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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 26, 2024 12:30am-1:01am MSK

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i showed a sample, i just gave someone the drawing with the design and forwarded it, because i can’t go to irkutsk, let’s say this is how it happens. in most cases, enterprises help a volunteer project not with money, but with products or capacity. how it works? organizations themselves contact the architect, through his telegram channel, he is named in the light of events, for example, a company can help with metal. then the volunteer asks another familiar enterprise to make the necessary ones from metal. forms, third organization, for example, it helps to cut the workpiece, a fourth company or private owner can help with logistics, and so on. we tried to write letters - to factories, but - so to speak, in the general mass it is very difficult to find those who want to help, so we threw out a cry in telegram, in telegram, well, as if large telegram channels responded to our help, helped , posted that we are looking for a company that can produce for free, right? enterprises contact
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us, request drawings, samples, we then accept the products, because it is very important here to maintain the dimensions, there must be some kind of gap like this, that is, this is very important, then we coordinate everything at our central warehouse, enterprises from all over the country participate in this cooperation, and this is not an exaggeration, they participate as much as possible , enterprises help from irkutsk to rostov-on-don, if in cities it is more p...
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people also buy metal, that is, as it were, that is, you found metal in one place, in another place you found people who can do it, yes, that is, cooperation, we have such that in one place they can cut a workpiece, but cannot bend it, they say, we will bend for a month, it will take a long time, i find another enterprise that can simply bend in large volumes, this is how it happens, cooperation of people like this, in on this trip to his zone, the architect brought with him seven sets of forms for dynamic protection.
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for example, fuel barrels were bought and donated by andrey from obnensk, plywood, so as not to damage the gasket, there are 20 of them, it is made of paronite, made by oleg from barnaul, that’s all, absolutely everything, the whole essence of the contact 1 project, the essence of the contact 1 project, helping the front at no cost, that is, people make everything. for a fee, we don’t pay for all this, because firstly, we don’t have the resources, secondly, it’s much easier to help people with production and materials than with finances, by the way, this is a truck, his name is ilyich, ilya gave it to us from moscow, the new one is right here in a film for just our tasks, because before we used to transport one and a half tons to murziki with a trailer. in less than a year
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the contact-1 project delivered more than 400 sets of metal molds to the front for dynamic protection of tanks. and the architect does all this in parallel with his main work. the volunteer really wants to scale up the projects and is actively looking for enterprises that could help with their products or capacities. let us repeat, despite the fact that the military-industrial complex works around the clock, with such an intensity of fighting, dynamic protection for armor at the front will definitely not be superfluous. as a rule, volunteers helping the front have a specialization, some transport the development zone, fvdrones, some are releasing drops for uavs, some are conducting classes on tactical medicine, and so on, and what is noteworthy is that over the 2 years that the north military district has been going on, the number of people helping the troops not only has not decreased, but on the contrary has increased.
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3d printers in the st. petersburg apartment of volunteer sergei chmakhun seem to work around the clock. now the range of what sergey sends to the front is quite large, but the most popular is the so-called resets for copters, there are quite a lot of different ones for different troops, we do them for copters, for example, here we make resets for copters, tables, that is, it’s just inserted into the reset ... let’s say, small ones or wogs, or some of our homemade ammunition, that ’s quite convenient to equip, that is, in principle, here’s a table like since you can equip the copter directly under the copter and
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, accordingly, the copter then starts right from the table, there are different variants of them, they don’t call it a drone war for nothing, together with fpv, the picture of the battle has been changed by copters with resets, they are also called... after some time he found out the promotion the craftsman of the front created his st. petersburg branch, that is, he united enthusiasts like him in his city, each of them does something for the front in his office, garage or apartment. i ’ve been doing excavations for quite a long time, well, digging
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activities, so i’m collecting a collection of medals, coins and orders of various types and, accordingly, even before the heap, i was engaged in repairing metal detectors, that’s when...
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for example, it’s sort of inserted into a copter, so, accordingly, here’s a grenade like this , there is also this single one, also under different types of ammunition, for example, you can make it from a sewer pipe, it works very well, the demand for what
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sergei makes in the zone is really very large, quite often chmykhun begins to invent and make some element according to the requests of the fighters, in our country, in principle it’s as if the shipments are going on...
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well, in general, we are printing this at home, of course, but let’s say that it’s all at home , the volumes are still not being achieved very much, but of course we have a little bit. but naturally, as if we can give 10 times more, then our guys will be able to work
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remotely 10 times more, and i will have to go to the shtakova, which is called an attack, come on, come on, come on, stranger, i’m here, i’m here, left hand, come on, come on, country, come on, come on, so on the training ground in the owl zone undergoing training in tactical medicine; volunteers with the call sign shah are working with the soldiers of one of the units of the first army corps.
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russia, are engaged in training both civilians and military personnel, and the fourth group regularly goes on business trips behind the tape. call sign tishina, battalion commander, with which is carried out by volunteers. in russia, they organized a center, respectively, their leader. one of the entrepreneurs who does not want to say so, advertise his name, who helps the front of the northern military district here in the donbass, helps with instructors, that is, he recruited a group of instructors in different areas, this is tactical medicine, specifically there, uavs, communications, and so on and so forth , here they are, the guys have been traveling around the territory of the northern military district for more than 2 years to different units.
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and the wounded, we are doing well, thank you for the knowledge gained is probably
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something worth continuing for, guys get injured both at night and in winter, all these conditions and factors also influence decision-making, and decisions should be quick, clear, smoothly automated, that is, as they say, you are woken up at night, you must jump up immediately to get your bearings and provide assistance, the task of volunteers is precisely to develop the skills to provide assistance. to the level of reflex, so that the fighter can use them in a situation where there are explosions and screams around shooting. we help, we talk with our victims. the key points in teaching are self-help, first of all, mutual assistance, and also an understanding in principle of the situation on the battlefield, because tactical medicine is the pre-hospital stage of care, when people who have not previously taken part in hostilities end up on the battlefield, they are not they are guided by the fact that it is necessary not only to provide assistance, but also... and to understand where, what is located, how to move, how to move, zones,
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concepts of zones. no one in class called, does not serve the number. the importance of these skills in a real combat situation is well understood by everyone. the battalion commander with the call sign tishina has been participating in the north military district since the first day, fought in mariupol, and is now carrying out tasks in the donetsk direction. in general , the battalion combatant has a long combat path behind him. he has been fighting since he was fourteen. then in the militia, for obvious reasons, there is a skill. conduct classes, many thanks to them, thereby increasing the level of professionalism in this area in tactical medicine, so that those moments that were previously to say, there is a bitter experience there, not a bitter experience, where fighters on their own could help their comrades, compress wounds,
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apply some kind of tourniquets, and so on and so forth, remembering, if you had this knowledge like that... then would this save a lot of your co-workers’ lives? i think 60 percent, i think yes, 60 percent, tactical medicine, if at that time there had been this level of knowledge, the store of knowledge that these instructors are now passing on to us, i think at that time it would have saved the majority of the lives of those accepted the right decision, apply a tourniquet correctly, correctly block some artery, and so on and so forth, as we told you...
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i’ve been here for 5 months, i believe that my duty is to help the guys and save their lives, that is, by taking an active part in their preparation, i am making my contribution to the number of surviving fighters, with one of the most famous volunteers in donbass, sergei parshikov, call sign lynya,
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russia, who began to help donbass, transported cargo, including to slavyansk. until the age of fourteen, with sergei in his native rostov there was a security agency; he and his comrades often traveled to orphanages with humanitarian aid. the decision to help donbass in 1914 arose naturally by itself, it happened at that moment we were taking care of children, we were constantly bringing some kind of documentary gifts there, there were sweets in orphanages, then it started on we were sitting on the air , this is the air of the field of the air which you create we were sitting on the air directly charged with this that there’s trouble there they brought soga so everything for the first time somehow we got involved got involved
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and then losses began here and you can no longer walk when you first came here , you can’t come back from here, you looked at how people live. what's the problem? in the fourteenth and fifteenth years, lynya brought humanitarian aid to the militia and civilians, who at one point found themselves in conditions of war. during this time, parshikov was wounded three times. thank you very much, thank you, i warned everyone. i had two lungs in the summer of '14, in the spring of '15, on may 8, '15 a heavy wok flew from the edge straight into my fingers to the left. i was then evacuated to rostov, they arranged for me to undergo 3 years of recovery. in the very first days. parshikov again went with the cargo to donbass. at that time , the nature of assistance was not only technical. in the spring of twenty-two, he brought uniforms and bulletproof vests to those mobilized from the dpr and lpr, and brought food to the newly liberated severo-donetsk lyne. since about the autumn of the same twenty-second year, the help profile has been only technical. lynya was one of the first humanitarian workers who began bringing
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fpv drone units. the profile is technical, especially since we mainly do not delivery only, by yourself. the very development, namely the popularization of this movement itself, and when fpv was needed, yes, we had the first boys there, yes, these are beavers, well, so eminent, and the first who were in the beer garden, they physically infected almost everyone with this idea, there at one time there were tamkovs sitting with us, we told everyone how they communicated with them, they spread it to the masses, you see the result now a year has passed, all of our singers are already worse, and we really reached a certain level, and the enemy felt it i felt it very strongly. and a little earlier, he actively supplied linya to the 3d printer division. we needed a seal, we installed it, then we had a house, if you remember, there is a large base in donetsk, we put a seal there, we installed a 3d farm, we showed everyone that it was work.
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situation, we can immediately, for example, one of our collections was at the bottom last week, yes, people asked, we can conduct a collection for another and quickly, this is the reaction to the situation, yes it allowed us to do these projects, we have moved, we need were in beer, we need rap, rap, we need there will be something else there will be something else, as far as money is concerned, the budget of lyn’s humanitarian project is formed both from private sponsors and from the collections that he conducts on telegram, through boris rozhen’s channel , the kasa colonel for collections, i have it there a donor who... they consistently send me 500,000 rubles a week. we have a small collection, we have about 4 million in total now and this is what you are planning for, that just on this visit, among
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other things, lynya brought to donbass workstations for the school of fpv pilots, that is, people they can’t let go on a business trip, it ’s difficult, it has to be done somewhere, we just train one or two instructors and transfer them to the computer department so that they can train the personnel themselves, yes , anyone, no, take these, take them, except for the black ones we will pull them out of them. after a successful experience with fvidrons and tactical reb, lynya, as a coordinator , is also involved in several technical projects within the framework of the so-called people's military-industrial complex. his task is to help with finances and materials and connect him to projects initiative people. there is a flamethrower at work now, i won’t go into detail, but it is currently at work with fire. flamethrower and self-propelled fast platform, radio-controlled, tracked. by the end of the year we will finish finances will allow, we will finish by the end of the year, someone tell the owner of the rostov security company sergei parshikov at the beginning of 2014, how the next 10 years of his life will go and what issues
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he will deal with, it seems that he is unlikely to do this believed. i'll tell you that in the fourteenth year, well, in the month of march, when we did all this started, i couldn’t imagine that, for example, in july i would already receive my first wound, as an absolutely civilian person, yes, i couldn’t even imagine that everything would spin up like that, in the fifteenth year. stopped his activities, was seriously wounded, took a long time to recover, and it was like when the war began, this is the twenty-second year, we were all there, we got up and went, there was a lot, there was a lot, we just left the house and went here. during this shooting at the donbass arena, our colleague comrade is nearby behind the scenes, lyny's closest friend, military correspondent of izvestia, semyon eremin. a few days later, semyon will die. for many volunteers, helping the front is not just a civic duty, but has been for a long time. it’s also a personal matter,
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1:00 am
ukrainian militants launched a series of attacks on the belgorod region, our air defense systems destroyed 29 rockets from the czech vampire systems and the neptune cruise missile, but still
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more than four people died. ten suffered. our special correspondent yegor grigoriev has all the details. now he is in direct contact with us. egor, greetings, we are waiting for you.


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