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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 26, 2024 8:30pm-9:01pm MSK

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here we already have products printed using new equipment, what ’s new in it is, in fact, we began to print much faster, so we became softer, that is, we got much more opportunities for what kind of tactility our fabric will have, this is a stamp on hemp of russian origin, our partners have settled in the fields of this crop and produce everything for the flesh to the thread. in this company they decorate workwear for a variety of customers, for restaurants, retail, sports teams and many others, they make chevrons, inscriptions, the load on these machines here is almost full, this is an eighteen-head embroidery machine, i think there is only one in moscow, eighteen-head means that there are 18 repetitions, yes 17 heads that will embroider the same logo, that is on...
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and the like, nothing has changed for me, we are going up all the time, we are developing, we are purchasing new equipment, we are creating jobs for people with a good average salary in moscow, and in principle i don’t have any difficulties at all now i see someday this brand began as an online store where they offered souvenirs from pillows to cups with the works of russian artists and designers and... then a few
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years ago they couldn’t even think that they would produce clothes themselves, they believed that they would only look for contractors and print they contain drawings by artists. well, in the end, 6 years ago we bought a textile production company, and so we now have a sewing workshop, printing production, and we have completely updated our machine park, and we have several types of textile printing and a small sewing workshop, and where we sew... and souvenirs, theater decorations, and we also have a large block of knitted clothing, which we sell on marketplaces. this is a success story, when people did their job, putting their souls into it, growing through word of mouth, from customer to customer, with contractors already the main museums of the country. here we see how the order is printed, this is the transfer of sublimation paper onto the fabric, and the image is this. order for the state
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museum of russian history for an exhibition of porcelain time, it will be printing 127 linear meters, then it will all be stitched into such large canvases. participants in the moscow light industry market insist that replacing the lost volumes of western products is only half the battle. it is much more important to make russian brands recognizable so that the buyer gets used to them, then it’s a matter of organic development and scaling of the business. we expect that following such an expansive development of the textile industry in the city, we will begin to actively export, we are already doing this, actively our exports go in the eastern direction, despite the fact that there is serious competition and rather difficult conditions for conquering a niche in the market, and the ias countries, of course, are probably one of the main priorities for our factories. the city’s support in the development
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of light industry is extremely significant. those who have become residents of a special economic zone are exempt from land tax and property transport. in addition, the income tax rate is only 2%. light industry develops easily, and this is especially important when the economy country is tuned in to a domestic seller, made in moscow begins to sound proud. great audience, bye everyone, you owe the bank, you still owe the bank, i have already ordered an anti-credit card from rosbankrot on valders on... every wedding ends the same way,
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a new apartment in a new building, a secondary building, or build your own house from scratch. house click, where everyone will find a home for themselves. hello, alena berezovskaya is in the studio, this is the program the church and we. today we are talking with metropolitan konstantin of zaraisk, patriarchal exarch of africa. vladyka, hello. good afternoon. vladyka, you have been officially the patriarch in africa for 2 months, of course, i would like to talk first of all about the events in that region, but...
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the region, the village of a small settlement, a drone hit the temple, the roof of the church of sergius of radonichsky, which is more than 100 years old, people who shell churches, parishioners, civilians, they probably also consider themselves orthodox christians, and somehow, they probably also believe in god, yes,
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what do you think they are guided by, you know , i will answer in this way, what should guide us in this difficult time, yes, we must continue to pray to god, we must continue to perform divine services, we must understand... that a person can be in a different state of mind, yes, in an altered state, yes, we must pray for him, as it is said, love enemies yours, yes, that is why the work of a believer fulfills its duty. continue church life, precisely in these, in these difficult times, the liturgy must continue to be performed, church work and prayers for people must continue to be performed. in recent days, a lot of news has come from such an exotic region for russia as new coledonia - this is an overseas territory of france, located in the pacific ocean, and local residents have begun a confrontation, demanding independence, france has launched an operation. lord, is it possible? say that?
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news, niger, mali and burkina fassodu there is a struggle between big countries, political ones talked about creating a confederation, they reportedly turned to russia for support, previously these countries withdrew from the economic community of west african states, which is under the influence of france, does this mean that the world today is changing into a multipolar world, although western countries understandably don’t like this very much, the world is changing, so we can say generally yes, but the church is eternal, so we, as church people, are not interested in how... to believe
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god, who said that the gates of the church will not prevail against it, no matter where the poles are, who presses the buttons, and the church will do its job. by the way, the us negers have agreed on the withdrawal of american troops from this country, and they plan to do all this before september 15th.
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hope for great mercy, god will help us in the construction of churches, because every task is to build churches, the task is to organize social service, because these are poor people, at every temple we need to do something educational, a sunday school, so we need to think about medicine, about supporting people, about water pumps, there are russian communities in these countries, who are our compatriots, in some countries these are not small communities, there we need to think about churches that will be not only for the local population, but also for they helped our russian brothers and sisters, we will do this work in a churchly manner. in africa , in those churches where there is such educational activity, it is often the priest himself or one of his assistants who tells
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the very basics, that is, this is the very beginning, to speak it’s premature to think about some large serious programs, the crown of which could even be some kind of educational institution or even seminaries, the huge task is translations, that ’s all, that’s what can be translated, well, now we’ll create this list of priority literature, here’s the team, except translations of some teaching aids should also be done for children for adults, not all things can be done quickly. something can be done in one day, but it will take a long time, but the main thing is to act consistently and fundamentally, i would say, just like that, hope for the mercy of god, lord africa is a very special region and... spain, maybe a little less, yes, malawia, approximately in the uk, that is , this is a huge distance, these are many countries more 50, each country lives, there are
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several different peoples, yes, each has its own language, its own history, it’s a whole world, egypt, egypt is completely, it’s a completely different planet, i would say egypt, because
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it’s such an ancient country , but this is a completely different situation, this is islamic country today, and this is actually the country where it is located. and in general it was very important for me to go to see this father’s reality, that is, to see what these priests and parishes that came to us imagine, to my great pleasure, i saw consolation, in fact, in these very villages, i came , they greeted me with songs, at local stations, so to speak, with a drum the parish was completely commanded, we said a prayer there, i said the word, gave it
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to the children, so they even performed something, sang, so we danced all this, absolutely, you see, we imagine africa as a desert, but this is a very green continent. so we imagine that it’s wildly hot there, but in reality the weather there is different, it can be quite cool there, it depends on the country, this is a different world, going out of the city, you almost don’t see cars, only motorcycles and bicycles, that’s where people work the most primitive tools of labor, some kind of hoe, where there is wood and a stone at the end, you see, i can’t say that it’s like in the movies, but this is a change in all consciousness, and at the same time such a picture of a lot of children walking in the morning, we were driving in the morning, they were going to school in the morning, they were dressing festively.
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then i had a meal with them, it is clear that the meal from the point of view of the strict ones, so it is unsafe from the point of view of the strict requirements there, in fact, of course, i could not refuse to eat with people in the village and eat stupid food with them, why did i eat it with my hand too, naturally , like everyone else, this was also a kind of new experience, but if anything, as they say, take up the kushnik, say that you are not a girl, so with great pleasure i made rice with them hand, say some simple fruits or
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something, that’s why here we are already hoping for the mercy of god and god, by the way, has not disgraced my faith, here i am... here is the drainage channel from it , there are no crocodiles there, we baptized there. when you listen to it, it’s not in terms of so to speak , you’ll talk about the neighboring cage of the zoo, a crocodile, in terms of these animals that live, there’s a well-known story in yur, in january of this year, a preacher there ate a crocodile, he wanted to baptize someone there .
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actually go to africa to see in person and not be afraid to study, that’s another thing i immediately told myself, because it’s clear that, of course , i have a high rank, i could, so to speak, pretend to be a big boss and disperse everyone, yes, but i said that although i am a bishop , but we need to learn from everyone who knows more than me, i’m not shy about asking for advice, no matter who it is, so i change my point of view if i understand that...
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there you see a village, literally just a couple of huts and half the village tells him behind the scenes that he should answer a couple more translators in two languages, so this is another peace, but at the same time we will teach them, we are already
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teaching them how to ordain and send them to their countries to serve, a big task, but could you tell us in more detail about working with these priests, why they do not agree to be under the alexandrian church, well, because these priests understand that the alexandrian patriarch did this, in this case he recognized the schism and schism, he was actually with... in soviet language, they did not want to be part of this process. our main what is the division with the alexandrian church today? well, is it the fact that they recognized the schismatics in ukraine, or is there something else? you know, there is a global problem now in the orthodox world, which is that part of what is happening in ukraine not only happens on the battlefield, but outside the battlefield, but the fact is that there was a schism in ukraine, and... ..
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has been present there all these years, why are people starting to be baptized now, what are you doing, why are people coming? me first i don’t want to judge the alexandrian church, this is an ancient patriarchy, the tragic event
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that happened in the life of this church is a tragedy, pain, for division, and i still hope that it is not until the end of time, that’s according to the desire of people to be believers, yes, we see this in africa and i think that in general interest in russia and the russian church can spur interest here. many have already said that this is the first step towards the female priesthood, in these photographs the deaconess even gives communion to believers, yes, which is impossible in principle, but please tell me what danger and what is behind the decision of the alexandrian church? well, the specific bishop who performed this rite took these steps, alexandri herself. the church recently released a statement in which, so to speak, well, we need to find the right word here, it’s not that it distances itself from this, but shows that this was still the decision of a particular bishop, so i wouldn’t
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say that it's a movement.
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is this an initiative for you? should the school be involved in educating children, or should it be the parents? in such matters, a kind person teaches more than many words example, because we live in a society, and all children live with their parents, they also communicate, so it is necessary to counteract, it is necessary to teach good things, teach good things in word, and deed, and a specific personal example, it is important here that somehow the child, looking at the teacher, i saw in him an example, yes, this is the most difficult thing, because... therefore, the lesson must be done, it must be told, it is necessary to show good examples, it is necessary to understand that success is possible by the grace of god because every citizen will do this precisely in
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your life specifically. lord, thank you for the interview, for coming and telling us everything so interestingly. thank you for inviting me, god help you.
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you’ll die, i’m like, well, he says, who will protect you, if not... many donetsk residents went to the front almost immediately after graduating from school, and went in a roundabout way to serve as volunteers. i found out what it’s like to actually visit vienna, specifically for replenishment. the younger one, also a brother, 17 years old, seryosha, also wants to go the same way, i realized that i can’t sit anymore, there’s something to do.
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the president of russia arrived in tashkent on a two-day state visit. vladimir putin and shavkat mirziyoyev will discuss the development of relations between moscow and tashkent, as well as issues of strategic partnership and alliance. they will take part in the first meeting of the council of regions of the russian federation and the republic of
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uzbekistan. the russian president began his visit by laying flowers at the monument to independence and humanism in tashkent on the dedicated relief wall.


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