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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 26, 2024 7:30pm-8:00pm MSK

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that is, as if i was distant from the news, i didn’t delve into everything in any way until i met a person who told me how everything really was, i went, well, so to speak, it switched, some kind of toggle switch went off, after living for 2 years in russia in 2016 , the architect went to the dpr as a volunteer and served in the donbass for 4 years, you served here until the twentieth year, from 16 to 20, well, the fighting ended, the active ended, but still. some continued - yes, well, that is, not like now, but there was something, well , that is, i took part, well, yes, i an active tanker, he was now in civilian life, after the start of the northern military district, the architect went to the military registration and enlistment office and wanted to go to the front as a fighter. it started in the winter, i went to the military registration and enlistment office, but i no longer pass due to health reasons, then i decided to help with humanitarian aid, at first it was copters and all that. what
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everyone succeeds in is that they came to the tank specification closer to the summer, in the summer the kontakt-1 project, that is, the production of metal molds for dynamic protection by the national military-industrial complex will take a year, initially to help with this very necessary consumable the architects asked a colleague, the contact 1 project arose from the fact that the tankers asked and said that... we already say, well , that is, we don’t have enough boxes, we should do it, is there such a possibility, we made tower keys, probes, everything people also did it for free, at first this idea seemed very wild, like, well, it’s a box, it’s a military-industrial complex, that’s all, so we decided to try it, it worked, people understand how important it is and they try. over the course of a year, the contact-1 project
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seriously scaled, but it all began as it always happens, through mistakes. the first batch of metal forms had to be redone, or rather, adjusted to size. and the reviews, what were the first ones, that everything fits, everything works, yes, i understand correctly, that’s why you started mastabing everything, well, yes, of course, but i didn’t know anyway, the first set, the first set was there, i had to do it a little - do a little, that’s all the rest, the scale has grown. just because it ’s needed, everything, of course, everything fits, otherwise we wouldn’t have done it, uh-huh, uh-huh, the first batch - it was one set - we brought it to the guys to those who received the boxes now, uh, they gave us all the measurements, they helped us, that is, so that it was all correct, and then - we made there, well, five or six sets a month, now we have a volume of 40, well, up to 50 reaches. the most was 48, but
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now it doesn’t happen less than thirty a month, thank you very much, now we’ll wrap it all up, tie it up, the enterprise is a long time ago, well, in our country it helps, someone makes cats, someone else does something else, someone is a rapist, this is the first time we heard about dynamic protection, uh, they asked how it was, well naturally, i went to someone, brought it, showed a sample, and to someone i simply gave the drawing with the design and forwarded it, because i couldn’t go to irkutsk. let's go, let's say, this is how it happens. in most cases, enterprises help a volunteer project not with money, but with products or capacity. how it works? organizations themselves contact the architect, through his telegram channel, he is named in the light of events, for example, a company can help with metal. next, the volunteer asks another familiar enterprise to make the necessary forms from metal. the third organization for example, it helps to cut the workpiece. a fourth company or private owner can help with logistics. well, and so on, and we tried
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to write letters to factories, but so to speak, in the general mass it is very difficult to find those who want to help, so we threw out a cry in telegram, in telegram, and well, the big telegram channels responded to our help, they helped, posted that we are looking for a company that can manufacture for free, but the company contacts us and asks for drawings, samples, we then accept the products, because it is very important here to maintain the dimensions, there must be some kind of gap like this, that is, this is very important, then we coordinate everything at our central warehouse. enterprises from all over the country participate in this cooperation, this is not an exaggeration, they participate as much as possible. enterprises help from irkutsk to rostov-on-don, if by city, this is more than 54 cities, in some city there are two or three enterprises, four in moscow is about. i can’t even say how much,
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because today these guys can help this month, other months the guys help like this then until... well, now let's return to tashkent, where vladimir putin arrived on a state visit, the russian president began by laying flowers at the monument to independence and humanism in tashkent, under the blue dome of the monument there is a relief wall telling about the three-thousand-year history of uzbekistan are reflected here. the most important events in the history of the country, as well as the five main points of the development strategy, which shavkat mirziyoyev announced after coming to power. the russian leader was told about architectural features of the monument and showed a presentation of preparation projects for the asian games and new tashkent. if you
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agree, we will agree that the history remains and one street of the new tashkent is st. petersburg.
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so as not to damage the gasket, there are 20 pieces here, it is made of paronite, made by oleg from barnaul, that’s all, absolutely everything, the whole essence of the project is contact 1, the essence of the project is contact one, helping the front free of charge, that is, people make everything for free, we don't pay for all this because firstly, we don’t have the resources, and secondly , it’s much easier to help people with production and materials than with finances.
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for uavs, someone conducts classes in tactical medicine, and so on, and what is noteworthy is that over the 2 years that the north military district has been going on, the number of people helping the troops not only has not decreased, but on the contrary has increased.
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3d printers in the st. petersburg apartment of volunteer sergei chmakhun work, it seems, around the clock. now the range of what sergei sends to the front is quite large. and the most popular are the so-called resets for copters, quite a lot of different ones for different troops, for copters we do, for example, we make resets for copters, tables, that is , just small ones or wogs are inserted into the reset, or some of our homemade ammunition, that’s enough it’s convenient to equip, that is, in principle, this is the table you can use. equip directly under the copter and
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, accordingly, then the copter starts directly from the table. there are different options. nwo is called the drone war for a reason. together with the fpv picture of the battle has been changed by copters with resets, they are also called ultra-small bomber aircraft. so these same resets are plastic elements that sergei prints. depending on the enemy. sergei chmykhun began helping the front in the spring of twenty-two, after some time he learned of the progress of the skilled front and created his st. petersburg branch, that is, he united enthusiasts like him in his city. each of them does something for the front in their office. i’ve been doing
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excavations for quite a long time, well, digging activities, i’m collecting a collection of medals, coins and orders of various types and, accordingly, even before the heap was engaged in repairing metal detectors, that’s when our svo began, the guys and my son became friends with me in the army, and just when the helicopters arrived in belgorod, then we were really on tenterhooks, let’s say , we were sitting there and... just around the same time, the guys turned up to use metal detectors to get them for the north military district, and that ’s when my volunteer activity started in april, so i had to basically... then even sell some my duplicates and with this money i bought six printers, in general, they are now printing at full capacity. by training, sergei radiotechnik now produces , among other things, tactical rap equipment for the front. but it all started with resets, which , however... his 3d printers are actively printing to this day, well, the conditions, in general
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, are not particularly strong, you need a printer, in general, a computer on which the modeling is done directly, well, a printer in general, right now he’s printing, for example, an antenna cover for a reb, right there at the back supply of plastic on such reels, respectively, well, for copters, here we have one of what is installed. this is a double reset, two vog se or vog-25 are inserted here, in general, this is how it is released, this is just the insert for option seventeen, you can also install the reset under the grenade, respectively, this is the grenade, for example, like would be inserted into the copter, there is also this single one , also for different types of ammunition for... for example, you can make it from a sewer pipe, it works very well. demand for what sergey makes in his area
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is really very large. quite often chmykhun begins to invent and create some element according to the fighters’ requests. in principle , we have weekly shipments of several pieces, that is, in principle, there is often one large shipment, well, let’s say it’s the volume of my car, this is for some or a large division, there’s a lot in the container, that is ... in principle, almost everyone on the market is supplied with ours, so when some boats are sunk there, it’s our products. there is feedback on all products and , accordingly, for example, for example, on these products, previously they stabilized relatively poorly, they asked, we made the plumage better, and accordingly they began to stabilize better in flight. and the wind doesn't interfere. initially, in addition to buying 3d printers, chmyhun
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also bought plastic with his own money. later, some organizations began to help with materials. sergei plans to significantly expand and increase production, but so far there are no resources for this. well, in general, this is how we print this is, of course, at home, but let’s say that all this is done at home , but the volumes are still not very much achieved. yes, of course, they help a little. some companies use plastic, but to be honest, the volumes are still required tens of times more, well , in general, now we need to somehow solve the issue in more detail with the premises, because after all... houses are, of course, production and life is two different things after all, so, accordingly , we want to help us more, that is, in principle, so that maybe some people can hear us, maybe companies, so that somehow they simply helped us not even with money, but simply with the same plastic, but naturally, as if we can give 10 times more, then our guys will be able to work
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remotely, 10 times more, and i will have to go to the shtakovy, what is called an attack to walk, come on, come on, come on, pages.
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both civilians and military personnel, and the fourth group regularly goes behind the tape on business trips. call sign tishina, battalion commander with whom the volunteers are working. in russia they organized a center, respectively, their leader, one of the entrepreneurs who does not want to say so, advertise his name, who helps the north military district front here in donbass, helps.
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when a soldier must help himself to a colleague with his eyes closed, work at the training ground involves complete immersion in the real situation, that is, these are trenches, dirt, fatigue, some kind of irritability and all other factors. in our courses, we also use stress factors, that is, we try to train muscle memory, consolidate it all at the level of muscle memory, we introduce stress factors into the training process and so on. respectively. to the beginning of bewilderment, then the guys get involved, actively take part, the most important thing for me is that at the end of the day we remain in touch with the commanders, with the guys we trained, when we just receive voice messages saying that we succeeded, we got out of the battle, we we saved the wounded, we are doing well, thank you for the knowledge gained, this is probably something
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worth continuing for. guys get injured at night and in winter, all these conditions and factors too. mutual assistance also - understanding in principle the situation on the battlefield, because tactical medicine is the pre-hospital stage of assistance, and uh, when people who have not previously taken part in hostilities find themselves on the battlefield, they are not oriented in what is needed not only provide assistance, but also figure out where things are located, how to move, how to move, zones, concepts of zones. in classes, no one
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is called, does not serve the number. the importance of these skills in a real combat situation is well understood by everyone. classes, we thank them very much, thereby increasing the level of professionalism in this area in tactical medicine, so that those moments that were earlier... so to speak, there was bitter experience, not bitter experience, where fighters on their own could help their comrades, compress wounds, apply some kind of
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tourniquets, and so on and so forth, i remember, if your colleagues had this knowledge then, would it have saved a lot of lives? i think 60 percent, i think yes 60 percent, tactical medicine, if that moment would be this level. well, probably my upbringing, the views of my family, my family supports me in my activities, and i skate for the ribbon regularly,
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now this is my fifth business trip, we come for a month, respectively, we work for a month, that is, my direct participation here has already been for 5 months, i believe that my duty is to help the guys and save their lives, that is, by taking an active part in... their training, i am making my contribution to the number of surviving fighters. with one of the most famous donbass volunteers sergei parshikov, call sign lynya, we deliver cargo to units. usually we form the cargo according to the application, the departments say that we need what they need, but you are from the cargo that arrives, but 2 years have already passed, the scheme has already been developed. in the applications that come in as a lousy guy. the unit does not have any household items, it is only narrow-profile equipment, for example, now lynya brought a tactical-level rap system to one of the units, we are passing on
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the rap system, we will not reveal the units to the guys, because it is a rap system, it a portable system with its own power source, it is installed in blocks here above the head, this is so that the crew can calmly go to a position to close their own, for example, an assault, an fp action, so, in donetsk. until the age of fourteen, sergei had a security agency in his native rostov; he and his comrades often traveled to orphanages with humanitarian aid. the decision to help donbass in 1914 arose naturally. of course, it happened naturally. at that moment we were already working with children, we were constantly carrying some kind of documentary gifts, candy for children in orphanages. and then it began. but we were sitting on the air, this is an etheric ethereal field that you are creating, we were sitting on the air directly charged with this, that there’s a problem, we took our mitaka all for the first time, somehow we got involved, got involved, and
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then the losses began here you can no longer leave, when you first came here, you can’t come back from here, you looked at how people live, what kind of trouble there is, in the fourteenth and fifteenth years lynya brought humanitarian aid to the militia, and to civilians, who at one point found themselves in war conditions, during which time parshikov was wounded three times. thank you very much, thank you, i warned everyone, man, i passed, i had two lungs in the summer of the fourteenth in the spring of 15, on may 8 , 1915, a heavy wok flew straight into my fingers in novo left, i was evacuated then to rostov, i was dropped and 3 years of recovery , in the very first days of the northern military district , parshikov again went with cargo to the donbass, at that time the nature of the assistance was not only technical, in the spring of the twenty-second he brought uniforms to those mobilized from the dpr and lpr bulletproof vests, in the newly liberated... severo-donetsk lynya brought food. since about the autumn of the same twenty-second year, the help profile has been only technical. lynya was one of the first humanitarian workers who began bringing
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the fpv unit. the profile is technical, especially since we are mainly engaged not only in delivery, but in the development itself, namely in the popularization of this movement itself, and when fpv was needed, yes, we had the first boys there, yes, these are beavers, well, so famous , yes, the first ones who were in the beer store, they , well, physically infected us. ideas practically everyone, there at one time we had tamlens, boats, we sat, we told everyone how they communicated with them, pulled it to the masses, you see the result now a year has passed, we already have a bunch of all the perichniks, and we have really reached a certain level , and the enemy felt this very strongly, and a little earlier, lyna was actively supplying a 3d printer to the unit, a print was needed, we supplied it, then we had a house, if you remember, there is a large base in donetsk, we printed this one there, supplied 3d farm, everyone was shown that it works, how... they gave them as a gift to the unit for work, they simply gave them away to everyone, now in donetsk , in fact, every second unit has 3d printing only because of what they saw from others and how they do it, for more than 2 years
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of military operations. ..and from private sponsors and from the fundraisers that he conducts on telegram through boris rozhen’s channel kolonel kasat, i have a donor there who consistently sends me 5,000 rubles a week there. we have a small collection, we have about 4 million in total now and this is what you are planning for it’s just that on this visit, among other things,
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workers brought linya to donbass. his task is to help with finances and materials and connect enterprising people to projects. the flamethrower is currently in use. i won’t go into detail, but now a flamethrower. flamethrower and self-propelled fast radio-controlled tracked platform. at the beginning of 2014 , someone tell the owner of a rostov security company how the next 10 years of his life will go.
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a completely civilian person will spin, yes, in general , for example, in july i will already receive my first wound i couldn’t imagine that everything was so bad in the fifteenth year, i stopped my activities, i was seriously wounded, it took me a long time to recover, and it was like when the war began, this is the second year, we were all there, we got up , we went a lot, we just left the house , we went here during this filming in donbass - arenas. nearby behind the scenes are our colleague, comrade, lyny’s closest friend, military correspondent of izvestia, semyon eremin. a few days later, semyon will die. for many volunteers, helping the front is not just a civic duty, but has long been a personal matter.
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