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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 26, 2024 9:30pm-10:01pm MSK

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support is certainly important, but according to prime minister mikhail mishustin, it will continue for all key projects, and funding will amount to 600 billion rubles. well now the stories that are so or otherwise connected with the agro-industrial complex, that’s the first thing. up to 8 million tons of mineral fertilizers per year, in the future all 14. this is the capacity of the new terminal in the service, now you will find out how everything works and what prospects this whole infrastructure opens up. now, of course, it is difficult
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to imagine that there was a clean shore here, a new terminal that is being built by a national transport company - a complex structure. let's follow the chain of how the cargo needed for the development of agriculture comes here. railway, or more precisely, freight a front where eight cars can be unloaded simultaneously, about 350 cars per day, and more in the future. everyone. construction of seven railway lines with a length of more than 4.5 km. to date, we have carried out a number of simulations and today we considered that there is a possibility of further expansion of the railway infrastructure, so we turned to the rdd to obtain new technical conditions. to prevent a traffic jam from forming empty cars, they will be rearranged by a self-propelled platform, and in general the emphasis is on automation. fertilizer according to the conveyor will receive the vessel directly. or a warehouse,
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it’s faster and more environmentally friendly. the conveyor transport system is all closed, yes, in order to avoid additional dust and emissions into the atmosphere, an aspiration unit is provided at each transfer unit, and thus we are, as it were , environmentally friendly - when performing loading and unloading operations. there are several types of warehouses at the terminal: two spine warehouses, named after the shape of the roof, the beams of which are made of wood.
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fertilizers will be loaded using a special cascade. zigzag weight passes from one bowl to another, thereby extinguishing. the speed of falling, here is the load, and accordingly, everything is in order to preserve the quality, everything is in order to preserve the quality of the cargo, yes, and this is a space-type dome, the second type of warehouse, from which fertilizers are unloaded under their own weight, how many into each dome , each dome will accommodate about 21. and such domes, the experience of operating other terminals of the company, for example, in mormansk and tuabse, was useful during construction, but why?
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who can, because we have high-tech equipment, more than five thousand employees will be recruited, training is underway, including jointly with educational institutions, it was decided to purchase more than 130 apartments in the city of kinggesep, so that our employees can live and feel
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free, come to the region, because this is one of the main problems, the remoteness of the terminal and the urban environment, then a decision was made, we are purchasing more of these... 100 apartments will be purchased in a new building, where we will carry out cosmetic repairs and equip the apartments, well the minimum necessary equipment for the everyday life of employees. according to the plan, the terminal will be put into operation next year; modern infrastructure will expand opportunities for fertilizer manufacturers to supply products. fertilizers from here, where can they go? you know, the sales market is quite large, these are the main consumers today . brazil, america, canada, india. as for the companies for whom this is being built, they are producing more and more. according to rosstat , over 5 years they began to produce phosphate fertilizers by 6%, kola fertilizers by 7% by 15 nitrogen and in terms of export volumes, russia is in
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second place in the world after china. in general, as regards the agricultural sector, supplies abroad are growing. well, i want to say that over the 6 years of the existence of the national project. international cooperation and export, largely thanks to the tools that this national project focused on promoting the russian export potential of the agricultural sector, our export volumes have almost doubled. over the past year, relative to the previous year, the share of agricultural products in the total volume of non-resource energy exports increased from 22% to 29%. and then the story about the world leader in the production of fertilizers containing phosphorus. let's go to the murmansk region. near
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the city of kirovsk, in the murmansk region, there are the khibiny mountains. this is one of them. inside, as if in a fairy-tale city, there are kilometers of roads and your own transport. and staff rest rooms, all this is needed in order to get the fertility stone, so now we ’ll go after it. the mine has been in operation since 1929. during this time, the length of the workings exceeded 800 km, if added up.
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get 25 million there. in the khibiny there are several mines. it is here that the largest deposits of nephilin ore apatite on the planet, more than 4 billion tons. the mineral is rich in phosphorus. which is important for the nutrition of animals and plants, and therefore produces fertilizers from it. this is what that same fertility stone looks like, apatite nephiline ore, it is mined using, among other things, this drilling machine, it drills 120 m in 8 hours, and what’s interesting is that it is controlled remotely, that is, with the surface. automation in 10 years. the control center controls everything that happens
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on the so-called horizons, a new horizon plus 10 m recently opened, which will ensure the extraction of 300 million tons of ore, plus, because it is above sea level, because the mountain is mined from top to bottom. the speed of such a loading machine can accommodate from 10 to 15 tons of ore. per day, per shift, she dumps into this ore pass, this is tens of meters down, from 1.00 to 1,500 tons of ore, then it will fall into the trolleys and leave the flax on the surface. by the way, there are now two russian machines in pilot operation, we are testing them, giving them recommendations, which means to the manufacturer’s plant so that in the future... this means that the machines are finalized and go into full production cycle. the ore is transported to processing
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plants and a concentrate is obtained, from which enterprises in the vologda, leningrad and saratov regions will produce more than 50 brands of mineral fertilizers, liquid or in granules, where the phosphorus content can exceed 50%. supplies go to the russian market and more than 100 countries. the company invests serious funds in development, this is not only... and this is the next step. kirov branch
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of the murmansk arctic university, where it trains personnel in a targeted manner. in general , investors have created 8,500 jobs in the mormon region over 5 years. well, it turns out that we managed to reverse the trend, right? moreover, in 303 years, this is the first time that this trend has been reversed. we were counting on it. frankly say 5 years ago that we will be able to achieve this result by the thirtieth year and set a goal for ourselves, but due to those decisions, support due to the support of the president, the projects that we have today we do it without the support of the president of the government, of course it is impossible, but due to the actual development and growth of the economy, this turning point occurred 5 years earlier than planned. now let’s return to products for farmers and go to mordovia. preparing for sowing and
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harvesting is a whole agricultural science, for example, such trailers that transport rolls of hay were not produced in russia before, but are now being made in mordovia, now we will find out how effective they are. in the early nineties, the trailers of this plant, so to speak, lay with their wheels in sky, there wasn’t really any production, this enterprise only made a 1.4-ton trailer, but not even completely, there was only assembly, because they collected from all factories and here the assembly of this trailer was carried out, plus the plant was engaged in engine repairs, starting from ninety in the second year we gradually began to work. then foreigners began to approach the plant, they actually offered to buy out
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this plant, we refused, in the end we managed to revive the plant ourselves, now there are about thirty modifications of trailers, semi-trailers, capable of transferring from two to more than twenty tons, and structurally they are becoming more and more complex, one trailer, three operations to do, it’s like a grain loader behind spreading fertilizer, i mean, here we are too... what kind of trailer do we produce per month somewhere we produce from 100 to 150 trailers, no less, trailers of various modifications, not counting car trailers, that is , the main line of the enterprise: agricultural trailers, and there are also car trailers, many have replaced foreign competitors on the market, our price is very much almost plus- minus, even we are lower, if we compare 2022, in 2023 we doubled the car trailer, in 24 there will be about a 30%
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increase in return, they are going to increase volumes further, so potentially how much are you ready for? well, our goal now is to reach somewhere around 20-25 units per month, yeah, these are just trailers, just trailers, and then there will be an additional semi-trailer, yeah, and then what figure is expected from a semi-trailer, we are planning at least a semi-trailer get out about five grand a month, to pretend everything planned is being implemented, the machine park is being updated, and for the last time.
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arsenal of the russian export center, there is compensation for logistics costs, certification, patenting, business missions, training, well, last year we made a big breakthrough in terms of supporting our exporters, we supported almost 2,400 russian companies, these are large and medium-sized and small exporting companies, and this is an increase of almost... 25% compared to the previous year, that is, despite all the difficulties that our partners are trying to cause us, we are not we just haven’t stopped at the amount of support, but we help a much larger number of companies, quite effectively and successfully for them to develop new markets. there are also financial support measures on the my export digital platform; the bank, which is part of
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the rets group, financed exporters for 600 billion rubles, a record increase in volumes of 76%. this is the whole range of credit guarantee operations, which, well, have been invented at the moment, yes, by man, these are loans, guarantees, letters of credit, factoring, i ’ll say separately about factoring that this is of course new a developing market, and we are the first on the market in international export factoring, and we have been the first there for at least the last 5 years, you receive money immediately and... the bank takes the risk on the foreign buyer, analyzing his financial situation, and accordingly, not complicating the financial situation of the russian exporter. also in russia in general and in mordovia in particular, there are tax benefits, subsidies and interest rates for the company,
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land plots without bidding for double projects, and a special economic zone is being created. and accordingly, there will already be projects there, and these projects will cost several tens of billions of rubles. more about agricultural producers here. a story from the saratov region, there are no jelly banks here, but
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there are certainly rivers of milk. the plant in the city of engels, saratov region, is among the largest in the country, with a capacity of about 800 tons per day, this is only for milk, what else does it produce, who buys all this, now you will find out, we produce a huge range of products, starting from pasteurized milk different fat content in plastic bottles, volume from 1.6 to 0.3, we produce pasteurized milk into films, we produce three-fat sour cream. we produce oil and fat products, also cottage cheese and ultra-pasteurized milk. in order to produce all this dairy variety, the plant collects sours not only from
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the saratov region, but also from farmer suppliers in penza, tambov, voronezh, and krasnodar. our production volumes range from 7 to 7,500 tons per month, and our total annual productivity is 80 thousand tons of finished products. now at the moment we have stage of modernization, a new modern line has been installed, also in bottle format , and we plan to close the twenty-fourth year at a level of 85-90,000 tons of finished products per year, but this is only a part, the plant is part of a group of companies that has a generally rich assortment. we also produce ice cream, we produce condensed milk, also in the group of companies. we do not include a meat plant, the products of the mitek meat processing plant, an extensive line, the modernization of production began in the twentieth year and does not end,
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serious money is spent on new equipment and automation, and therefore capacity increases, without sacrificing quality. in the twenty-fourth year we are also installing a new group of tanks for kefir products, and in the twenty-fifth year, we really hope, we sincerely believe that we will install another new section for hardware production when receiving milk and rely on russian equipment, our suppliers are from kostroma, from kirova cheptska, our colleagues from belarus, our partners, so everything is completely automated, completely modern. deliveries go not only to stores in the saratov region, for example, the products have taken over the shelves of moscow stores, and there will be more of them; a new price will soon be introduced. this will bring us around 15,000 tons. and we plan ice cream per year, now we are, accordingly, at the stage of drawing up a project for equipment, and, accordingly , purchasing equipment, with what capacity will you
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become one of the largest producers, yes , we will become one of the ten largest producers in russia, and here again about support, in in particular in the saratov region, so that agricultural projects grew on fertile soil. as for agriculture, there are generally huge support measures, thanks to the president’s decision. more than 4 billion rubles were allocated to this area last year; a thousand agricultural producers took advantage of various support measures, such as preferential loans or loans for the purchase of fuels and lubricants. the saratov region began to participate in the housing construction program on the territory of rural municipalities; last year we built 17 individual residential houses, so we are constantly reviewing and adjusting support measures. and dairy products are in the top five. fpc export products. the leaders are grains, vegetable oils, fish and seafood. china imports the most of ours, with turkey in second place.
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by the way, to promote russian products in the middle kingdom, retz, in partnership with the transport group feska, held the second festival fair made in russia. this time in harbin, on the sidelines of the russian-chinese expo. vladimir putin visited the stand as part of his state visit to china. my products are promoted with support from more than 90 companies. there is ice cream, postila, and crabs. manufacturers took part in the business mission and concluded contracts. for example, in the spring a logistics service was launched - meat shuttle. several then. a week ago, the chinese market opened for russian pork, we realized that, of course, we also have export potential, we need logistics solutions, and the fezka company organized, but... a
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seamless, non-overloading logistics shuttle with consolidation points in bryansk, in moscow, in novosibirsk, and we compensate for part of the delivery costs, and thus today we welcome this complex product as a new opportunity for russian-chinese trade and economic cooperation, and of course we timed it to coincide with the beginning of our festival here in kharb. russia has something to offer the foreign market, and of course. you to him. in agriculture, they are increasing the production of combines, tractors, cultivators, they are engaged in selection, restoring lost competencies, they are producing fertilizers, they are sowing more in order to harvest a record harvest.
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these are the stories we managed to tell you, and of course, there will be more, especially since, according to the national priority outlined by the president, by the thirtieth year, in comparison with the twenty-first, agricultural production should increase by 25%. and now the government. a national project on technological provision of food security is preparing a proposal, this includes selection, genetics, production of feed additives, veterinary drugs, and of course, agricultural machinery.
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you will die, i’m like, well, he says, who will protect
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you if not me. many donetsk residents went to the front almost immediately after graduating from school. he went off to serve the volunteers through ocular paths. i found out what it’s like to actually be on the vine, on the front line. the younger one, also a brother, 17 years old, seryosha, also wants to go the same way. i realized that i couldn’t sit anymore. there is a lot to learn. young guys.
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we watch to know everything about russia, the best historical series, watch, watch, in the app or on the website. the president of russia arrived in tashkent with two-day state visit. vladimir putin and shevkat mirziyoyev will discuss the development of relations between moscow and tashkent, as well.
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strategic partnerships and alliances will take part in the first meeting of the council.


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