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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 25, 2024 7:30pm-8:00pm MSK

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the last one is in the hands of the operative. stanislav khandaev, the train driver, was hit. according to investigators, he transported the precious metal abroad in one of the carriages of his train. is there anyone in the house? khandaev stanislav? take everything uphill. the list of participants in the criminal community of various hierarchies seems endless.
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and it is already clear that they were all united by one criminal passion for illegal profit from russian wealth. during the preliminary investigation, it was established that more than thirty people were involved in this crime. people, which included citizens of the russian federation and citizens of foreign states. illegal mining of the precious metal was carried out both on the territory of the trans-baikal and krasnoyarsk territories, the republic of khakassia, the irkutsk region, and the republic.
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steel, he confessed to gardening and is waiting for a verdict, in a conversation with us he complained about the difficulties when working at the mine, the men who work there need something - the fuel that you deliver, there is food for the people there and well, depreciation of the equipment itself, a lot of spare parts flies away for all these moments, you need to pay money with something, well, it’s not from your pocket, he’s not homeless, so people start looking for some. well, there are loopholes to hand over this metal, that’s how timur pliev appeared, that’s it, who is this, who is pliev? well, pliev is an ordinary person who was engaged in buying gold, for me that’s what he is, he brought him gold, gave him gold, he did not give the money, that’s all. sergey, well, approximately, how much gold did you take him, because we know that according to the case materials, there are more than 20 kg, 22 kg. that’s how it is, well, yes, that’s how it happened,
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they also confiscated such a batch of gold from me. sergei bogovin is an optimist, he is sure that after the sentence he will be engaged in his new life, of course, it is clear that he should quit, metal needs to be mined, if this is your calling, then you can use it, then you will get caught again, why me i'll get caught, i won't get caught, i'll work legally.
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three, why? well, you lived in this vershina dorosonsky, as they call it, vershina darosovsky, there is no more work, somewhere it was necessary to eat something, so it turned out this way, not on purpose, not purposefully, if you believe pliev, it turns out that the illegal gold business brought him mere pennies, earlier in soviet times they would have called you. speculator speculator yes, now a businessman, now a businessman, yes, a gold businessman, why gold, well, did you know that we have an individual, just like a citizen, you have no right to engage in the purchase and sale of gold, yes, of course, well i ’m telling you, i realized that we’ve earned a lot, yes, now i’ll probably earn 10 years, in money, pennies in money, i understand correctly, thousands per kilogram, 3 kg, calculate how much it
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will be, it will be 90,000, even if temerland pliev is telling the truth, it turns out that only from one visit he earned sergei bogovin. another member of the criminal community is courier igor chernyak, an elderly man, he is clearly ashamed to sit in front of the lens of our video camera, how did you get into gold, and how did you get into gold, there is nothing to pay off loans.
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the weight may be different, well, the weight is 10 kg, well, within 10, yes, up to 10 kg of gold were transported, chernyak shows us his car, demonstrates where he hid the gold and turns to people like him, courier, who, at their own peril and risk, continue to transport precious bullion, it seems like easy money, but what it is light, it is not so light, it seems. light, you don’t have to sleep at night, you’re driving, you’re afraid, we’re going to zabaikalsk, the linear department of the russian ministry of internal affairs for transport, material
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evidence in a criminal case, tens of kilograms of gold bars and dozens of million rubles during the search...
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we move into the next room, here is that same gold jack, it’s not an easy thing, when the gold was there it was even heavier, show me what ’s inside, well, the outside is an ordinary jack for a truck, yes, yes, the outside is ordinary , but one of the members of the criminal community, roman lopatin, used this device, here it is... packaging, all this was found in his car during his arrest on the way to the village of zabaikalsk, zabaikalsk, yes, that is, you would never think that this is gold, what is this
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gold jack, one of the methods of concealment, it is difficult to say how much gold in homemade traces are seized by law enforcement officers in transbaikalia? detentions occur almost every day. we are moving to the expert department of the fsb of russia in the trans-baikal territory. these ingots were seized at the border, they tried to take them out in a diesel locomotive, they were hidden, but - your employees. you really understand that this is gold, what standard, but here the standard is above 80%, that is , eight hundredth standard, of course they are all different, because they apparently have a different source
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origin, they are here in all sorts of different shapes, that is, they are most likely made by different people, i look at them like this by their appearance, well, there will definitely be about five kilograms here, no, of course there is much more gold here. here 36 kg, 36 kg, listen, what if we convert this into money in rubles? well, at that time it was about 4 billion rubles, that is, it was 250 thousand million rubles. the ingots are all different, but apparently, the miners have their own specific taiga standard, most of them are rectangular shape, and in appearance they resemble a chocolate bar, only yellow. listen, well, here’s a small bar of gold, how much does it weigh, i think it’s 700-800 grams, yes, that’s right, it weighs somewhere like that, look, i was wrong. but not so much 873 yes, there really is something for
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smugglers to risk, please, we are going to the south of the region, to the village of zabaikalsk, to see how law enforcement officers identify smugglers, from here it’s a stone’s throw to neighboring manjuria. in good weather, it can be seen with the naked eye. international checkpoint zabaikalsk, the largest in the country. for example , the railway checkpoint currently moves more than 46 -48 livestock every day, both in one direction and the other, as well as the zabaikalsk checkpoint, a car checkpoint, with its capacity of 280 cars. currently, we have more than 400 people moving, the record is that we have 739 transport services in both
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directions, the checkpoint operates around the clock, like clockwork, cargo is moved in both directions on multi-ton trucks, gold is confiscated by both customs officers and border guards with enviable consistency...
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the tourist hid gold bars in the insoles of his shoes, they paid attention to him because the customs officers recalled an episode when he had an unnatural gait, asked to take off his shoes, inspected him, and this is what they found. rectangular ingot, understood, you see, now the second insole. eight gold bars with a total weight of almost 2 kg were hidden in the insoles, but these, as customs officers say, are small things; they try to hide the main contraband in heavy vehicles. twenty in december the second year from russia, the car was traveling from russia, smuggled gold was found in the cargo vehicle, the total weight was... more than 26 kg, these are custar bars that were moved by drivers that were
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hidden in the cache of the international transport vehicle, based on the results of the discovery, a criminal case was initiated about smuggling under article 20 226 of the criminal code of the russian federation. until recently, it was much easier for smugglers to move illegal goods across the border, you just had to hide it well and try so that... the service dog wouldn’t smell it. today, an inspection and search complex has been deployed at the checkpoint. it's a kind of giant x-ray machine. we were allowed to look inside and see how the process of detecting illegal cargo occurs. this x-ray image allows you to identify the place where , for example, gold is transported.
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that is, signs were identified that we had a possible discovery at the end of last year, the movement of gold in the cooling system refrigerated semi-trailer. and according to the results of the actual control that was carried out after, it was discovered, as far as i remember, 26 kg of gold, but if customs representatives are responsible for the most part for... transported cargo, then border guards are responsible for people. there are two directions at this checkpoint: the passenger direction and the cargo direction. on average , more than seventy buses pass along the passenger route per day, and about 2,000 people.
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more than 500 freight vehicles pass along the cargo route. we we move to the railway checkpoint, this has its own specifics of work and its own difficulties, but how to check, for example, a train with coal, which contains at least 70 wagons, and here equipment comes to the rescue, a stationary inspection complex, if there are wagons with scrap metal, then find gold is only possible based on operational information, this is what happened last year. during the inspection of the transred foreign survey , a bundle of yellow metal was found in a wheeled cart in a technological hole, which turned out to be gold, which they tried to it is illegal to move across the state border. how much gold was there? more than 6
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kg, in the second case also more than 6 kg in the support beam in the technological hole. where it is difficult to see, it was discovered by the inspection team that there was also more than 6 kg of gold. as a rule, only the drivers know about the presence of contraband in one of the train cars. by the way, this happened in one episode of the criminal activity of the organized crime group, mayla ragimkhanov. this story is connected with the driver stanislav khandaev. khandaev stanislav - this is one of the examples of railroad workers who directly exported gold outside the borders. federation by smuggling, well , functionally he was part of ragimkhanov’s group, how much money did he receive for the flight, you know, well , on average, about 10 kg were exported per flight, no less, but accordingly this is 800,000 rubles. we found stanislav khandaev right on the railway tracks, he was not arrested during the investigation, he continues to work,
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there is only one restriction: stanislav cannot travel abroad on his diesel locomotive. in conversation with us. the driver took a peculiar position position: i don’t know anything, i’m not involved in anything. how did you get into such an incomprehensible, uninteresting, ugly situation? well, as if i, i don’t know, nothing, i didn’t end up anywhere, i didn’t end up, no, but a criminal case was opened against you, i also don’t know anything, you don’t know anything, that is, i don’t know anything, i didn’t see anything, no , okay, but you were involved in gold, no, of course, you did not transport gold, no, once again, you consider yourself completely innocent and innocent in this story with gold. i don’t know there at all, then you have nothing to do with gold at all, you never received money from anyone, no, never ever, no, no, there are four more drivers like stanislav khandaev in the criminal case, they have something to hide, because the illegal earnings of railway workers amounted to hundreds thousand rubles, only for one flight. the investigation into the criminal case
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of the organized criminal community in transbaikalia is in full swing. according to the security officer. no one can escape responsibility. 16 members of the criminal community were detained and taken into custody. in a relationship twelve defendants were given preventive measures in the form of a written undertaking not to leave and in accordance with proper behavior. one suspect is under house arrest. according to preliminary estimates, the total volume of precious metal acquired through criminal means exceeded 94 kg. its value is estimated. at 370 million rubles. 42 kg of gold worth about 200 million rubles. taken out of our country by criminals. 52 kg were seized by the police. according to the available information, the leader of the criminal community offered three foreigners to participate in the criminal business. they
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organized uninterrupted supplies of natural gold from the republics to the trans-baikal territory. the story of exposing the largest international criminal community seems to have come to an end, most of the members of the organized criminal group have been arrested and will stand trial, but we must not forget about the inheritance. assign 300,000 rubles. methods of extraction are a wide variety of deposits, the most diverse,
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ore objects - these are entire factories being built, a whole production facility for extraction, easier, of course, and faster is all the placer gold, they come, remove the top layer, get to gold, yes, and they literally wash it in the warm summer seasons, when there is no...
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they call it the taiga desert, of course, over time nature will take its toll, and these lifeless spaces will again be covered with dense forest, but this will not happen soon.
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this is the story of the liquidation of the golden organized crime community. this was our investigation from the trans-baikal territory, only you can draw conclusions, see you on the russia 24 tv channel
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8:00 pm
deliveries of the most popular weapons discussed today by vladimir putin at a meeting with heads of defense enterprises.


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