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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 26, 2024 2:00pm-2:31pm MSK

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immediately after the advertisement, our broadcast will continue with a special report by olga kurlaeva border region about how residents of the belgorod region live, work and restore their homes under constant shelling from ukraine. alfabank is the best bank for business. send all payments and transfers without commission. open a business account with alfabank. thanks to shopping at the megamarket, someone will reach the finish line first. someone will create comfort in the apartment. someone will go on a long-awaited vacation. megamarket sellers are changing the world. megamarket - simple grow with us. great news:
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it’s worth flying around it all these shells, from downed missiles, parts are flying, but thank god, the temple remains intact, unharmed. kharkov mountain, the highest point of belgorod, from the windows of high-rise buildings you can literally see ukraine, here in a straight line.
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even here we stand, we are, it is unknown that everything is clear, but now, that is, here we are now will be in 5 minutes, we already know approximately where we will run, that is, wherever we are, yes, we look around like this, look, yeah, where will we hide in
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case of missile danger, in case of shelling, in case of arrivals, what we will do, well, this has already left such a big imprint on us, because i was in another city, i was in... they were at a volunteer festival and there were loud sounds, and i looked, only we twitched from the whole city, four belgorod residents, and it felt so offensive in my soul, it hurt, somehow a little not at ease, how can it be, how can it be, why are we, yes, on the other hand, who if not us, yes, we are an outpost, we are a border region, it has always been like this, an emergency regime has been introduced in seventeen settlements, people they offer to move to a safe place for a while... emergency situations, utility services clean, wash, clean city streets, repairmen replace windows broken by the blast wave, all this until the next shelling, houses can be restored, streets can be restored, property everything else,
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it’s scary, that you can't bring people back is broken lives, broken destinies, and we can restore it at least every day, at least every day, remove the fragments, insert new windows, but if we... now don’t cope with where it all comes from, we won’t push back, so to speak, the front, the front line from belgorod, then in principle. some kind of buffer zone or sanitary zone is needed so that rocket
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attacks cannot reach the city of belgorod, because drones are still easier to deal with than a massive rocket attack that appears in a few seconds heaven, well, god grant that this all happens, and we, of course, pray for the preservation of life. everyone. and yet, despite daily attacks in the ssu, life in the belgorod region did not stop. in the agricultural region that feeds central russia, the sowing season has begun. enterprises in border areas reorganized their work taking into account the missile threat. people are making plans for the future, helping their neighbors and the front, and are ready to shelter refugees from the other side of the border. we are all waiting for victory, we are waiting for the shelling to stop, we are waiting for the return of peace in the belgorod region. we are waiting return to peaceful work, we have a lot of plans, a lot of plans, we - i
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don’t see at all that we would stop, because we would like to do more, yes, but we are cleaning up ponds and rivers, major renovations of the hostel, free construction presentation of housing for large families, for families with disabled children, construction of the development of a children's health camp in crimea, in evpatoria, this is our project, so we’re okay. have not been stopped except for those projects that are located in close proximity to the border, and there, where this can no longer be done.
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the central square of the city of belgorod, for some time now, that the warrior sirens has changed, only today we met 12 times during the missile and aviation danger, in order to be able, such special ones consisted. 400, we tested it, took it to the test site, exploded the shells, that is, i understand which
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shells hold and which don’t, that’s why we have all these signs too, and we came up with this partition ourselves, on the posters there are step-by-step instructions for providing first aid in case of injuries, emergency phone numbers and addresses for storing first aid kits, you’re standing there, your legs are weak, you’re confused, you don’t understand, because you’ve been a teacher all your life, and you need some kind of help, so you come in and look, you need to do it in that one, in one case or another, diagonals, yes, it’s very simple, it’s clear that but in the city it’s easier, because there are a lot of medical institutions, the most important thing is to call them, give a message to indicate the point, stop supermarket windows lined with sandbags or blocked with concrete blocks , broadcast from screens in the square master classes on tactical medicine and chronicles of the great patriotic war. we didn't have an immortal.
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they didn’t, the authorities recommended taking them out of the border region, to where it is safe and possible to go to school, in the belgorod region 90 thousand schoolchildren have been transferred to distance learning, and of course, we are now planning,
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we hope for more federal assistance, we are asking for 2000... children's places in children's camps specifically for the summer, so crimea has already responded, the stavropol territory has responded, the moscow region, tula, as always, kaluga region, yaroslavl region, that is, we have many close friends, close friends, governors who actually call every day and offer their help, how to say, very correctly, they surrendered to the front line, residents were offered to move to temporary accommodation centers at the expense of the regional budget, but few of them agreed to leave their homes, especially now, when the russian military is advancing in the kharkov direction, driving the enemy away from the border. murom, this is how it turns out, how to say, from three sides to ukraine, from three sides, as they used to say,
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a godforsaken land, not forgotten, it’s a very beautiful village, good, but in terms of geography it’s like this... pressed into ukraine, how far is it to the border, but here directly, how many kilometers, here we stand from this places, near the border, the store is closed, foreign traders do not come here, they are afraid of their own, they arrive with a truck shop on schedule, regional authorities help with special transport, murom residents gather at a broken house, culture discusses news from the front and the cold has ruined the harvest.
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ukrainian hail is falling very close, people they’re huddling in the basement, but the lock on the door is jammed, now there hasn’t been such a whistle for a long time, darin, the women are counting the arrivals, trying to get through to relatives, so we’re sitting in the cellars, and if it’s like this, we’re like this now out of surprise, yes, that’s it it’s good that she whistled, but she exists without a whistle, she immediately fell, here you go, just like the people were in the city, she didn’t whistle.”
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which is far away, but two steps from ukraine with its listeners. this is how we are , this is how we run every time, you know, the one who is somewhere and not how, not i felt this, and we have already learned every whistle, noise, we have already learned the exits, where and what, we don’t need a siren, because we know how it is and what it hits, it’s indescribable, in that moscow or somewhere else . people will never understand what exactly the border zones are experiencing, even here belgorod, here they are, shibeikina tavalzhanki, we all conclude. the village head reports that this time everything went well, one of the shells fell 100 meters from us and did not explode, but fragments of enemy drones are already flying onto the roof, they freely hit the civilian population, freely, not wondering who is there, what is there, they released it,
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it’s ours, the truck driver hurries his wife in moments of calm, we need to pass a dangerous section of the road here, oh, my god, a fairy tale, tomorrow the entrepreneur, at his own peril and risk , will return here again to bring fresh bread to his fellow countrymen and milk, they won’t abandon their own, almost 6.00 residential buildings were damaged from ukrainian shelling from shibekin, the number is never given: the exact one, because it is growing, just overnight this block was shelled from a multiple launch rocket system, immediately 62 residential buildings remained without... the windows of the façade were damaged, they had just been repaired, here is
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the settlement from the last house, here is 450 meters to the border, the red one here is 500-600 meters to the pervomaisky border, well, here it’s about a kilometer there, so you understand, this is so, here is my middle, this is the village that we... shshabekinsky district knows all the hot spots where it flies from the ukrainian positions, everything that is missing from the minomi and artillery is finished off by kamikaze drones, you and i have been here for as long as we have been in the office, let it be 40 minutes, half an hour, there are already four resets only in krasny, four, that's half an hour, not to mention before your arrival.
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the operational headquarters would move, because they understood that they had to move, here he and i came under fire, already in the basement, probably saved us, because the artillery was the first arrival, it was the beginning of the most massive shelling of the belgorod region, on the night of 31 on may 1, on june 1, ukrainian troops alone fired half a thousand rockets and shells; in total, more than 800 large-caliber ammunition flew along the border, after which ukrainian drgs unsuccessfully tried to break through across the border, but remained lying in the forest belt. since that day
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, the shelling has not stopped, the ushibekinites have probably been around for 2 and a half years, well, it’s probably impossible to get used to this, it’s complicated and all this is wrong, but the skills that the shbekinites have today are probably thanks to the events that we carried out training,
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well, the fountain is working, the fact is that we turned it off, why is it warm outside, the fountain is contactless, we
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launched it there 2 years ago, a lot of kids gather, we understand that this place has already been targeted, a well-maintained embankment, a cozy urban space with a children's playground, this is how shikino residents are drawn to stay on the street, but for now, let it be a little. will subside, because as soon as i turn on people here, well, yes, god forbid, what will i do, of course, public utilities bring beauty to the city even on a day off, while it’s quiet, flower girls plant flower beds, artists paint murals on the facades , houses restored after shelling, in just an hour this peaceful life in the city will be interrupted by the ukrainian rszz, do not go out, they called, there is no connection.
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accordingly, if necessary, we quickly grab the victim, provide first aid, and then go to a place where it will be calmer. banks shared used barneviks, local businessmen chipped in to repair and re-equip the car. now such special transport is used to evacuate the wounded, transport repair crews and even farmers where ukrainian drones attack civilian vehicles. a minibus with workers was attacked when the special services, firefighters, ambulances, similar, vidrones, the same thing, did not allow me to work as a rescuer on the spot ; they hit their cars with a belly button. the head
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of the operational response department, a specialist in enemy drones and spy copters, here they are called beetles, cabinets, his offices are filled with trophies, then in fact, he works without a gps channel purely with a signal as a repeater between each other, this is a common, this is the most expensive toy , these are the toys the west supplies to the ukrainians and fight them accordingly, but nevertheless less found a way, we plant, we catch, there are heavier shells on the floor, they were neutralized by explosives experts from
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such a reconnaissance aircraft, which at the same time also brings death, this is part of the wing of a drone with a jet engine, the other day we noticed baplaa in the sky, which flies along a strange trajectory, as if is looking for a target, they are not fighting with the military, they are fighting with the civilian population, their task is to terrify ours, our residents, but our residents, believe me, are not... coal-fired, soon they will start knocking them down with shovels, this is sasha, it’s important to him so that friends are close, maxim always tells his friends yes, masha will help at any moment, and vanya will never keep you waiting. start a cool career at
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