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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 26, 2024 11:00pm-11:31pm MSK

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nuclear missiles in russia were dismantled from warehouses, taken to positions, installed and suspended, what is happening, this has been happening for weeks and i am dmitry kiselev, good evening, look now. the start
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of exercises of non-strategic nuclear forces in response to nato’s plans to fight russia, how are strikes from the south being practiced? we cannot allow any failures or mistakes; they will not hide there overseas. for those who do not believe the word, clearly.
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i’m glad and that the series of alarming events in may , the shooting of fico, the move against vučić, the conspiracy in turkey and the threats to the prime minister of georgia, is a coincidence, while the west imposes its depravity on the east, china threatens taiwan with severe punishment for separatism. and why do beijing impose sanctions on washington? why is there no moldovan language for the prime minister of romania, nor the moldovans themselves, only romanians. wherever they went, they began to pursue this policy. what already ended centuries ago was the attempt of great romania to cancel. while sandu is silent, alexey denisov.
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but the widespread video makes it possible to understand what is happening, and now an operational tactical complex is moving into a combat position iskander, here they are loading it with a nuclear missile, slowly, but quickly, without fuss and unnecessary movements, and here they are already preparing for launch, in another moment your ascent will begin... this doesn’t remind you of anything, in any case, the association with something very male, these were iskanders, the declared range of up to 500 km, but there is an air component, hypersonic missiles kenzhal, and this is preparation for the flight of a carrier of cruise missiles with a nuclear warhead, a long-range bomber tu-22m3, a range of 300 km. here comes the hypersonic dagger,
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here we will slow down a little to look at the dagger in nuclear design with a red head, suspended. to the mig-31 fighter. operating range - 2.00 km. an aviation technician sits in the cockpit for pre-flight control. weapons exist to be used. this is a quote from putin. this is exactly what the president said in a recent interview with us, but so far...
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behind this, that is, the united states has not yet noticed nuclear weapons, we will continue to carefully monitor movements near our nuclear warehouses, no one has taken anything from there, not anywhere transported it and didn’t attach it to anything, no manipulations, everything was quiet, at least they
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didn’t notice anything there. the point of the ongoing exercises is to designate this movement, get it, bring it, install it. we picked it up, felt it, coped with it. putin commented on what was happening in minsk on friday. this is an area where no failures, no mistakes, no coherence can be allowed. the teachings you asked about are dedicated to this coherence. we don’t do anything special, we prepare, we train, we have to be ready. world unstable, dangerous. we cannot miss this blow, as it happened in the middle of the last century, we will not allow this, they must know about it. it is interesting that, having received information from us in advance about the upcoming exercises of russian, non-strategic nuclear forces, the americans
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hastened to also appear on this agenda. on the evening of may 14, at the nuclear test site in los alamos, nevada, they carried out what is called a subcritical explosion, subcritical. when explosives detonate around a nuclear charge, but in a controlled manner so as not to create a critical mass for chain reaction. the french also told us that last sunday a french air force combat aircraft, rafal , test-launched an asmpa supersonic nuclear missile with a blank warhead. in general , this is some kind of backward thing, at least soon. with the asmpa missile is already four times less than that of our hypersonic dagger. but still, here we are conducting an exercise of non -strategic nuclear forces, we’ll blow up at least something, or we won’t blow it up, but
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we’ll test at least some small artillery nuclear charge on some abandoned polar island. answer: no, we won’t test it. putin is for this. set a clear condition, if they do, then so will we, but we won’t be the first, there are no options here, if they carry out such tests, i don’t rule it out, it’s not necessary, we need it, we don’t need it, we still need to think about it, but i don’t rule it out, that we can do the same thing, well, actually, for now everything is on the topic of the exercises, meanwhile , real combat work is going on on the fronts of the northern military district, andrei grigoriev continues the topic: tank battle near marinka, the leopard of the armed forces of ukraine leaves to strike directly aim, but immediately receives a return hit, smokes, and then burns, the ammunition obviously explodes, let's go, let's go, russian assault troops in the artyomovsk
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direction, unique footage, a camera mounted on a weapon films our soldiers firing at the enemy. so, throughout the entire battle you can see how they attack and occupy enemy positions. from kleshcheevka , russian troops enter houses and raise over them first the russian flag, and then a copy of the victory banner. on the artyomov front , kleshcheevka and andreevka were liberated, for which there were fierce battles for a long time. if russian troops advance further in the same direction, this will allow them to cover chas yar from the south. this is the strategic task of blocking this large fortified ukrainian armed forces. this is what the yar clock looks like now, with high-explosive bombs hitting every minute. here is another portion of these with planning modules. correction, in fact , the russian su-34 is dropped onto ukrainian positions with its wings.
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iskander is launched far behind the front line. and they immediately record the destruction of the target. main the targets are command posts and communication centers, both above-ground and underground, concentrations of troops and equipment, as well as enemy air defense and aviation systems at airfields. a sorting facility on ukrainian territory was hit. station in kharkov, where trains with military equipment arrived from the west, hits on airfields in kirovograd and krapevnitsky, in a week there were 49 such strikes with high-precision weapons, here is saturday's epicenter store in kharkov, it has long been closed and turned into an ammunition depot, including including western ones, confirmation of this is the secondary detonation, which continues for another hour. in the donetsk direction, the mobilized ukrainian military maxim likhachev stole a t-64 tank into the ukrainian armed forces, they remained.
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“i don’t want to hand out summonses, it’s a shame for me to hand out summonses to kisses, in kharkov people
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are already forming groups to resist such a call, they’re just freaks. in most large cities, men try not to go out at all, a supermarket in odessa at one o’clock in the afternoon, at more than 100 thousand draft dodgers are being sought, wanting to get into the armed forces of ukraine every day less, especially since reinforcements, as we know, are destroyed very quickly; here is footage of hits on ukrainian trenches by russian drones. and this is a heroic russian soldier, deftly dodging enemy drones, they explode very close, they drop charges, he falls, but still gets up, judging by these frames, he remains alive, come on, come on, come on, run, run dear, run dear, in time, this is the zaporozhye direction, the arctic battalion of the marine corps of the pacific fleet, captured an important strong point, threw grenades, they victoriously raised the flag of their branch of troops from the dugout, said that a tank was coming towards us, well, they were coming at us, they took back all
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the points to fight back, the five of them held their positions for several hours until reinforcements arrived, how many, a mortar, this silent one, which is the ags, everything that was possible flew with us, around the hour, reconnaissance noticed a robot on western -made tracks, it delivered ammunition to the entrenched enemy soldiers, and here it is...
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the t-80 is replaced by the second and so on until then , until the enemy strong point smokes, this there was a tank carousel, the first tank came in, they moved away, we followed, and then the infantry, or heavy snipers, they are called that because they shoot from heavy weapons, but the range is longer than usual, up to 2 km, i observe the target, silently shoots.
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are not defending, well, maneuverable defense, we call it, they retreat to lines that choose the best ones for these actions, they retreat to these lines and try to counteract, the enemy has prepared very well, prepared all his positions, they use every house as fortifications, for over the past year, the nature of hostilities has changed, well, of course, the enemy is developing this direction with the use of drones and how they can do it, yes, it’s worth admitting, because well, there are serious problems, now it’s getting to the point that we only move at night , or in general conditions like forests and stripes, as well as in cars, also on foot, because well, of course, copters see, they immediately send iphedrones there, use armored vehicles, armored vehicles, support in general for armored vehicles as such now we we don’t have it, because it is susceptible to attacks
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from fadruns, well, basically the same thing for the enemy, but also improved. comparable in territory with avdeevka, except that there is no such a large-scale industrial zone, in fact the northern part of the city is under the control of the russian army, across the river are the southern districts of bolchansk, there is still an enemy there, the bridges across the volchie river have been destroyed, but the formation of the kiev regime is being driven... by pontoons crossings are trying to counterattack, to impose oncoming battles on the troops of the russian group north, but these are unsuccessful attempts: russian motorized riflemen are literally led by scouts from the air, promptly informed about the enemy’s movements and numbers, and correct fire damage. here is an example of how aviation supports infantry, this is
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a blow to the reserves of the kiev regime formation that are trying to cross the river. four high-explosive bombs with planning modules destroy an enemy unit. aviation is hitting panto crossings that the enemy is trying to covertly establish outside volchansk. the city is now the most there are fierce battles in the kharkov direction, but the area of ​​active hostilities, of course, is much larger. our troops are advancing over a wide area to push the enemy back to kharkov from...
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during active operations in the kharkov direction, loitering ammunition operators destroyed more than 40 enemy artillery systems. the call sign of this soldier, the grandfather, came to the active army voluntarily, with military service behind him and experience of combat operations in the north caucasus. what emotions do you experience when you hit a technique? enemy? nice, nice, of course,
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nice. firstly, there is a high probability that none of us will suffer from this technique. really old, well, it’s more interesting and more pleasant to destroy these nato ones, which are considered one of the best, like on every fence. they write, it’s nice, it burns much better than soviet technology. now lancet operators conduct counter-battery warfare and reconnaissance, destroy
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enemy radar stations and air defense systems, the ranges allow. the enemy transferred units to the kharkov direction, which are equipped with the most modern western-made weapons systems. in addition, the redeployment of ukrainian armed forces reserves continues. command of the formation of the kiev regime. trying to slow down the advance of our troops after several breakthroughs of the front line and serious advances of the north group actually baffled the leaders of the kiev regime, but additional units, and the ukrainian armed forces withdrawing a battalion from other sections of the line of combat contact, did not deprive our fighters of the initiative, the army unit russia continue to push back the enemy. evgeny poddubny, alexander pushin, which took place on thursday-friday in minsk, the presidents of our countries made a number of
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important statements, including on the situation in ukraine, about this and other events of the presidential week in the zarubin telegram channel, as well as in the moscow program, kremlin-putin, immediately after the news of the week. snippet right now. 23:15 the president of russia has arrived in minsk, right now a bilateral meeting with alexander lukashenko will begin here at the airport, the first negotiations will take place directly here at the airport. we're all there until midnight, yes, well , i think it's okay. the moment that only our program drew attention to was the day before, after the meeting of the agency for strategic initiatives, the president. i decided to talk separately with deputy prime minister novak, it was very hard to hear, but one could understand that putin was calling some kind of big meeting with the participation of numerous ministers, that’s what we
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heard a day later. a big meeting with members of the government, they said how come to you, probably half the government was there. the verdicts at the airport are completed, the presidents are heading to minsk together in one car. then it turned out that the communication lasted until 3:00 a.m., and in general, even in... we need to train, we all do what they did before us and are doing now, the world is dangerous; you can’t compare a weapon with a machine gun, it’s unstable, dangerous, for us
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this blow cannot be missed, as it happened in the middle of the last century, we will not allow this, they should know about it, but we are not escalating the situation, we do not need war, russia regularly conducted and conducts strategic exercises nuclear forces and non-strategic nuclear...
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and now the minister of defense communicates in silence over a cup of tea, but from behind the doors. minister lavrov, seeing such a stir, apparently even thought for a second whether to go through the thick of it. and at the press conference of putin, lukashenko, there were so many journalists that the president still had to try to find the person asking the question. and of course, at the press conference of the presidents of russia and belarus , the question about the situation in ukraine simply could not help but be asked,
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well, i’ll probably start better. yes, yes, about the possibility of negotiations, because it is in in belarus, these negotiations began in principle 2 years ago. russia has never refused these negotiations, and moreover, the head of the negotiating group on the ukrainian side initialed the extract from these possible agreements, that is, in principle , this generally suited the ukrainian side, and it suited the russian side too, they were there.
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prohibited ourselves from conducting these negotiations further, we did not prohibit anyone, we are for negotiations, with whom to negotiate, this, of course, is not an idle question, of course, we are aware that the legitimacy current head of state, it is over, i think that one of the goals of the conference that was announced, the conference in switzerland, is precisely for the western community, the sponsors of today’s kiev regime, to confirm the legitimacy of the current head of state or an inactive one, but these pr moves, they do not matter for legal documents, we, of course, will need to if it comes to that, and i proceed from the fact that peace negotiations should be
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resumed, but... if it comes to that, we, of course, need to understand with whom it is necessary and possible to deal in order to sign legally binding documents, then we must be completely sure that we are dealing with legitimate authorities, with regard to the expiration of the powers of vladimir aleksandrovich zelensky, legal purity here no and cannot be, because everything is strangled there, i or we are often reproached that we are dictators, there is someone else to blame for this.
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president lukashenko and president putin are, of course, very familiar with each of the numerous ministers, many years joint work, but this is the protocol, this is the tradition, the night before at the airport it was exactly the same, alexander lukashenko was in a great mood. russia and belarus are demonstrating an increasingly large-scale growth in trade turnover, this in conditions when the west was thinking of strangling both economies, in connection with the so-called sanctions, which were imposed on russia.
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was more than the attitude of anyone else in the world, 16.00 different, they create certain problems, of course, but they also create for us certain opportunities for development, so that citizens of the two countries feel at home in all areas, they will soon have a home mobile network, abolish roaming on the territory of the union state, that is, mobile communications for all subscribers in the two countries will be fully provided in home network mode, a homely atmosphere created in... independence by russian ministers, deputy prime ministers looked at the paintings with interest, the exhibition is clearly new, so the soldiers of the honor guard were also interested, interesting history, the joint history of russia and belarus shows one thing, it will not be possible to command peoples from abroad, it will be this multi-field world, these madmen are bringing this multi-field world closer with their actions, whoever likes it stole money,
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in this case from russia. not only don’t like it, they seized it, arrested some ship, seized the tanker, seized the goods, everything is allowed, they are strong.


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