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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 26, 2024 1:00pm-1:31pm MSK

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the ukrainian armed forces, using kamikaz drones, attacked the village of murom in the belgorod region. as a result of the fall of the first drone , an infrastructure facility was damaged. the agricultural enterprise was left without electricity. no harm done. the second drone damaged a car. emergency services are currently on the scene. the regional governor also provided the latest data on the consequences of yesterday's strikes by the ukrainian armed forces. four people. killed 18 injured, two of
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the victims were children, four adults are now in serious condition in intensive care with injuries residential buildings, communal facilities, so in shibekino due to ukrainian shelling, problems on the electricity and gas supply lines, fragments flowed down the facade, knocked out the glass, according to the head of the region, the ssu used the vampire rocket system made in the czech republic. our air defense systems shot down almost 30 air targets. in ukraine. the air raid alert was sounded several times. first, the signal sounded in eleven regions, in the morning the danger was announced throughout the country, then another alarm was sounded in the nikolaev and odessa regions, after 9 am again in all regions. ukrainian media reports that explosions were heard in the kiev, khmelnytsky and zhytomyr regions. joint projects between russia and uzbekistan in the economy, industry, trade and energy will be discussed by vladimir putin and shavkat.
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the russian president is heading to tashkent today for a two-day state visit. in addition to the negotiations, he will also take part in the first meeting of the council of regions of the two countries. in total , vladimir putin visited uzbekistan nine times as head of state. last time in september 2022 to participate in the sco summit. read more about the visit program in the report by alexey golovko. one of the oldest civilizations in the world, uzbekistan, is a country that combines thousands of years of antiquity and
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speaks of alliance, a comprehensive strategic partnership, which means that the two states have common views on world economic political problems and common approaches to global security issues. vladimir putin and shavkat mirziyoyev regularly exchange visits at various levels, so most recently the president of uzbekistan was guest at the victory parade in moscow. vladimir putin's visit to tashkent has state status and will last 2 days. it will include a ceremonial meeting of the russian leader at the koksaroy residence. negotiations between the two presidents will also take place there, first one-on-one, and then as part of a delegation. it is expected that putin and mirziyoyev will also take part in the first meeting of the council of regions of uzbekistan and russia. the two countries really have something to discuss. trade turnover between russia and uzbekistan is growing at an unprecedented pace every year increases by a quarter. russia supplies its partners with metals, machinery, equipment, wood and chemical products . the return flow of goods consists of textiles and of course. all
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the wealth of fruits, vegetables and spices for which the agriculture of uzbekistan is so famous. but the economies of the two countries are not limited to direct supplies. more than 150 joint projects are currently being implemented in uzbekistan. the flagship area of ​​cooperation will be the construction of the first nuclear power plant in central asia by rosatom near lake tuskan in jizzakh region. this project is currently at the approval stage. and the lukol company has already built a real industrial aaa in the desert. this is the kandym gas processing complex, the most modern enterprise, which is also the largest taxpayer. another joint project is the technopolis in uzbek cherchik, an industrial park where russian companies launch their innovative production; it unites dozens of enterprises and provides jobs for almost 2,000 people. last october presidents vladimir putin, shavkat mirziyoyev and kasym zhamar takaev launched a unique project. the three leaders launched a new gas pipeline branch. through which fuel is now
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supplied for the first time from russia to uzbekistan through the territory of kazakhstan, the volume of pumping is almost 3 billion cubic meters of gas per year, and of course, this mutually beneficial project strengthens the energy sector... all systems are working properly, congratulations, russia and uzbekistan are also increasing cultural ties. today , schools teaching in russian operate in the republic, 14 branches of leading universities in russia, in turn, more than 30,000 uzbek students receive higher education at universities in moscow, st. petersburg and kazan. our tourists rediscovered uzbekistan to admire the cities of the great silk road. more than half a million arrive per year. russians, and this is a journey that will never be forgotten. the tombs of the great commanders of antiquity and mosques, the sands of the kozylkum desert and the waters of the great amu darya river, the architectural treasures of samarkand, bukhara, khiva and of course, the famous uzbek cuisine with its pilaf,
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male, lagman, flatbreads, watermelons and the sweetest melons. uzbekistan, like thousands of years ago, remains a place of attraction for any traveler. alexey glovko, sofia petrosyanko. news of the week from tashkent uzbekistan. the visit to uzbekistan will be the third foreign visit since vladimir putin took office for the next presidential term. his press secretary dmitry peskov said in an interview with the author of the moscow kremlin putin program host pavel zarubin about the russian leader’s schedule. in the good sense of the word an absolute workaholic. the schedule is indeed very tight, the president finishes his working day every day. far after midnight, every day far after midnight, in fact, early in the morning he is already, he is already connected, he is already functioning, such a period that requires very energetic efforts from the head of state, our president knows what and how to do,
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parliamentary elections will end in india in a week let me remind you that voting started on april 19, and since then it has not stopped; people have the right to vote in the country. 970 million people, this is more than the population of the european union, the usa and russia combined. and our correspondent evgeniy davidov will tell about how elections are organized there, the largest democracy in the world. bright images, national costumes, and polling stations are full of color. indian elections are entering the home stretch. the last of the seven stages of the election marathon is ahead. the largest democracy in the world.
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because they have resources and the poor have nothing. in general, the indian elections, like many things in the country, are among the most, the most numerous. there are 968 million voters eligible to vote, more than twice the population of the european union and nearly three times the population of the united states. and the longest month and a half so that all voters can get to the polling stations. all this time, the country is literally living with elections. long lines at the polling stations, indelible for several days, a mark on the index finger so that you cannot vote twice, people come with whole families, trying to vote early before
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the heat sets in. it's absolutely impossible so that people come out to vote in such heat, but people still have enthusiasm, they will go if we don’t come. may call me a fool or consider me crazy, but i am convinced that the almighty sent me to earth for some purpose. when this goal is achieved, god will complete my work. i am completely devoted to the supreme. for huge india, with a population of one and a half billion, and this is every sixth inhabitant of the planet, with its diversity of communities, ethnic groups and
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religious groups, leadership, a politician who can offer development program, is capable of playing a unifying role for a huge diverse electorate. wide. support for the ruling party is based largely on personal popularity on randremod, who is positioned as a man of the people. he grew up in a poor family that belongs to one of the lower castes. modi wants india to become a permanent member of the un security council and will insist on holding the 2036 summer olympics. he intends to land an indian astronaut on the moon and promised to turn the country into a developed nation by 2047, the centenary of independence. the prime minister is opposed by the main opposition force in the country. the indian national congress is the party that brought an end to almost two centuries of british colonial rule that ruled india for a long time.
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after which the wheelhouse crashed into a railway drawbridge. according to preliminary data, the ship lost control and the captain's bridge and wheelhouse were crushed as a result of the incident. no casualties were reported. and now our channel will continue to broadcast the program "parliamentary hour".
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hello, the parliamentary hour program is on air, we will tell you about the main decisions of the state duma this week. we are discussing the concept voiced by the government, and based on today’s conversation, recommendations will be developed. came to discuss proposals for improving tax legislation, invited representatives of the business and expert community in video conferencing mode, all regions of our country are connected, more than thirty of them are participating in person. what was discussed at the big parliamentary hearings, who will answer the housing question? we are the operator of all government support measures. the head of the house of the russian federation, vitaly mutko , reported to the state duma. what additional mechanisms do you see to solve the burning issue: eliminating the queue. for those in need, all the details of the government hour: 450 thousand rubles to
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pay off the mortgage, an important decision that will make housing more affordable for large families. deputies decided to extend the program for another 7 years. we will reapply and expect payment to be our mortgage will go down. as well as the expansion of social support measures, a new way to stop financial scammers is a dot on the map of patriotic tourism. see further in our program. main topic: improving tax legislation. the state duma began discussing the concept of changes proposed by the government. at the beginning of the week, it was presented by finance minister anton siluanov at the expert council of the budget and taxes committee. such an important issue needs to be discussed carefully and widely. as the chairman of the state duma said vyacheslav volodin, together with the business community, experts and regions, on thursday , on his instructions, large parliamentary hearings were held at okhotny ryad. my colleague
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alexander shavirin followed the process. there are more than 700 participants in large parliamentary hearings today. they were placed not only in the plenary meeting hall, but also here in the small hall of the state duma. representatives of the business and expert community were invited to discuss this important topic. all regions of our country are connected in video conferencing mode, more than thirty of them are definitely participating. we discuss concept voiced by the government. based on today’s conversation , recommendations will be developed; taking this into account , it will be easier for us to discuss the law. for our part, we understand the responsibility for consideration and adoption, but this is a government initiative. government initiatives were presented by finance minister anton seluanov. the tax system, according to him, must be stable and predictable, ensuring the flow of resources to solve large-scale government problems in the socio-economic sphere. sphere, stimulate investment and support healthy competition. the ministry of finance proposes not to increase
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vat, leave in force all preferential regimes for small medium-sized businesses and provide a tax amnesty for those who refuse to split their business, and introduce a progressive tax scale. we hear requests from the parliamentary corps to strengthen the progression in the personal income tax scale, the principle is applied in the countries of our neighbors, and where the upper part of the scale reaches... 25% in non-cis countries, where we know that the upper tax scale is rising up to 45-55%. the progressive scale is an approach that... has shown its effectiveness in other countries, said vyacheslav volodin. the speaker of the state duma proposed withdrawing the income of svo participants from it. the tax system should be fair, you propose a progressive scale, so that those who earn more pay more, those who earn less pay less. a progressive scale, let’s
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say right away that it will not affect the participant’s income. special military operation, they defend the country, they receive rewards for exploits, destroyed equipment, i wanted i would like the government to take into account the proposal of the state duma, what is your point of view regarding this? yes, thank you, dear vyacheslav viktorovich, we will certainly support this proposal. it’s too early to talk about the parameters of the tax system; the government will indicate specific values ​​in bills. today, the discussion of principles is extremely important here to hear all opinions and arguments, as the goals of the parliamentary hearings were outlined by the head of the relevant committee andrei makarov: you cannot collect more taxes than you are willing to pay the taxpayer himself, so people’s opinion about whether this is fair or not is the basis for the formation of an effective
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tax system. at the beginning of the week, the topic was discussed at a meeting of the expert council committee. the goal is to make our tax system fairer. today we have gathered with you to compare notes, to assess how much our views on what a fair tax system is coincide. a fair tax system should help reduce inequality, both in society and...
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on income tax, so that those who invest, who develop our country, our regions, are motivated to do this; also, as part of the personal income tax, it is imperative to link the adjustment of the tax with deductions for additional support for families with children, citizens who care about their health, who are actively involved sports. the head of the russian union of industrialists and entrepreneurs, alexander
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shokhin, noted the need to improve the current preferential regimes and proposed introducing understanding into legislation.
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there are also a number of territories, then you and i we understand that even average salaries in moscow are very far away. deputies of all duma factions, experts, representatives of the business community and regions expressed their positions at parliamentary hearings. changes must be accepted as early as possible; this is the general message from business, voiced by the president of support of russia, alexander kalinin. he noted that it is important to give entrepreneurs time. will prepare to work under the new rules, which are due to come into force in 2025. tax amnesty, according to alexander kalinin, is also positive would have an impact on law enforcement. today
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, tax increases for wealthy citizens are often blocked by threats of capital flight, excuse me, this is a bad road for me, you see, those who are ready
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in today’s situation to abandon their compatriots to try to save a few percent, conditionally, are not those with whom russia should go into the future. first deputy head of the communist party of the russian federation faction, nikolai kolomeytsev, believes that the discussion of the tax system should begin with equalizing budgetary security regions, increases... the faction also advocated the introduction of a progressive rate, while exempting those whose income does not exceed the minimum wage from paying personal income tax . look, in the twenty countries, we are the only ones who have a flat tax system. in the seven countries it is less than 52%, the maximum threshold, no, in 2001 you and i switched to a flat rate from 35. and today we timidly say 30, oh, that’s a lot. sergei mironov noted the need to introduce a special luxury tax. we have people who have helicopters,
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yachts, very expensive real estate, and i think it would be fair if they start paying a special luxury tax. representatives of the university community also spoke about the need to introduce a multi-stage model in progression. in my opinion, and theoretically, my practically. a fair scale of progressive income tax is when there are several steps, not two rates, not like 13 and 15, but somewhere around four or five rates. deputy head of the new people faction alexander demin noted that the progressive scale should work in both sides. the faction also proposes not to raise taxes for strategic sectors of the economy, teachers, doctors and families with two or more children. we propose not to raise taxes for... those who earn up to 5 million a year, leave everything as it is for them, and maybe then we will have a real strong middle class. if we are talking about a progressive tax scale, then it should work not
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only in the direction of increase, but in the direction of decrease. citizens with low incomes should pay less. president of the russian academy of sciences gennady krasnikov said that tax changes should stimulate the development of basic industries in the future leading to economic growth and the well-being of citizens. academy of sciences. will be proposed, discussed so that we can lay down all the parameters that, together with the government, with the state duma, choose the most optimal solutions, among the faction’s proposals, increasing the income tax for businesses that do not invest in...
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say that you have stability, you have an understanding that all social the state's obligations to you. no, but
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you’re worried, what will happen next? anton geongievich, does the ministry of finance hear the concerns of the self-employed? so it will be, we are also in our plans, as agreed, for 10 years, we are not changing this regime. large parliamentary hearings in the state duma lasted more than 4 hours, as a result, the tax budget committee formed recommendations of the state duma for transmission to the government, they included offers.
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parameters for improving the tax system, send them for consideration state duma deputies. alexander shavirin, anna melikyan, andrey tarasov, maxim koul, elena bogdan, duma tv, parliamentary hour. vyacheslav volodin represented the russian federation at the farewell ceremony for iranian president seyed ibrahim raisi. president vladimir putin gave this instruction to the chairman of the state duma. at a meeting in the kremlin, the head of state asked. convey to the leadership of the islamic republic words of sincere condolences in connection with the tragedy. at the funeral events in tehran, the chairman of the state duma conveyed the message of the russian president to the leadership of the people of iran. vyacheslav volodin also met with the acting head of the executive branch of iran, mahammad mahber. millions of mourners took to the streets of tehran and other iranian cities to say goodbye to their president, noted the chairman of the state duma upon returning to moscow.
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on this background. only a representative of the regime, who lives in a full sense of his exclusivity, can say such a thing; such boorish attitude causes more and more irritation among citizens other countries, due to washington’s policies , the very word american will soon become known throughout the world. almost half a million rubles from the state will again be available. the state duma in the first reading adopted a bill to extend the support program for large families. 450,000 rub. every family in which their third child will be born before july 2031 will receive mortgage repayment. read more in the report by maria burkova. on february 13, fedya made his mom
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and dad parents of many children, a family where three heroes are growing up, and dad is the only one breadwinner, state support is especially important, and fedya’s path is 2 months older, safonov would have already received 450,000 rubles to repay the mortgage loan. we learned a long time ago that such support exists, and of course, when fade was born, we went through it together. yes, we collected all the documents online, registered, submitted an application, and of course, we were sure of a positive result, but we received a refusal, and we were unpleasantly surprised, but the motivation was such that the program had already completed its activities. good news, soon ekaterina will be able to submit an application and expect approval. the program is extended until 2030. deputies
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reviewed the initiative. in the first reading, so very soon both fedya’s mother and other parents with many children will be able to count on financial assistance. we will apply again and hope that our mortgage payment will decrease; this will be good support for our family. state duma chairman vyacheslav volodin recalled that the bill was prepared on behalf of russian president vladimir putin. in his message to the federal assembly, the head of state set the task of so that large families where a third or subsequent children were born can receive from... the state a payment in the amount of 450 thousand rubles to improve living conditions, we need, well, not only to extend these support measures, but to help people create this particular down payment , which - with which many people have a problem, and if you don’t have a down payment, then those banks there worsen the terms of the loan, but this 450,000 also serves this purpose, so it’s very multifunctional...


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