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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 26, 2024 9:00pm-9:30pm MSK

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the president of russia arrived in tashken for a two-day state visit. vladimir putin and shevkat mirziyoyev will discuss the development of relations between moscow and tashkent, as well as issues of strategic partnership and alliance. they will take part in the first meeting of the council of regions of the russian federation and the republic of uzbekistan. the russian president began his visit
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by laying flowers at the monument to independence and humanism in tashkent. the relief wall dedicated to the history of uzbekistan reflects the most important events of the country, as well as the five main points of the development strategy, about announced by shavkat mirziyoyev, the russian leader was told about the monument and shown a presentation of preparations for the asian games and the new tashkent project, if you agree , we will agree that history remains alone.
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nato caliber with a displaced center of gravity from the heart of a wounded serviceman, the head of the center, alexander leshchuk, spoke about this at a scientific and practical conference on combat trauma. he noted that there were several similar patients, all of whom survived. well, it was also noted that a unique a hybrid operating room that saved many lives. they have a shifted center of gravity, they cause more destruction. which i operated on with this bullet, he also had damage to his liver and a lot of bleeding, lung damage, damage to the right ventricle, that is, the heart was practically destroyed and most of the right ventricle, and then, after removing the bullet, we performed plastic surgery on this area, everything ended well, and the patient then survived and after 3 months returned to duty, in the main
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temple of the russian armed forces, which located in kubinka near moscow, patriarch kirill of moscow of all russia, led the divine liturgy. defense minister andrei belousov, as well as military personnel from the moscow garrison, prayed in the church together with parishioners and clergy. and this majestic temple was built precisely so that even looking at these walls, everyone who enters would pray for the soldiers to protect.
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experienced special, dangerous attacks of the offensive. may the queen of heaven protect you in your very responsible service to the fatherland. many summers to our minister, many summers, well, in ukraine, supporters of schismatics captured another temple of the canonical ukrainian orthodox church in the khmelnitsky region, the church in honor of dmitry solunsky in the village of berezdov was stormed by extremists with the support of the police, militants pushed back the believers and surrounded the temple. then they knocked down the door; zelensky’s supporters were infuriated by the fact that this religious community, led by a priest, had previously declared allegiance to the orthodox church. the west , as usual, does not notice the oppression of orthodox christians in ukraine. russian media expressed sympathy
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to the armenian people due to flooding in the northern regions. over the past 2 days, a month's worth of precipitation has fallen, roads and bridges have been destroyed. the ministry of internal affairs reports one death. russia has already offered armenia comprehensive assistance. in the united states, 11 people were killed, including two small children, due to the powerful blast. the rubble continues to be cleared and the number of victims may increase. the first stage of a selection and genetic
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center for small ruminants was launched in the stavropol territory. the project will invest more than a billion rubles, and the new enterprise should reduce dependence on import. boris ostankovich has all the details. on the territory of the farm there are the first 285 heads of the best meat and meat-haired sheep breeds, domestic and foreign selection. this is a mountain breed, meat and dairy. and we will practice purebred breeding and have very good results. lambs obtained from these breeds are characterized by high growth vigor with a carcass weight of up to 25 kg, satisfying the needs of both the domestic and export markets. we use the most, so to speak. the latest reproductive technologies, including artificial insemination, embryo transfer, of course, breeding material from these farms is available and distributed among partners and farmers. the main vector is the breeding of sheep within each breed and the distribution of genetic material among private
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farms through artificial insemination. the work is carried out using the latest technologies in the field of reproduction and automated control systems for the selection process. this project will allow... to reduce dependence on imported breeds in terms of genetics, and in general forms the genetic core allows us to obtain in the future breeds that have the best meat qualities, the best yield qualities, and, well, meat from the frame, and the best all parameters. the cost of the investment project is 1 billion 100 million rubles. the financial partners are russelkhozbank, the government and the governor of the region and the ministry of agriculture of russia. the governor has set appropriate tasks to... attract this kind of investors to the agro-industrial complex, the government of the region, today the company is in the trend of those tasks, which were allocated by the president in terms of genetics, in terms of selection, all this is being implemented today, including on this site, the genetic center project is being implemented
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in stages, it includes two farms for keeping 3,600 golufoves, an artificial insemination station, an embryo laboratory and a quarantine platform. the entire project will be completed in 2025 . its implementation will create more than fifty jobs in the region. boris ostankovich, pavel kovalenko, lead the stavropol region. tecno, stunning photo clarity and video in 4k resolution, the new series of smartphones common 30. techna.
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techno. zaptibneftim is the largest petrochemical enterprise in russia, producing 2.5 million tons of polymer per year, it’s hard to imagine, but once upon a time our country bought this raw material mainly from abroad. tyumen region, tobolsk, today it is called the capital of russian polymers, here they produce every second ton of polyethylene and polypropylene in the country, two of the three most popular and widespread polymers in
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the world. the tobolsk petrochemical industry has become a real phenomenon, a unique production for the soviet union, having barely survived the devastation of the decline of the nineties, was revived in the midst of the siberian tag and became a symbol of the reboot of the entire industry. over the past 10 years or so , a huge complex of enterprises has been built here in several stages and continues to expand, bringing together the heritage of the past. and the most advanced technologies from the future of petrochemicals, its size is amazing, it’s like a small city as part of the tobolsk petrochemical cluster, 10 huge main and service industries created in different eras. the last two decades, they have given explosive growth, as an opportunity to create products with great high added value, to create that very smart the economy that the president has been talking about for quite some time.
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the support ecosystem provided in the twenty -first year a historical record in terms of neither raw materials nor energy exports, its... value amounted to $194 billion, the main contribution was made by the metallurgical, chemical and mechanical engineering industries. polymers today are among the most necessary materials for humanity, literally the basis of the modern technological structure;
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eight out of 10 objects in the world are created from them: clothes, phones, cars, most medical products, building materials. at the same time, the potential for the development of petrochemicals in russia is large, as statistics show, the annual consumption of polymers per capita in russia is 30 kg, while in china it is 52 kg, in turkey 42. all polymer products are in demand today in russia, we produce more than 50 brands of base polymers for various purposes, this is an alternative that is now replacing imported raw materials, so this is also our uniqueness. in general we can produce more than 100 brands of various products depending on market needs. in the twenty-second year , the only production of maleic anhydride (man) in russia was launched on the territory of zapsibneftim; by the end of 2023, 80% of the russian market's needs for it are provided by this enterprise. man is used in more
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than twenty industries, from agriculture to transport to food processing and pharmaceuticals. sibur is constantly working. it is necessary to develop the tobolsk site. a new plant is currently under construction production of polypropylene. after the project is completed, russia will become one of the five largest producers in the world. the enterprise will become part of the already existing zapsib neftikhim complex, which will allow the use of its energy and logistics infrastructure. the total volume of products that will be produced at the dgp-2 installation is propane 570,000 tons, polypropylene 550,000 tons. we started last august. to immerse the piles, at the moment, by the end of may all the slab work will be completed, this is 29,800 pieces, pouring work is underway concrete below zero and installation of precast reinforced concrete. the launch of the new plant is expected in 2027, which will create more than 350 jobs and 2,000 in related industries.
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today zapsibneftim is an enterprise that ensures the development of not only tobolsk, but everything. prospects for the development of the industrial sector itself . these are our great friends, we see large sites, since its potential has not yet been fully exhausted. in the near future , a scientific and innovation center will appear at the oil chemical plant, where they will study and simulate the processes of obtaining new ones. polymers, project, which sibur has been working on for some time, becomes doubly relevant in the context of the task that the russian prime minister voiced a few days ago, to localize the production of composite parts for various industries, including automobile production. we will not be able to predict without going through this niche of pilot tests, if we are talking about
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polypropylene, then here it is mainly connected to give the materials. strength characteristics so that the impact resistance of the materials is high, for example, one of directions - this is the development of frost-resistant compounds for the automotive industry, for the same bumpers. today , engineer-scientists from all over the country come to work at the petrochemical plant; they continue the glorious traditions that were laid down by the outstanding chemists dmitry mendeleev, a native of tobolsk. tobolsk received new development thanks to petrochemicals. exactly 50 years ago, in 1974 , the all-union komsomol strike construction of a complex for processing associated petroleum gas began in the city. previously, this by-product was burned, which caused great harm to the environment. first they launched the production of butadiene, then other products. leonid kokan is one of
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the veterans of the enterprise, today he is an expert in the construction of a new polypropylene plant. gradual development here. this platform allowed me to grow as a specialist, and the city, and most importantly , my children grew up here. initially , the company planned to produce rubber, but due to financial difficulties in the nineties , production was on the verge of bankruptcy, until in 1999 it became part of sibur, after which serious modernization began, the approach to the development of the tobolsk site was completely changed, the demand for basic polymers was steadily growing with a large shortage of these materials in the country, so the company chose as a priority the production of the most popular types of plastic, polyethylene and polypropylene. total investment amount. tobolsk non-psychology is about 1 trillion rubles. in the modern world economy, a stable trend in the development of polymer materials science has formed; it will continue to develop, without widespread
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using polymer materials and composites based on them makes it impossible to create new generations of equipment in aviation and space, in the defense industry, in automobile construction, in construction, in the implementation of 3d technologies, everywhere. one of the main development factors will be the introduction of new materials, which should primarily be ensured by the development of oil, gas and chemical production. in 1313, sibur opened the first tobolsk polymer production facility with a capacity of 500 thousand tons of polypropylene per year. at that time it was the largest investment project in the modern history of the domestic petrochemical industry. leonid kokon did not even imagine that he would work on such high-tech equipment. what i see on the new ones.
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equipment malfunction, while the company has long been using predictive analytics systems. smart technologies have also made it possible to streamline the routine tasks of many specialists, from purchasing to polymer modeling to creating financial forecasts. changes occurred not only in production, but in working conditions, where the main emphasis was placed on the professionalism of each employee, while coherence in the work of the entire team. we are modern, innovative, fashionable. enterprise, fashionable employer, most importantly, socially responsible, working in the petrochemical industry, you, of course, realize yourself here as a technologist, as an engineer, as a scientist, of course, in
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commercial competence, in competence in the construction of facilities, we have a lot of tasks today the enterprise's capacity allows us to produce more than 50 brands of polyethylene and polypropylene, in my left and right hands, i have polypropylene, it has different properties; blue granules, for example, make water pipes that can withstand high pressure; white granules can be used to produce a film; this material is stretchy and tear-resistant. 2.5 million tons, such a scale implies significant responsibility and the most technologically advanced solutions at all stages of production and control, because thousands of goods manufacturers, in turn, millions of consumers, depend on the output of the tobolsk complex. now we are with two of the fastest in the world packaging machines. the speed of each machine is 2400 bags per hour, the weight of each bag is 25 kg. sibor introduced the most advanced technologies not
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only in the field of production, safety, efficiency, but also ecology. initially , when designing a large new plant , the best available technologies were used, so our enterprise has implemented technologies such as smokeless flares and local installations. which already purify wastewater within the perimeter of the installations, then it is transferred to complexly clean structures, there is reverse osmosis, ultrafiltration, a closed sub-circulation cycle. in principle, petrochemicals can be green, and we are located in a unique territory, where literally next to the plant there are a large number of plants, which are also bioindicators, and it is their excellent condition that allows us to claim that ours is... a large plant , more environmentally friendly. with the arrival of the company , tobolsk itself is actively developing. thanks to sibur,
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an airport appeared in the twenty-first year. last year he received about 50 thousand passengers. today you can go to 10 cities. the most popular destinations are moscow, st. petersburg, kazan, and the majority are tourists. there are a lot of attractions in tobolsk. the white stone kremlin was built at the beginning of the 16th century. he's the only one. which, in fact, was tobolsk, where there are beautiful houses, but this is essentially a built -in territory, this part of the city should come to life, it began to come to life, there is also an embankment that we designed so that
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there would be points of attraction, so that yes... people nevertheless, we immediately went, there are two main ones - such a center, this is a city hall, and such an impression center where people look at what siberia is, how it affects the entire weather on earth, why the glacier stops there, significant investments have been made investments in the social sphere, a specialized gymnastics center was opened for the first time in tobolsk, it is equipped with everything necessary to raise champions, about 600 children study there. a major overhaul of the first building of one of the largest schools in city number 16. thanks to our cooperation, we have the opportunity every year to improve the urban environment, improve living conditions, the opportunity to engage in physical education, this all kind of changes the standard of quality of life in tabalik and gives confidence to the employees of
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the zapsipneftim company and to our company in general. citizens do not leave our city, do not look for an alternative. sibor's financial support and participation in city programs allowed tobolsk to rise in the rankings for the quality of the urban environment from 64 to sixth place in nominations: medium-sized cities with a population of 50 to 100 thousand people. a sociological study showed that local residents do not want to leave stobolsk, but the number.
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