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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 26, 2024 5:30pm-6:00pm MSK

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and my internal sources in the intelligence services back in december twenty-one, three months before the invasion, said that russia was going to invade, that this was all, this was not a joke, and i wrote a letter in which a combination of lend-lease and flying aircraft was proposed to prevent war tigers, because in the forties, when it came to britain, the usa gave 50 destroyers.
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okay, we don’t need a war in ukraine, it will never join nato, but it will have aviation, because in 2022 we already had 200 aircraft, decommissioned from active service sent to the desert, fifty in 15, 50-16, several a10, and it would not have cost our taxpayers anything, they should have been sent to this cemetery in the desert forever anyway, send it all to the ukrainians, it would have cost less than billion dollars. war is averted, not a word more, that’s all, but it’s obvious that they wanted war, apparently, yes, why? well, or they themselves believed in their own nonsense, that their flexing of muscles and their show off would scare, listen, i understand why the russians were so angry about all this, because if the russians are with the chinese if they were going to include the northern parts of mexico in the defense alliance of russia or china, then we would... this would also anger us, yes, of course,
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if they, what happened when they put their missiles in cuba in 62, this is unacceptable, exactly, and i’m interested, i understand that there are many different nuances in this situation, but what i don’t understand is the sending of kamala haris to the munich security conference, where she, in full view of the entire press , told zelensky on camera: we want you to join nato, you just say that if you want...
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well, yes, obviously he is still a child, a capricious and angry child, but what is happening and what will happen next, we sent another 60 billion dollars to ukraine,
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that it is already tank season? for war , the weather still matters, and if you, you know, have plowed land covered with wet snow, which is very dirty and impassable, then the tanks have nothing to do, mud season, mud season, i think the russians call it unraveling, great slush, but it is already over, when june comes, the serious game will begin, the russian bear in my opinion i'm hungry. so the ukrainians are in trouble, so the war should have ended, it shouldn’t have started, they should have frozen the lines in the first six months and concluded a deal, but they tried, but the biden administration thought that all these american weapons would solve the issue, it didn’t solve it, it worked terrible, and you see, the russian command is not idiots, they know their history, the battle for kursk, which happened in... just north of where
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the battle is now, it was the largest tank battle in history, the last attempt the german army to counterattack the soviets, there is a ledge there, they tried... to go this ledge from the north and south at the same time, but the russians knew that the germans were coming, they built many lines of defense, that’s what they did last summer, where our weapons went, and now the ukrainians are much weaker, they have serious problems with corruption, all the defenses that the ukrainians were supposed to build are either weak or non-existent , which allows the tanks to maneuver, especially if the ground dries out, so the summer will be very difficult, it will be very... what do you think the russians want? at the moment, they want to completely humiliate the west, and also make sure that they will never have problems with ukraine again. well, it is quite achievable. i'm afraid so . what will happen to ukraine? i'm not sure
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it will remain as an independent country. if they capture odessa, if they take away from ukraine the opportunity to export its grain, then in the long run this will become a serious threat to the existence of the economy. but i never believed in it, i know, but i don’t know who is currently advising the white house or who they listen to, but they should probably change their list of advisers, but when your guest secretary, that clown, secretary of state tony blinken, a parody
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of boomer, shows up at this robo-concert and tells the ukrainians that we are with you forever , how can you even say something like that,
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“artillery smashes and destroys everything, a senseless waste of lives, but this is the fault of our authorities, they are also responsible to some extent, and it’s shocking how much our government has become a uniparty, you, apparently it’s not shocking that they don’t care about how many ukrainians died, and they actually don’t care about american deaths either, yes, fair enough, eric prince, thank you, thank you, tucker. it’s hard not to notice the legendary
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solutions, such as a children's savings card, limited design, free registration, access to a sim card with a swow tariff, a month of communication for free and 100 gb, full control of my expenses payment sticker, apply now for a children's savings card. an adult approach. this is america, a program about a country that is difficult to understand. hello. the us presidential election is not only a competition of ideas and money. this is also a battle of new technologies. at the beginning of the 20th century. the ability to record the voices of candidates created a sensation; the first phonographs
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created a real sensation in america. radio in the roaring twenties expanded the election audience in an unprecedented way, and the fifties taught voters to literally pay closer attention to politicians. then there was the internet, then social networks, 2024 is primarily artificial intelligence. the us presidential race is now running parallel to the technological race, with chatbots learning to understand american politics in real time. almost every week a new algorithm appears that is superior to the previous ones . huge changes are taking place in the field of artificial intelligence. the archaic american election system, where voting machines still seem to work in some states. people who want homemade disinformation, tools
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to influence elections no longer need to deal with artificial intelligence help create an army of bots that sound like real people and are controlled by a single person, and such a person was found, he was back in 2016, and he was for trump. he is the tallest, but most importantly, he is the best. with so many compliments, trump literally praised brad parscale at one of his rallies. brad parscale - author of digital victory, as it is called, digital victory trump in the 2016 election. what did he do? in collaboration with the infamous cambridge analytica, parscale was micro-targeting voters. the trump campaign, the republican headquarters ... knew perfectly well down to the details who exactly they were addressing with their election
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messages, to whom what message and how to formulate it, and so on. all this data was collected on the basis of digital portraits of voters on social networks, primarily on the social network facebook, which is banned in russia. and now pareil worked with trump, became literally a digital champion, and then there was a scandal in... trump over the storming of the capitol, he left, then he started having family problems, there was even information that he wanted to commit suicide and... now parsky returns to to engage in artificial intelligence in the trump campaign at a decisive moment. we teach artificial intelligence to scan the internet, collect data and predict people's decisions. please note that next to parscale's face in this video is the name of the company campaign nucleus. parscale positions its company as a kind of
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one-stop shop for conservative politicians, which, with the help of... artificial intelligence provides them with political services that previously required a large investment of resources, for example, the help of volunteers or sending out election letters. well, it’s interesting that if you look at the trump company’s website, then at the bottom there will also be a logo with the name of the company campain nucleus, that is, parscale is already collaborating with the trump campaign, however, as he himself admits, his ambitions are much broader. in a couple of years, you 'll be able to vote with your phone. artificial intelligence will compose press releases and letters for donor constituents. everything is done for you, not for the left. if you are not for traditional values, you cannot use my program because i am not for sale. however, not everyone is so principled and not everyone is so clean, because artificial intelligence is in many ways
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dirty technologies. this is a new round of what used to be called black pr. in politics, and examples of the use of such technologies already exist, at the democratic party primaries in january, voters in new hampshire were called by joe biden, who said he convinced them that they did not need to go to the polls. if you come out to vote, you will only help the republicans elect donald trump again. your vote is needed in november, not now. if you do n't want them to call you again, press two. the story in new hampshire is an example of the use of deep fake technology in relation to audio files, but video and photos are not far behind; there are a lot of photos of trump on the internet posing next to black voters, this is also a fairly effective technology, the fact is that black african americans
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are now ceasing to support biden and moving to trump, in general, apparently this also helps. creating the illusion that trump is already holding such special rallies for blacks, when this is not the case. there is also an example of negative pr against trump, these are photographs of the famous trump behind bars, already in prison, this is also deep fake technology, and trump’s company also does not hesitate to resort to this technology when biden announced that he would be nominated as a presidential candidate very quickly with the help of artificial intelligence... they drew a video in which they showed the america that it will become under biden, there, millions of migrants are invading these united states of biden, on the streets crime, poverty, in general, a picture of the apocalypse on eve, which yes, was also painted by artificial intelligence, ready-made solutions on how
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to counter this, how to work with it, they essentially don’t exist, just like that on the terms of... anonymity with great caution, nose they comment with very serious concern on the participation of artificial intelligence in biden’s own headquarters. it's hard to talk about the positives of generative ai when attackers are using fake voices, images, and video clips against you. this is as difficult as talking about the advantages of the ak-47. one of the political strategists close to biden’s campaign headquarters said on condition of anonymity. weapons in the usa are not allowed by the second amendment, but as for artificial intelligence, then in general, the legislative terrain is incognito, a black hole. back in september last year, two democratic senators and two republican senators introduced a bill that would prohibit the use of fake fake technologies, including various techniques for simulating
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images or audio during elections, but there are no chances. there is practically no chance that this law will be adopted before the vote in november, because the situation in congress in general is very precarious, they were only able to agree on ukraine, and each side hopes, from this gray legislative territory, for which is now the problem of artificial intelligence, each side hopes to collect more dividends for itself, this is how the authors of the bill themselves... considering the ease of use of this technology, the activity of foreign domestic opponents, our democracy is in a perfect storm when people... can distinguish fact from fiction, democracy is impossible. deep fakes threaten not only presidential but also local elections, like the recent chicago mayoral election. the senator
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talks about the story that happened on chicago mayoral elections, one candidate there, polvalos, became a victim of type-fakes. a photograph of him appeared on social networks, and over it was a voice similar to wallas’s, and he said terrible things that the police would have calmly shot in front of him. 17 or 18 people and no one would have blinked an eye and no one would have reacted to it, but in the end the post was promptly deleted, so wallas lost the elections, it cannot be said that because of this, but in this way, probably, for the first time artificial intelligence took part in the already completed election campaign in the united states in the states, they tried to portray me as an ultra-right conservative, a republican, a defender of the police, such stuff puts you in the position of a denier and in any case causes damage. if so, then they will continue to be used cheaply, as they say, god
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created people different, artificial intelligence as a cult made them equal. it's reminiscent of the early days of social media, when there were no rules, like the wild west. the same thing is happening now with images created by artificial intelligence. artificial intelligence can help heal people to fight climate change, but at the same time it is a risk to our society, national security economy. in a sense , we can talk about a certain karmic response that americans receive, but it’s no secret that the united states has been promoting the same color revolutions for years, with the help of all the advanced social technologies, social engineering, and then social networks, and now it turns out that these color revolutions
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may boomerang and return with the same thing artificial intelligence into america itself, and here the eerie metaphor, of course, looks like donald trump, who appears in the image of the joker, chaos reigns in the world, the world is enveloped in evil, you think, this will give rise to even more evil. yes, the world is a very evil place. what advantages does deepfake provide for the directors of such videos, it is clear that you can create any situation, even in the white house, move the heroes, even, i don’t know, into low-earth orbit, or , for example, put trump in the reporter’s chair, and biden in the reporter’s chair. who they take an interview, and this interview is clearly going poorly. how are you, joe? come on, wake up, sleepy joe. wait, who are you? do we know each other? the pill hasn't worked for me yet. by the way, biden here looks like
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richard nixon, who was unable to keep up with technological progress in 1960. the famous debate with john kennedy. the dawn of american television. kennedy's team and his producers were very attentive to what we television people now call the word picture; a dark blue suit was specially selected so that the presidential candidate would the democratic party stood out against the background of the gray studio, but nixon’s suit was in lighter colors, it seemed to blend in with the studio, and nixon himself looked unwell, pale and greenish after the flu, of course, all this could not happen. affect the perception, it is interesting that, if we take the essence of what was said, nixon’s speech was excellent, radio listeners liked it, they then put him in
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first place, not kennedy, but television viewers had already determined everything, well, new technologies, new technologies, deep fakes, social networks, artificial intelligence, good old...
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the latest polls from the new york times show that the democrat is losing to the republican in five of the six swing states. however, biden still won’t go to this debate without insurance. there are several conditions that democrats have put forward for this debate to take place. firstly, there will be no live audience there, because everyone knows that trump always feeds off the crowd, and for him it is very... very important when there are people supporting him, and secondly, the moderators of these debates will have the opportunity to turn off the microphone for each participant at the moment when they see it necessary, this is also, of course, directed against trump, because the 45th president of the united states can speak in front of an audience for hours, he has no problems, he does not stutter like biden. the third point is that only liberal television networks can be allowed
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as organizers. nbc and spanish-language tv, and cbs and cnn, here is fox news, where , although there are no tuckers or carlsons, there are still presenters who can ask biden unpleasant questions, these presenters will not be at the debate, and there will be no third candidate at the debate, it is clear that here we are talking primarily about robert kennedy jr., however, this is a plus for both, because each and... biden and trump believe that kennedy could encroach on their part of the electorate. the first date, not by chance, is june 27. why was this date chosen? well, there is such a conspiracy theory that if biden is really bad and loses at this debate, then the democrats will have exactly 6 weeks left to decide on a possible replacement and
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present it at the end of august. at the democratic party convention in chicago, here you can’t get by with any artificial intelligence, you’ll have to find someone real to do it pretty quickly. this was america, all the best to you. just funny, i haven’t experienced something like this for a long time. awesome, very cool, energizing, great emotions, actors, just gorgeous, mom, this is alice, i liked alice and her boyfriend, and sasha petrov really, really made this film in general, i see everything, i fan of konstantin
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khabensky. the indicators are normal, we can start. i liked kira the most. yuri borisov, the best actor, everything was just done very cool, it just clicked. i don’t know if this will actually be the case in 100 years, but i would like it to be so. you are so touchy, hands, we will meet in the future. what is 100 years in the future, i thought a lot during these 100 years.
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i’m not a fighter, i came for my brother, here all the feelings are heightened to the limit, happiness has been resurrected. me, she loves me, call sign passenger, go, i’ll come back for you, do you hear, massive shelling of the belgorod region and belgorod itself.


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