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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 26, 2024 2:00am-2:30am MSK

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ukrainian militants launched a series of attacks in the belgorod region, hitting civilians with multiple launch rocket systems. our air defense systems destroyed 29 rockets from the czech vampire system and the neptune cruise missile, but still four people were killed and 13 more were injured.
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several dozen residential buildings were damaged, this is what was from the shelling zone, said alexander rivunov. right now we are at the place where belgorod rescuers are eliminating the consequences of ukrainian shelling of peaceful areas of belgorod. total happened today several missile attacks, a missile danger signal sounded several times in the sky, an air raid alarm sounded, cannonade sounded in the sky, the air defense system worked, but not without consequences on the ground. that's exactly it. one of these consequences: a rocket, presumably from a vampire multiple rocket launcher system , hit the second floor of this private house, a fire was carried out, the ceilings collapsed, a fire broke out, and right now the rescuers are trying to localize the fire, and by a lucky coincidence there was no one inside, the owner i literally left the building of this house a few minutes ago, there was a direct hit right into the house, thank god no one was home, everyone left, it saved, yes, it saved our lives.
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they are constantly shooting, constantly, there is simply no strength left, there are pieces of brick and metal fragments scattered all over the site, that is, well, the explosion was quite powerful, unfortunately, this is not the only place where trouble happened today, that is, several more have been recorded arrival places in the belgorod region, in addition to the village of dubovoe, this is a suburb of belgorod, where we are now, explosions were heard in the village of oktyabrsky, and there are more serious consequences there, the victims are being provided with all the necessary assistance, they...
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at a meeting with the leadership of the military-industrial complex, the president visited the tactical missile weapons corporation near moscow with a means of destruction, we must be one step ahead all the time, you need to get ahead of the enemy all the time, then victory will be guaranteed, you yourself know, yours, your specialists, and you yourself are always in contact with those of ours the guys who work on the line of combat contact, fight, protect themselves without sparing... the interests of russia, as soon as we are ahead, at least half a step, of everything, the efficiency increases manifold, simply, it is also necessary to more effectively use the resources of the so-called people's agro-industrial complex, to provide an opportunity for further development, increasing production output, and to adopt some of the most effective technologies into service in an accelerated manner. and finally, i would like to draw your attention to the fact that they are not removed from the story.
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unmanned aerial and ground systems, high-precision weapons, countermeasures and counter-battery systems. these are different types. communications for sustainable and continuous control, and other nomenclature, the increase was more than 22 times in missile and artillery weapons, 15 times in electronic warfare and reconnaissance, 14 times in ammunition, 14 times in vehicles, seven times in vehicles, and individual armor protection , six times in aviation technology and the russian army repelled all attacks in the ssu and liberated the settlement of arkhangelskoye in the dpr. damaged attack on a point of temporary deployment of foreign fighters. zelensky’s formation
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lost another 1,500 soldiers and mercenary officers. seven armored vehicles, as well as 32 self-propelled guns, gunships and missile systems were destroyed. air defense forces shot down 25 combatants. they row everyone without preparation and send them to the front. this was reported by the hungarian portal tenyak. journalists spoke with ukrainians who were able to escape from the zelensky regime. they reported that the kiev dictator does not stand on ceremony with anyone. under slogans about freedom and democracy, in fact, they took away all legal rights. therefore, the interlocutors asked to hide their faces. no one takes pity on unfired recruits, they plug holes at the front, their average lifespan is one day, sometimes just a few hours, as far as i know, if ukraine somehow manages to bring us back, i am very afraid of this, it means certain death. at the front we have no chance to survive;
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as soon as you get there, you immediately understand that you will not return. it’s not normal when people themselves cannot decide how to live; he died at the front. attempt to hold a conference in switzerland on ukraine without russia’s participation is a profanation, and besides, the west won’t be able to make zelensky legitimate in this way either. russian ambassador to washington anatoly antonov pointed this out in an interview. i emphasized that the united states itself is not allowing the negotiations to take place, but they blame moscow for this. we consider the statement of the representatives. us administration, about russia’s alleged lack of readiness for peace negotiations with ukraine, a deliberate attempt to turn everything upside down. let me emphasize that any russian-ukrainian agreements must take into account the situation on earth. the withdrawal or retreat of the armed forces of the russian federation to some
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hypothetical demarcation lines is excluded. let me remind you that there is a constitution of russia. the borders of our state, which includes new subjects of the federation, are clearly marked there. if. the united states to steal russian assets as soon as possible threatens to fragment the west, the new york times writes about this, which could not be agreed upon at the meeting of the finance ministers of the seven countries, asya emelyanova knows. send away guests with gifts, as befits hospitable people. to the owners, italy did not succeed.
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technical problems are minor, this is hungary again. the european union’s plan was ideal: to pinch off, steal from russian assets that are stored in accounts in the belgian depositary for 2 billion annually, sending them to the needs of the ukrainian army. but budapest voted against it. at the moment, they are blocking everything related to military support for ukraine, one of the sources said. in the same direction, no matter what scheme they come up with, they are moving across the ocean. according to the plan, they will try the case. so: a special financial structure is being created, western countries are allocating loans to it, which will be used for grants to kiev, and the creditors will be paid with profits from frozen russian assets. biden administration officials have proposed creating a new financial instrument that
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would provide kiev with years of expected returns from russian assets in the short term, while leaving underlying russian assets untouched. according to us treasury secretary janet yelin, everything comes with a quote.
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latest aid package for ukraine, chancellor germany said: we are exhausted. we really pushed it to the limit. our responsibility is this: we support ukraine in its defensive struggle, but we will not allow the conflict to escalate into war between russia and nato. something is coming from europe to ukraine. a train with infantry fighting vehicles was spotted in the netherlands, but kiev’s main hope, of course, is a new aid package from the states. state debt released a new list for $275 million.
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ukrainian soldiers say in an interview with american journalists that time is lost, russia has used the pause in arms supplies 100%; something needs to be changed radically, nato head stoltenberg suggests, to lift the taboo and legalize russian shelling. the time has come for the allies to consider whether they should lift some of the restrictions they have placed on the use of the weapons they have provided to ukraine, but we will not directly participate from nato territory in combat operations over or on ukrainian territory, especially now that kharkov, not far there is a lot of fighting going on from the border because of the fact that ukraine does not have the ability to use these weapons against legitimate military targets on russian territory makes it very difficult for it to defend itself.
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achilles complained to reporters that by blocking communication and disrupting the navigation of drones,
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the russians also reached starlink satellite internet terminals. these not random, but very regular failures greatly worry elon musk. that's right, spacex is spending significant resources fighting russian electronic warfare. this is a difficult problem. they managed to turn everything off communication systems, except staring. one by one, abolishing their own laws and taboos, europe and the world... into chaos, legalized lawlessness, forgetting that this is how precedents and new zones of tension are created with enormous, literally cosmic speed. asya emelyanova and anton chagaev, lead the south european bureau. the american film honora won the palme d'or at the cannes film festival. russian actors, yuri borisov and mark edelstein, played one of the main roles. the plot is simple, a fairy tale that turns into action comedy. jaycee plemons won best actor for kindness.
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four actresses from the film, emilia perez, received the award for best actress. miguel gomes won best director for his film “the great journey.” well, george lucas received the honorary palme d'or. in france, fans staged a massacre before the final of the national football cup. due to an oversight by the police, a bus carrying olympique lyonnais fans was lost. stopped next to the column of ultras paris saint-germain. the parisians rushed to beat the lyons, they called reinforcement. more than 500 people took part in the battle, and three buses were burned. the winner was the riot police with tear gas. three dozen people were injured, but the security forces did not dare to arrest anyone for fear of storming police stations. the sports parade took place at vdnkh as part of the russia forum exhibition. more than 2.0 athletes represented all regions of the country. among the participants are legends of soviet and russian sports, olympic
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champions, aspiring athletes and paralympians. the procession was timed to coincide with the 10th anniversary of the first parade of athletes on. the worse things are at the front, the more provocations there are in the rear. this rule works flawlessly for the kiev regime, which accused russian troops of striking the civilian infrastructure of kharkov, but in fact hid the military in civilian buildings. we’ll tell you more about it right now in the stop fake program on the russia-24 tv channel. so,
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a russian strike on a certain recreation center in kharkov killed at least seven innocent ukrainian citizens. and dozens more were wounded in the middle of belodnya, this is the official version of the gang from the bank, whose gauleiterich starts the usual record about russian terrorism in its original form, promises immediate retribution, in general, it all sounds dramatic, and the photo from the scene of the events looks quite creepy, you can’t argue, but did our rocket men really turn a peaceful object into ruins? the correct answer can be found in regional chats, the users of which either transparently hint at which tenants were accommodated in the destroyed cottages... they would , contrary to censorship, write in plain text that the military, quote, hang out everywhere, including hotels and camp sites. there are always sources on the field, yes, on the spot directly, who see, who hear, who know. that is, in intelligence there is the concept of humint intelligence, where people are the sources, that is, human intelligence. using this kind of sources, directly on the field,
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as they say, or on the ground, one can understand what is actually happening, the following is happening on the ground, that is... he sees that in civil infrastructure facilities, in pioneer camps, in kindergartens, military personnel come to schools, military personnel simply settles and turns these into barracks. however, if correspondence in online publics points to indirect evidence, then, perhaps, the most that is not direct evidence is that the militant in a camouflage t-shirt and baseball cap apparently simply did not have time or forgot to leave the frame in the first minutes after his arrival, and thereby thoroughly spoiling the propaganda picture of the cynical crime that allegedly claimed the lives of barbecue makers. and fishermen, but even more clarity to what happened is added by the lies of the yellow-blakit information dumps, and the geolocation of the impact. at first they claimed that a powerful explosion i walked in kharkov itself, but even in cropped photos with blur it was not difficult to notice several bodies of water and a dense forest plantation, and then after a short time the fake shooters had to clarify. we are talking about a suburb called
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cherkasy lozovaya, and this is also an important fact. this is the suburb that is located. to the front line, this is a convenient place for logistics to quickly withdraw troops from a position, so that they rest, rest, eat, sleep and return back, that ’s why such facilities are very convenient, they adapted for the life of personnel, this is one, and two, they are logistically adapted in order to deliver and transfer troops, at this recreation center there is a beach, as the locals say, they have lived since vago... for years, the armed forces of ukraine trained, and this a common practice, the territory of former orphanages, camps, kindergartens, it becomes so tasty and desirable for them, in turn, the ukrainian armed forces have long chosen kharkov for secret placement, and specifically the recreation center in cherkasskaya lozova was suitable for this as
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it couldn’t be better, very close to it are the e-105 and t-217 highways, along which you can conveniently get closer to the northern region. in the combat zone, or vice versa, move even deeper to the rear, turning onto the kharkov highway. in addition, the runway of the kharkov aviation plant is 13 km away, and the podgorodskaya and bolshaya panasovskaya railway stations are even closer. the first of them are systematically used for the rapid transfer of ukrainian personnel to donbass or redeployment from donbass. the second serves as a large hub for cargo transportation in the same direction. in total, from the point of view of army logistics, the place is essentially. ideal, although as russian units advance , it becomes more and more difficult for the enemy to hide in such locations and he naturally switches to the information front, they say the russians have no successes, and those reported about... are nothing more than a psychological operation, and already stopped. in general, you read ukrasmi and it may seem that everyday life in the kharkov region has not changed at all, but why then are the streets, according to regional
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video bloggers, rapidly emptying? now let's go up the hill and see that this video is not staged. yeah, there’s a lot of people, i’m stuck in a traffic jam, i don’t know how to get out of it. and why did dozens of stores spontaneously begin to close in shopping centers? what about? again , it’s the local population who tell us, they have some information, because it can’t be that everything is just closing down, everything is completely closed, so, well, in short, it seems to me that it’s clear, we need to go pack our things, damn it, as the fighting approaches action to anyone city, well, an increasing part of the population will decide to leave this city, well, at least because it becomes the closest rear and there are many troops located there, which... ultimately attract attacks on these very troops as the presence of troops in this area increases city, accordingly, more and more
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civil infrastructure will be used, schools, shopping centers, parking lots, well, everything that comes to hand. however, it cannot be ruled out that the desolation in kharkov is associated with the new ukrainian law on mobilization, which, according to in the opinion of knowledgeable media, he was also attacked by some russian information saboteurs, they say, in fact, nothing terrible happened, on the contrary, there are clear advantages, well, for example, there will be no queues in front of the shopping center, since you don’t have to go to update your personal data to the recruitment center, because all services are available in the new application, reserve plus, but for some reason they are silent that this very application does not allow you to register yourself as unfit for military service, even if the user is diagnosed with hiv or tuberculosis is a dual -use application, that is, there is no function there. receiving a deferment, this is an application for collecting information about ukrainians, so that they post information about themselves, supposedly, yes, where they are, their data, what they seem
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to be sick with or have a deferment, but in fact , you will not receive any deferment from the army if remember, literally about a year ago, tsypso launched an entire application where supposedly russians could check information about themselves, whether they were subject to mobilization, this application was nothing more. like collecting information about men, now we see how tsypso uses these social engineering technologies directly against its citizens. at the same time, sometimes the junta plays in objectivity, they seem to be ready to admit that the attitude towards military service is an ambiguous quote. let’s say, opinion poll data, according to which about half of ukrainians are sympathetic to draft dodgers, but more than a third consider the current level of mobilization insufficient, which means on paper those who support total conscription and wouldn’t mind leaving for volchansk.
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to trust their state, and in the first days, of course, they looked at what would happen, yes, many people preferring to sit at home there, some go completely illegal, while others, as the creators of the electronic system are now pointing out, enter and update data, they enter incorrect data, well, just so that the very fact of entering data, as if they had it in their hands there on the phone, but how long will it take? awareness that these data were entered incorrectly, but this is still completely unclear and how this system will work. at the same time, kiev insists with incredible persistence that it does not intend to put pressure on any of
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the potential conscripts, and imagine, it has not deviated from international human rights conventions. this is the principled position of the ministry of justice of nezalezhnaya, which really does not fit well with the position of its own foreign ministry, since it actually announced its desire to suspend basic legal norms for the period of martial law. sbu collect any information about citizens of the country without their consent, and also neglect the secrecy of correspondence and telephone conversations, that is, calmly install wiretapping. in addition, the inviolability of housing is under threat, where it will be possible to break into without the sanction of law enforcement and judicial authorities, although the housing itself may be taken away, up to its complete alienation by the state as part of the abolition of the right to dispose of property, similarly: nothing will prevent the annulment of freedom of movement and choice of place residence, inspection of vehicles and personal belongings. will become mandatory, what freedom words, of course, will also go under the knife, along with the right to hold meetings, strike rallies, therefore they will be allowed to speak about zelensky either well or...
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not at all, but the so -called freedom-loving ukrainians will not be able to organize a new maidan. if some men gather in the center of kiev now, they will quickly be packed up and taken to the training ground in kharkov, and they will be kept there for a little while, maybe a couple of hours, and then they will be thrown somewhere in volchansk to fight off the russian army. therefore, the maidan is impossible in the first place, because it already a point of attraction for military commissars. for the local security forces, who will pack them up and send them to war, they would only be happy if some men’s rally took place there now, but these people can be safely taken away and even society will not condemn them, then to the sensational footage from the lugansk people’s republic , there the french cruise missile scalpp and g was shot down in the most obvious way possible, which ukrainian propagandists actually painted as an unbreakable image, here everything is according to the standard scheme, from delight to delight,
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last summer, how... when this weapon was just handed over to the armed forces of ukraine, it was simply impossible to escape the headlines about its amazing characteristics, zelensky personally did not hesitate to leave his autograph on one of the missiles, and most importantly, paris, as stated, supplied kiev with a modernized version, it’s better than the one that the french themselves have, but the greater the disappointment, it’s an analogue of the stormshado missile, it’s just that the stormshado is a british version, and the scalp is french, and practice shows this. which to a large extent they get confused, so the ukrainian side launches them en masse at once so that one or two will eventually hit the target. cruise missiles are not such a prodigy as was thought, perhaps in the nineties, based on the experience of using these missiles against a technically much less developed enemy, but in general one
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should not expect anything supernatural from macron’s handout. skal. like its british copy , storm shadow can hardly be called a very difficult target; immediately after launch it goes at a low altitude of 30 to 40 m, but already at this stage it is quite vulnerable, since it is guided by gps coordinates; domestic rap systems are able to jam such a satellite navigation signal very effectively. in addition, the route, taking into account the bypass of air defense zones, is built into the missile in advance and is not adjusted during the flight, so if the anti-aircraft systems change positions, scalp will not take this into account. another serious disadvantage is the speed, it is a little more than a thousand km/h; our c1 and tor shells are capable of intercepting airborne objects three times faster. finally, already upon approaching the specified coordinates, the rocket sharply gains altitude, dropping the head fairing at this moment and turns into an excellent large target for an air defense system. no matter how much this intensity has been building up, leopards, abrams, highmars, scalps,
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stormshadows will come to us, and this will be... constantly, well, since the regime is not succeeding with victories in ukraine in the donbass, it is trying to find reasons for joy somewhere - something else, hence the rumors that the death of iranian president ibrahim reisi was allegedly celebrated in tehran with fireworks, it was proposed to accept muddy photos at face value of unknown origin, although anyone could find authentic photographs of grief and prayers on social networks, lying, of course , is not a tricky thing, in this sense , their owners are not far behind bandera’s professional liars.
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just listen to us secretary of state antony blinken. considering the terrible things he has done both as a judge and as president, since he can no longer commit them, the iranian people are probably better off. an official comes out, an american of this level says in all seriousness this cannibalistic thing, well, this is the attitude they have towards the death of their enemy. and this means that for them everything will end very badly, for the blinkins themselves, the bidens and those who are enjoying all this, they should have already looked at the scale of the funeral, there were no people left in the apartments in the houses, everyone went out to say goodbye, all these people then chanted.


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