, a utility room. of the entire farm, only one rabbit survived, and now looks out incredulously from the cell. dozens of the same gray ones were hit by shrapnel, just like the chickens. even if they had survived, nikolai would not be able to take care of them now. we went to bed and...
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50 social objects. after the shelling in the city, the mfc and shopping pavilions burned down, and the migration center was cut by shrapnel. the ukronazis targeted the police building as if they were hitting a school. these are photographs immediately after the attack, now the building is as good as new, only the chipped walls and charred traces give it away, but we didn’t have time to photograph the result of the repair in detail, when there was such a squeaking sign fpv, things don’t smell very good, so we need to urgently yarik went somewhere safer , we reached the regional headquarters for the restoration of the grayvoronsky district without incident, a dozen residents of the village of kazinka gathered here.
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after 3 days he lost everything, the terrorists from the rdk left only wall drawings in the basement, rpg shots and the bodies of liquidated fellow tribesmen. due to constant shelling, entry into the village of kazinka is closed; many have not been home since march last year and are returning to their native village.
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welcome to asia, this is where the heart beats continent. how far is it to the border? how many kilometers are there directly? people came to the auto shop and the shelling began. this is indescribable; people will never understand what the border zones are experiencing.
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even despite these latest shellings, all the enterprises are working. we must push back in order to restore peace in our country in ukraine.
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there is a lot to learn from young guys.
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program nikita mikhalkova besagon tv. i welcome you, dear friends, to our next episode of the besagon tv author's program. it will be called, in okupas there are no natheists. i think you will understand why we called our program that. but according to... tradition, first i want to report that our previous program on the russia-24 channel, on the russia-1 channel, on youtube, on the telegram channel, on other platforms, was watched by more than 11 million people, almost 12 million people, for that we are very grateful to you, but i want to warn you, maybe even make you happy, that now our channel
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besagon is on vkontakte, in jena, in odnoklassniki, so... come and have a look, i will be very grateful to you for this, what we’ll talk about today, well, you yourself understand perfectly well that this may, two of the most important events that took place were the seventy -ninth anniversary of the victory in the great patriotic war, the official assumption of office by our president vladimir vladimirovich putin, his inauguration. i don’t want to say that our program will be dedicated to these events. but in any case, they will, of course, touch them indirectly. during the great patriotic war, in 1943, stalin had the opportunity to eliminate hitler and there were people to do this ready, but stalin did not do this. stalin understood that, of course, the top of the reich, in the absence of hitler and bypassing the soviet
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union, would naturally begin to negotiate with our allies. there are many documents on this, that is, the west was ready to move closer to the nazis. many of the highest ranks of the reich smoothly flowed into nato, and we also know this very well. we remember that ford, and general motors, and anglo-saxon politicians and bankers, and the dales brothers contributed to the rise of hitler, we understand perfectly well that the victory over nazi germany, which fell mainly on the shoulders of the soviet union, our losses were almost 27 million lives, of course, did not bring us closer to the anglo-saxons, and moreover, there was even an absolutely inhuman idea of ​​churchill, a plan
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that was called the unthinkable, this is to arm captured military officers, captured soldiers, officers, permacht, throw an atomic bomb on the soviet union , take an already exhausted, bloodless country literally with your bare hands. fortunately , this did not happen, because by that time the soviet union had nuclear power. bomb, the west did not agree to this, did not risk it. if we talk about the west, then it’s not a sin to remember that in general the ideology of nazism was... taken by hitler from the anglo-saxons, remember? here, for example, are the words of the pulitzer prize-winning writer john toland, who wrote that hitler’s concept of the camps, as well as the practicality of genocide, owes much to his, that is , hitler, research into the history of england and
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the united states. by the way, this was said directly. control over a person, the idea of ​​a golden billion, opportunity and necessity to reduce humanity quantitatively in order to... supply those necessary to service this golden billion, does n’t this echo the ideas of nazism,
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directly, directly, you don’t need to look far for examples, look at eurovision, in which, as they say, god ruled , don’t let us take part in this, look what it has become. at the opening of the olympic games in paris in 2024 . a unique spectacle awaits us: the olympic flame will be carried not by an athlete, not by a scientist, not by an outstanding figure, but by
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transvestite, look at this phenomenon, and he will carry it in heels 25 cm long, so we laugh, but i can’t help but laugh, but you know, this laughter, it borders on horror, i can’t see it from the screen. the norm, moreover, it not only became the norm, it became an obligation. it’s interesting, back in 1934, alexey maksimovich
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goriki said the following phrase: “destroy homosexuality and fascism will disappear.” what does it mean? this means that it was not homosexuality itself that was meant, but the concept of the sin of shame. by the way, i...reminded this a phrase said by my great-uncle dmitry petrovich konchalovsky, a historian, he said: “in a state where the concept of the sin of shame is lost, order can only be maintained by a police regime and violence. that is why, when we bow our heads, when we treat with great respect and gratitude to all those who..." won this terrible great patriotic war, and what a cry goes up about this , listen,
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we should not talk about the history of victory day today, but if we do talk, then about how many victims there were, how many unjustified victims there were, about the cruelty of commanders who absolutely disregarded the interests of the soldiers, about the horrific things that happened during the war, and about how later... the front-line soldiers were not allowed to tell the truth, they created tame veterans who constantly talk about what was happening, those who have long forgotten how it really was, of course, this is no longer a holiday with tears in the eyes, this is something else, it simply cannot be washed away, unfortunately, it simply cannot be washed away, another day of sorrow will simply be added and... it is the day of sorrow, the day of repentance for ukraine, in general, pay attention, veterans day is celebrated quite calmly in the united
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states or bastille day in france, there are many military parades all over the world, but they do not cause such rejection, such hatred, such sarcasm, they do not cause that it was the real victory of the soviet union and the soviet people over... hitler's germany, it is unacceptable for the perception of our, so to speak, civilized western world, they do not want to remember, they are trying to belittle the importance of our country, they even when releasing medals for the seventy-fifth anniversary of the victory, we talked about this, on this medal there are three banners, three flags of the united states, great britain and france, we are not there, we are being erased from memory. they are erasing us from history, they don’t want to see us as winners, in september 1919 the european parliament recognized
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the ussr as the culprit of the beginning of the second. world war, this means that in their opinion, we, along with nazi germany, are to blame for the deaths of up to 80 million people around the world, and we are to blame for the holocaust, we are just that so, a disclaimer, it doesn’t matter, this is pushing the world towards this window into movement, which we interfere with, our existence interferes, and, note that everything is used. and the illegal coup in ukraine, and the betrayal of the minsk agreements, and the death of people in the burning house of trade unions on may 2 , 1914, the explosion of the nord stream, the murder of our citizens, and the terror attack on the crimean bridge, this includes everything, they do not disdain anything, it is surprising that this also, by
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the way... the legacy of hitler’s reich, look, i’ll read you one document, this the order, it is called on the application of military jurisdiction and on special measures of troops, it sounds like this: for actions committed by personnel and service personnel against enemy civilians, there will be no mandatory prosecution, even in cases where these actions ... are a war crime or misdemeanor, this is an order, it was signed on may 13, 4, and it was adopted by hitler’s personal order, that is, impunity towards the civilian population is embedded in the ideology, embedded in the rules, don’t we see that this is happening today before our eyes, and
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the most terrible thing, and this... and the huge victory of the anglo-saxon world is that the russians are killing russians, that is, they managed to push together the slavic peoples, people who studied the same things, with our largely omission same textbooks that read the poems of pushkin, krilov, read tolstoy, and these people today kill each other, with the only difference, we protect our own. “we are defending donbass, we are defending russia, what those who are fighting on the other side today are defending is huge every day money was spent on instilling hatred towards the russian people, towards our country, and that as a result, we all know how volunteers are recruited, we all know how many
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people surrender, how many people..." listen to the russian soldier who speaks in a language understandable to all parties, listen, the russian-speaking question to ukrainians: what are you fighting for, for freedom, we can bet, you can’t leave the country for free, demobilization has also been cancelled, that is , go one way, is this really freedom for the land? so
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sold. your president, your land, the land market, what is this? you can google who is the main beneficiary, purchasing your land, for faith, took away your faith, all sorts of sectarians are now organizing rock concerts in your churches, they took away your language a long time ago, you call us occupiers, so look at mariupol, at crimea , the occupiers do this, you saw such construction there in libya, in iraq, somewhere, in my opinion, many countries want russia to occupy them.


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