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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 26, 2024 11:30am-12:01pm MSK

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arkhangelsky dmitry frolov and khalimat kuchmezova. news: duty department. former police officers from buryatia, who were convicted of the rape and murder of two girls, were unable to challenge the verdict. about a high-profile crime in the town of klyukhvenaya pat. our colleagues from the program told in detail about the investigation of eduard petrov in august 2002, students katya patyyuk and zhenya shagunova did not return. home in the evening, their
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bodies were discovered only 2 weeks later in a deep trampoline forest. for a long time the crime remained unsolved, and then it turned out that it was committed by the very people who then took up the investigation, policemen evgeny inkin and dmitry stomin. they quickly sent the criminal case to the archives, only after many years the employees of the investigative committee were able to unravel this criminal tangle. the jury unanimously found the murderers evgeny inkin and dmitry istomin guilty. the court appointed. impressive terms of 17 and 18 years of imprisonment, it would seem that the case can be put to rest, if not for another very strange decision of the servants of themis, convicted of a serious crime the crime of dushegum, just a year after the verdict was announced, was allowed to leave the correctional facility and go to the svo zone. journalists at one time put a lot of effort into giving oglazka such a story as a mysterious murder in the cranberry pad, as a result there was a lot of publicity.
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resonance, several trials, which were moved from one place to another, changed the jury, but as a result, the killers still received well-deserved, so to speak, terms of 17 and 18 years for murder, the same number, ironically, was and the girls killed - they are 17 and 18 years old, here is the sensational news, just like a bolt from the blue, that these killers, two former police officers, receive permission to go to the northern military district zone and...
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so, then perhaps something is needed here, like they say, take a look, tweak it, maybe the deputies should look at this again, yes, more carefully, maybe we need to take a closer look at this specific situation, it’s quite possible that some kind of appeal or another decision is needed here, there, well, again, i'm not a judge, i'm just saying from the point of view of us journalists who , strictly speaking, were involved in this story, and who were just as surprised and stunned by this as the parents of the murdered girls; by the way, the media, when talking about this case, more than once mentioned another employee of the ministry of internal affairs, vladimir kazadayev. now he holds the post of deputy chief of police for operational work of the transport department of the ministry of internal affairs of russia for the central federal district. kazadayev allegedly also could have been present at the scene at the time of the murder, but he did not become a defendant criminal case. we contacted kazadayev by phone, but vladimir mikhailovich did not want to talk to journalists, hung up and turned off the phone. hello. yes,
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good afternoon, the russia tv channel is worried about the duty department, please tell me, this is how you feel about the fact that your colleagues, evgeny inkin and dmitry stomin, let me remind you, former police officers, evgeny inkin and dmitry stomin tried to appeal this week sentence, but the eighth castitation court in kemerovo left it unchanged. about other notable legal events of the past week in a brief overview. on monday, the military court of appeal upheld daria trepova’s sentence for committing a terrorist attack in st. petersburg; she will spend 27 years in prison. in april last year, during a creative evening, trepova presented a figurine filled with explosives to military correspondent vladlen tatarsky. he died as a result of the explosion. more than 50 people were injured. on tuesday, a mass brawl with shooting occurred in moscow. they became participants in the conflict. almost two dozen people.
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according to one version, the fight began after man and woman quarrel on the street. a company passing by decided to stand up for the lady. one of the hooligans took out a traumatic pistol. opened fire on his rivals, someone grabbed a knife. as a result, several people ended up in the hospital. the most active participants in the armed conflict were quickly detained by the police, and the court decided to arrest them. on wednesday, the court denied conditional early release from the colony to the former mayor of yaroslavl, evgeny urlashov. he is serving a sentence for accepting large bribes. how investigators found out that urlashov provided patronage to companies that dealt with road construction. on thursday in yekaterinburg
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, the main anti-corruption fighter of the regional police headquarters was taken into custody. andrey dyakov is suspected of receiving bribes worth 200 million rubles. investigators have not yet reported who is paying for what services. according to media reports, the detention may be connected with the case of his ex-wife, the son of the ex-head of yekaterinburg, arkady chernetsky. anastasia chernetskaya, along with other entrepreneurs, came under investigation due to taxes. businessmen allegedly illegally received a deduction of almost half a billion rubles. on friday , in the moscow region , a tenant of the house was arrested in connection with a terrible fire in an illegal hostel. previously, the fire broke out due to a malfunction. not only for the provision of services that do not meet security requirements,
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but for organizing illegal migration. denis navazhilov, khalimat kuchmezova, lead. duty department. they treated dead souls in the stavropol region. the police discovered a scam involving... 50 million rubles. money was allocated for rehabilitation sick people, according to documents, left for their intended purpose, but in fact ended up in the pockets of cunning officials. the 13 people detained were led, according to the investigation, by the director of the territorial compulsory health insurance fund. report by maxim shevchenko. so, confidently and calmly, the director of the territorial compulsory health insurance fund of the stavropol territory, sergei troshin, appeared under escort for a conversation with the investigator. but as soon as he saw the journalists of our program, the influential official changed his face dramatically. dear investigator. i won't talk to you without a lawyer. all. after a sharp monologue, sergei troshin retired to his cell to get used to the new environment.
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he had to change from his business suit to a sports suit after investigators uncovered a large-scale theft scheme from the budget of the stavropol region. for years, the region has been cheating on funds intended to restore the health of sick people. sergei troshin was always close to big money. since the late nineties , he worked in the stavropol ministry of finance, went from personnel officer to first deputy minister, a little more than 10 years ago he moved to a management position, heading the territorial compulsory health insurance fund of the region. from that moment on, he often appeared on the screen, and at meetings he periodically criticized the work of his colleagues. unfortunately, the quality of planning of medical care provided in our country is very poor. troshin probably at some point realized that it was time to invest the unused money, so in 2017, together with his company igor bolotov, he decided to create
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a regional rehabilitation center aimed at those who have suffered serious disease, but employees of the main department of the ministry of internal affairs for the north caucasus federal district found out the institutions... but now in custody during interrogations he in every possible way denies involvement in the scheme. i have very poor health, despite this they keep me in guards and take me everywhere. i built the premises, made repairs there, they did everything. i didn't know about this. speaking about him, bolotov,
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among other things, means kirill chipiga, who was actually his right hand. now the young man is under house arrest, only he agreed to our program talk about how accomplices stole money. there are 100 beds, where 100 patients are, and money is allocated as if there are 130 patients there, accordingly, according to the documents, there are not 100 patients, but 130 patients.
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members of the criminal scheme disposed of the stolen money in different ways, including purchasing various cars, here is one of them, now it is sealed and stored in the main department of the ministry of internal affairs for the north caucasus federal district, this car, according to the investigation, was recorded on one of affiliated companies. but in fact , troshin’s son was driving a special configuration on alloy wheels with diamond coating, the price of the car was 12 million rubles, which is confirmed by footage from video cameras of a british suv, but the appetites of enterprising companions continued to grow, in order to receive more from the budget, they also needed beds more, then, according to the head physician of the center, arestide shishmanidi , they decided to expand the institution, another floor was opened, where...
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state duma deputies became interested, they are thinking about how to eliminate such loopholes, we need to radically change this system of financing, we need to link everything to family accounts, that is, every family should have an account into which money is received for their treatment, that is, in today’s conditions, when the digital ruble appears, there is information technology , digital technologies, this money cannot go anywhere from left to right, it’s all involved. there are already 13 people involved in this criminal case, five were chosen as a preventive measure. investigators also have information that these
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same people may be involved in fraud with medical equipment, which was purchased at an inflated cost for hospitals in the region. we are talking about tens of millions of rubles, so the collection of evidence continues. maxim shevchenko, sergey soldatov and khalimat kuchmezova, lead: the duty unit from the stavropol territory. a high -security city, yaroslavl surprised and... frightened at the same time, this week local deputies forbade residents and tourists, attention, to lie on benches, to sit while they can, the corresponding amendments have already been made to the city improvement rules, it is being introduced the norm about the ban on lying on garden sofas, benches, along with the already established ban on sitting on the backs of such sofas, benches, let's simulate the situation, someone decided to lie down on a bench, in a park or square of a conditional...
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a drunk person sleeps on a bench, then i condemn, and if
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i have never slept on a bench, if, of course, a person feels bad, he sat down and lay down for a short time, then it is quite possible that they are already joking in the local media and social networks, if you cannot lie on a bench, then it turns out that you can, this illustration , as the best personification of a legal conflict around the bench of discord, your yaroslavl authorities are generally distinguished by their intelligence and intelligence and such talents. his legs hurt, and there is a bench here, but why not lie down and rest, that now they will grab him somewhere, what do we want to achieve, we want to achieve that we have ideal beauty, cleanliness and no one goes outside , because god forbid if you lie down, they will take you away. by the way, this is not the first unusual ban introduced in yaroslavl; earlier the city adopted a rule prohibiting
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spitting in public places, for which violation is subject to a fine of 1,500 rubles. maintaining order. the police vigilantes are also watching, and now it’s possible not to spit, not to lie down, to breathe while you can. the last flight of an aircraft designer in the vladimir region, not far from the popular tourist city of suzdal, a craftsman crashed in a homemade light-sea aircraft. while the airfield is closed, several more unregistered ships were found on the territory, who did they lift into the sky, why from year to year does the air travel season turn into a season of falling planes, and what prevents the investigation? order in... in the center of a large hangar , a broken home-made aircraft after a plane crash was brought from a nearby field by the son of a deceased test pilot from the vladimir region, igor buevich, an enthusiast himself came up with the idea, assembled this plane, went up , fell down, i think that’s how it was, well, you
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weren’t there, no there was no one, he didn’t have to fly, he just had to run there. on the grass, let's just say, igor buevich's relatives claim that during the tests the plane was thrown up by a gust of wind, it supposedly flew a hundred meters and fell not far from pavlovskaya airfield. the plane, under the control of igor buevich, crashed in this lowland about 500 meters from the airfield. it seems that the homemade aircraft first stuck into this slope, and then rolled down. there are still a lot of fragments here, these are traces of spilled motor oil. these. the footage was taken immediately after the plane crash, the aircraft turned over, its propeller was torn off, the pilot’s body was already taken out, it is clear that the deceased was crushed by the engine, which ended up in the cockpit due to the impact. this is the takeoff strip of the pavlovsk airfield, 700 m of asphalt pavement. initially, there was information that aircraft designer igor buevich tested his invention here, but
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a few days after the accident, airfield employees began to claim that the tests had taken place. behind the fence on the field. you can get to the site, which igor buevich adapted as a testing ground, in a couple of minutes. it was in this field that the deceased igor buevich allegedly tested his product. it looks like this is where they moved homemade aircraft. investigators are now reconstructing the chronology of events. the scene of the incident has been inspected and a number of forensic examinations are being prepared. based on the results of the pre-investigation check , a procedural decision will be made. during the procession , rostransnadzor employees checked the airfield ; planes roared past in the sky; even after the plane crash, the airfield continued to operate. we inspect aircraft, inspect the landing site itself to ensure compliance with the requirements of the air legislation. now the hangars are under lock and key, and
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the control tower is empty; rostransnadzor specialists found violations and closed the airfield. we contacted its owner. over the phone, alexey ivanov hastened to disown the plane crash, several issues need to be eliminated, the fit seems to be on the strip, and the noise suppressors need to be changed. the big hangar is the saturn design bureau, they have their own territory, they go to the field in their field, emphasize, and there they carry out these ground checks. the saturn design bureau is the brainchild of igor buevich, he worked for a long time engineer at the vladimir tractor plant, but always dreamed of the sky. in the 2000s, buevich went into business. together with like-minded people , he began to produce airplanes. the enthusiast received the necessary documents for his inventions and even sold some aircraft. until now, these homemade aircraft are allegedly in operation throughout the country. now in the hangar there are several aircraft that the aircraft designer has worked on in recent years, for example, this one. it looks exactly
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like the one that crashed. two passenger seats, control levers, propeller. here is a motor, the car can rise into the air. it is interesting that after an inspection, rostransnadzor employees found three aircraft in the hangars of the pavlovskaya airfield that did not meet flight requirements; it is alarming that in addition to the saturn design bureau, several companies are based here that organize air tours for tourists for money. there is a considerable flow of people interested, 10 km from pavlovsky ancient suzdal, and many are probably hoping to view the pearl of the golden ring from above. several hundred meters. now is the start of the flight and tourist season. this time it started with a scandal. a light-engine aircraft flew at low level over the yaroslavl highway in the moscow region. it is still unclear what it was, the pranks of an air hooligan or an emergency that often happens in the entertainment industry
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involving small aircraft. for example, last year a pilot named bessmertny crashed to death along with his young girlfriend. according to experts, if we consider air travel from the point of view flight rules, then most of these enterprises will have to be closed. requirements that apply to commercial. there is a metal detector frame. for each flight, a package of all necessary documents is prepared, despite the difficulties, the entertainment is available. 20 minutes of flight on a two-seater
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plane - 5.00 rubles. a four-seater for the whole family will cost 10,000. the demand is great; on weekends, up to twenty pleasure flights are made at this airfield alone. all passengers are insured, the airfield itself is under 24-hour surveillance by emergency services. literally a five minute drive. from us there is the village of nepetsino, where there is a new beautiful fire station, and there is a hospital, but this is not the case everywhere, let’s return to the pavlovskoye airfield in the vladimir region, not far from which aircraft designer igor buevich crashed, in the local administration, it turns out, they have a very vague idea of we didn’t know what was happening at the flight enterprise in the hangars around it, we only learned from social networks that they were there, it turns out they were making these planes, under the jurisdiction of this administration. some villages and settlements within a radius of 5 km from the airfield, local residents say that they have long been accustomed to flyers overhead, well, don’t be afraid that someone will fall on the garden, well, if
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they fall, they will fall, so be it, in recent days the villagers have been enjoying the silence how long it will last will be shown by the results of the check that investigators are now conducting after the death of aircraft designer igor buevich. andrey romanov, anastasia ivanova, vladimir shabalin, dalila kleschevsky, victor barmin, alexander zarubov. don't miss us soon after investigation by eduard petrov, the film obsessed with gold tells how in the trans-baikal territory the security forces defeated an international organized crime group, its members illegally mined gold, and then sold the precious gold abroad, who the black miners turned out to be, what damage they caused to the state, our colleagues will tell you, the investigation of eduard petrov will continue to be broadcast legally on the rossiya tv channel. the entire operational feed of legal news in telegram channels, conduct the duty department, an honest detective, subscribe, also ours
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to bring to your attention our next author's program "besagon tv", it will be called "there are no atheists in the trenches." i hope it will be interesting. i look forward to seeing you at our meeting. there is such an opinion that time speaks, 512 people, including 91 children, were found by search engines when they came across this execution pit, for connections with the partisans,
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they burned the village. all residents, an ost plan was developed, according to which at least 30 million slavs were to be exterminated, why is it important to recognize the genocide against the soviet people, because this is a historical fact, this work is extremely important, especially today, when western politicians are trying to rewrite the results of the second world war . russia was the first to convey a resolution on the inadmissibility of the regionalization of nazism, mostly europeans abstained; the united states voted.
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12:00 pm
next, after the advertisement, watch eduard petrov’s investigation into the defeat of a criminal group that illegally mined gold in transbaikalia, and after that she sold the bars abroad. professional coloring, long-lasting cream paint, rich color.


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