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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 26, 2024 4:30pm-5:01pm MSK

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it's more profitable with sberim. 15.00 participants and two races along a 15 km long track. the main cycling festival of the city, fontanka fest, took place in st. petersburg. these are not only speed competitions, but also competitions, for example, the most interesting costume and bicycle design. the best shots and emotions in dmitry akimov's report. jackets and shirts are waiting in the closet on monday, this is a sports weekend in st. petersburg, one of the most beautiful tracks in the world, the western high speed ​​​​diameter is closed to cars, only once a year it turns into a huge a bicycle path, the geography of the entire country, 50 cities from vladivostok and kamchatka to kaliningrad, 10 or 12 countries, mostly understandable, these are neighboring countries , georgia, armenia, but there are. france
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and germany. the number of participants this year is a record 15,000 people. this is delight, a feeling of happiness and you know, unity. i love fun, i love trying on different looks, and i decided that i should show off. emotions, here we are, dancing, rejoicing, having fun, we feel so wonderful, there are so many positive, wonderful people. the biggest a team of more than 500 people was organized by gazprom neft employees. together with volunteers and special olympics athletes with mental disabilities. the main thing is to overcome the fear, the rest will work out. every kilometer covered by the race participants will be converted into liters of fuel by the gazprom neft gas station network for free travel for special athletes to training and competitions throughout the country. we believe that sport unites, yes, sport.
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of course, he is able to erase barriers between people, inspires to help, therefore today's charity event is part of our great cooperation with the special olympics of russia. all along this route, all participants are supported by this party bike base, that’s probably what it’s called. we thought, why not turn the wssd fs into something unusual and came up with the idea, let's turn this festival into the largest disco in russia. this bicycle disco is officially recognized as the largest; at the finish line its creators were awarded a diploma from the russian book of records. to the finish line in this cycling race, absolutely all participants are given these medals. there are no first or second places here, because everyone is a winner. one of them is tired but happy dmitry akimov. news from st. petersburg. the recent riots in bishkek, what caused them, what are their consequences, and how washington is trying to cut it off.
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anyone can pay per annum, open a deposit at great news, magnit stores offer free shipping. and also a 40% discount on popular products, order a magnet in the app, well, on nature, oh, what is this, and this is a spending scheme, there are different cards with cashback, why, you need one vtb card, vb, transfer to it for free from any bank, without commission restrictions , get cashback for purchases up to 25% in rubles, vtb, together everything will work out, this has never happened before, russian cold, 150 g of unprecedented
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4:35 pm
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welcome to asia, we invite you on an exciting journey to the very heart of the continent. today on the program is fear and hatred in kyrgyzstan. a look at the new world and zastany, where the sco meeting took place, and to whom this new world does not like how washington is trying to cut off central asia from the ocean. fear and loathing in bishkka, the night of long knives for foreign students, the capital of kyrgyzstan. the background is banal, an ordinary gopstop, have a light, no, and if i find it, a chase to the hostel, they drove the local non-locals, and then the local kyrgyz, they started breaking into the rooms and looting, for this one was beaten, and severely, and then
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a video appears on the network , describing that part of the events where non-locals torture him the most local. nobody delved into the background ; thousands of people took to the streets calling for the locals to be killed; officially, there were dozens of victims, mainly from pakistan, india and bangladesh. to make it clear how serious the situation is, the next day the government of pakistan urgently evacuated the students by evacuation planes, the incident was discussed at the level of the cabinets of the two countries, the country's president sadyr japarov promised that everyone involved in the pogroms would be severely punished, several people had already been detained. moreover, according to kyrgyz president, if this happens again in the future, the authorities will use force from the very first minutes, but the reputation, of course, will be tarnished. the ministry of education of kyrgyzstan called the incident a planned provocation and recalled that foreign students replenish the country’s budget by 12-16 billion
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soms every year, but not only students suffered. the press service of the state internal affairs directorate of the chui region told how on the same night about 70 people attacked a sewing workshop in selemidin. they work and live there. citizens from india, bangladesh and pakistan. foreigners were beaten and broken property, and also took away money and mobile phones. it is reported that more than sixty sewing shops have already closed in kyrgyzstan since the attack, according to nurzad ali myrzaeva, founder of the group successful model entrepreneurs. the incident with foreigners, as the attack on visitors is called in the local media, has already seriously hit industries. we specifically train girls for free, as soon as they learn, they leave, saying that they will work at home, all without... a technologist sews at home, so we had to attract foreigners to work, citizens of india and bangladesh work efficiently and peacefully, now they have left and i don’t know what will happen. now in kyrgyzstan they are asking the question, how random is such a surge of xenophobia? remember, just recently we
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quoted the words of the head of the country’s security council, remember what he named among the main potential security threats. a unipolar world that imposes its values ​​on others. will weaken, weaken the country, they need to organize interethnic conflicts, as
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we already had in our practice, our life in kyrgyzstan, this is the ninetieth year, 1990 there was an interethnic conflict in the south in 2010, the same interethnic conflict, this leads quite possibly to a large-scale civil war, we must not allow this. the nature of the riots, instant mobilization, mass cruelty - is this also a wake-up call for the authorities, who were reminded, and maybe even threatened, what the destructive potential of a crowd is? the situation that we had from the seventeenth to the eighteenth, it was on an everyday basis, first of all i want to say where it usually happens in all countries, but this everyday they wanted to use the soil precisely for political purposes, third forces, i... will say that they are connected directly, with our
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distant colleagues, we believe so, the conflict, naturally, could be used for their purposes in their interests directly, but due to the fact that our authorities responded to this situation in a timely manner, were able to suppress this situation, and now corresponding work is being carried out to identify... directly these organizers of the work. today russia is our locomotive, so let's say, our countries, in solving international problems that exist today throughout the world, and concerns the central asian region, this is the afghan problem, kyrgyzstan, tajikistan and uzbekistan, and kazakhstan today can be considered by western countries as... a springboard for further influence on china and the russian federation, this reason
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may be the main reason why we feel that the presence of third forces in such situations, in such mass unrest , is present in our countries. and here astana has made the kazakh view on the migration issue a mandatory requirement for those wishing to obtain kazakh citizenship. the state language at an elementary level, as well as knowledge of the basics of the history and constitution of the country. such amendments to the law were signed by the head of state not long ago. in addition, the law also provides for other changes aimed at further improving legislation in the field of population migration. and to other events: the heads of all five central asian republics expressed condolences to the people of iran in connection with the death of the country's president ibrahim raisi in a plane crash. kazakh and uzbek leaders kasym dzhamar takaev and shavka. mirziyev called the deceased’s contribution to the development of bilateral relations invaluable. serdar berdumukhamedov offered tehran all
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the necessary assistance that turkmenistan could provide. sadyr japarov personally visited the iranian embassy in kyrgyzstan to leave an entry in the book of grief. and imam ali rahmon took part directly in the funeral ceremony and other mourning events and stated that tajikistan is aimed for fruitful cooperation with iran in any circumstances. rahmon also had another foreign visit to baku. ilham aliyev. invited his colleague to increase trade and economic cooperation, not limited to the traditional aluminum sector. dramatic shots from behind the camp. a five-year-old child, who was left unattended, hung from the entrance balcony of the fourth floor. and he probably would have crashed if a random eyewitness had not rushed to his aid. the hero turned out to be a teenager, a seventh grader named akan. but his indifference is gone unnoticed. the akimat awarded the guy a tablet and a million tenge. the days of culture of uzbekistan were held in the national pavilion of the republic of navo dnh, where they showed examples of traditional arts, including such ancient ones as gold embroidery, making
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ceramics and, of course, carpet weaving. in addition, anyone could take a virtual tour of samarkand, bukhara and khiva. this week a meeting of the heads of the sco countries was held in astana. this is the final event in preparation for the summit of the leaders of the association, which will also take place in kazakhstan in july. the parties once again confirmed the general agreement. kazakhstan, as chairman of the sco, is making every effort to further strengthen the organization’s potential. i would like to take this opportunity to express my gratitude to the participating countries for their support of our initiatives
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and fruitful joint work. the main topic of the foreign policy agenda was the formation of the architecture of a new world order. the party proceeds from the fact that interaction within the sco is aimed at creating a security contour in eurasia based on close interaction between the eurasian powers themselves, but outside intervention is categorically unacceptable. but western countries are actively trying to establish their total control in the eurasian space unilaterally, and traditionally they are not shy in their choice of means. in the southeast of the continent, the united states is trying to escalate tension. in the taiwan strait, in the south china sea, including by creating bloc military structures similar to nato, and they are also being introduced into the everyday life of central asia, of course, when the central asia is of interest, no one is against the creation of communication formats,
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central asia is a plus, but when in the case of the united states the european union. demanding to report on how they implement secondary sanctions, our colleagues expressed indignation to me in conversations with such unceremoniousness and outright impudence, but the west is the west and the east is the east, but the west wants to refute kipling and not just converge with the east and raise the east under myself, i think
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this will not work, and the problem of eurasian security that i spoke about is of course assumes... a leader in tashkent. as the kremlin press service reported, the heads of state touched upon a number of practical issues regarding the further development of bilateral cooperation, including in the trade and economic sphere. and now about how everything actually works and why nothing works. according to calculations, up to 60% of the cost
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of products produced in central asia falls on logistics. well, there is no region of access to the ocean, steppe to steppe. all around, every extra kilometer to the end consumer is an addition to the cost of production and a disadvantage to competitiveness. this means that goods from, for example, karaganda will always be more expensive on the world market. in such conditions it is impossible to develop industry and the economy as a whole. there is a way out, to actively develop regional associations such as the eu and others; in fact, this is part of the second option - to make our way to the ocean. the key point on the map is the port of chebahar in iran. this. the fastest access to the ocean for the countries of central asia. the port is the largest geopolitical and geo-economic project and part of the formation of a multipolar world. there is huge interest in it in uzbekistan, turkmenistan and tajikistan. once again, this is a key link that can connect india with central asia throughout the greater eurasian space. but
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the united states appeared on the cloudless horizon of endless prospects. washington has made open threats against india and... we are aware that india and iran have signed a ten-year contract for the chabahar port, us sanctions on iran remain in place and we will continue to enforce them, anyone considering entering into business transactions with iran, must be aware of the potential risk to which he is exposed, as well as the potential risk of sanctions, because you cannot be friends with iran, because washington has decided so, so sit in your dead end. and we take everything that is beneficial to us from you ourselves. tell us how important this port is and what its capabilities are for the development of the economies of uzbekistan and other central asian countries. this is the region that... located inside the large eurasian continent, there is undoubtedly the iranian port of benderabas, which has long been
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exploited by the countries of central asia, in particular uzbekistan, but its location inside the persian gulf and, which requires exit through the narrow neck of the strait of armuz, it creates certain problems, because the strait of armuz is one of the most... militarized areas, so india also made a bet specifically on the port of chabahar, on the development of the port of chabahar, because for trans-eurasian trade, for north-south corridors, in the space of greater eurasia, the port of chabahar seems to be one of the most optimal. how sensitive are the attempts of the united states to restrict those wishing to work with this port, and whether this can be called. the struggle for new logistics. unfortunately, the united states in its foreign policy is increasingly relying on the policy
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of imposing extraterritorial, unilateral, illegitimate from the point of view of international law, sanctions against certain countries, and please note, only in the last month with sanctions, the united states has threatened georgia for its law on foreign agents, at the same time they threaten india for its attempts presence, expanding its presence in the port of chabahar and developing transport corridors, and north-south. in order to create problems for the implementation of the north-south project, the united states is even going to the extent of imposing sanctions against india, with which it has a vital relationship. relations, because the geopolitical and geo-economic value of the chabahar port, as a key point from which the trans-eurasian
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north-south transport corridor begins and ends, is an indicator of the value that the chabahar port represents. what else do you remember about the past week? it was solemnly celebrated in turkmenistan. two national holidays at once: constitution day and national flag day. the president of the country, ministers and elders laid flowers at the koshkhobat flagpole, which, by the way, is the tallest in the world, rising to 133 m. serdar birdomukhamedov also held talks with the secretary general of the commonwealth of independent states sergei lebedev. he arrived in ashgabat to participate in a meeting of the heads of government of the cis. lebedev noted the high level of preparation for the summit thanked the turkmen leadership for this. the russian delegation to the summit is headed by prime minister mikhail mishustin. the kator financial holding will pay 65 billion tenge for the purchase of the kazakh berike bank, which, let me remind you, was previously a subsidiary of the russian sberbank. information about the deal has already been officially
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confirmed in doha; all that remains is to obtain permission from the regulatory authorities of both countries. kazakh riders, who participate in the traditional equestrian competition, set off on a long journey from pavlodar to astana. marathon the race over a distance of five thousand kilometers is dedicated to the 125th anniversary of the birth. the outstanding soviet scientist geologist kanysh sadpaev, the winner of the race will receive a 15 million tenge ticket to the world nomad games. the turetsky choir performed with great success in one of the parks in tashkent. the open-air concert of the famous group was attended by hundreds of people, from children to the elderly, and even the sudden rain did not spoil the impression. and this is filming a video trap in a nature reserve. maghem of the turkestan region of kazakhstan. in the camera lens hit two snow leopards at once. let me remind you that these incredibly beautiful and predatory cats are recognized as the national symbol of the republic, but now their population,
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unfortunately, is very small. russian philanthropists from the russian lamp foundation donated specialized typhoid-educational literature for blind, visually impaired children in the city of ozh in kyrgyzstan. a large batch of such valuable and rare pedagogical material. sent to a local boarding school, the project was inspired by the administration of the president of russia. our school is studying training is conducted in russian, we teach using the braille method, we didn’t have enough technical equipment, in all subjects, physics, biology, chemistry, primary school, we received it specifically for laboratory classes, for this individual work with children, we received an allowance , we don’t produce this, and it was very nice. educational literature, educational literature we also received, of course, the children were very happy, the teachers, we would especially like to note the key role in the implementation
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of the project on the part of the russian... russian lampada charitable foundation, representatives of this foundation have repeatedly visited the southern region of kyrgyzstan, we are further ready to assist russian charitable organizations and institutions in promoting their solutions in the south of kyrgyzstan, and here we are very much interested in this. well, we also believe that this kind of support fully fits into our strategic friendly relations between peoples. celebrations dedicated to the poet’s tercentenary anniversary continue in turkmenistan. merged magtymguly frags. in the foothills of kapidag, a colossal statue was erected, matching the scale of genya. the height of the sculpture is 60 m, the diameter of the paste is 25 m. it contains poems by the poet himself, as well as lines from a poem by gurbanguly berdumukhamedov, a treasure trove of magtymguly’s mind. next to the statue of magtymguly are sculptures of foreign thinkers, including shakespeare, dante, chingis aitmatov and fyodor dostoevsky. at the end of the ceremony, the sky of ashgabat was lit up with a light show
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and fireworks. that's all for us, see you as usual next week in central asia, take care of yourself! it is clear to everyone that russia is not a country of gas stations, we can take russian digital solutions to new heights, there are prospects, ours are more brutal, yes, ours are more brutal, there will be more, how exactly does digital help? not original in their questions: what about production, raw materials and exports in general? what is our product?
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who will protect you if not me, many donetsk residents went to the front almost immediately after graduating from school, went in a roundabout way to serve as volunteers, learned what it’s like to actually be in a war, on the front line lines, the younger one is also a brother, 17 years old, seryosha, also wants to go the same way, i realized that i can’t sit anymore. there is a lot to learn from young guys.
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a unit of the west group of troops liberated the village of berestovoe in the kharkov region. our ministry of defense reported this. during the day, air defense systems shot down five atak ms missiles, 32 khaimars and vampire missiles, as well as a neptune anti-ship missile and over 40 drones. the enemy lost about 1,600 fighters. a joint project. russia and
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uzbekistan in the economy, industry, vladimir putin will discuss trade and energy.


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