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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 25, 2024 9:00pm-9:31pm MSK

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ukrainian militants attacked the belgorod region, hitting civilians behind multiple launch rocket systems. two people were killed, 10 were injured, and several dozen residential buildings were damaged. from the shelling zone, our correspondent, alexander rivunov. right now we are at the place
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where belgorod rescuers are eliminating the consequences of ukrainian shelling of peaceful areas of belgorod, there were several missile attacks today, the air raid warning signal sounded several times in the sky, cannonade sounded in the sky, the air defense system worked, but not without consequences on the ground; this is just one of these consequences: a missile presumably from a multiple launch rocket system. a vampire got into the second floor of this private house, a fire was carried out, the ceilings collapsed, a fire broke out and right now the rescuers are trying to localize the fire, and by luck there was no one inside, the owner of this house literally left the building a few minutes ago, a direct hit directly into the house , thank god, no one was home, everyone left, it saved, yes, it saved our life, they’re constantly shooting, constantly, i just don’t have any strength anymore, there’s scattering everywhere here on the site.
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people were injured, including an eight-year-old child, they were already taken to hospitals in belgorod, the victims were receiving all the necessary assistance, they were under the supervision of doctors, it is clear that they suffered damage and buildings, including shops, social facilities, were seriously cut by shrapnel, facades, broken windows, well, in general, such traditional damage from missile danger, that’s for now this is all information from the direct places where the ukrainian missiles arrived. mikhail shum,
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conductor of the belgorod region. russia must always be one step ahead of the enemy. vladimir putin pointed this out at a meeting with the leadership of the military- industrial complex. the president visited the tactical missile weapons corporation in korolev, moscow region. we must be one step ahead all the time. we must stay ahead of the enemy all the time. and then victory will be guaranteed. you yourself know, yours, yours. specialists, and you yourself are always in contact with those of our guys who work on the line of combat contact, fight, not sparing themselves, defend the interests of russia, so as soon as we are ahead, at least half a step, everything, the efficiency increases multiple times, simply multiple times, it is also necessary to more effectively use the resources of the so- called of the people's agro-industrial complex, to provide an opportunity for further development, increasing production output, and... some of the most
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effective improvements to be adopted into service in an accelerated manner. and finally, i would like to draw your attention to the fact that issues are not removed from the agenda diversification of the defense enterprise, the development of civilian high-tech products, the solution of this systemic problem is extremely important for the optimal use of the production potential of the industry, for securing promising personnel, in general, for increasing the stability of the defense industry organization, their sustainability. development of a solid economic and financial base, specifically for the long term . the president demanded that the use of funds allocated to the military-industrial complex be kept under strict control, and noted that it is important to increase providing the army with modern means. the majority of enterprises, the majority of enterprises, fulfill state defense procurement tasks on time and in a number of positions, even ahead of schedule. it is important to continue
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to increase the rhythmic provision of the armed forces with modern high-tech weapons and equipment, these are unmanned... aviation and ground systems, high-precision weapons, means of counter-battery warfare systems, these are various types of communications for sustainable and continuous control, and other nomenclature, growth amounted to more than 22 times in terms of missile and artillery weapons, and 15 times in terms of ammunition and weapons through electronic warfare and reconnaissance. 14 times, for cars seven times, through individual armor protection six times, for aviation equipment and unmanned aerial vehicles four times, for armored weapons almost 3 and a half times. the
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russian army repulsed all attacks in the ssu, and liberated the settlement of arkhangelskoye in the dpr, a blow was struck at the point of temporary deployment of foreign fighters, the formation zelensky. shells, there were days when 350-400 quantity always turned into quality, up to 200 were shot per day, that is, there is a lot of work, we don’t give the enemy peace. the hail covers an area the size of several football fields, the scale is visible from the air, the missiles are falling one by
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one, drawing even rectangles, enemy firing points were hidden in the field in the building, there were, no longer are, you have to keep a cool head, work with a cool head, but not without ol. there is a constant danger from the air; even charging hail requires a lot of effort. quickly, now the last pencil is going into the pencil case. the battery commander has a tablet in his hands, paper maps are a thing of the past, now all the information is in one device, which is why we cannot show it, target designation has arrived, the target is a platoon. stronghold, crew for battle, crew of the city is again in a hurry to the position, glory is in charge of the process, before the mobilization of the mechanics at the automobile enterprise,
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there was no need to change specialization at the front, for more than a year and a half since i was here, i began to feel the car, what mileage, how much i had driven, oh, honestly i won’t even say a lot, we started with... flint and slowly got here, this symphony of fire in the ovdeevsky direction is complemented by the artillerymen of the center group of forces, soloed by the d-30 howitzer and the saniya mortar. motorized rifles support our attack aircraft with heavy fire on the enemy. there were about 90 arrows from the two guns at the rear. that is, figuratively, the kamaz arrived, brought 100 everything in a day and flew away. massive fire from all guns does not allow those on the other side of the front to raise their heads, the enemy has lost their old fortifications, it’s easy to equip new ones did not have time. pavel prikopenko, vitaly kaydanovich, andrey rudenko, oleg bondarenko, news: donetsk people's republic.
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the us desire to steal russian assets as quickly as possible threatens to fragment the west, the new york times writes about this, which could not be agreed upon at a meeting of finance ministers of the seven countries.
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it's time for the allies to consider whether they should lift some of the restrictions they have placed on the use of the weapons they provided to ukraine, but we will not be directly involved in the fighting over or on the territory of ukraine, especially now, when kharkov is not far from the border. there is a lot of fighting going on because ukraine does not have the ability to use these weapons against legitimate military targets on russian territory. she finds it very difficult to defend herself. ukraine has the right to defend itself, and this includes striking targets on russian territory. the head of mit poland, who is terribly annoyed by ukrainians who have escaped conscription walking around polish cities, not only agrees with the head of nato, he clearly indicates the goals, where to hit military targets on russian territory and is really looking forward to hitting those. the americans will also hit with the same object. the americans told the russians that if you detonate a nuclear bomb,
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even if it doesn't kill anyone, we will hit all your positions in ukraine with conventional weapons, we will destroy them all. i think this is a credible threat. to know where to hit, you need coordinates, and the ukrainians have serious problems with this. russian electronic warfare systems make many types of american weapons ineffective, the washington post is outraged. shells excalibur. no longer used, only 1/1 flies. highmars fly crookedly, russian interference can lead to deviations of 15 m. the commander of the attack drone squad, achilles , complained to reporters that by blocking communication and disrupting the navigation of the drones, the russians also reached the starlink satellite internet terminals. these not random, but very regular failures greatly worry elon musk. that's right, spacex is spending significant resources fighting russian funds. electronic warfare, this is a complex problem, they managed to turn off everything communication systems other than starlink. one after
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another, abolishing their own laws and taboos, europe and the world are plunging into chaos, legalized lawlessness, forgetting that this is how precedents and new zones of tension are created with enormous, literally cosmic speed. assia emiryanova and anton chagaev, lead the south european bureau. let's return to the situation in the belgorod region, despite... daily shelling in the region, large-scale restoration work is taking place. from the grayvoronsky district, reports egor grigoriev. maximum.
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treatment stations. agricultural machinery is hurrying along the road with anti-drone bars on the roof, popularly barbecues, in the city center, as if in the most peaceful time we meet housing and communal services workers, they are bringing beauty. we plant, and they rumble and fly, everything that is happening right now, but we plant, we go out every day, yes, of course, when beauty is everywhere, hammers are loudly knocking on the next street. the roofers handle the slate smartly, patch the roof after arriving, try to work quickly, are only distracted by the sounds of artillery, see what we have here is happening, how can you do without stress here, sometimes it can fly right now, for example, here, there have even been cases here in the casket, it turns out we went for lunch,
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if we would have arrived 5 minutes earlier, right here the same roof fell, in parallel welders do their job. fences, gates, their scope of work, the place of arrival, the consequences are clearly visible , well, the profiled fence sheet, it was crumpled like paper, in fact, the house had no roof, but the workers had already blocked it, and they plan to restore everything in just a couple days, there are many times more things to do on nikolai zharikov’s site, in addition to re-roofing , the farm buildings have to be rebuilt, this was the kitchen, this compartment, this was... well, housekeeping, out of the entire household , only one rabbit survived, now it looks out of the cage in disbelief, dozens of the same gray ones were beaten with shrapnel, just like the chickens, even if they had survived, nikolai would not have been able to take care of them, they went to bed and the flight turned out great, he woke up all the way in the hospital, mom is fine, well, she’s lying there, after that
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i'm paralyzed, i'm no longer able to, already i didn’t say anything... after the march terrorist attacks of the armed forces of ukraine, 562 residential buildings need to be restored in graivern, 10 need to be rebuilt, and a hundred in the district, 1,100 houses, more than 220 apartments and 50 social facilities require repairs, after the shelling in the city , the mfc and shopping centers burned down pavilions, the migration center was cut by shrapnel, the police building was targeted by the ukronazis, as if they were hitting a school, these are photographs from immediately after the attack, now the building is like new, only the chipped walls and charred marks give it away, but we couldn’t take a detailed picture of the result of the repair we had time, when there was such a squeak, the inscription fpv, it doesn’t smell very good, so we urgently need to go yarik, somewhere safer ,
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we got to the regional headquarters for the restoration of the graivern district without incident, a dozen residents of the village of kazinko gathered here, the house will be like this ... how we want everyone to have the conveniences we had, but whether it will work out now, we doubt it, terror has been unleashed in the ssu, district leaders are sorting out problems together with residents, they are not hiding from direct communication, although it is obvious that people are stressed, tired, it is extremely difficult to take into account everyone’s wishes when restoring housing, vladimir asmalovich at the beginning of march was happy about the new renovation, after 3 days everything was done.
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in the krasnodar territory they are preparing for the new heating season with the help of artificial intelligence, how digitalization is helping cities become smart in a special report by anna voronina. everyone has encountered this problem at least once. we open the tap with water, but there is none, and if usually in this case they call the dispatch center or management company, then residents of krasnodar will soon be able to log into the application on their phone and report
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a problem. the application will go to the information processing center directly to the dispatcher in seconds, and the applicant will be able not only to track on his phone how his application is being fulfilled, but also to confirm that water has appeared in the tap. now this can be done online through the website, whereas previously the dispatcher had to not only write down all complaints by hand, but then call the district commanders to talk about the problem, retell the whole point, and determine who will to solve it, then in the near future a few minutes will be enough. the type of complaint is a complaint about poor quality hot water parameters, or its complete absence, address uralskaya 172 city. this house is served by our heating point at number 129, deputy head of the kornilovich district, select high priority
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, set digital resource supply on the platform, determine the priority of the task, indicate all the characteristics: does it concern hot or cold water, heating or sewerage? the head of the district received the application.
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the digital heat supply program, which is used in krasnodar, is part of the ecosystem of digital solutions of rosatom, a smart city. the system itself started to develop in sorov back in 2018; it was created primarily as a feedback platform. the main task was to create comfortable living conditions with maximum and efficient use of the resources of service organizations. an initiative group was born that wanted to try digital services to make it convenient for residents, so that the administration could provide its services as as quickly as possible, and life in the city has become qualitatively different. and already from a small one. we have grown a city long ago beyond the nuclear industry. municipalities from different regions began to show interest in smart city solutions, including krasnodar.
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here, in addition to online requests and transmission of applications electronically, for greater efficiency, we have developed a special application installed on all office phones. the foremen, having received the task, must make a photo report, as it was at the time of arrival. and how became after the work was completed, digitalization of the sphere has significantly accelerated the elimination of any utility accident, and consumers themselves speak about this. problems most often arise with hot water, and if previously we could be without hot water for two, 3-4 days, now this problem is solved within the first few hours. thanks to special sensors installed at heat and water supply facilities, the dispatcher monitors their operating parameters in real time. in case of deviation, the system itself will notify the dispatcher, district commanders, and it also analyzes deviations from the norm and issues
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recommendations for each of 120 parameters. this is the temperature of the hot water coolant, this is also the pressure of the coolant, these are the gas parameters, these are the parameters of the same, for example, outside air, these are the coolant flow rates, hot water costs, there are quite a lot of them, electricity costs. any digitalization is a large amount of data, our approach, our product, it allows us to present processed data in digitized form, so that employees and managers can make decisions based on them management decisions. a complex of digital services or an infrastructure iot platform, implemented in the housing and communal services system of krasnodar, allows you to effectively manage engineering equipment across networks from one house to an entire plant. information about the object itself, its digital model. in real time correlates with data received from reading devices on site allows you to configure operating processes more efficiently, thanks to this it is possible not
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only... to quickly resolve emergency situations, but also to prevent their occurrence, minimizing inconvenience for consumers. predictive analytics used by rosatom to monitor the operation of nuclear power plants is already being used in housing and communal services. the program works proactively by processing a large amount of collected data. with its help, you can, for example, calculate where repairs need to be carried out by investing 100,000 rubles. today, so that tomorrow you don’t have to spend 200, but already on repairs and restoration. such a program. already used in preparation for the last heating season, after studying the data and examining the pipes from the inside using robots, repairs and replacements were carried out exactly where it was necessary, thanks to which the heating season passed in krasnodar without a single accident on the main heating networks, using the same principle, pressure testing and preparation for the new heating season are now carried out, sensors are installed on sources of thermal energy, sensors installed at central heating centers, we
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transport systems, municipal security systems, landscaping and other areas of city life. you and i are accustomed to comfort, our need for comfort is growing, and this is an endless, in fact, process, we want to make life more convenient, more comfortable, services more productive, and of course, the direction of reducing costs, it is also very much in demand today, the consumer says, our customer says that this is in demand, this is interesting, but... industry areas are what is in demand in cities today, and we, naturally, every time we develop certain digital services, we focus on what is needed now. already today in russia smart city technologies developed by the state corporation are used in more than two hundred municipalities. and they are ready to expand the program not only to the level of an entire region; according to the developers, the possibilities of its application are much wider.
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