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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 25, 2024 5:00pm-5:30pm MSK

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i bet you can’t leave the country for free anymore, demobilization has also been cancelled, that is, go one way, is this really freedom? for land, so your president sold your land, the land market, what is this? can you google who is the main beneficiary of the purchase of your land? for your faith, they took away your faith, all sorts of sectarians are now organizing rock concerts in your churches, they took away your language long ago, you call us occupiers, so look at mariupol, at crimea, do occupiers do that, have you seen such construction there in libya, iraq, somewhere, in my opinion, many countries want russia.
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we came across some rather interesting documents, which indicate that organ transplantation in ukraine was put on stream; the very first dorners were soldiers of the armed forces of ukraine. each vssushnik, when he passed the medical examination, supposedly filled out this document, this is a document of consent for organ transplantation, a complete personal file was opened on him, so that if this person was dropped, it would be possible to understand which organ could be removed and which recipient it would be for will do. the date here is worth one year.
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germany and the ministry of justice and public order of the republic of cyprus, and the ministry of justice of the french republic. the statement is based on the norms of international law, it is a very serious, very thoughtful, very detailed document, which examines a huge number of schemes for financing terrorism, the terrorist acts themselves, just look.
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the bombing of the nord stream, the attempted murder of zakhar prilepin, the death of daria dugina, the murder of ladlen tatarsky, all these the facts are described in our statement: biden’s son and biden himself are actually a business partner of a company in ukraine, which donated a fairly impressive amount of money, including for the army. which are used for bombing our border territories, bombing donbass. we are talking about the well-known feeder of the biden family, the ukrainian company burisma. it was founded by the former minister of natural resources of ukraine nikolai zlachevsky. two months after the maidan , the son of us vice president joseph biden joined the board of directors of burisma hunter, a close friend of secretary of state john kerry's family, deven archer, former head of the cia counterterrorism center, joseph coferblack. ex-president of poland alexander
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kwasniewski. by that time , a corruption case was already being investigated against burisma, and soon the country’s new prosecutor general, viktor shokin, took over the matter. i have no doubts. that burisma was engaged in illegal activities, and in order to hide from the investigation, zlocheevsky began to bring people who could protect him. among them was hunter biden. at the personal request of joseph biden shokin was quickly fired, and burisma's managers began handing out enormous cash bribes to close the remaining criminal cases. we tracked almost all movements of funds through the burizma company and transfers of funds through morgan stanley to the rosemon seneca company, this is a company that is... affiliated and owned by biden’s son, where he received money 6 million in cash, that is, cash, was transferred to law enforcement officers ukraine to close the burizmi case, it was all documented, the person who transmitted these
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funds, it was one of the employees of the burizma company, kicha, a certain lawyer, all of europe looked at the largest bribe in the cache of 6 million dollars, these 6 million dollars were seized and were forever evidence until a certain period of time, closed by a court decision, a secret court decision , which we provided, this money was transferred to the disposal of the gur military unit for carrying out terrorist activities, after that the northern streams began to explode there, after that dugin’s terrorist attack took place, a series of terrorist attacks began, so it’s like the whole chain of doubts has been traced here , no doubt about it. no, the biden family, or rather, the biden family’s partners, sponsored terrorism, evading responsibility for corruption and money laundering on the territory of ukraine. that is, at that time, in 2014, the son of joe biden, who at that moment was obama’s vice president,
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is on the board of directors of the ukrainian gas production company burisma, you yourself understand perfectly well that this is already a violation when...
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you get a billion dollars , i said, you are not and i say: call him, i am telling you, you are not get a billion, i'm leaving in 6 hours, i looked at my watch, if the prosecutor is not fired in 6 hours, you won't get any money, you sons of bitches, and he was fired, isn't this proof of that? zelensky is aware of everything, all the machinations that the bidens’ snake carried out, and has the opportunity to blackmail them with this knowledge. why not? quite possible. and as a result, on april 9, based on the results of checking
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the application, the investigative committee of the russian federation opened a criminal case under the fourth part of article 205, paragraph one. criminal code of the russian federation, financing of terrorism, they say that terrorism has no nationality, well, you know, we, by the way, even argued with this, remember, one of the issues of our besogon, after all, on the other hand, terrorism has a nationality, so , for example, it could be, or african american, for example, or it could be indian, or european.
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nothing, nothing, nothing, it’s going to happen sooner or later, let’s remember lincoln’s words, is it possible to lie? part of the people all the time, and all the people some of the time, but you can’t deceive all the people all the time, in this case we mean humanity as such, it’s impossible to deceive them all the time, i think, i hope, and how amazing it is, look how intertwined, how the events of today echo with the events of the past days. look, compare the logic of another quote from adolf
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hitler. when assessing such actions, it must be taken into account that the defeat in 1918, the subsequent period of suffering of the german people, as well as the struggle against national socialism, which required countless bloody victims were the result of bolshevik influence.
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one of the few remaining monuments in honor of the victory over hitler's germany was demolished; it was called the monument to eternal glory. look, to the sound of boos and laughter , this monument is being broken down, promises that the metal from which this monument was made will be used for the needs of the ussr, that is, in other words, from this monument, which was erected in honor of the victory of our common victory over germany, there may be bullets have been cast that will kill the descendants of the winners of this war,
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ours, ours, just imagine the ominousness of this situation, but unfortunately, the trouble is that we ourselves, with our own hands and actions, give rise to distortion and distortion of the real story. take the katyn case, i want to remind you, in 1943, the german ministry of propaganda under the leadership of goebbels reported that a mass grave of polish officers was found in the katyn forest, smolensk region, and the ussr was to blame for this, that is, the country with which germany waged a fierce war . by the way, all the documents. the germans took them to germany, when the red
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army began to approach, they simply burned them. by the end of 1943 , smolensk was liberated, and a commission led by academician nikolai burdenok began investigating. while hiding these burials, german bullets were found. in addition, letters that were written after the arrival of the germans. the commission came to the conclusion that the dead were prisoners who did not have time to be evacuated during the retreat; they ended up in territory occupied by the germans and were shot by the nazis. katyn massacre appears in the indictment of the international tribunal in nuremberg. section three. war crimes are exactly what they sound like. in september 1941 in katyn.
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kvd with captured poles from kazelsk, ostashky and starobelsk, which do not contain any information about the execution, which did not prove anything. but this is presented as a package of documents confirming that polish officers were executed by soviet security officers, this is what a state duma deputy writes in his letter to the prosecutor’s office of the russian federation, march 11, 2024 anatoly wasserman, the current status
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of the katyn case gives rise to a legal conflict, the fact is that article 354 , paragraph one of the rehabilitation of nazism, has been introduced into the current criminal code of russia. in accordance with it, denial of the facts established by the verdict of the international military tribunal for the trial of punishment of the main war criminals of european countries is considered a crime and entails criminal prosecution. that is, when we are in the eighties and nineties. years stated that polish officers were killed by nkvd officers, despite the facts and documents, the evidence of the burdenko commission, we ourselves become participants in the rehabilitation of nazism, it turns out that here is one of the most important documents that seems to confirm and
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confirm our guilt, this note, it is designated as biriya’s letter numbered... 794 /b dated march 5, 1940, interestingly, all four pages were printed on different typewriters, which alone casts doubt on the authenticity of this document. in addition, on the title page there are signatures of stalin, voroshilov, molotov and mikayan, and these signatures made with a pencil. under the light, it was this letter, along with other documents , that boris yeltsin handed over to the constitutional court, which also refused to accept them as genuine documents. listen to what deputy viktor elyukhin says about this. on may 25, 2010
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, an unknown man called me on the phone and stated that he knew that a group of scientists, together with...
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“we were supposed to break the totalitarian communist party, but it was precisely our behavior that led to complete impunity in the world towards to us, by in relation to our rights, to our claims, to our interests, we confirmed with our own hands this most talented operation
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of goebbels, which we are still discussing, which..." which biden used in his speech, we talked about this, remember why he was chosen for all this provocation
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and fake, the city of bucha, why not gastomel or irpen, why butcher? but because the president of the united states, in another wave of dementia, publicly called our president a butcher. in english, butcher. the meaning is how this can be played out. , rhyme, butcher, butchers, murderers, and so on.
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and then what happened that day? on the other side, from the ukrainian side, hail shells arrived and exploded in the apartment. the bulaev family lived on the eighth floor, it’s very difficult to talk now, because small children died, i also have children, that’s why. do you remember this moment? of course, this is sofia’s jacket, which was hanging on a tree,
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of course i remember, because when they were looking for it, naturally, everything, everything that was possible, well , everything, everything naturally, was thrown down, because that they didn’t find her right away, they were looking for her, and here , in addition to children’s things, there were also children’s toys hanging. absurd, people probably don’t fear god, we all walk under god, we’re not afraid of sin, how can you use such things for some selfish purposes, you understand, everything is for sale, everything is in a piggy bank, everything is in this cauldron of lies , manipulation, the use of some footage with a completely opposite meaning,
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for one’s own benefit, and there are different forms of crimes, there are obvious crimes, yes, and there are invisible ones, there are, not only that they are invisible, they are also far-reaching, for example, the story that has now flared up regarding the great russian philosopher ivan ilyan. at the beginning of april this year , a rather powerful campaign was launched against the russian philosopher ivan. named after him by the highest political school at the russian state humanitarian university, i
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think that i think... it became absolutely clear to people that this is not a speech against ilyin, in fact, this is a speech against our president, who quite often quotes this great philosopher. it all started with the fact that students were allegedly outraged by the fact that the higher school was named after the fascist ivan ilyan, a bit of a fascist. scientists. one of the leading universities in the country , the winner of fascism, cannot bear the name of a supporter of ultra-legal views, taking into account the socio-political situation in which the russian federation currently finds itself. we are convinced that ivan ilyin’s worldview has nothing in common with the values ​​of russia, and the fascist idea is unnatural for us political construct. our demand is to cancel the resolution on the creation of an educational and scientific center under the leadership of alexander dugin. we stand for free
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education. completely different people, one of the first who began this work of denigrating the image of ilyin is a certain veronika kroshenennikova. by the way, she even worked at one time at the russian state humanitarian university. from the age of 20, i lived abroad, studied, and worked there. it appeared in russia only about 10 years ago. she became prominent political scientist, became a member of the public chamber
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of russia from 2012 to 2020. shortly after the start of the svo, she suddenly disappeared from public political life. there is an assumption that she went back abroad. she is a supporter of the democratic party, loves joe biden and, by and large, if we speak seriously, is engaged in the simplest and most clear anti-russian agenda. here is a short portrait of mrs. korsheninnikova. who writes and distributes materials denigrating the image of ivan ilyinn, moreover, remember, at one time a dissident, a wonderful writer, a very wise man, zinoviev wrote, they were aimed at communism, they ended up in russia, the same thing here, it’s like a velyan method, but in fact it is directed against the president, who often quotes something else, but what is it?
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sources, it is also picked up by patriotic media. by the way, to understand ms. krasheninnikova, a fascist is anyone who preaches conservative views, who is against lgbt people, or who promotes christian morality, this is what she writes: gays, new jews, the persecution of lgbt people in the world belongs to the agenda of the far right.
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well, tell me, this is a coincidence, maybe, but i don’t believe in it, i want to appeal to the guys, to these students, to these hot people, to these sincere people, don’t you yourself understand that you are being led and manipulated, and not they manipulate you from here, they don’t lead you from here, they use you, look at this little...


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