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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 26, 2024 11:30pm-12:01am MSK

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they will soon have a home mobile network, cancel roaming on the territory of the union state, that is, mobile communications for all subscribers in the two countries will be fully provided in home network mode. a homely atmosphere was created in the palace of independence, russian ministers and deputy prime ministers looked at the paintings with interest, the exhibition was clearly new, so the soldiers of the honor guard were also interested, an interesting story, the joint history of russia. he will be this multipolar world, these madmen are bringing this multipolar world closer by these actions, whoever likes it, stole money, in this case, russia not only doesn’t like it, they seized it, arrested some ship, took the tanker, took the goods, everything is allowed, the strong. if
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we return to the topic of zelensky’s legitimacy, then let’s look at the ukrainian constitution. everything is clear with the verkhovna rada: article 83. if the term of office of the verkhovna rada of ukraine expires during a martial law or state of emergency, its powers continue until the day of the first meeting of the first session of the verkhovna rada of ukraine elected after the lifting of martial law or a state of emergency. on the extension of the powers of the president. nothing is said after the end of the term, that is, the constitution does not allow extension, the term is clearly defined as 5 years, article 103: the president of ukraine is elected by citizens of ukraine on the basis of general, equal direct suffrage by secret ballot for a period of 5 years, but there is article 108, where one president replaces another, the president of ukraine exercises his powers until the newly elected president assumes the post. it turns out that
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that zelensky’s 5 years have expired, his powers have ended, and a new president has not been elected. here in this legislative hole sits zelensky, no one knows who. the constitution of ukraine does not allow the extension of presidential powers. in 2015, the rada adopted a law on the legal regime of martial law. according to it , any elections are prohibited, and changes to the constitution are also prohibited. if so, then zelensky will finish. the five-year period goes through the forest. the constitution does not allow for the extension of powers. it is clear that zelensky’s status requires a decision from the constitutional courts of ukraine, but the constitutional court took water in its mouth. in general, in the west, people who occupy premises that do not belong to them and who do not live there by right, like zelensky is now in the presidential office, are called squatters, so that’s what it is. he has the status of squatter zelensky.
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there is a squatter. the state has abolished fees for transfers between accounts in different banks. from may 1, russians can transfer their money from one bank to another for free. the law came into force. now you can receive your salary from one bank at once transfer to another, where it is more profitable. translate. money for a free alpha card, you get a super cup in rubles and a 16% rate on savings, it’s not just profitable, alpha is profitable, it can be a co-season, there’s an appetite anywhere, dad, only dad will tame it, dad, there’s a beastly appetite, a snack won’t hurt, a beastly appetite , sausages. maybe,
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sticker, children's savings card - an adult approach, just a couple of clicks in yandex food and your favorite dish is already rushing to you. with a discount of 300 rubles on the first order, from a smile in the sky the ratulka will wake up, your smile is unique, pay with a smile safely and conveniently with sberpay, select payment with a smile on the terminal screen and just look into the camera, get cashback. while the russian military is working to create sanitary zones near our borders and
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are conducting powerful offensives in the kharkov direction, the belgorod region is coping with attacks in the ssu. bandera first special operations have already launched into peaceful areas of belgorod. several thousand missiles and drones, there are many casualties, but it is impossible to break the belgorod residents, report by olga kurlaeva. kharkov mountain is the highest point in belgorod, from the windows of high-rise buildings you can literally see ukraine, here in a straight line 25 km to the border, all ukrainian weapons that can fly fly here. a high-rise building on shchorsa street, the largest in this block, was on the way. it hit a house, the entire entrance collapsed, killing 17 people. kyiv immediately declared its non-involvement and continued attacks on the border region. you can restore it at least every day, at least every day, remove the fragments, insert new windows, but if we don’t now move, so to speak,
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the front, the front line from belgorod, then in principle all this makes no sense. a state of emergency has been introduced in seventeen settlements; people are being asked to temporarily move to a safe place. authorities. promise to cover all accommodation costs. in the district centers there are headquarters for eliminating the consequences of emergency situations, yet, despite daily attacks in the ssu, life in the belgorod region did not stop. we are all waiting for victory, we are waiting for the shelling to stop, we are waiting for peace to return to the belgorod region. we have not stopped anything except for those projects that are located directly close to the border. yes, where it is no longer possible to do this. border villages became front-line residents. they offered to move to temporary accommodation centers at the expense of the regional budget, but few of them agreed to leave their homes, the store is closed, foreign traders do not come here, they are afraid, their own people arrive with a drive-thru on schedule, everything can be bought, everything you need, from dairy to fruits,
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candies, i thought, oh, a drive-thru, a drive-thru, now the conditions are different, i think, thank god, they will drive up to the house, there are people, this is also, oh my god, ukrainian... let it be 40 minutes, half an hour, it’s already been four resets , we’ve been in the office here only in red, four, that’s in half an hour, near the office of shebekino agrarian gennady
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chmerev, everything that’s been collected in its fields, a ukrainian drone arrived yesterday, and this guard from a polish drone. fell the day before yesterday, and this is the accelerating block of point u, this is such a harvest, a trident, yes, thank god not. whoever didn’t suffer everything, exploded here, we found him here, the chest vampire was flying towards belgorod, he was intercepted by the russian air defense system, another missile got stuck in a barley field, in april a ukrainian drone attacked a working tractor, the tratatarist remained alive , now the equipment burned down, gennady ivanovich was seriously concerned about the safety of his employees. we have all tractors, we have four pieces of equipment, equipped with anti-drone nets, like this. well, there’s no other way.
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more than a hundred enterprises were damaged by ukrainian shelling in the belgorod region. laurit makes components for paint and varnish products, which produce fires that are dangerous and toxic; the plant has already burned down four times, so much so that the asphalt melted. the shell hit between the wall and the first reactor, and it was all completely burned, these metal structures were rolled up like pencils. the workers just repaired the reactor installation and replaced it. lining on tanks with the arrival of ukrainian cities with acid again. in belgorod, they treat entrepreneurs with care, they are trying to solve their problems, as long as they do not close their business; the restoration of houses destroyed by shelling of the ukrainian armed forces in the shebekinsky district and new povolzhanka has been temporarily suspended. the operational situation is difficult, the military says. and this is the other end of the belgorod region. in grayvoran there is noisy work of hammer drills, chainsaws and the sound of hammers. russian troops drove away.
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in a completely different country , unfortunately we are not yet able to restore the kazinka until july 1 we can, today is still very dangerous, here, like in belgorod, there were absolutely peaceful residents, people lived here, very good, kind people, and what happened to their cars, to houses, to apartments, yes, they remained like that, here they are, the ukrainian saboteurs came in with noise, frightening civilians, destroying everything that...
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they are used to, they are also accustomed to arrivals from the ukrainian side, the armed forces of ukraine do not leave the broken village alone, at least twice a day, they fire at kozinka with cluster munitions. the house of georgy dolgorev, which they built together with his father, a front-line soldier, was bombed by ukrainian nationalists. they live in a neighboring village, the pensioner does not take his wife here, he is afraid that what he sees will affect her health. we began to take care of each other a little more. and the attitude towards life became. a little bit, you know, all these material things, of course, well, they kind of relate, but the main thing is that we
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stay alive. georgy dolgoev lived in donetsk until 2014, then he moved here to his homeland, his daughter grew up and moved to kharkov. in donetsk , dolgreev is survived by his niece anya dolbreeva, famous poetess of the russian spring. he was expecting her to visit kazinka this summer. anechka, hello. i invited you to visit before, now i say: “anya, wait a little while .” the house has been restored. storks have been nesting in kazinka for many years. they flew here in march, in the midst of fierce fighting, they began to collect twigs, because the nest. georgy vasilyevich shed tears when he saw large white birds hatching chicks among the ruins. and this means that peace will soon come to kazinki. people will return and broken families will be reunited. olga kurlaeva, mikhail vikulin, andrey goryanin, lead the belgorod region for the week. literally from the beginning of the week. the duma, with the participation of the government , launched a discussion on changes to the russian tax system. the point is to make it
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fairer. once upon a time , a flat tax scale, 13% for everyone, was considered fair. this is how we still live. then the arguments were, as i remember, that if you take more from the rich, they will hide their income, take it abroad, and in the end the state will receive less. but. time has passed, the world has changed, and we have accumulated real experience. as a result, it is difficult to consider a fair system in which families with children with low incomes are at a disadvantage...
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the majority of russians will not be affected by it, the main burden due to the progressive scale should fall on those who earn a lot, on the rich, there is no need to offend the middle class, because that he is just getting back on his feet. the topic requires great care and scrupulous study. the parameters of the new system are not yet available in numbers. but the important thing is that the principle of fairness is laid down as a cornerstone, and if so, then to business should be approached selectively. support should be provided primarily to those who do not hide profits in offshore companies, direct them to expand production, innovation, and invest in social infrastructure. the government and the state duma seem to have
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a consensus here. everyone will perceive justice in their own way, because justice.
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session, as most participants in public discussions ask, and the new tax law will come into force from the new year. read more about changes to the taxation system olga meshcheryakova. expert the council meets in the state duma. here are the decision makers, officials, businesses, heads of local administrations. changes concern all structures, at all levels. the minister of finance opens the discussion, the first introduction. change parameter. for different categories of income we are still finalizing it, it is important that within the framework of a fair tax system, proposals for progressions do not affect the majority of citizens and concern only those with high incomes. at the same time , it is necessary that the gains from tax changes were families with children, that is , those categories of our citizens who need
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government support. specific suggestions: the progression should be reasonable. wealthy people, a tax deduction is provided for those with many children, that is, part of the money will be returned, that is, the tax increase will only affect much like cashback on a card, explains the head of the ministry of finance. support measures are a priority; additional funds will be used to develop national projects and social programs. good experience, creating a circle of good fund, for those 2% to 13 that pay people with an income of over 5 million, the fund saves children with serious illnesses. changes that would increase. the tax burden does not affect the vast majority of our people, they are aimed at really solving the problem, when those who receive more paid more, and those who need support, the state received the funds with which it can provide this support. business
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listens attentively, small children breathe a sigh of relief, tax increases will not affect them. 95%. place in the global market, we believe that this the measure will allow market participants with lower turnover to effectively compete with large businesses; for small businesses , tax and administrative conditions should
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be as simple as possible; in order to ensure that the costs of entering the market do not become exorbitant, the tax burden should increase with the growth of business opportunities. the owners of norilsk nickel and severstal stated the same in an interview with the tas agency. i support increasing taxation for citizens with high incomes. this will solve the problem with. stability and a predictable tax system that will stimulate entrepreneurial initiative and investment, and a fair approach in which companies that increase their investments will be able to reduce their tax burden. on thursday, the discussion continues in an expanded format, the large hall of the state duma is filled, some are in the small hall in front.
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his proposals are met with applause, a progressive scale, let's say right away that it will not affect the income of participants in a special military operation, they protect country. does not receive remuneration for exploits, destroyed equipment, i would like the government to take into account the proposal of the state duma, from the progressive scale we are withdrawing the income of participants in a special military operation, please, what is your point of view regarding this? yes, thank you, dear vyacheslav viktorovich, we will certainly support this proposal, it is necessary to remove 10 million self-employed people from progressive taxation, this is the proposal of the head of the duma committee.
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savings, and peace also comes from social aspect so as not to affect the majority of citizens who keep their savings in banks. additional adjustment of the tax system should take into account the interests of the regions. we need a mechanism for budget redistribution, they believe in the ministry of finance and the state duma, to provide people with an equal quality of life, fairly. we wanted all territories to be equal in this sense.
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11:59 pm
president putin's state visit to uzbekistan begins today. the program includes negotiations with the leader of this friendly country, shavkat mirziyoyev, and the signing of a series of important agreements. the visit will last 2 days. our columnist alexey is flying from tashkent. tashkent airport receives the plane of the russian president. vladimir putin begins his two-day state visit to the republic of uzbekistan. while the plane is maneuvering along the airfield, soldiers of the honor guard line up along the carpet, including girls. the russian president descends the stairs below and is greeted by president shavkat mirziyoyev and two heads of state. they warmly greet each other, a girl in national costume greets vladimir putin with flowers and the president discusses something.
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starts already on the way to the hall of official delegations. then the leaders moved in one car. there are already we were waiting in the new uzbekistan park. it was opened on the thirtieth anniversary of the sovereignty of this republic in the twenty-first year. in the center of the park there is a sixty-meter-tall monument of independence, on which there is a bas-relief telling about the three-thousand-year history of this ancient land. vladimir putin laid a wreath in the colors of the russian flag at the foot of the monument. here is a short excursion and a short story about the images of the physician abusina, in europe he was known as avicena, the mathematician al-khurizmi, who coined the term algebra, the commander tamerlane and others great natives of the lands where uzbekistan is now located, but the country lives in the future, tashkent is developing in the new tashkent area, there will now be a street connected with russia, so that.


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