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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 26, 2024 2:30am-3:00am MSK

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and prayers, lying, of course, is not a tricky thing, and in this sense , their masters are not far behind bandera’s professional liars, just listen to us secretary of state anthony blinken. considering the terrible things he has done both as a judge and as president, since he can no longer commit them, the iranian people are probably better off. an american official of this level comes out and says this cannibalistic thing in all seriousness. well, this is their attitude towards the death of their enemy, and this means that for them everything it will end very badly, for the blinkins themselves, the bidens and those who are happy about all this, you should have already looked at the scale of the funeral, there were no people left in the apartments in the houses, everyone went out to say goodbye, all these people then chanted the death of america, because damn it in their face...
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and the first source of this play on words turned out to be a mocking meme that gained viral popularity in the israeli philosphere and soon turned into international fake news through the efforts of those who are used to broadcasting everything live without observing the information hygiene. the classic rule and requirements of modern journalism is that any information must be double-checked from different sources, it is not enough, but launching some loud information that evokes emotions, which will find a response. in
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the form of likes, dislikes, and this information will fall into trends, and thus, these are the kind of journalists who hunt for these trends in order to show that your media is tracking some super-relevant news, they are exactly publish unverified information, conclusion on the surface in the conditions of widespread dissemination of misinformation, regardless of whether it is accidental or deliberate, haste and inattention becomes the cause of at least embarrassment, and at most serious reputational losses and scandals, so about... absolutely everything is needed, otherwise, the risk of becoming a victim of ridiculous fakes is too great, which we will definitely continue to expose in the stopfake program on the russia 24 tv channel.
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wait, who are they? new guys, is this a passenger with me, a reporter? i came for my brother, i
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battalion commander, call sign trigger, everyone has call signs, i’m adam, why adam and not adam, chechen, i’m an artist, white rose, you can, i can, you can sing it somehow, grusley, vein, we don’t need names, we don’t care , ilicha, not a trosh, it’s not yours, well, you, rumashka, god’s light, what to do, commander, shoot, call sign pa... i suggest changing the call sign passenger to the call sign rebin, no, this is the call sign of my brother, you remain a passenger, that’s for sure.
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welcome to asia, where the heart of the continent beats.
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may saved the sweetest for last, why? suddenly such a phenomenally warm finale of spring and whether to expect heat at the beginning of summer, we’ll talk about this in the next 20 minutes, here are some other topics we’ll touch on: they lost 800 mw of generation,
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thanks to the russian blow, the military machine of the kiev regime is experiencing energy hunger, what kind of research is that in quotes? carried out by the americans in the arctic near our borders. if this happened today, the planet would plunge into chaos. should we expect peaks in solar activity, magnetic storms, and forces comparable to the event? you are watching the main weather program, i am vadim zavodchenkov, hello, this is the kind of sunny and friendly may many residents of european russia were waiting for, the end of spring in the region turned out to be phenomenally warm, however, such a weather
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idyll does not reign everywhere, in some regions it is still snowing, we will understand the reasons for the strong contrasts immediately after reviewing the main disasters . and, of course, we’ll tell you what to expect from the weather in the last days of spring. the scandinavian anticyclone dispersed the clouds over the russian plain. in the absence of clouds, the may sun turned the heating mode to maximum. longing for summer compatriots rushed to the reservoirs to open the swimming season. the water in the rivers and lakes, of course, is now actively warming up, but the temperature of 16-17° cannot yet be called comfortable. residents of the moscow region, leningrad region and others. regions, this did not stop, the desire to swim was stronger than the fear of getting hypothermia. a curious incident occurred in the capital’s novogireev district. an elk was spotted in a local pond, apparently deciding to hide from the rays of the may sun in the cool water. but in the south of the country the beach season can already be considered open. in
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mid-week, the water in the azov and black seas reached the lower limit of the comfort level. the sea temperature is 18, i just took a swim, the sea is calm. transparent, people are already swimming, there is practically no wind, the weather is clear, excellent, the sea water became warmer and warmer every day, by the end of the working week the first +20 this season in the sea of ​​azov and the first +19 in the black sea were recorded. against the backdrop of rising temperatures , the nizhny novgorod, ryazan and ulyanovsk regions were attacked by a horde of mashkars, cold the beginning of may apparently did not affect the quantity.
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the beginning of the month gave way to unusually contrasting weather, imagine, the day before almost all the natural zones of eurasia fit into an area of ​​some one and a half thousand km, so in the north-west of the russian plain the air warmed up, as if in the mediterranean in may, in the east the temperature regime entered the climate of yakutia , in perm it was even cooler than it usually is at this time of year in aimikoy. the reason for such sharp weather contrasts was an atmospheric block, an anticyclone that captured almost the entire
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the russian plain, in the western part of this center , well -warmed air from the subtropical zone spreads with southern currents, while northern winds carry very cold air masses from the arctic to the east. the middle volga, the urals and almost all of siberia were in the zone of this invasion. echoes. a powerful cold snap was felt even in the south of the central russian plain; mosaic frosts hit here at the end of the working week, although their usual period ends in the first ten days of may. even earlier, in the relatively cool in the 20th century, at the end of the month in these latitudes, such excesses occurred only once every 4-5 years, now, thanks to climate warming, they still appear on the grass. three times less often. in the coming days, the situation in the atmosphere will change little. most of the russian plain
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will remain in the grip of the anticyclone, so mostly sunny , abnormally warm weather is expected here. but along the borders of this focus, cyclones become active. in the black sea region and the caucasus, these whirlwinds will provoke local showers and loads. and to the urals and siberia, along with the rain clouds. carry air masses from the equator to the arctic ocean. in moscow, localized thunderstorms occur only on sunday. on weekends in the capital, the first peak of heat is in the afternoon +25-26. on monday it will become a couple of degrees fresher, but then the thermometers will creep up again. by wednesday it will reach +28, and this is how the air warms up at this time of year in turkish antalya. i'm already in previous programs. said that according to statistics, usually after such a nervous may, the following june
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most often turns out to be warmer than the climate, so now, according to calculations of hydrodynamic models, the upcoming abnormally warm weather will last throughout the world, right up to the first days of calendar summer, and for the full forecast for the entire month, see our next program. on other topics, as a result of attacks on energy facilities that were used by the enemy for the production, repair of military equipment and maintenance of units of the armed forces of ukraine, the whole of ukraine risks spending the summer in darkness. the power shortage in the energy system will only grow, because, as a rule, in the heat, electricity consumption increases, while due to planned repair work, use it to the maximum. the station will not work, the possibilities of hydroelectric generation will also be limited,
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in fact, this is what kiev already looks like in the evenings, and what will happen next, will the battered ukrainian energy system withstand the summer load, let’s ask evgeniy teshkovets. evgeniy, you’ll probably have to forget about air conditioning during hot weather. vadim, what kind of air conditioners are there? everything is so bad in the ukrainian energy sector that from may 20 in all regions of the country they introduced... and shutdowns electricity. on wednesday we launched missile attacks on energy facilities in the sumy region. in the city of shoska, tes was founded, where, according to information from the local underground, there were warehouses that were used by the ukrainian armed forces. another target is the critical infrastructure of the city of kanatop. there is a large railway junction there, which is one of the largest logistics hubs for the ukrainian army. and these are just specific examples of the effective work of our military. the power grid is independent. breathing is normal, as stated by the former minister of housing and communal services of ukraine, deputy verkhovna rada alexey kucherenko,
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about 90% of the capacity of thermal power plants has been disabled. the losses amount to approximately 8.00 mw of electricity, and on april 15 , the ukrainian authorities admitted that the country had lost a gigantic amount of generation. the konevskoe hydroelectric station, the dnepro-hpp, the zmeevskaya tes were damaged, and the tripolskaya tes was destroyed. and even an increase in import volumes or. that is , in fact, two nuclear power plants that are located in western ukraine, plus balancing imports allows central western ukraine to be in relatively stable state of power supply, while in the south and east of ukraine there are constant blackouts, and in some places the electricity is turned on for 4 hours a day.
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warming helped to compensate a little for the deficit, but in order to balance the work. the system still has to introduce shutdown schedules, as the chairman of the board of ukrenergo-kudrytsky clarified, electricity will be cut off throughout ukraine in the spring, and in the summer, and even in the coming winter, it will not be possible to quickly restore generation, it may take not just months, but years. in the summer, energy shortages will undoubtedly increase. meteorologists predicted several waves of abnormal heat in europe back in the spring, and, as is known, extremely high temperatures as well. just as extremely low ones create a large load on the energy system; in accordance with typical schedules of electricity consumption by industry in the summer, it reaches 2/3 of the load in winter, so the use of air conditioners, refrigerators and fans will become a real problem for ukrainians. luxury. the situation in the energy sector will only get worse, because hydroelectric power plants
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will now have less water due to the start of the summer season, respectively... gest will also stop so actively supplying electricity to the grid; ukraine really has no way to restore the energy system. and here it is very important to emphasize that attacks on the energy sector are not being carried out in order to deprive ukrainians of air conditioners. the main goal is to create maximum problems for the vzz, stop the supply of ukrainian militants, paralyze production and repair of military equipment and the army. copes with this task, which is recognized even in the west: the new york times recently wrote that russian strikes are causing serious damage to the military industry of ukraine, emphasizing that civilians can do without electricity, but for military production during hostilities its presence is critical . the polish publication mysl polska is even more categorical in its assessments;
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the author of the article noted russia’s successes in the energy decommunization of ukraine, destroyed... soviet-era facilities today it is almost impossible to restore, at the end of the publication there is a disappointing conclusion from polish journalists, today the ukrainian system is in ruins, but the russian armed forces will continue to knock out ukrainian energy capacities, including with the aim of creating a so-called sanitary zone at our borders, so that ukrainian terrorists will once and for all lose their opportunity shell peaceful cities. the us is building a global spy network under the guise of research. recently, during a russian arctic expedition in chukotka, not far from the border with america, a suspicious foreign-made buoy was found, without any identification marks, but equipped with data transmission devices.
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later it turned out that the device was american. it can be assumed that it was launched for research. however, what is he exploring off the coast of russia? here, for example, is the news of recent days in alaska: dozens of the most remote streams and rivers have changed color from crystal clear blue to dull orange. scientists attribute this to the consequences of melting permafrost. a huge amount of metal ores got into reservoirs from the ground. the rivers literally rusted. moreover, for the first time , orange spots were noticed back in 2018 in satellite images, which are dated 2008, which is not a reason for in-depth research, but the american government prefers to invest in other, so-called research projects,
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one of which is connected with the buoy found in chukotka sea, we’ll find out more details from tatyana belova. tanya, huh... maybe american did the device accidentally drift into our waters? vadim, accidents in such stories are unlikely, and the americans themselves, it must be said, are quite open about their goals in the arctic zone. but first things first. members of the russia 360 expedition discovered a spy buoy in the arctic. the travelers completed their route on may 1 in petropavlovsk-kamchatsky. but the details of this story emerged only 2 weeks later. bogdan published them on his vkontakte page. stick, the whole job is done, the buoy is found - on the mainland, let's see what it is there, let's open it up, so no enemy, as they say, will pass us by in artiki, as always the best team. we're on guard here, we're moving on. before leaving for checkotka, the expedition members received information from border guards that
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various foreign buoys are regularly found on the coastline and coastal waters to collect and transmit information via digital channels, and this time was no exception. about 150 km from the us border, a yellow object covered with snow and frozen in ice was discovered. in the durable protected case contained electronic filling, a battery for autonomous operation, as well as a system for digital underwater communications, navigation and information collection. all the equipment found was then handed over to the russian intelligence services for more detailed study. definitely a spy one. 100%. officially, we found a foreign fighter who was collecting information in the inputs of our country. enemy - that's exactly it. therefore , we will hand it over to the border services so that they can see what kind of battle this is and what he transmitted data. the yellow battle turned out
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to be american, it was launched by the arctic awareness center, or adak for short. the official website of the center says that the device is primarily intended for mapping the coast. but something else is interesting. adak is part of the network of us national security centers, and the main customer of these so-called berego studies. us security. any cartographic research, any buoys that collect information, even if they are really for scientific purposes, then this information may be clearly used for military purposes, that is, in order to plot the routes of ships, in order to know whether a particular cruiser is capable of entering a particular harbor, it is necessary to understand the bottom landscape, this time, and secondly, it is necessary to understand that everything that comes from america, be it some kind of buoys, be it want, and even democracy has a dual purpose. yellow buoy is just one of the long-range autonomous underwater vehicles capable of operating in the arctic. the american center
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has deployed an entire observation network, which includes mobile platforms, a complex of sensors, as well as communication and navigation buoys. and this entire project is overseen by retired us air force major general randy key, who has combat operations in the balkans and afghanistan behind him. it was opened in the twenty-first year. stated that russia and china pose a threat to us national interests in the arctic and called on the white house to invest more money in arctic initiatives. investment in the arctic is critical to us national interests. russia, china's growing presence and the need to develop the region economically are issues that decision-makers must consider. expanding the u.s. coast guard's safety and security capabilities must be a priority. the arctic is now a new territory, so to speak, for a possible future conflict, that is
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, the americans do not like the way we are developing the arctic, it is the arctic that now allows us to extract huge, almost inexhaustible natural resources, of course there is a huge many arctic countries are also interested in conducting exploration, also understanding what is happening there, what minerals are located there. it must be said that the americans also shamelessly send their spy devices to other parts of the planet. for example, us naval drones, also ostensibly research drones, are swarming off the coast of iran and not just anywhere, in the strait of armud, through which a third of the world's lng supplies and almost a quarter of the world's oil supplies pass. and when the iranians tried to seize one of the drones, the americans isminets drove up. interestingly, the usa does all its research. the devices are protected with the help of warships. and now our traditional section: space weather forecast, which
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we compile together with our colleagues from the iran space research institute. after a series of record-breaking flares, the sun calmed down a little, but apparently not for long. the may geomagnetic storm was certainly strong. but our planet has experienced much more serious blows. for example, the magnetic storm of the late 19th century, known as the carington, was so powerful that telegraph systems around the world went down. if something similar happened today, the planet would plunge into chaos, but the earth has been lucky in this regard lately. there were few events, that is, we had about 10 level flashes. you must understand that
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level m flares are still quite large events; they are the fourth level on a five-point scale, that is, they are directly ahead of level x. events of this level are certainly capable of causing disturbance on the earth; the sun still has many spots. star at the moment, it is again accumulating energy and reaching a new round of activity is a matter of a couple of weeks, by which time they will return to the visible side of the sun. centers that created a record geomagnetic storm. the only thing now is completely unclear whether they will have the strength for new feats. in general, there is a short respite for the sun. strong magnetic storms are not predicted next week, but the magnetosphere will be in a disturbed state almost all days. that's all, enjoy the weather, whatever it may be.
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goodbye! there is an opinion that time heals; 512 people, including 91 children, were found by search engines when they came across this execution pit. for contacting the partisans, all the inhabitants of the village were burned.
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a thoughtful attack in the information field on our historical self-awareness, because this is the basis of any national statehood. it is important that everyone involved in inhumane treatment of people is identified, even if these criminals are already dead. got used to watching videos online, stopped working, install, open, let's look. russian channels, all series, movies and cartoons, educational programs and documentaries, watch, watch in the application or on the website.
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how far is it to the border and how many kilometers is it directly here? people came to the auto shop , shelling began, it’s indescribable, people will never understand what the border zones are experiencing, let’s leave, let’s leave, guys, these are the special shelters, there is double reinforcement, 400 grade cement, we tested it, took it to the training ground, at 7 km
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from here volchansk smokes. and here in the fields a tractor driver is working, uncle sasha, they don’t shoot, we go out, they shoot, we hide, even despite these latest shellings, the enterprises are all working, we must move them aside in order to return peace to our country in ukraine. ukrainian militants launched a series of attacks on the belgorod region, our air defense systems destroyed 29 rockets from the czech vampire and...


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