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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 25, 2024 10:30pm-11:01pm MSK

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arrived yesterday, and this is the wing from a polish drone, fell the day before yesterday, and this is the upper stage of point y, this is the harvest, part of the collection has already been dismantled for souvenirs, new ipivi drones with the ukrainian brand are in particular demand, this one was flying to a gas station, but came across yes, here they are trident. yes, thank god no one was hurt, everything exploded here, we found him here, the chersky vampire was flying towards belgorod, he was intercepted by the russian air defense system, another missile got stuck in a barley field, they already accepted the application, they are working here in the oval mode, they help a lot, if without them - madrona, well, not only fip mavikov, everything here, the rp system works, everything around it. and some
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simply do not reach the city, thank god, and fall here in my fields, the fields of the new border stretch for 20 km of the state border, due to constant shelling from the ukrainian armed forces this year only a third of the arable land was sown. yes, the winter barley has already thrown up an ear, at the end of june, i think, the beginning of july, harvesting is already ahead. we hope that our guys will move back so that we can calmly were able to harvest. in april... a ukrainian drone attacked a working tractor, the tractor driver remained alive, but the equipment burned down. gennady ivanovich was seriously concerned about the safety of his employees. we didn’t buy an anti-drone gun, but anti-drone systems that work at different frequencies, this is for naka tractors, no, no, it’s holding them in your hands, these are the handles, this is the button you press and it already works, under no circumstances should they be used on people , of course, guide, guide, if you see it.
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yes, the grill has pulled up to the frying pan, we have everything tractors, we have four pieces of equipment equipped with anti-drone nets, like this, but how else. you can’t, but you are just like a battlefield, and we are already a battlefield, a battlefield, but there is only a kilometer away the shibekina-pletenevka border crossing, 7 km from here volchansk smokes, and here a tractor driver from new dawn is working in the fields, uncle sasha, full armor. covered with a reb, let's go, he is already
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accustomed to the bulletproof vest, but wants to throw off this burden on himself, he feels the advance of our troops in the kharkov direction, well, a little it became easier, otherwise every morning they fly in, we stand, we just finish... we leave, that is , ours went there, and ours didn’t go there, they also worked like that, they don’t shoot , we leave, they shoot, we leave, hide, and then we leave anyway, you’re glad that ours went, look at mavalchanskaya, well, of course, it should have been like this a long time ago, i flew into a combat tractor twice, the sidewall was cut by shrapnel, uncle sasha glances at the drone detector in order to turn on the rem mobile station in time, this gadget is now more important than the hundredth phone. communications
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there’s still no near the front line, well, this radio signals whether there will be a uav above us when or or a uav, it will tell us how close the aircraft are, but this is mavic third, yes mavic third, which does not pose a danger, it says mavic third, this or photo and video filming by an observer, some kind of observer, and the production of biological premixes...
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that is, where will people go? there was a time last summer when the plant stopped due to shelling, at the request of people they left, well, someone returned after 2 weeks to those who restored the plant here returned a month later, well, in any case, all 850 people who worked are still working today. more than a hundred enterprises were damaged by ukrainian shelling in the belgorod region, in one shebek there are a dozen and a half chemical production facilities, and not only a pasta factory, the ukrainian military is hitting the industrial zone where civilians work and produce products for the civilian population, purposefully in may and
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june uh, that means the target was aimed at this piece, it’s called the industrial zone of the city shibekina, here... there are about two dozen enterprises, and more than half of these enterprises were damaged. laurit makes components for paint and varnish products, which produces a fire hazard; the toxic plant has already burned four times, and the asphalt has melted. well, our first arrival was twenty, twenty-two on october 21, here the entire installation was completely damaged. uh, that’s all, at the top of the varnish production, this is a completely sekotivny installation, a shell hit between the wall and the first reactor, and it all completely burned, these the metal structures were
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rolled up like pencils, the workers had just repaired the reactor plant, replaced the lining on the acid tanks, ukrainian hail was arriving again. our security guard died here, well, i was next to... i was there, i was wounded, you were even wounded, a shrapnel wound to the head, you don’t have military personnel here, no, suluba is a civilian production facility, we produce all the components for paint and varnish products, then there is a peaceful life for construction, gennady nikolaevich received a concussion after being wounded, he returned to restore, to leave shibekin, the chemist has no plans, he wants the city to live, well, i’ll tell you.
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in belgorod they treat entrepreneurs with care, they try to solve their problems at an unofficial level, so as not to close their business, they in return help with humanitarian aid, transport, finance, here the line between official and businessman has already been erased, everyone is busy with one common cause. i don’t understand how events will develop further, i don’t understand, yes, what question i will ask, so i try not to touch on the little things. no one, here, two neighbors, they are running a business, everything is fine, i come to one, i say, nikolai ivanovich, listen, here’s the problem, guys, i need your help, he says, that’s it, no question, nikolaich, thank you, in a week his
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neighbor is coming to the neighboring enterprise, he says, vladi nikolaevich, why did i cross your path, and she’s old, i say, well, i respect you very much, why are you treating me like that, and why are you? despite the proximity to the lbs, just a couple of kilometers from the border, the bypass road is being repaired, houses destroyed by the shelling of the armed forces of ukraine in the shebekinsky district and the new tovoolzhanka was temporarily suspended, the difficult operational situation, the military says, is now impossible to say, repair work is underway, it’s only recently under the concrete slab. there was a hole because a ukrainian shell flew into the apartment on the third floor, it exploded with such force that
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the concrete floors were lifted, the beams were knocked down, the roof flew apart. repair and restoration work is currently underway, despite the fact that artillery is operating very close by. and this is the other end of the belgorod area, graivern is noisy from work.
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then belgorodits, this is outside the belgorod region, i am a belgorodian, and here i am
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primarily from voronezh, but they work at the sites, most often local contractors, people from the city try not to come here, the danger of the arrival of ukrainian missiles remains, we will go down, let's leave , let's go guys, everything is inside in the attic, there is a missile danger, we are in close proximity to the ukrainian border, we are six kilometers from the border, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, two sirens each, construction workers they come down from the roof and run to the first floor, it takes a couple of minutes to talk about everything, here we have, and oh, there’s light, guys, come in and eat, we have everything here, we have sand, and we have water, here, right, and here, here is water, here, oh, water, look, there is water, taking advantage of the moment, zhanna vanina asks who is doing the repairs? and we
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won’t bring people here and force them to risk their lives, unfortunately we can’t restore the kazinka until july 1, although you have seen those kazinka houses that are a little further away here from the border. people already live there, the border village is literally 500 meters from the last street to ukraine, there are no fortified areas here and the garrisons are in a completely different country, a local policeman came here occasionally, and the local defense forces brought humanitarian aid, well, there were never military personnel here, there were, like in belgorod there were absolutely peaceful residents, people lived here, very good, kind people, and what happened to their cars, to their houses. with apartments, yes, you see, ukrainian saboteurs came in with noise, scaring civilians, destroying everything,
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so they remained, here they are, the fields, here they are the garages that came across the way, a kindergarten, a school and even a church, here they were already standing, here they were in these houses, they came in, from there they hit our houses, and the church, why ? half of the church doesn’t exist, and half of it was demolished, only it was renovated not so long ago, the church is very beautiful, well, again everything can be restored, the local residents who... didn’t have time to escape, were then hiding in the basements, came here at night, and are already here was my head of the department for interaction with security forces evgeniy vasilyevich rorabyov, he met me, came here, and they took the people who were here out of the basement, they could not leave for a long time because
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there was constant shelling, but we took a chance, an armored car that was handed over to us for. .. everyone is shooting in the night, shells are flying, exploding, with a suitcase, the priest, my assistant and i, thank god that no one was hurt, the priest gave me, father, he gave me a cross, which he held in his hands and read the holy prayer. russian military security forces for several days they knocked out ukrainian saboteurs from kozinka, how many of them with their yellow-bladed chavrons on nato uniforms remained lying in the nearest landing and rotting in the basements, it is still unknown, locals say, several hundred. kiev did not admit its participation in the senseless action, traditionally blaming everything on the mythical showdown
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of the russians, who, as usual, fired at themselves. these were shelling, as far as i understand , and... on the street above, electricity has already been given to 40 houses, gas has been connected, water is still being taken from wells, and they are in every yard here, and these powders, washing supplies, we have everything, we have everything, we have everything, you can even see, we’ve already gotten used to it in 2 months, we’re also used to arrivals from the ukrainian side, in sow they don’t leave the broken village alone, at least
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twice a day, kozinka is being shelled with cluster munitions, here our helicopter arrived yesterday. and therefore he is so happy about the advancement of russian troops and the work of our aerospace forces. well, i can just say that anger and hatred are growing on our part, in relation to those enemies who attack us, attack residents, civilians, kill children, old people, therefore, therefore, based on this joy, they hit us, and we must... take revenge, push back in order to restore peace in ukraine, in our country, the truth must be defeated, here it is, an explosion by lydia pavlovna and her husband each since they offer to rent housing in the city, the costs are borne by the region, but the pensioners refuse, they say that in
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the regional center there is a lot of noise, it can be heard every hour, and the limit is that they are here, looking after the property of their neighbors who have left. we have jars of pickle here, with borscht, and this is the priest put his scythe down, the guys here are helping him mow there near the temple, but he asked, he says, can i be here with you, here’s a man, their apartment was completely burnt down, there’s a whole motorcycle in the barn, you see, there’s a hole, a crack, and so in general motorcycle, look at how many bicycles we have here, look, people... asked us to see, and children’s bicycles, adults, he’s a bicycle, dinner is cooked on a gas burner, food is stored in the cellar, chickens and ducks are raised on questions from the governor, the boy answers that they don’t have anything in addition to good health, you need to restore your native village after the war, no, it seems to me that this is not protection, it seems to me that this is
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perseverance, they say, we are here on guard, we keep order here, they always tell me this, i’m just... i come to them and say: how - how are you - what are the comments, what are the violators, they always tell me so cheerfully, but of course i’m great, former neighbors come to the inhabitants of the three-story building, they miss their native places, i burned everything except that bombed, bomb there. the house of georgy dolgorev, which they built together with their father , a front-line soldier, was bombed by ukrainian nationalists, look, there... during the construction there was a bedroom, you see, the corner was completely destroyed, i was supposed to sleep there, but for some reason i lay down here on the sofa under this wall, god had mercy that i was not
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torn apart there, because it was just there in the corner, oh they jumped out, they are already greeting you, now misha, hello, family, well, that’s a piece of cinema, my retired wife is here doesn't carry you, is he afraid? what about what she saw health will shake, they live in a neighboring village, friends let them into an empty house so that it would be under supervision, the house is solid, the yard is large, there is a vegetable garden, but the dolgorevs are uncomfortable here, they are always drawn to the kazinka, we began to take care of each other a little more, and the attitude life has become a little bit closer, you know, all these material things, of course, well, they kind of touch, but the main thing is that we stay alive. we live and thank god so, well, my female concept is hard, all this i say mother
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does not drip, does not drip, eat those who go to sleep, we are all alive, thank god, everything else we’ll catch up somehow, georgy dolgoev lived in donetsk until 2014, then he moved here to his homeland, his daughter grew up and went to malko. and after the start of the svo, the son moved to canada and stopped communicating with his parents, telling me that, yes, well, i realized that the father was still a father, but the son still didn’t understand, the son hasn’t talked to me for three years now, when he was in georgia is on vacation, and they call him there, that’s where the bombing began, he says he just got me on skype. my friends are being bombed, i answer them, sasha, my friends have been bombed for 8 years, why aren’t you doing this? i noticed that we stop communicating, you see,
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most of all georgy vasilyevich wants to hug his daughter and is looking forward to what happens next. the movement of the north group in the kharkov direction, for me, for me, kharkov and belgorod are kind of the same thing, i grew up here, in kharkov, lived for more than 30 years, it almost became like home to me, but i was still drawn here, now, if kharkov and belgorod united, thanks even to this war, dolgrev still had a niece in donetsk, anya dolgreva, famous for the russian spring, he would wait... she's going to visit her this summer, in her little basket. anechka, hello, i invited you to visit before, now i say, anechka, wait a little while i restore the house.
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storks have been nesting in the kazinka for many years; they flew here in march, and in the midst of fierce battles they began to collect twigs, because the nest. georgy vasilyevich shed a tear when he saw the big white pussies hatching the pinions of the heroes themselves. and this means that. peace will soon come to kozinka, people will return, and broken families will be reunited. you are silent like a fish, shirimprol, shrimp, fishburger, a real sea of ​​​​taste, just delicious. catching a pyro firebird is not easy, but getting it. anyone can earn a rate of up to 17.5% per annum, open a deposit on tecno - common 30 series of smartphones. stunning photos and videos
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10:59 pm
stand, who are they, new guys, this is a passenger with me, a reporter, a director, i came for my brother, i am a battalion commander, call sign trigger, everyone has call signs, i am adam, why is adam not adam, i am a chechen, an artist, a white rose, you can, i can, you’ll sing somehow, i shave,
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i’m alive. we don’t need names, you can’t touch her, or what, not a little, not yours, well, you, daisy, little light god, what to do, commander, shoot, call sign passenger, call sign passenger , i suggest you change it to rebin’s call sign, no, my brother’s call sign, you remain a passenger, that’s right.


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