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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 26, 2024 4:00am-4:30am MSK

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ukrainian militants launched a series of attacks on the belgorod region, our air defense systems destroyed 29 rockets from the czech vampire systems and the neptune cruise missile, but still four people were killed and more than ten were injured. our special correspondent yegor grigoriev has all the details. today the ukrainian nazis attacked a residential area.
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now it’s clear, the whole yard has already been cordoned off, the rubble is being cleared, there are at least six balconies, one of the houses is now behind me, it’s been damaged, several of them are completely destroyed, and of course the people are great, they they reacted very quickly when we went up inside with them, into the destroyed apartments, they...
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several balcony ceilings, it turned out to be on the second one, apparently, the accelerating block was lying here, a piece of the shank, here, too, miraculously no people were hurt, absolutely, well, just god, as they say, he saved people, at about 22:15 the siren sounded for the first time, then there were claps, the air defense was working, after that shells began to hit multi-storey buildings, many people... immediately began to run out into the street, but after that the siren signal sounded again and again, and of course, all the people were simply frightened and confused, they immediately fled to shelter, well, in addition to residential buildings , shops were also damaged, two schools were damaged, they were on fire. in
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belgorod itself, on the victims, i think information will appear a little later, now a door-to-door visit is being carried out, they are inspecting the premises, describing the damaged property, but today the belgorod district, the village of dubovoe, was under attack, they also worked there from the rszzo on private property, on private households by townhouses, and of course under the strongest, under the strongest fire attack... today the armed forces of ukraine visited the village of oktyabrsky, we managed to visit there, and we found firefighters at work on the ashes, literally one house was completely burned out, let's look at this footage, well, now the firefighters are re-watering all the structures to eliminate even the slightest chance for a further fire, this house, or rather there was a construction trailer here, had a direct hit, as the neighbors said, well , unfortunately, the owner, the one who was... chewing here,
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the man died, well, they managed to drag him away in time from this burning house a car, thus avoiding its explosion, its fire, well, the sons and relatives of the deceased, of course, are now in a terrible state, we talked with the sons of the deceased man, the mother has a garden house in the garden, relax in it, the mother managed to do this odoreshnik fall after after the first landing of the second. on the second, a bang came, she said it was as if she was just conscious, that means, then she got up, we look, everything is burning there, from multiple shrapnel wounds, to this we already know about three dead, two men and a woman, 12 people were hospitalized, among some, among them one child, an eight-year-old boy, during the shelling he was playing on the playground, this is what his aunt says, what is
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his condition now in the hospital, it seemed like moderate severity or whatever, but he also walked on the street and here on the playground? all the operational services are now continuing to work, these are the police, and the defense, sappers who are inspecting the places of arrival, because there are unexploded shells in cellars on the roads, they go around every point, carry out an inventory of property from the village of oktyabrsky, now people are being evacuated to a temporary temporary detention center in belgorod, this evacuation began immediately literally... after the shelling, this is because it is unsafe to be there, in the ssu they often use tactics when again they are hitting the areas under fire, well, they will continue to clear away the rubble, and interior partitions, and balconies, and glass, a very large amount of work, i think, will be done tomorrow,
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so, of course, we will give all the details in the next broadcasts. russia should be always one step ahead of the enemy, vladimir putin pointed out this at a meeting with the leadership. as soon as we are ahead, at least half a step, of everything, the efficiency increases multiple times, simply multiple times, it is also necessary to more effectively use the resources of the so-called people's agro-industrial complex, to provide an opportunity for further development, to increase
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production output, and to adopt some of the most effective issues at an accelerated pace ok. and finally, i would like to draw your attention to the fact that issues are not being removed from the agenda. diversification of enterprise defense, development civilian high-tech products, the solution to this systemic problem is extremely important for the optimal use of the industry’s production potential, for securing promising personnel, in general, for increasing the stability of the defense industry organization, their sustainable development of a strong economic and financial base, specifically for the long term . the president demanded that it be kept under strict control.
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the russian army repulsed all attacks in the ssu and liberated the settlement of arkhangelsk in the dpr, striking a temporary point deployment of foreign fighters, formation. lost another 1,500 soldiers and mercenary officers, seven armored vehicles were destroyed, as well as 32 self-propelled guns, howitzers and missile systems, air defense forces shot down 25 combat drones and three american harm missiles. italy opposed the proposal of the nato secretary general to allow kiev to launch strikes from western weapons on russian territory and will not send its soldiers there. meanwhile, from the huge losses in the ssu, military commissars in ukraine are scooping up everyone and throwing them to the front without... preparation. this is reported by the hungarian portal "tennik". journalists spoke with ukrainians who were able to escape from the zelensky regime. they said that the kiev dictator does not stand on ceremony with anyone. under slogans about freedom and democracy, in fact, all legal rights were taken away, so the interlocutors asked
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to hide their faces. no one takes pity on the recruits who were not fired upon; they are used to plug holes at the front. their average lifespan is one day, sometimes just a few hours. if ukraine somehow manages to bring us back, i am very afraid of this, it means certain death. on at the front we have no chance to survive once there. once you get there, you immediately realize that you won’t come back. it’s not normal when people themselves cannot decide how to live. a lot of people died at the front, many women fled to europe, but men were not allowed out. this is why so many families in ukraine are breaking up. corruption in ukraine is only growing. zelensky begs tens of billions of dollars from the west, and then his office steals everything. many fortifications turned out to be built only on paper, this was another unpleasant surprise for... about the situation vitaly karmazin
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near the kharkov village of libtsy, fighters of the 92nd brigade of the ukrainian armed forces are hiding from russian drones, and immediately in the darkness of a damp shelter they complain to cnn reporters about the catastrophic operational situation. russians are trained professional soldiers, we see this in their equipment, in their tactics. do you think this is a good fortification? there was nothing, there was nothing prepared here. nothing at all. the state bureau of investigation opened cases against 28 commanders of the armed forces of ukraine for failing to hold the border near kharkov. how could they do it? zelensky doesn't care. there are raids on the streets of ukrainian cities, men either sit at home or dress up as women. fine. in nightclubs at street parties this is now the case, mass fights with shopping center employees. whoever was scooped up is being transported. they don’t feed you, they don’t
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pass the commission. they are going to send even staff officers to the front, they will cut 60% of the general staff, and everyone will be sent to fight. based on the results of the analysis, a decision was made to optimize the staffing levels of structural units of the general staff and some bodies military administration. this is not a reduction. reasonable use of personnel and resources, personnel are used in such a way that one mobilized opened his veins, another who was declared fit died right at the commission, the third was beaten to death within the walls of the shopping center. those who can flee the country. on the romanian-ukrainian border, the uhiltas attacked the military, took away the pistol, opened fire and disappeared into the romanian forests. prisoners are now being mobilized; 350 people have already been released, some of whom were immediately taken under the wing by those on the list terrorists kirill.
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and despite the fact that journalists told him that their countries are members of the csto, the eurasian economic union and the cis together with russia on a partnership basis, he then began to intimidate everyone with moscow, and any hints about a cessation of hostilities were turned away, he told me, i don’t want to be there to speak now, which leader, he said, let’s stop them now for some period, he says, well, we will see the satellite and so on, i say, wait, how will you stop them physically? already sees conspiracies everywhere than long ago his entourage takes advantage of him when the generals
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explain why it failed, well , can you imagine, someone gave up the plans, someone gave up the plans, our president, he’s focused on all these conspiracy theories, how many times has he already announced that that there has been a military coup, well, 15 times already, naturally he has such a state in which he begins to look for the guilty, there is no need to look for the guilty, he is to blame, they say, after the resignation of zaluzhny, he has already fired 27 military generals to
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stand, who are they ? new guys, it's with me passenger, reporter, director, i came for my brother, i’m a battalion commander, call sign trigger, everyone has call signs, why am i adam, chechen i’m an artist, white rose you can, i can, you can sing sometime, brusley, we don’t need names, her don’t touch it, don’t touch it, not yours, you little light of god. comet, what to do, commander, what's going on, shoot, call sign passenger, call sign passenger, i suggest changing it to the call sign rebin, no, call sign of my brother, you remain a passenger, that's for sure.
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fso, and before that, respectively, in chechnya, syria, and now, by the will of fate, here with the first day, as they entered, and accordingly , that is, it turns out all your life, yes, your entire adult life after graduation, you know, as they say, we studied as cadets,
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that’s enough for your lifetime, that’s enough for your lifetime, yes, all the wars are over , they graduated here and studied for war.
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i need to work much more aggressively, i wish, it’s clear, yes, let’s take a little break, well , as personnel, thank god, that is, we just got out of the battle to train, but what is the task now, the task now, that means, performing the exercise mainly for the rural terrain with moving along the depth of the front from obstacles to obstacles with suppression of the enemy at all.
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we are working on this, that is, to hone, hone the technique to perfection, the technique of training, it doesn’t
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matter that they do it against the background of fatigue, it is necessary, because they have to move on tasks for more than 10 days, 5,7, 10, 12, sometimes more , the task is constantly in armor, constantly with loads, and so on, for as long as you have been serving, well, for the second year already. i serve the first control, the first control, yes, the new second, but i came from the port, so to speak, i used to be a practical shooting instructor, now there’s a pistol, a pistol, a carbine, how much does the technique of work change when you’re in armor? oh, it’s changing dramatically, but if you’re going to install the equipment correctly, then the equipment must first be installed without armor so that the person gets used to it, understands his body, then the armor is put on and the person already begins to understand yes... he’s a little uncomfortable here if you start right away with armor, he won’t understand his body, of course, but the glushak
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works well, the glushak is very good at kms, yes, good, straight, takes aim, who will be, well, the tasks of the special forces in this war turned out to be completely different, from the first days we entered, and what we are doing now is almost a big step we have taken, which distinguishes a special forces soldier from any fighter another unit, when you talk about preparation, it’s not just the ability to shoot, if you believe in yourself, you believe in your victory there. your luck, that’s it, you are a special forces soldier, you are a special forces soldier, and you will only comprehend this constantly, well, the desire of a special forces soldier
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to constantly improve, constantly improve, the range of tasks is different and you are always improving somewhere, that is, in groups there, but i want to invent some kind of ammunition there, that is, that’s it, he rests for 5 days, for 5 days he invents ammunition, then he raised it to quadcopter, you know how about... to complete a task, well, this is brotherhood, but not understanding brotherhood, this is not pan-brotherhood, this is brotherhood, many people confuse these concepts, no, they cannot be confused, this is brotherhood, voices from the left,
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shooting from the right, in an ambush , that is, here they work already in the forest, yes, here movement over rough terrain. this is exactly the forest one, here they have an interesting training point, the one that is relevant now, that is , work on greenery, yes, there is a natural barrier, a river, uh-huh, immediately overcome it, a good place, they work in groups, well... getting ready subgroup, working as part of four, the most mobile unit in distant conditions, we are breaking
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the standard stereotype. or a machine gun, so that it doesn’t seem to him that it’s easy, yes, it’s the strongest, yeah, it’s very, by the way, one of the most hardy guys, naturally, he was a machine gunner himself, i know, you film how they work or at the moment, that is, then the guys sit down and you show them, here’s a mistake, there ’s a mistake, yes, this is mandatory so that they can look at what’s going on from the outside what a drawback, what a nuance, yes, well, the basic principle is to do what, exactly, you can do better,
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you can’t do worse. well, then you yourself will go to work with the boys, for sure, that is , that’s why you’re cooking for yourself, and of course, i ’ll go until i’m worn out, and i’m responsible for them as well, sooner the lie will be erased, they won’t wait. went down, move,
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that's it, gone, safety is gone, stop shooting, what do you think, where were the mistakes of anyone, mistakes in movements, mistakes? coming out from behind cover, you rise in the same place from where you shot, i told you about this many times, you make the same mistake, now you repeated it directly, reloading, exclusively lying down, now you had to manipulate the weapon much better, asura, you're getting a little stuck, half a second you're wasting spent, they mean a lot to you, you
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could have spent that half a second... moving, saving yourself to live, in battle time flows differently, much longer, there was a moment when a building was suppressed in one of the, so to speak, distant foreign countries, i at that moment he acted as a machine gunner and worked for suppression, the distance is 14 m between houses, give or take, at this time a man throws a grenade, it slips out, i see it, it falls, i look, calmly lower myself, reload, wait and think , when will it explode, it seemed like a very long time for me, i spent so much time i managed to do some manipulations during this time, but the assault drags on, that is, this adrenaline, no, it’s just the heart that should be there from the very beginning, if you were to assault, or not, i can’t understand when a person who has been collecting for 20 years comes to me into refrigerators, why he might not be useful, i can train him, suddenly there’s a refrigerator, but he
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doesn’t have a heart for that... it must be a heart and you have to do this all your life, well , when the guys come now, you immediately see who maybe yes, that is, you select for yourself, this is visible little by little, at first glance it doesn’t even seem to everyone that one of them is capable of something, we take it, leave it, run it in, test it in different situations, but our eyes speak more for us, what tasks we have to do now decide which direction? from the recent one, tell me how it turned out, because for everyone it turned out like this, it happened, no one expected it, no one...


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