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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 26, 2024 5:00am-5:31am MSK

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chezni, what does this mean? this means that it was not homosexuality itself that was meant, the concept of the sin of shame. by the way, i recalled this phrase said by my great- uncle, dmitry petrovich konchalovsky, a historian. he said: “in a state where the concept of the sin of shame is lost, order can only be maintained by a police regime and violence. exactly.” therefore, when we bow our heads, when we treat with great respect and gratitude all those who won this terrible great patriotic war, and what a temple rises for this about, listen, we shouldn’t talk about the history of victory day today, but if we do talk, then about how many victims there were, how many...unjustified victims there were, about
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the cruelty of the commanders who absolutely neglected the interests of the soldiers, about the horrific things that happened in war, and about how later after the war the front-line soldiers were not allowed to express the truth, but they created tame veterans who constantly talk about what is happening, having long forgotten how it really was, of course, this is no longer... a holiday with tears eyes - it's different, it's already just can’t be washed away, unfortunately, it’s simple, just can’t be washed away, just adding another day of sorrow, precisely a day of sorrow, a day of repentance for ukraine, please note, veterans day is celebrated quite calmly in the united states or bastille day in france , there are so many military parades all over the world, but they don’t cause any stir. such rejection, such
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hatred, such sarcasm are not caused, because it is the real victory of the soviet union and the soviet people over hitler’s germany that is unacceptable for perception they don’t want to remember our, so to speak, civilized western world, they are trying to belittle the importance of our country, they are even issuing medals for the seventy-fifth anniversary of the victory. we talked about this, on this medal there are three banners, three flags of the united states, great britain and france, we are not there, we are erased from memory, we are erased from history, they don’t want to see us as winners. in september 1919, the european parliament recognized the ussr as being responsible for the outbreak of world war ii, which means that, in their opinion, we on par with the nazi one.
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agreements and the death of people in the burning house of trade unions on may 2, 1914, the explosion of the nord stream, the murder of our citizens, and the terror attack on the crimean bridge, this includes everything, they do not disdain anything, it is surprising that this is also, by the way, a legacy of hitler’s reich, look, i i’ll read you... a document, this is an order, it
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’s called on the use of military jurisdiction and on special measures of troops, it sounds like this: for actions committed by personnel... and service personnel in relation to enemy civilians will not necessarily be prosecuted, even in cases where these actions constitute a war crime or misdemeanor. this is an order, it was signed on may 13, 1941, and it was adopted by hitler’s personal order, that is, impunity towards the civilian population is inherent. in the ideology, embedded in the rules, don’t we see that this is happening today before our eyes, and the worst thing, and this is a huge victory of the anglo-saxon world, is that the russians
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are killing russians, that is, they managed to push with our omission in many ways, the slavic peoples, people who studied from the same textbooks, who read the poems of pushkin, krilov, read tolstoy, and these people today are killing each other, with the only difference, we defend our own, we defend the donbass, we defend russia, which is defended by those who are fighting on the other side today, every day huge amounts of money were spent on instilling hatred towards the russian people. condition, and that as a result, we all know how volunteers are recruited, we all know how many people surrenders, how many people are trying to escape from the war, to swim across the tisa, there have already been about 30 corpses taken from this river, those
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people who fled from the war, fled from being a participant in the meat assault, to become cannon fodder, to be an uncollected corpse... lying on the ukrainian black soil, and this is really so, because with all the propaganda it is very difficult to understand why they are fighting, why they should die? listen to a russian soldier who speaks a language understandable to all sides, listen to russian-speaking ukrainians question: what are you fighting for, for freedom, we can bet you can’t leave the country for free, there’s also... demobilization has been canceled, that is, go one way, is this really freedom? for land, so your president sold your land, the land market, what is this, you can google who is
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the main beneficiary of the purchase of your land, for faith, they took away your faith, there is a rock concert in your churches now. they are organizing all sorts of sectarians, they took away your language long ago, you call us occupiers, so look at mariupol, at crimea, are they really occupiers? they are doing, you saw such construction there, in libya, in iraq, somewhere, in my opinion, many countries want russia to occupy them, open your mind, in my opinion, you are fighting with the wrong ones, it lies in the enemy. “we, of course, will bury them, collect tokens, do everything humanely, we respect the enemy, even if it is, look how and with what the ukrainians pay for every dollar invested by the anglo-saxons in
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this country, listen, we have been in the liberated territories for a long time quite interesting documents came into our hands, which indicate that transplantation organs in ukraine was put on stream, the very first dorners were soldiers of the armed forces of ukraine. every vssu student, when he underwent a medical examination, supposedly filled out this document, this is a document of consent for organ transplantation, a complete personal file was opened on him, so that if this person was injured, it would be possible to understand which organ could be removed and which recipient it would be suitable for. the date here is worth one year, here all the people are essentially from the same unit, in fact the soldiers did not even know that they had given consent, because...
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this immediately caused a feeling of panic among the soldiers, because in these cars the very people who were engaged in disassembling seriously wounded soldiers for organs arrived. listen, well, there are things that are called by their proper names, but isn’t this international terrorism and committed, paid for, such a process was finally launched in our country on march 27 of this year, a group of deputies of the state duma of the russian federation, nikolai kharitonov, andrei krosov , yana lantratova, alexander dugin and andrey dergach. an appeal was sent to the prosecutor general's office investigative committee russian federation. in addition, this
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appeal was sent to the ministry of justice of the united states, to the federal office of justice of germany, to the ministry of justice and public order of the republic of cyprus, and to the ministry of justice of the french republic. the statement is based on international law. this is a very serious, very thoughtful business partner of a company on the territory of ukraine, which has donated a fairly
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impressive amount of money, including for an army of drones that are used to bomb our border territories, and bombing of donbass. we are talking about the well-known feeder of the biden family, the ukrainian company burisma, it was founded by the former minister of natural resources of ukraine nikolai zlachevsky. 2 months after the maidan to the board of directors of burisma.
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that is, the cash was transferred to ukrainian law enforcement officers to close the burizmi case, it was all documented, the person who transferred these funds was caught on camera, it was one of the employees of the burizma company, kicha, a certain lawyer. all of europe was looking at the biggest cash bribe 6 million dollars, these 6 million dollars were seized and were forever evidence until a certain period of time. with a closed court decision. by the secret court decision that we provided, this money was transferred to the disposal of the gur military unit for
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carrying out terrorist activities, after that the northern streams began to explode there, after that dugin’s terrorist attack was attached, a series of terrorist attacks began, so it’s as if the whole chain of doubts was traced here there is no such thing, the biden family, or rather the partners of the biden family, sponsored terrorism while moving away from responsibility. for corruption, money laundering on the territory of ukraine, that is, at that time, 2014, the son of joe biden, who at that moment was obama’s vice president, is on the board of directors of the ukrainian gas production company burisma, you yourself understand perfectly well that this is already a violation, when politics and business are mixed, taking into account the possibility of a high-ranking politician.
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just like that, with one click, a person who has nothing to do with ukraine can remove the prosecutor general, and he also boasts about it, look. i received a promise from poroshenko and yatsenyuk that they would take action against the prosecutor, they didn’t do this, so they enter the press conference, and i’m like: no, we won’t give you a billion dollars, they say: you don’t have such powers, you’re not the president, the president promised us, and i say: call him, i
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’m telling you, you won’t get a billion dollars, i said, you won’t get a billion, i’m already leaving in 6 hours, i looked at my watch, if the prosecutor is not fired in 6 hours, you won't get any money, you sons of bitches. and he was fired. isn't this confirmation that zelensky is aware of everything, all the machinations that the bidens carried out, and has the opportunity to blackmail them with this knowledge. why not? quite possible.
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still , on the other hand, there is a nationality of terrorism, for example, it could be, or an african american, for example, or it could be an indian, or a european, or an american, in principle, this is a real international diaspora of terrorism, which is amazing that this impunity, it is blatant, it, it is not even hidden by anything, and many... for sure, so to speak, relate to this document, which our deputies signed, with a sufficient amount of irony and sarcasm, even, well, who will consider this, nothing, nothing, nothing, anyway, sooner or later this has to happen, let us remember the words of lincoln, you can deceive
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part of the people all the time, and all the people for a while, but you cannot deceive. all the people all the time, in this case we mean humanity as such, to deceive them all the time, i think, i hope, is impossible, and how amazing it is, look how intertwined, how events overlap today, with the events of long ago, look, compare the logic of another quote from adolf hitler: when assessing such actions, it is necessary to take into account that the defeat in 1918, the subsequent period of suffering of the german people, as well as the fight against national socialism, which required countless bloody victims were the result of bolshevik influence, which not
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a single german has forgotten, that is, in all the troubles of the german people...
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it was called the monument of eternal glory, look, to the screaming, to the laughter they are breaking this monument, promising that the metal from which this monument was made will be used for the needs of the ussr, that is, in other words, from this monument, which was erected in honor of the victory of our common victory over germany, bullets can be cast that will kill descendants , the winners. in this war, ours, ours, just imagine the ominousness of this situation, but unfortunately, the trouble is that we... with our own hands and actions give rise to distortion and distortion of real history. take it though
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the katyn affair, i want to remind you. in 1943, the german ministry of propaganda, under the leadership of goebbels, reported that a mass had been found in the katyn forest of the smolensk region...
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and it sounds like this: in september 1941, in the katyn forest, near smolensk , the nazis carried out mass murders of polish captured officers. well, in principle, one could put an end to this, but then the nineties come and on april 13 , 1990, the president... of the soviet union, mikhail gorbachev, conveys to the president of poland, wojciech jeruzelski, who arrived in moscow, nkvd stage lists with captured poles from
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kazelsk, ostashkiy and starabelsk, which do not contain any information about the execution, which did not prove anything, but this is presented as a package of documents confirming that the polish ... officers were executed by soviet security officers, this is what he writes in in his letter to the prosecutor's office of the russian federation, march 11, 2024, state duma deputy anatoly vaserman, the current status of the katyn case gives rise to a legal conflict, the fact is that the current criminal code of russia article 354 was introduced: the rehabilitation of nazism, in accordance with it, the denial of the facts established by the verdict of the international military tribunal for the trial, the punishment of the main
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war criminals of european countries are considered a crime and entail criminal prosecution, that is, when we declared in the eighties and nineties that polish officers killed by employees. despite the facts and documents, the evidence of the burdenko commission, we ourselves become participants in the rehabilitation of nazism, it turns out, here is one of the most important documents that as would affirm and confirm our guilt. this note is designated as biriya’s letter numbered 794/b, dated march 5, 1940. yes, interestingly, all four pages were printed on different typewriters, which alone casts doubt on the authenticity of this
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document. in addition, on the title page there are signatures of stalin, varoshilov, molotov and mikayan, and these signatures were made with a pencil of the same color. it was this letter, along with other documents, that boris yeltsin handed over. constitutional court, which also refused accept them as genuine documents. listen to what deputy viktor elyukhin says about this. on may 25, 2010 , an unknown man called me by phone and stated that he knew that a group of scientists, together with me, was conducting a study of the circumstances surrounding the execution of polish officers, stated that... he participated in a large group of specialists , specializing in the forgery of historical documents, including he
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stated that he and his team directly falsified if to believe his statements, the so-called note of beria dated march 1940, he put bery’s signature on this note, at the same time on this note on behalf of stalin, on behalf of molotov, malenkov their other names were entered. in particular , he stated that he produced this note. according to the proposal that followed from the kremlin, there is the production of stalin’s signature, the production of beria’s signature, as he said, it is enough to smear it with a certain, certain liquid coating, put it on the desired document and a signature, which is unlikely who will tell the difference among criminologists, this is very interesting, this is what a member of the cpsu politburo, alexander yakovlev, who
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was in the nineties, says. years and organized this campaign of falsification. we had to partially lie, be disingenuous, disingenuous, there was no other way. we had to break the totalitarian communist party. but it was precisely our behavior that led to the world’s complete impunity towards us, towards our rights, towards our claims, towards our interests. "with our own hands we confirmed this most talented goebbels’ operation, which we are still discussing and which created such discord between the poles and russians, and look how well thought out, jesuitically subtle it was, even the forest in which the polish officers were shot was renamed, never
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before had this forest been was called the katyn forest." it was the gnezdovo forest, and the place itself was called kose mountains, the katyn station is 13 km from this place, the word katyn was drawn to this story, because in polish kat is an executioner, wasn’t this the method used a city with the name bochi is selected, which biden used in his speech, we talked about this, remember? why was the city of bucha chosen for all this provocation and fake news, why not gostomel or irpen, why butch? but because the president of the united states, in yet another bout of dementia, publicly called our president a butcher. in english, butcher butcher.
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moreover, world-class people work there , very serious people, but how does the modern goebbels work today? look, this is the film 20 days in mariupol, shot by ukrainian director mstislav chernov. movie, by the way, it won an oscar for best feature-length documentary. i will first director on the stage who will say, "i
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wish i've never". i want all this to stop, but it is not in my power. after watching the so-called documentary film by the ukrainian director who won an oscar, i, like many of my colleagues, had a feeling. we all saw the shot of the little pink jacket and it looked very familiar to us. after rummaging through the archives, we discovered the same frame. however, he had nothing to do with the title of the documentary film 20 days in mariupol. in fact, the photo was taken by another journalist who captured the death of an entire family in the city of gorlovka in the dpr. they are destroying our children. what then happened that day? on the other side, on the ukrainian side. hail shells landed
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